Less intelligent than I'd like to be
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
12. June

Joined: Feb 23, 2020

I love films, ever since I was a kid taping everything from the TV until I had a collection of over 100 films all on a bookcase in my room. My opinions will always be for the films at face value, I almost never understand the allegory, hidden meanings or metaphors behind the stories. I disagree with a lot of other reviewers because of this, most art-house, Cannes award winning films are based on these principles and are completely alien to me.

Badge collection
  • Movie Reviewer

    Movie Reviewer

    Earned at May 1, 2020, 3:16:56 PM
  • Smashbomb Reviewer

    Smashbomb Reviewer

    Earned at Feb 23, 2020, 11:33:35 AM