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The Secret of Marrowbone (2018)
The Secret of Marrowbone (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Keep a secret
#marrowbone #marrowbonemovie is enchanting, tense & bleak psychological drama with a slow pace that ensures you feel the emotion its packed full of. To start with I feel this #film has been marketed completely wrong, its not a horror movie & more of a drama with slight horror elements (these being mainly psychological). This isnt a bad thing at all but for those of you expecting the like of #thenun you may want to avoid this one. Its also a tough movie to review for me as while i loved acts 1 & 2 so incredibly much that once the twist his in act 3 I felt a tad let down & cheated. Thats not saying act 3 is bad it just felt sub par to the rest of the film, rushed, tacked on & far too hand holding for my liking. Shot really creative & with a #gorgeous eye for cinematography at first marrowbone feels almost dreamlike with a sence of mysterious #fairytale edge to it. This doesnt last long however as what follows is an anxiety riddled downward spiral of a tale about the destruction of a family as it slowly falls apart because of its abusive past. Symbolism & metaphors are cleverly inserted everywhere from broken mirrors representing the cracks in family & a stain on the ceiling representing guilt that keeps seeping in. Watching as this #family gradually falls apart is upsetting & uncomfortable with themes of mental instability, deceit, abuse, loss & jealousy really hitting home constantly. Music is awesome too as well as the use of silence yo great pin sharp tension & dread. #anyataylorjoy steals the show here as always not only with her acting but with her beauty too. Over all its a great little film that could of been fantastic if it wasnt for its messy end chapter but its still a very well made deep, smart & well acted piece of work that id encourage film #fans to see at least once. Think #Split meets #itcomesatnight. #odeon #odeonlimitless #screamunseen #drama #horror #jumpy #scary #witch #metalillness #thesecretofmarrowbone #filmbuff #filmcritic #review #haunted #love #murder #gore #blood #mondaymotivation
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Its all in the family
#Hereditary is a strange/uncomfortable visual bombardment & for a directorial debut its almost stunningly perfect too.For those of you looking for jump scares, a scary #nun or a haunted doll you may want to avoid Hereditary as this is a different kind of horror film & its all the better for it. Sitting comfortably in between #thewitch & #itcomesatnight this is a multi layered film about loss, grieving, mental heath & loneliness & how they slowly bring about the destruction of a #family. Shot flawlessly the film sinks its teeth into your nerves instantly with #beautiful slow camera pans & rotations mixed with eerie lingering shots & overlapping scene fades. It really is a work of #art visually & every location feels like a character its self. Sound design is perfect too with great use of silence to build dread/tension, a fantastic & beautifuly somber score & great use of clicking, chopping, cracking & snapping sounds that constantly keep you feeling #anxious & on edge. Acting is also flawless with #ToniCollette absolutely knocking it out of the park as Annie a character Toni plays so well you cant help but get lost in the intricacy of her personality. While containing horror elements Hereditary plays out more along the lines of a #psychological drama with a plot so multi layered, intricate & intelligent multiple viewings will be necessary to fully understand all of what its truly about & what it really has to say (that's not to say its an easy watch however, at times the film created a tension & atmosphere so unpleasant & unnerving this accompanied by some startling & #dark imagery I found myself feeling very uncomfortable at times). My only gripe stopping it being a 10 is the strange comedy surrounding some scenes which I found immersion breaking (this may be intentional but for me it didnt work). Hereditary really is something special/unique & although not for everyone its certainly destined to win an award or become a #cultclassic. With a fresh take on its subject matter & truly #disturbing imagery this is a must for film #fans. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #scary #gore #terror #anxiety #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #filmcritic #filmbuff #filmreview
The History of Jane Doe
The History of Jane Doe
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really intrigued by the description of this book and happy when I won the chance to read and review it. The History of Jane Doe is an ode to first loves, and a journey through mental illness. It's fun, it's sad, it's heartbreaking while also being heartwarming.

