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They Wish They Were Us
They Wish They Were Us
Jessica Goodman | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
They Wish They Were Us is about Jill Newman and her senior year at Gold Coast Prep. Though everything looks perfect, it's far from it. Three years ago, Jill's best friend Shaila Arnold was murdered. Her boyfriend Graham confessed, the police arrested him, cased closed. Now, Jill is a senior member of the Players (a Gold Coast Prep exclusive, not-so-secret society) and she's ready to make a change. One night, she gets a text claiming Graham's innocence and her year begins to crumble. She needs to find out what really happened to her best friend, no matter the cost.

I enjoyed this book, but I think I enjoyed it most because of the character of Jill Newman. She's a badass, independent female character who knows what she wants. Her friends though, I absolutely hated them at the beginning - spoiled little rich kids who thinks the world owes them everything. But throughout the book, Jessica Goodman was able to drop hints here and there about why they are the way they are, and it made me hate them less. By the end of the book, I actually started rooting for them.

Towards the end of the book, I had a thought as to what the twist was, but still didn't know who the killer was, not until it was basically revealed. Goodman did an excellent job at keeping the suspense. The twist ended up being good - sometimes with murder mysteries, the killer/killing ends up being a bit out there, but this one added up.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and the mystery within. It kept me turning the pages to see what the end results were.

*Thank you Bookishfirst and Razorbill for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the blurb to this book, I didn't really know what to expect. I liked that it dealt with mirrors and ghosts. That's what drew me in. Luckily, I found this book to be super interesting!

I do like the title of this book. It pays homage to Lewis Carroll, and even some scenes in the book do the same.

I'm not a big fan of the cover although it does have to do with the story. I would've liked to see something spooky on the cover such as Elizabeth Blackwell staring out from the mirror or something similar, but that is just a personal opinion.

I did enjoy the world building and found it to be believable. However, I was a bit confused as to why and how Alice always ended up at the hotel's swimming pool at midnight for just an hour every night. Perhaps that could've been explained better. I was also a little big confused about the fog and how it differed for the witch and for Alice, but I won't go into details as I don't want to give away any spoilers. I do like how Alice's version of the hotel is different from the actual hotel and how she sees the real world through mirrors.

The pacing was brilliant in The Looking Glass! I'll be honest. I wasn't expecting this book to instantly catch my attention from the very first page, but it did just that. From the first sentence, I was hooked and couldn't wait to find out what would happen next to Alice.

I enjoyed the plot very much, and I felt it was fairly original. (Don't worry, the next few sentences aren't spoilers). Alice dives into the hotel swimming pool and hits her head. She almost drowns and ends up in a coma. However, her spirit is stuck at the hotel where she must figure out the mystery of Elizabeth Blackwell if she's to reunite her body with her spirit. While I didn't feel that there were any major plot twists in the story, I still really enjoyed it. Oh, and don't worry. There's no cliff hangars either.

I found the characters to be very well written and likable. Alice is a very down to Earth, normal teenage girl. She was easy to relate to and had a likable personality. She is a very curious about everything, but that ultimately comes to her advantage. I also really liked Tony and how he was so willing to help Alice. He came across as a real sweetheart and a very brave person. George is another character who I wasn't really sure of to begin with but ended up liking.

I enjoyed the dialogue and felt it was appropriate for a young adult book. It flowed smoothly and never once felt forced. My favorite bits of dialogue were when Alice was thinking to herself. There's no swearing in this book, but there is some minor violence.

Overall, The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold is a highly interesting read. The plot will keep readers very much immersed in the book. The world building is very detailed albeit some minor confusing details.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 13+ who are after a book that's a little bit scary but not too much and for those who are after a book with a brilliant story line.

<b>I'd give The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold a 4.5 out of 5.</b>

(I received an free ebook of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Terminator Genisys (2015)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
2015 | Action
The Terminator franchise has been as relentless and unstoppable as the series namesake. The first two films written and directed by James Cameron are cinematic icons and made many of the ten best lists when they were released.

The subsequent two films that lacked any input from Cameron and as such paled in comparison with the most recent, “Terminator Salvation” failing to achieve the success of the previous films in the series.

Undaunted, the series is back with “Terminator Genisys”, the first in a planned trilogy before the rights to the series revert back to James Cameron.

The new film shows parts of the final battle by the human resistance as they finally defeat the deadly Skynet system but as fans of the series know, learn that a Terminator was sent back to stop humanities savior John Connor (Jason Clarke), from being born.

As fans known, loyal soldier Kyle Reese (jai Courtney) volunteers to travel back to 1984 to save Sara Connor (Emilia Clarke) and preserve the future but upon his arrival in 1984, Reese learns that the mission he has been sent on has changed.

