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Gaspar Noe recommended Angst (2006) in Movies (curated)

Angst (2006)
Angst (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Maybe ten years later [after seeing Salò], I had written some shorts and I was talking with a friend who said, “Oh, have you seen this Austrian movie that has been banned in France for extreme violence?” That came out in VHS. And the German title was Angst. And the VHS was called Schizophrenia — the French VHS with French subtitles. And I tell you it was weird, it was like the beginning of some kind of new thing — that some movies could be banned for theatrical release but they could still come out on VHS. So I got the VHS. Nowadays there are maybe things that are banned out there, but you can find it with one click on the net. But this time, something that was banned could be found on VHS. I bought that VHS; that was quite hard to find. And I believe that I watched that movie 50 times because each time a friend said, “Let’s go see a movie,” I said, “Come to my house. I’ll show you Schizophrenia.” So one by one I was showing that movie to all my friends. And it’s got the most amazing camera work in the history of cinema. Not so many movies that really impress when it comes to the camera work. Maybe Brian DePalma’s movies… or 2001. Or, for example, lately, the images of Gravity. But the camera work of this movie is so real. It added to a very violent story of the guy coming out of jail and killing a whole family in order to go back to jail where he felt better, and it’s based on a true story. And it’s got a [unique] voiceover. But the mix of that cruelty, the voiceover and the camera put in positions that you’ve never seen before made me be obsessed with the movie. Now, since three or four months ago, it’s for sale [on DVD here in America]. So if anybody is interested you can go on and buy that movie called Angst."

The Red Dragon of Oxford (Wings over Albion #1)
The Red Dragon of Oxford (Wings over Albion #1)
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cute and Sweet and fairly low on the angst scale.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Mark is in Oxford to get his doctorate. He never expected to find an injured DRAGON on his walk. But the dragon was real, he spoke to Mark. Then, it was gone and Mark couldn't find it. The library provides him with the solitude to do his research. It helps, though, that the librarian, Rufus, is so hawt. But Rufus has a secret, one that might destroy everything.

I have read a couple of Fielding's books, and I think this was my favourite. She writes very easy to read books, and sometimes, that's just what you need.

I enjoyed this, greatly. Lots of descriptions of Oxford, and the university. Having never been, I did like them.

I liked how the relationship between Mark and Rufus developed and once they went in, they went ALL in! Steamy in places and emotional in others. Mark is dealing with his feelings about not being intelligent enough to be in Oxford and Rufus about his being a red dragon. Cos in this world, red dragons are not good.

But then WHITE dragons appear and Rufus' red dragon has a skill he didn't see coming.

I didn't fully get the point of the white dragons appearing, and the problems they were causing til that was all explained. There is also the issue of the cyber attacks on the Mortimer finances that Nate, Rufus' brother, is off dealing with.

It's cute and sweet and fairly low on the angst scale. But steamy and smexy in places!

An easy read that landed in my queue right when I needed it. I'd like to read more of this series as they come out, cos Nate needs a story, given his current job chasing the cyber attacks.

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
This isn’t a movie for little kids. It IS PG-13 for a reason. The opening scene is enough that I would never want my young child to see it. But if I had a teenager it would be fun to watch and see their reaction to watching that scene with their parent.

The acting was actually pretty good, though the angst with the girls was a bit much, the guys were fantastic. And they upgraded all of the special effects, and one of the things that I appreciated the most was the fact that the outfits actually ended up looking gender neutral. Mostly because they made the guys look like they were wearing bras. I mean, look at this! From straight on they could both be female. They even reference at the end of the movie how no one can tell that the girls are girls.

Overall, as someone who grew up with this series, they did a great job!

(And thank you for the cameo!)
Black Bird of the Gallows
Meg Kassel | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the moment I started to read this book the world around me disappeared and I found myself utterly immersed within the pages of this amazing book. The story line was well constructed and the characters were fantastic. I fell head over heels with Angie and Reece and honestly who wouldn't!? This book has it all from teenage angst to supernatural creatures with some swoon worthy moments that have left me clamoring for more. This author grabbed a hold of her magical thread and weaved a paranormal tale that kept me glued to my seat. I look forward to what's to come from this talented author. I will end this review with one of my favorite quotes; "The world reeks of death and pain, and you smell like life and joy and everything I can never have."

{I requested a review copy via Entangled Teen and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and my own.}
She Was The Quiet One
She Was The Quiet One
Michele Campbell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Boarding School drama
This is my second boarding school drama in under a month, and whilst I thought this was better than Tradition, I still found it hard going in parts. There's a lot of teenage angst which frankly, I am well past the need to experience (other than having to live the dream of being the mother to a hormonal teenaged boy). There were just so many FEELINGS and it all got a bit hard going towards the mid-way point. It was a great mystery though. I didn't guess the perpetrator until about 70% in to the story, so that's not a bad thing. Others might get to it earlier. I could have well done without the epilogue at the end though. It seemed really out of place, and not like the rest of the novel at all. I don't think it added anything to the story.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

First off, I have to say that this book was a lot of fun but I definitely found the formatting distracting. The version that I read had a few typos and formatting issues that took away from the story.

With that said, I really liked the plot. This book is definitely for a more juvenile audience but the plot was enchanting. I really enjoyed the idea of the novel and how young the romance is (kissing, nothing steamy). I've been reading quite a lot of steamy books so this was refreshing.

I liked the drama and the little bit of angst that the characters had. The characters were interesting and I did keep rooting for them when they had their trials.

Ultimately, I cannot wait to start on the next book. This book was a great start to a series and I cannot wait to see how the plot thickens.