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I suppose it must be obvious to anyone who reads my reviews that I enjoy Laura Anne Gilman's writing. I've only read every one of her Retrievers series as well as every one of her short stories sold via <a href="">Fictionwise</a>; (including some that I'd already read in various anthologies, but I didn't want to miss anything). I've been waiting anxiously for <i>Hard Magic</i>, the first in the new Paranormal Scene Investigations series, and it did not disappoint me in the least.

If you've read the Retrievers books, you'll recognize the main character, Bonnie Torres, immediately as Wren Valere's neighbor. If you haven't read that series, don't worry - they aren't required to enjoy this book.

I do, however, recommend hunting down the short story "Illumination," which is referred to several times during the novel. It's in the anthology [b:Unusual Suspects: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|3395318|Unusual Suspects Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|Dana Stabenow||3435306]. It isn't strictly required, but I think it would help.

If you've ever enjoyed CSI or any similar show, I think you'll really enjoy <i>Hard Magic</i> even more than others will. Bonnie and her coworkers are trying to reinvent all of the forensic science that those shows take for granted from scratch, from a magical perspective. It's fascinating to me, and I would have been happier with more geeking.

I'm really looking forward to book two!
I don’t like Christmas books. Usually. I like A Christmas Carol, but I tend not to read many modern Christmas books - unless they’re children’s ones at work, or when I used to read them for my own children when they were little. Which is probably why I liked this so much. Usually in anthologies, there will be a few standout stories that make reading the collection as a whole worthwhile, but I’ve really struggled to single out one or two - I enjoyed them all far too much for that.

Most of the stories are set around Christmas with only a couple of exceptions. That didn’t cause me to like them any less though. The real standouts for me (if I absolutely HAVE to choose!) were: Phoebe Morgan’s Unexpected Present - the gift wrapped so nicely in expensive M&S paper being the main protagonists husband; The Switch by James Delargy had a Stephen King vibe to it (and I should add that it wasn’t because of The Green Mile!); Fresh Meat by Elle Croft gives new meaning to a raw meat diet for your cat; and The Vigilante by Clare Empson was a sad story of a Charles Dickens look-a-like who tries to save victims of crime in the dead of night.

If you need an excuse to buy this, then the proceeds go to ESDAS and Rights of Women, both domestic abuse charities.

Many thanks to The PIgeonhole for serialising this book, and to the authors who joined in. As always, it was a great experience!!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated Halloween Cupcake Murder in Books

Aug 23, 2023 (Updated Aug 23, 2023)  
Halloween Cupcake Murder
Halloween Cupcake Murder
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grab a Treat to Read with These Three Novellas
Kensington is back with another Halloween anthology for us, this time featuring three different authors. Up first, Carlene O’Connor takes us Home to Ireland as a trip trying to find Halloween decorations for Tara Meehan’s shop leads her to find a dead body. Our next stop is the North Pole with Liz Ireland’s Mrs. Claus. It’s the second Halloween in Santaland, and April Claus is dealing with missing candy corn, the themed ingredient for the bakeoff, and a murder in a bakery. Finally, we travel to Salem to spend time with Carol J. Perry’s Lee Barrett. The town’s favorite baker is missing, and Lee can’t help but get involved, especially when her visions show her where he might be.

As if often the case with these anthologies, I only read one of the authors. I love the Mrs. Claus series, and this was easily my favorite in the book. The other two were good, although they did leave me with some small questions I wish had been answered. Still, they were good introductions to the characters, as I had no problem following who all the characters are. All three stories kept me guessing until sleuth figured things out. While there’s obviously a culinary theme to the collection, we only get one recipe at the end. If you are looking for some new series, this is a fun way to try three new to you authors. If you are already a fan of these series, you’ll enjoy these between books check ins.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated I Heart Geeks in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
I Heart Geeks
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for a review.

The good thing about anthologies is that if you don’t like the story you are reading, you can move on to the next one. Unfortunately, I found myself doing that a lot with this anthology. I requested it because it showcases a culture I am apart of. I go to cons, I read comics books, and play video games. I even have a twitch account where I stream.

But this just wasn’t what I was looking for. Out of all the stories, I only enjoyed a couple. I felt that many of the characters and situations were cliché and stereotypical. While I understand that those type of people and situations exist, I felt that each story was a repeat of the others. When I say “those people” and “those situations”, I am talking about the anti-social, socially awkward people who are sensitive and easily hurt.

I understand, I get it. Those people need representation, too. But these weren’t the people I wanted to read about. I wanted to read about the happy, friendly, quirky people you can’t help but love. The people who are unapologetic in their love of all things nerdy regardless of what that includes. Most of the protagonists in their stories were fragile and delicate. It seems that every protagonists I read about has been hurt before and is resolved to not love again.

It’s an old tired trope. I wish I would have enjoyed it more. I loathe writing negative reviews, but reading this anthology just frustrated me.
Suite 606 (In Death, #27.5)
J.D. Robb | 2008
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I only read the story by [a:J.D. Robb|17065|J.D. Robb|]. I glanced at the other three, but they're primarily romance stories, which do NOT interest me.

The whole point of these little anthologies is to introduce readers who enjoy an established author's work to other, similar authors, right?

I know that J.D. Robb is a pen name for [a:Nora Roberts|11139|Mary Shelley|]. I know that the stories she publishes as NR are romances. If I saw an anthology anchored by an NR story, I'd expect it to be full of romances.

However, I don't read the NR stuff. I only read her JDR books, which have a little romantic spice about the main character, Eve Dallas, and her husband Roarke, with occasional glimpses into Eve's partner, Peabody's, relationship with her guy, McNab. That's it, though. Neither of those sets of relationships are the focal point of the plots. The mystery/crime is the main thing, and while they're set in the future with the advantages of technology we don't yet have, they're essentially police procedurals. (I don't consider them SF, quite, because all the tech seems to be extrapolated from what we have now, and quite plausible. And, of course, the tech isn't the point of the stories, either.)

So why not put similar stories in an anthology anchored by a JDR story? Why why why? Misleading and disappointing readers is NOT the way to garner any positive buzz for the lesser-known authors, and the backlash can lead to less enthusiasm from established readers (like me) for the established author's work.