
LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated S1m0ne (2002) in Movies
Sep 21, 2020
The trifecta of flatness: a comedy with next to no laughs, a satire with no bite, and a drama without sufficient emotion. Yet another technophobic dud that fires on zero cylinders and has nothing to say - try to picture if 𝘏𝘦𝘳 was one of the (many) shittier "Black Mirror" episodes. Besides Rachel Roberts' perfectly realized, fittingly mysterious performance (which, of course, is underused) nothing else shines through here - has zero depth beyond a few performative quips and has that rush-through-everything-of-any-importance pacing + structure that I detest. Here we have what could have been a poignantly interesting film about a disenchanted director whose only authentic relationship is with a synthetic A.I. as well as a boiling satire about the state of celebrity, the objectification of women in entertainment, technology, etc. But instead we're left with such a rote, surface-level, come-and-go boilerplate narrative about this thinly-written 'failed director' trope having to hide an obviously fake woman from every idiot on the planet. Skimps out on where it counts, the brief spoof arthouse movies in these are more intelligent and watchable than the actual movie - which ironically feels as insincere and fakey as its central character. Also I miss Jay Mohr.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Swallow (2019) in Movies
Jan 13, 2021 (Updated Jan 13, 2021)
To be fair, I'd rather swallow a screwdriver than hang out with rich white people too. Gorgeous, nasty, and mean - but never disrespectful. Medically accurate? Perhaps not, but these seldom ever are anyhow so what can you do? In fact I found this to be much more compelling and satisfying as a depiction of obnoxious old-money business whities having their perfect little synthetic image destroyed by people who refuse to shape themselves around it than a portrait of pica. As everyone has already pointed out, Austin Stowell and in particular Haley Bennett are just astounding - easily not only her best performance to date, but the type of galvanizing role that should propel her star-power vastly beyond just Jennifer Lawrence comparisons considering that this is way better work than anything J-Law has done in years anyhow (excluding 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳! [I'm a simp for stupid, manic arthouse cinema I know you don't have to tell me]). Deeply, deeply, *deeply* unsettling - can pleasantly report that its reputation is as airtight as claimed. Super messy but I think that gives it more character tbh, and what an excellent use of music. A bit too on-the-nose at times but also the type of movie that's destined to be misinterpreted by morons everywhere.

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Tim McGuire (301 KP) rated Gretel & Hansel (2020) in Movies
Mar 3, 2020
Grim not Grimm
396. Gretel & Hansel. Do you remember the tale of Hansel and Gretel by the the Grimm Brothers? Well throw it away, because it's 2020 and Girls Rule so Gretel's name is first! Hell, Hansel didn't even make the movie poster! And maybe because its her fault for getting kicked out of their mother's house for not getting a damn job cause times are tough, so get out, and take your brother with you. Thanks mom! At this point, it seems instead of going towards civilization they go further into the woods, tripping on shrooms at one point. After walking for a bit, hunger kicks in, so they break into a house, nice, cause there's a table with a bunch of food to be seen. They get busted of course by the owner, Holda, who takes pity on them and invites them in and feeds em. Too fatten em up to eat them right? Like I said this is 2020, not 1812!! This time Gretel learns the ways of the witch, there's creepy figures in black roaming the woods at night Hansel learns to chop down trees, he's in a trance, whats going on?? In the end, I think it's an arthouse movie about a young girl coming of age, equipped with first period and all, shot like those old Christopher Lee horror movies of the 70's. Also suffers from the Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves curse, everyone has the same accent, except the freaking star of the movie Gretel! HaHa! Filmbufftim on FB

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Buster's Mal Heart (2016) in Movies
Jan 22, 2021
Remember before the digital revolution and on demand TV channels when you had to stay up late and watch the films shown after midnight to see anything outside of the mainstream? Quite often they were awful, cheap, rambling experiences that maybe had one or two memorable scenes, or something so weird that you had to find out if any of your friends had seen it. Well, this is one of those films, except it was made in 2017 and I saw it in 2020 on Netflix.