Ray is a high-schooler history-buff in love with Jane. She enters his life and him and his best friend Simon are forever changed. But she hides some deep dark secrets that torment her and Ray has a hard time seeing into her head, as is usually the case when loving someone who is depressed, and he struggles to find his way through her dark past so that they can have a future. This is a history of her life, written by Ray, flipping between the past and present of one devastating day when everything changes.

Michael Belanger writes that he's experienced some painful episodes in his life, and it's evident in how eloquently he decribes feelings of sadness and darkness. I can imagine this book will make quite a few people very sad, as most everyone knows someone who suffers from depression, or anxiety, or other forms of mental illness. But I also think it will probably help just as many. I applaud him for his candor and insights into a rarely talked-about issue.

If you love 13 Reasons Why, or anything by John Green, you will love this story. The witty banter between Ray and Jane, Simon and Mary is refreshing and fun, and it's an interesting look into mental illness, how things in life can trigger it, and change a person, and and exploration of how it affects all those around you, and how even though you may think you are ending your suffering, you are ultimately just passing it on to those who loved you.

What I took away most from this is that even if you feel like you are drowning in darkness and can't see past the shadows, you never know what a light you'll be to someone else.
Every Last Lie
Every Last Lie
Mary Kubica | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I read ‘Don’t you cry’ by Mary Kubica last year and really enjoyed her writing so I knew that I wanted to read more from this author, that’s why I grabbed the chance at reading this book.

This book is told from dual perspective of Clara and Nick Solberg, they are husband and wife with a four-year old daughter and a new-born baby, they have a great life. Nick has his own dental practice, they have a great network of family and friends and are blissfully in love. Until one day Nick and his daughter are involved in a car crash, unfortunately Nick is killed but Maisie the daughter is unharmed. It’s only when the little girl starts mentioning ‘a bad man’ and becoming terrified of a certain car the Clara starts to investigate the death of her husband herself and unravels secrets that Nick has been keeping from her.

Ahhh this book, I have mixed feelings. The story telling was great, the tension and the mystery had me questioning and trying to second guess everything that was going on… I was really invested in the story and then it came to the ending – oh it was so anti-climatic, I felt a bit cheated, I am not going to say much because I don’t want to give anything away but be warned.

I liked the characters and the alternate POV kept things interesting, we have Clara and then Nicks POV before the accident happened so we get an idea of what their life was like before.Clara’s character was really well written you could feel the anxiety and feel how exhausted she was from the writing, but she also did some things that were questionable and downright stupid. There was something lacking in this story which I can’t put my finger on and obviously the ending.

Overall this is an enjoyable read, a great build up and tension for a mystery/thriller.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars
Wow. What an amazing book and an amazing story. This book was suggested to me by my therapist, who is also a past-life regression specialist. It had been on my shelf for years, but needing to get in touch with my spiritual side, I decided to give it a read. I was hooked from the first page and was thoroughly engaged throughout. When Dr Weiss hypnotised Catherine and took her back to where her symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks, as well as the beginnings of her sensations of choking and fear of the dark and enclosed places, it brought my recurrent nightmares of drowning, dying in childbirth, being injured in an automobile accident where my abdomen was severed to my mind. I wondered about my own past lives and I desire to delve more deeply to discover the beginnings of my own issues and symptoms. I found Catherine's past lives fascinating and could see parallels between her experiences and my own memories of past lives.

The wisdom from the Masters in between her lives was incredible. Could it be that it really exists? I had a near death experience several years ago and was suspended between this life and the next in the most glorious of places; among the stars in an iolite-colored sky, being held by a golden string in the presence of the Goddess. It was the most beautiful and peaceful place I have ever known. I don't fear death anymore.

I have always said that the difficulties I'm going through in this life are just something I need to experience and learn this time around. I've always said it in an offhand way, semi-believing it, but could it be true? I would like to think that it is and that if I learn the truth about my previous lives that the problems in my current life could be resolved or at least understood and I could experience a cessation of my emotional and psychological issues.

This book inspired me to look deeper inside myself and at humankind. I don't doubt it does the same for whoever reads it. You will be moved and will grow from reading it
The Memory of You
The Memory of You
Catherine West | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in the heart of California wine country, The Memory of You will pull on your heart and emotions. Facing the secrets of the past, Natalie and Tanner must overcome so much if they ever want to be free from the guilt and the pain that they have endured.

