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High-Rise Invasion
High-Rise Invasion
2021 | Action, Animation, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
High-Risk Invasion is an anime that starts with with a very dark premises (and I guess should have a trigger warning here). A school girl (Yuri) finds herself in a world that exists entirely on the top floors and roofs of sky scrapers. She soon meets a figure in a strange mask who seems intent on driving her off the roof and to her death. Yuri soon find out that there are a number of these 'Masks' who's sole purpose is to try to drive the none masks to suicide.
After a few episodes, 'High-Rise Invasion' takes a strange turn, surviving the masks is part of a test to find some one who is worthy of becoming the new god.
High-Rise Invasion starts very dark and it's easy to see why it changed tones, it either had to change to something unexpected or become something like 'Alice in Borderland ' and a lot of the story is spent on world building and setting up the main premises.
Viewers need to be aware that 'High-Rise Invasion' contains suicide, violence, threat of rape as well as the anime standards of panty-shots and other clothes being ripped. If you are ok with these themes and a high level of violence then 'High-Rise Invasion' offers an interesting story and plenty of action.
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sucker Punch (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Better than expected
I wasn't sure what I'd think of this one as it looked a bit strange, but I liked it. The cinematography and effects were great with lots of fun and exciting action sequences combining a genre-mix of styles. From steam-punk to anime style(live action though) to sci-fi but all with one thing im common, a group of "badass" girls kicking butt. It all kept the story from being what would've probably been a fairly boring tale about a group of women's attempt to escape an insane asylum. Overall a very entertaining movie with interesting characters and a fun, unique style. Worth a watch!
A Silent Voice
A Silent Voice
Yoshitoki Oima | 2015 | Comics & Graphic Novels
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't be a bully!
Manga is not my first choice of something I would pick up if I was browsing Waterstones. I did read Naruto when I was at school but I have never had a physical copy. It is only recently that I have been getting into anime because my other half watches a lot and I end up watching it with him; Fairy Tale, Dragonball Z and Full Metal Alchemist just to name a few.

So I decided to pick up something out of my comfort zone and give some proper manga a try.

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Death Note (2017)
Death Note (2017)
2017 | Drama
The premise (0 more)
The delivery (2 more)
The visual effects
Willem Dafoe
This premise had so much potential: the ability to write someone's name in a book and how they would die and then just watch it happen. Awesome.
However, this was wrongly painted as some sort of poisoned chalice and would lead the beholder to madness. If this was to be because of Ryuk's presence then this wasn't really carried out all that well. If it was meant to be "power corrupts" etc then it just didn't ring true for me.
I can't see someone spend all their spare time researching people's crimes and having them killed, maybe one or two but then they'd put the book away and think about it another time.
I watched the first half hour quite avidly but then just got bored.
It also felt like they had tried to retain too much of the anime spirit in the American movie - Ryuk's voice, provided by Willem Dafoe is like a bad English dub for a Japanese original, the father is not at all representative of a Western father, and L just came across as a strange Japanese Anime character rather than a teenage genius detective (I almost expected him close his eyes and do a big shoulder-lifting laugh every so often). I wouldn't have been surprised if Meowth had appeared at one point and made an oddly worded quip.
    Attack Heroes

    Attack Heroes

    Games and Entertainment

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