I had added it to my watchlist some time during my obsession with Rami Malek and Mr Robot, knowing he had popped up in several cameo roles in big films over the years, but keen to see him take a lead role before the Oscar train of Bohemian Rhapsody and A-list fame. It is also that kind of film that arthouse cinemas would show during indie festivals or on late night double bills; stepping stones, hopefully, for all concerned to bigger things.
Writer director Sarah Adina Smith hasn’t quite made it yet, so you probably haven’t heard of her. She directed 2 episodes of Hanna, which I liked a lot, and will be talking about on The Wasteland at some point, and a few other bits of TV, but that’s about it. Judged on this oddity there is a good deal of vision and talent going on – but not yet an eye for total coherence.
Buster doesn’t know what it is, and neither do the critics, listing it as a mystery, a drama, a thriller, a sci-fi and a crime film, which… ok, yes, it has elements of all those, but isn’t really any of them, also. The titular character played by Malek is an ethereal enigma trapped in his own weird existence, and through a series of out of time and out of sequence flashbacks we come to understand his journey and descent into madness, after encountering a down at heel salesman with a big conspiracy theory to pedal, called The Inversion.
It remains shrouded in ambiguity and strangeness for most of the modest, but not off-putting, 96 minute running time, as Malek grows a beard, loses a beard and grows a beard again. Even when all is said and done, it takes a minute to put it all together and figure out what the point of it was. As something curious to let wash over you, I have to say I kinda liked it. Malek was as committed and interesting to watch as he always is, and I was just happy that films like this can still get made.
Ultimately, possibly a short film idea stretched too thin into a feature, which is an all too familiar phenomenon for new directors. But, an idea interesting and original enough to earn the right to be thought of as “showing potential”. If Smith ever does make it as big as say Jim Jarmusch or Kelly Reichardt then the arthouse geeks like me will be looking back on this with great interest. You just wonder how many people will see it at all, now the days of post midnight movies on a set channel are pretty much over?
I had added it to my watchlist some time during my obsession with Rami Malek and Mr Robot, knowing he had popped up in several cameo roles in big films over the years, but keen to see him take a lead role before the Oscar train of Bohemian Rhapsody and A-list fame. It is also that kind of film that arthouse cinemas would show during indie festivals or on late night double bills; stepping stones, hopefully, for all concerned to bigger things.
Writer director Sarah Adina Smith hasn’t quite made it yet, so you probably haven’t heard of her. She directed 2 episodes of Hanna, which I liked a lot, and will be talking about on The Wasteland at some point, and a few other bits of TV, but that’s about it. Judged on this oddity there is a good deal of vision and talent going on – but not yet an eye for total coherence.
Buster doesn’t know what it is, and neither do the critics, listing it as a mystery, a drama, a thriller, a sci-fi and a crime film, which… ok, yes, it has elements of all those, but isn’t really any of them, also. The titular character played by Malek is an ethereal enigma trapped in his own weird existence, and through a series of out of time and out of sequence flashbacks we come to understand his journey and descent into madness, after encountering a down at heel salesman with a big conspiracy theory to pedal, called The Inversion.
It remains shrouded in ambiguity and strangeness for most of the modest, but not off-putting, 96 minute running time, as Malek grows a beard, loses a beard and grows a beard again. Even when all is said and done, it takes a minute to put it all together and figure out what the point of it was. As something curious to let wash over you, I have to say I kinda liked it. Malek was as committed and interesting to watch as he always is, and I was just happy that films like this can still get made.
Ultimately, possibly a short film idea stretched too thin into a feature, which is an all too familiar phenomenon for new directors. But, an idea interesting and original enough to earn the right to be thought of as “showing potential”. If Smith ever does make it as big as say Jim Jarmusch or Kelly Reichardt then the arthouse geeks like me will be looking back on this with great interest. You just wonder how many people will see it at all, now the days of post midnight movies on a set channel are pretty much over?

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) in Movies
May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)
Subversiveness (3 more)
Costumes and makeup
Tim Curry
Entertaining songs
Great in the theater. Lackluster at home.