Natalie Mitchell has spent the last 13 years traumatized with guilt and PTSD. Tanner has to live with the consequences of decisions he has made. Both are vulnerable, both are guarded, they don't want to open up and let someone in. They have even shut God out. As they journey along the path of forgiveness, acceptance, and reconciliation with both their heavenly father and their earthly fathers, we see their souls barred open. We see into the depths of their hearts and feel the agony and the pain that they have had to overcome. Watching the romance blossom and grow in this story made my heart all a flutter. Catherine approached it in a very tender and sincere way.

I know that Natalie and Tanner are fictional characters, however, their experiences can be very real. I myself have anxiety and panic attacks (for completely different reasons than Natalie). We can't walk this path alone. Trying to be strong and just push on for another day, isn't the only solution out there. Find someone, whether it be a relative, a friend, a reach out to. Open your heart to God, allow his forgiveness and his GRACE to flood you, for HE will bring you new life. His grace is enough.

I pray that as you read this powerful story, that the words would resignate in your heart. That it would give you hope, that you would know you are not alone and that your heavenly Father is watching over you and guiding you to safety.

The Memory of You is a stand alone novel.

I received a complimentary copy of The Memory of You from the publishers, Thomas Nelson. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Gotta Get Theroux This
Gotta Get Theroux This
Louis Theroux | 2020 | Film & TV
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
52 of 250
Gotta get Theroux This
By Louis Theroux

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

In 1994 fledgling journalist Louis Theroux was given a one-off gig on Michael Moore’s TV Nation, presenting a segment on apocalyptic religious sects. Gawky, socially awkward and totally unqualified, his first reaction to this exciting opportunity was panic. But he’d always been drawn to off-beat characters, so maybe his enthusiasm would carry the day. Or, you know, maybe it wouldn’t . . .

In Gotta Get Theroux This, Louis takes the reader on a joyous journey from his anxiety-prone childhood to his unexpectedly successful career. Nervously accepting the BBC’s offer of his own series, he went on to create an award-winning documentary style that has seen him immersed in the weird worlds of paranoid US militias and secretive pro-wrestlers, get under the skin of celebrities like Max Clifford and Chris Eubank and tackle gang culture in San Quentin prison, all the time wondering whether the same qualities that make him good at documentaries might also make him bad at life.

As Louis woos his beautiful wife Nancy and learns how to be a father, he also dares to take on the powerful Church of Scientology. Just as challenging is the revelation that one of his old subjects, Jimmy Savile, was a secret sexual predator, prompting him to question our understanding of how evil takes place. Filled with wry observation and self-deprecating humour, this is Louis at his most insightful and honest best.

I’m a huge fan of Louis Theroux I love his documentaries so when he released this book I was so looking forward to reading it. It did not disappoint as you read you read with his voice in your head! His life and adventures are just so fascinating I laughed and also felt a little sad in places! He’s open and candid about his work and relationships. I love hearing how he got his true love and it’s like every marriage with its twists and turns. I learnt so much about him.
Well worth the read!!
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Ashley Herring Blake | 2021 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful story about love and loss
Hazel Bly lived a great life with her Mum and Mama until a kayaking accident. Then her Mum died, leaving Hazel with a scar on her face and terrible anxiety. She wants nothing more than to keep her little sister Peach safe. The Blys move around a lot now. Two years after the accident, they are in Maine. It turns out that one of their new neighbors is her Mama's old childhood friend, Claire. The introduction of Claire into Hazel's world--along with her chatty daughter Lemon--makes Hazel feel unsettled. Plus Lemon is fixated on a local legend, the Rose Maid, a mermaid often seen in the waters. Hazel notes a resemblance between herself and Rose and soon she finds herself as fascinated by the mermaid as Lemon. Because sometimes everyone needs to believe in a little magic, especially when their world is crumbling around them.

"Now it's two and one, with me as the odd one out."

