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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Weathering with You (2019) in Movies

Feb 1, 2020 (Updated Feb 1, 2020)  
Weathering with You (2019)
Weathering with You (2019)
2019 | Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Change The World
Weathering With You is such an original and blissfully delightful tale that it successfully draws you in and immerses you into its breathtakingly realistic world the moment you enter it. I think we can all safely say that when Makoto Shinkai makes a movie he turns heads because he's without a doubt up there with Studio Ghibli in regards to quality, imagination, beauty and magic. Whats great about Weathering with you is just how grounded in reality it is and as we meet our lead character we get to see/feel just how tuff life can be for a young adult trying to live/survive in the world especially with no help, guidence or someone to look up to. This really helps form an instant connection to him as a character and while some of his actions maybe considered bad you sympathies and relate to him on a personal level just the same. As the film plays out a more spiritual/fantasy like plot starts to unfold and at first I did struggle to grasp what the film was actually trying to say over all but this does become clear the further in you get. To me its a story about pressure/burdens we ourselves and the world put on our heads which eventually/inevitably will lead to anxiety, emotions running wild, stress, depression and in some cases giving a person such a warped negative outlook on life that they may be lead to believe that their existence is what is causing the pain and misery of everyone else. Surprisingly climate change is a big theme here too and this has become a huge stress in its self weighing down on not only us but on our characters heads equally. However the film does have a lovely way of looking at this issue towards the end which helps manifest a more positive way of dealing with/coming to terms with this huge problem helping to take some of that pressure off us and giving us peace of mind. As you can imagine all this does get extremely heavy at times but it gives what moments of happiness we get such power and weight that by the time they appear I guarantee you will be struggling to contain your emotions as they try to escape from you. With clear influences from the likes of Spirited Away Weathering with you is animated flawlessly and is so beautiful to watch that it even makes simple actions such as preparing food absolutely captivating. Huge cassical scores gracefully a company the striking visualls too but every so often these pices distort, fracture and skip giving them a more modern/slightly futuristic feel to them which i was really impressed by. Makoto Shinkai has done it again and its nice to see his films are getting the attention they deserve with every seat filled in our showing. Honestly go see this film it really is a perfect example of animation at its absolute finest.
The Croods (2013)
The Croods (2013)
2013 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.3 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When seeing the trailers for this film it seemed like so many other stories that have come before (Ice Age: Continental Drift for example). I figured that this was just the next shameless animated money grab by studios attempting to cash in on those parents who take their young children to each new animated film no matter what it is. That being said, the trailer for this film does not do it justice. Seriously, 20th Century Fox is doing Dreamworks Animation a disservice by not providing better trailers and promotion for The Croods. While the complete package of this film is not the best animated film, it is more than just a mere money grab.

The film opens with Eep, voiced by Emma Stone who introduces us to her cave family led by her overly protective father Grug (Nicolas Cage) and shares her rebellious desire to follow her curiosity and see more of the world. The scene quickly shifts to the family’s quest to find some food that plays like a fast paced prehistoric game of football that clues us in on each of the characters’ strengths and weaknesses. From this point forward the film does a fantastic job of keeping a steady pace that will keep both parents and young children’s interest. As I am sure most parents know, you can always tell how good a children’s movie is based on how fast the young ones lose interest and start to become fidgety. Right from the start, my girlfriend’s three year-old son was attentively glued to his seat. Also I did not notice any of the other children in the theater talking or making noise which is usually a sign of a good children’s film.

Keeping with the fast paced action we are introduced to Guy voiced by Ryan Reynolds. Guy is traveling to high ground in an effort to escape the end of the world caused by earthquakes and lava. Unlike The Croods who are simple minded cavemen, Guy has a brain and is constantly introducing the family to new ideas like fire, shoes and umbrellas. His adventurous spirit is a foil to Grug’s living in constant fear of the unknown in order to stay alive. And while the family starts to fall for Guy’s spirit, they go on an adventure not only to find safety but to finally live.

The voice acting is solid across the board. Emma Stone really shines as the rebellious teenager and Nicolas Cage gives one of his better performances in years. Ryan Reynolds is accompanied with his sloth sidekick “Belt” who provides some of the most memorable comedic moments in the film. Together, along with the other supporting actors in this film, you have several inspired performances. It is these performances that appeal to the adults in the audience and make the film memorable and fun for all ages.
Rio (2011)
Rio (2011)
2011 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.7 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As the very colorful birds of the jungle in Rio de Janeiro are partying it up with singing and aeriel dancing some humans crash the party and capture some of the birds, one of them being a very young blue macaw. From there they are flown to the U.S. with final destinations unknown. Thanks to some poor driving habits the crate containing the young blue macaw is left stranded in the freezing snow of Minnesota but he is soon saved by a young girl named Linda who names him Blu (I know not very original).

Fast forward 15 years, Linda and Blu run a bookstore and even though he has never learned to fly he loves the indoor domestic lifestyle and has never thought of returning to Rio. That is until Dr. Barbosa arrives and informs them that Blu is the last known male blue macaw in the world and that at his bird sanctuary in Rio he has the last known female blue macaw, named Jewel. After some hesitation they decide it is species saving time and go with Dr. Barbosa to Rio. As Blu and Jewel get to know each other (that’s not an euphemism), Dr. Barbosa and Linda decide they should give them some alone time and leave. But while the humans are away making a connection of their own, someone breaks into the bird sanctuary and abducts Blu and Jewel.

The two blue macaws soon find themselves shackled together and locked away with many other birds to be taken to final destinations unknown (hmmm, deja vu). Blu and Jewel are able to escape from their captors but not from the shackles that bind them and thus begins their epic journey to freedom from the shackles. Along the way they befriend some very interesting characters who do their best to help them along the way. Will Jewel and Blu be free of the shackles? Will Blu and Linda ever be reunited? Will Blu ever learn to fly? What about the bookstore?

While the story is very predictable and at least once I could tell the kids were losing interest during a scene, the animation is beautiful and amazing, the humor is great and I saw many of the kids in the theater bobbing their heads along to the songs. They could not have done any better with the incredible voice cast: Blu and Jewel are voiced by Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway and Leslie Mann voices Linda. The incredible supporting cast voices iniclude Wanda Sykes, Lane Lynch, Jamie Fox, Will.I.Am and George Lopez.

Overall, regardless of age, everyone in the theater seemed to enjoy the film as much, if not more, as I did. But just to be sure I brought along a friend’s 10 year old to get his perspective and posed a few questions. I was very happy to mostly get more than one word answers: