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Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect: Andromeda
2017 | Role-Playing
A Perfect Continuation of the Mass Effect Series
I could seriously gush like a fan-girl about this game for hours, so I'll try to keep it brief :p The graphics are astounding, the storyline is a work of art and the characters are really awesome. There are tons of side missions to keep you busy after you finish the main story line, all aspects are really fantastic, the game mechanics are great, shooting, jumping, running, driving, it's all aces. You can be any type of Ryder you like, romantic, logical, casual, professional, or a mix of all. Romances for both male and female Ryder are good, probably the best (or my favourites at least) are Jaal and Vetra. The downside are the romance cut scenes. You can tell Bioware put more effort into some and others not so much (particularly Cora, Jaal and Peebee had the best romance scenes). Disappointments? Not many. The romance scene for Vetra was bs, I was really pissed that they didn't put much effort into it. Also, three characters I fell in love with but couldn't romance, Evfra, Kandros, and Drack. So Bioware, if ya'll are listening, give me my Krogan romance damnit! The biggest disappointment? That the game had to end. I LOVED it! Can't wait for the DLC!