Oh this book is excellent-- an absolutely stunning read, which captures grief and loss so viscerally. I truly felt traumatized at times on Hazel's behalf. With the death of her Mum, she is so afraid something will happen to Peach, or even her Mama, and this fear comes through the pages so strongly. It's heartbreaking. Her fear of being happy again. You just want to wrap this sweet kid in your arms and hug her until everything is okay. Blake writes Hazel so well, and her grief, passion, and emotions come across so well.

Everything in this book is amazing--the magical and whimsical myth of the Rose Maid; the diversity of the characters; and the total acceptance of Hazel's parents being gay and bi. It's not a big deal in this book for parents to be queer or friends to be nonbinary. How wonderful for a YA story.

This is an exceptional tale about family, love, loss, healing, and magic. It made me cry, but it left me hopeful too. It's touching and heartfelt. Highly recommend. 4.5 stars.
Ultimate Collection: 8 Original Albums by Billie Holiday
Ultimate Collection: 8 Original Albums by Billie Holiday
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Grasshopper gave me Lady in Satin for my 30th birthday. People were startled by the quality of Billie’s voice on this, her final album before she died, you can hear the years of her life in her voice. As a singer you’re always doing everything you can to imagine your voice being clear, non-crackly and not having any cobwebs, you’re doing everything you can to sing perfectly. “Yet here was someone singing imperfectly, but with all the vulnerability of a life well and certainly intensely lived. That changed everything for me, hearing the crackle in her voice, the years making their way out of her windpipe, almost by clawing their way out. “I’d read that Ray Ellis, who conducted and produced the album, cried when she first sang these songs, because he knew her as someone whose voice had a very full, rich-sounding tonal quality. Yet on this album you can hear the cobwebs, the lisping gasps of air between words. He cried because he thought this shouldn’t be Billie Holiday on record. It was only later that he thought it was her masterpiece. “It was the first time I began to see the connection between the singer, their voice and the listener, that it had nothing to do with the pureness of tone, being perfectly in tune or singing as loud as could be. It was all about the emotions that came out via the breath and the notes together that made the connection. “It changed everything, not only about my singing, but the way I began to understand what people appreciated in a singers’ voice. I could really understand and take some of the pressure off trying to be what I thought was a perfect singer, I know I’m not, but you always have it in mind that you’ve to belt it out and sing perfectly. “I finally began to accept that what comes out of me is my voice and no one else’s, this song and the album as a whole finally released that anxiety in me. The next record we made was Deserter’s Songs.”"

Am I Normal Yet?
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holly Bourne writes about two of my absolute favourite topics: feminism and mental health.

So Evie is a teenage girl, who desperately wants to be "normal". She's been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and OCD, and is trying so, so hard to prevent them from ruling her life anymore.

Evie combats a number of issues in this book, such as the stigma around mental health, and the misuse of diagnoses (eg. "I like things neat, I'm so OCD"). She's such a real character, who makes mistakes and upsets people and keeps secrets. She shares her bad thoughts, her rituals and her worries with us, which makes this book so fantastically relatable for people with similar thoughts.

Like everyone else suffering with mental illnesses, Evie has a ton on her plate. Recovery, boy problems, friendship problems... And her desperation to just be normal for once, which leads her into a teenage guys bedroom and triggers a horrific relapse.

This doesn't have a typical happy ending. Yes, things do get better at the end, but Evie doesn't magically beat her illnesses or avoid a relapse altogether - because that's just unrealistic. Mental health doesn't work like that. Recovering from a mental illness is a rollercoaster, with about a thousand loops.

The girls - the Spinsters as they decide to call themselves - are all fabulous too. They talk about all the things that people don't talk about enough, including periods and the difference between mental health care for males versus females. I think these are all such important topics, and are covered fantastically in this novel from a teenage girl's viewpoint.

Overall, I think this is just such a wonderful, important book. For those of us who are struggling with mental health issues, it helps us to feel less alone, and lets us know that our problems are not uncommon. For other people, the more "normal" people, Am I Normal Yet? provides an accurate insight into the mind of someone who's not having such a great time mentally. I really loved this book and all the topics it includes. A new favourite of mine, with 5 stars.