Someone has sent a Terminator back to protect a younger Sarah when she was a child and as such, this Sara is not the naïve waitress Reese had been expecting, rather she is a battle hardened and strong willed woman with a Terminator protector she named “Pops” played by series icon Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This is where any similarities to the original films end as what initially sets up to be moments from the first two films revisited in a new timeline quickly changes and moves to 2017 where Sara, Reese, and Pops, learn that Skynet is about to go live and accomplish the start of Judgement Day which puts the heroes in a race against time and overwhelming odds to save humanity.
This time however there are several new wrinkles to the mix as well as some epic action sequences that have been sorely missing from the series since Cameron’s departure. The 3D effects are solid but note that they are converted from a 2D source and the film was not shot with 3D cameras.

What really worked well for me was the fact that the film is very respectful to the source material and while telling a new chapter to the story does not do much to undermine the impact and the legacy of the first two films. It was reported that James Cameron himself has endorsed this film and had called it the third film in the series.
The action is solid from an epic bus chase to intense firefights across the timelines the film grabs your attention the way the best summer films do and takes you on an epic thrill ride. Action and effects aside, what really makes the film work is the cast. The characters are strong and well portrayed and mix humanity, empathy, and self-sacrifice in the manner to which the characters have been established.

Reese and Sara are strong and determined and in a twist, have a more complicated relationship in this timeline than had been previously established. Of course the star of the film is Schwarzenegger and he knows this character inside and out. From the stoic and intense action sequences to the rivalry and distrust he and Reese share which grows into a solid respect. Arnold knows what audiences want and delivers it again and again. Despite the years, he still remains the backbone of the series and it is great to see him back in form.
While some may have issues with a rebooted timeline to propel future films, there were enough great moments in the film and plenty of entertainments for me not only to recommend the film, but to say bring on the next chapter.
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Just Great Sci-Fi
Total Recall is pure 90's action at its best. Cool fight scenes and gun battles are littered throughout, but never forced or never at the sacrifice of pacing. It definitely made up for some of my smaller gripes like having a lame villain. Seriously, Richter (Michael Ironside) was about as terrifying as my obese beagle. And what was up with the cheesy girl fight? Just not needed.

As a whole, though, Total Recall succeeds in a number of ways, some expected, some surprising. The film centers around Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Douglas Quaid who is bored with his life and needs an escape. After visiting a place called Recall where your dreams become reality, Quaid becomes mixed up in the center of a crazy mystery where he is a secret agent.

The film provides a solid mystery that keeps you entertained. The puzzle unravels in layers as you figure out a little bit more with every minute that passes. I appreciated the nice twists that kept things interesting. Director Paul Verhoeven wasn't just satisfied with getting by with swanky visuals and a big budget action star. The story's substance ultimately makes it better than what it could have been.

The twists and turns of the story are set against the backdrop of a creative future world. I liked the small touches like the lady changing her nail color with the touch of a pen and the bland driving robots. One of my favorite scenes, both in this movie and in film period, involves Quaid outsmarting the bad guys with a number of holograms. It was a cool trick that had I been watching in a theater in 1990: Mind blown.

Fun film that hits you with more substance than your run-of-the-mill action-sci-fi flick. I give Total Recall an 83. The film's quality made me hate the 2012 version even more.
Graceland (2013)
Graceland (2013)
2013 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Graceland is one of those films you remember for a long time after you've watched it. Set in the Philippines, the story revolves around Marlon Villar (Arnold Reyes) who is ambushed while driving his daughter and his boss' daughter home. Things spin wildly out of control when the kidnappers demand a ransom.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
The more I thought about Graceland as a whole, the more it made me think about how well things were filmed. The film is shot in a dark style, giving it a fitting gritty feel that sets the tone throughout. Particularly effective for me were the jarring moments that occur in close quarters, powerful and shocking at the same time. There are a number of points in the film that, due to how things were shot, will stick in my head for years to come.

Conflict: 10
Graceland is jarring and real because of the conflict created. The film never really gives you a chance to catch your breath at any point. You expect things to go one way and then are thrown for another loop. There was never a point where I felt like I could relax, which is exactly the feeling I look for in these type of films.

Genre: 8
Very interesting, original spin on your typical kidnapping story. While you empathize with the main character, you wonder if he's doing the right thing at the same time. He is faced with some tough decisions which you find out very early on in the story. You can never really tell up from down at any point. I can honestly say that I haven't really seen anything like it.

Memorability: 7

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 91
Besides seeing film classics, Movies 365 has been all about me finding hidden gems like this one. Watch Graceland currently on Vudu for free. You won't regret it.