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Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
Dark Waters, the screenplay developed from the New York Times Magazine article: The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare. The article tells of Robert Bilott (Mark Ruffalo), a corporate environmental lawyer, who headed the years long battle against DuPont in one of the landmark cases that held the company accountable for their actions.
Bilott, is visited by a farmer, Wilbur Tennant (Jim Azelvandre), who was an acquaintance of his Grandmother. As a child, he visited her home in West Virginia during the summers and had fond memories of that farm. Robert, having worked with DuPont on many cases, felt confident that he would be able to sort out the situation for Tennant. What he does not realize until he visits Wilbur’s farm is that the situation is more dire than he had known.

Wilbur had arrived with multiple VHS tapes recording the various issues that were happening to his farm animals. Bilott witnesses the mass graves that littered Tennant’s farm from his herd that had died from various illnesses. Wilbur is convinced that the reason is the dump that DuPont has created next to his property.

Mark Ruffalo’s portrayal of Bilott is an exercise in subtlety. He becomes more purpose driven once his investigation and research in the information that DuPont had sent due to discovery. Anne Hathaway plays Sarah Bilott, Robert’s wife and steadfast partner. Over the years, Sarah had been supportive, however as the case drags on and Rob’s pay gets cut repeatedly, the strain begins to show.

This film has a stellar cast. From Tim Robbins, as Tom Terp, the managing partner at the firm, Victor Garber as DuPont’s in-house counsel. Mare Winningham as Darlene Kiger, a lead plaintiff in the class action suit and Bill Pullman as Harry Dietzler, lead counsel for the plaintiffs.
This movie has the quality that awards season loves. It is a David vs. Goliath, under dog wins story. Mark Ruffalo does a great portrayal of a man who initially does not want to pursue the case, then shifts to the defender of the people.

This movie is along the lines of Erin Brockovich and Norma Rae.
4.5 out of 5 Stars
Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
Films are important.

Films are important to us all for many different reasons, they show what we are, what we can be, what we aspire to be, of who we are. Sometimes that comes in the form of escapism, of dreaming that we can be better, Mark Ruffalo is no stranger to the genre I'm referring to, sometimes shows us our darkest fears and that we can overcome them, and sometimes, it shows us just how low, we as people can get, and never offer any kind of redemption. Dark Waters manages to be all of these things. A small intro before the film began had me franticly signing up to numerous petitions the second the film ended, joining a cause I didn't even know existed before I sat down to watch. This is why film is important, and why you should watch Dark Waters as soon as you can. So why the 3 out of 5 rating? Surely a film that EVERYONE should watch should get top marks, right? Unfortunately not.

The film begins with Rob Bilott (Mark Ruffalo), a corporate defence attorney, whose office is visited by a farmer from his home town, trying to raise a legal case against DuPont, a multi-billion dollar business, the towns biggest employer, and a chemical company at the heart of potentially poisoning the towns water supply. As Billot investigates the scale of the issue, and its inevitable cover up, it all becomes alarmingly clear. Thousands of people are being poisoned, they're health will likely deteriorate and life threatening illnesses are now a high probability. To take a line from the recent movie Bombshell “somebody has to stand up, somebody has to get mad.”

That anger that should be felt, but for all the terrifying facts about the poisoning these people received on a daily basis, it never comes, the rage should be palpable. Instead it opts for giving us all the information, teaching about regulation and government intervention, or lack thereof, and the only temper in the film shows comes as a heated exchange in a board room that blows over as soon as it comes, and protesters outside courtrooms for fleeting moments throughout the movie. It should be seething instead of showing, giving us the knowledge we need through gritted teeth, not clinical, scientific and impersonal.

Dark Waters is off the mark with its tone, Mark Ruffalo's high-priced lawyer is too uncertain, a little too every-man, never really portrayed a hot-shot or an underdog, and the supporting cast fall into “Good Guy” or “Bad Guy” far too easily with no exploration into any depth of character. One scene has a DuPont representative, shown in great detail, every undisputable, despicable thing that his company has done to these people, and listens attentively, never upset or defiant but instead seeming slightly bored, before getting up and leaving. Every scene feels like it should be emotionally hard-hitting but never raises above a tap on the shoulder.

As the lesson goes on, the complete lack of morals DuPont has, becomes shockingly clear as they drag the case on for as long as they can, making sure Billot's firm spend more money and time than they are willing to pay. Bilot's home life becomes strained, which distracts from the main thread more than adds to it plot, he becomes distant from his wife, a woefully underused Anne Hathaway, and his health deteriorates under the weight of fighting, and in the end, the conclusion is murkier than the water supply. But he still fights, and in real life, Rob Billot is still fighting to this day to help the West Virginia community, and to change the way the corporations are regulated worldwide.

This film is important, and everyone should see it because it's message, just don't see it for its entertainment value, because that's few and far between.
Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
There were so many trailers for this that, as many of us predicted, there was an Unlimited Screening in our futures.

Rob Bilott is climbing the ladder as a corporate attorney and just as he gets a promotion a troubling case drops into his hands. Wilbur Tennant arrives with a box of evidence they've collected from their town. DuPont Chemicals have been good to the town... in the past, but some of the residents believe that they've slowly poisoning every living thing in its shadow.

Trying to find the evidence to what seems like a clear cut case is difficult when the company's influence is so far reaching, at every turn they're ready to do what it takes to protect themselves and their bottom line no matter the cost to everyone else.

I wasn't on the edge of my seat watching Dark Waters but I was wowed by what I saw. The negative comments in my notes were few and far between, and those that I did make were mainly personal preferences.

It's very unusual for me to come out without an acting or character flaw, perhaps there's someone who felt neglected or given a bad hand by the script. In Dark Waters I felt impressed with everyone, there wasn't a single bit of acting that made me furrow my brow or audibly scoff at the screen.

Mark Ruffalo as Rob Bilott may have been understated but that felt accurate for the real life side of things and I was fine with that. He conveyed the stress of his position and the anxiety and fear so well that you could feel it too. His relationships were all very different and each one stuck to the things that they needed to highlight within the story, the fraught relationship with his wife Sarah was particularly sharp.

If you look at Anne Hathaway's acting credits there are quite a few roles that don't exactly scream breathtaking, sure there are some fun roles in there but nothing has felt like they really took her to the next level... until now. Her portrayal of Sarah Bilott felt so incredibly real. The emotions were all on display from anger to fear, it was so strong. In one scene where Rob is trying to explain to her just how bad the fallout from DuPont's Teflon scandal is you can see Sarah's mind at work, she looks around the room at everything as he's talking and the panic is evident on her face. This coupled with the rollercoaster she has to go through with Rob when they visit the town finally showed me just how well Hathaway can handle these serious roles.

Everything you see on screen brings across a sense of the era we're looking at, from flashback to the more present day we're given points to focus on. You see phone technology changing and styles, companies and attitudes. One of my notes was that while you do see that happening it doesn't feel like it filters through consistently. It may just be a case that the jumps in time mean that it will be a striking difference, but it seemed to really hit you in the face with product placement.

With a lot of video evidence and news footage being used there's a consistent grainy effect on it all... this is one of those personal preference comments... while I understand it and it makes sense I didn't like it. I know, super picky aren't I? So while I'm at it, there's also a random artsy shot in there that made me queasy and confused.

It's difficult to really comprehend the magnitude of this topic and the fact that someone/something was more interested in profit than the lives of those that helped them become who they were. It's horrific and paranoia-inducing. Somehow they managed to show that story without it getting out of hand and I think that's a real credit to everyone involved. I might not ever need to see this film again but I would absolutely recommend it to everyone.

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