This is not a movie so much as it is an experience. The movie itself is not great. But if you get the chance to see it in a theater with a live cast performing at the same time the movie is playing and when audience participation is encouraged, this is hella fun. I used to spend most weekend nights in high school and college at the midnight showing of Rocky Horror at the local arthouse theater dressed in a bustier, getting panties, garter belt, thigh-high stockings, and high heels with all the other weirdos enjoying the hell out of the movie, live cast, and audience. I highly recommend the help of alcohol and/or chemical indulgences to enhance the experience. But maybe not an entire bottle of Sambuca as I did one nonmemorable evening.
The songs in the movie are fun to sing. Dancing to the Time Warp, as well. If you're lucky, the theater will also play music videos from Tim Curry's Fearless album Paradise Garage and I Do the Rock and Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell and Paradise by the Dashboard Light before the movie.
This is one of Susan Sarandon's first films. She and Barry Bostwick play the innocent couple Brad and (Dammit) Janet. And Tim Curry is a God in this movie.
I have such great memories of my time at as Rocky Horror fan back in the day. I hope many generations continue to enjoy this movie in the theater. It's a blast!
The songs in the movie are fun to sing. Dancing to the Time Warp, as well. If you're lucky, the theater will also play music videos from Tim Curry's Fearless album Paradise Garage and I Do the Rock and Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell and Paradise by the Dashboard Light before the movie.
This is one of Susan Sarandon's first films. She and Barry Bostwick play the innocent couple Brad and (Dammit) Janet. And Tim Curry is a God in this movie.
I have such great memories of my time at as Rocky Horror fan back in the day. I hope many generations continue to enjoy this movie in the theater. It's a blast!

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated The Neon Demon (2016) in Movies
May 13, 2019
A diamond in a sea of glass
Number 1 in my #top10 favourite films of all time is 'The Neon Demon'
Not only my #favourite film of all time #theneondemon is all my #passion, my #addiction & my #love for cinema as well as everything that #inspires me, excites me & drives me in life all crammed together into one cinematic masterpiece. In fact this film is so #perfect & such an #obsession of mine I think about it on a daily basis & even have my phone & alarm clock themed around it. Directed by #nicholaswindingrefn (the greatest director of all time) & just like #OnlyGodForgives #neondemon is visually immense, beautiful, intimidating, full of mystery & #emotion. Every scene is rich & stylish with clearly a lot of care/thought put into every single one wether it be the colours or placement of everything it contains. This film invokes & awakens so many emotions with me every single time I watch it & every time it ends I feel I've learnt something new about not only the film but about myself too. With next level acting & such an unnerving yet spellbinding soundtrack 'The Neon Demon' almost sends sends shivers down my spine & catapults me into a hypnotic state of immersion still to this day. I doubt any film will ever replace this film as my top spot & although its slated by pretty much everyone the sheer depth of it & the #horror, #inspiration, courage, enlightenment & joy I personally get from it makes me feel so alive that if I met #nwr I think I'd just burst into tears of gratitude.
#neon #drive #beauty #beautiful #arthouse #art #thursdaythoughts #ellefanning #ryangosling #modeling #model #fashion #filmcritic #glamourous
Not only my #favourite film of all time #theneondemon is all my #passion, my #addiction & my #love for cinema as well as everything that #inspires me, excites me & drives me in life all crammed together into one cinematic masterpiece. In fact this film is so #perfect & such an #obsession of mine I think about it on a daily basis & even have my phone & alarm clock themed around it. Directed by #nicholaswindingrefn (the greatest director of all time) & just like #OnlyGodForgives #neondemon is visually immense, beautiful, intimidating, full of mystery & #emotion. Every scene is rich & stylish with clearly a lot of care/thought put into every single one wether it be the colours or placement of everything it contains. This film invokes & awakens so many emotions with me every single time I watch it & every time it ends I feel I've learnt something new about not only the film but about myself too. With next level acting & such an unnerving yet spellbinding soundtrack 'The Neon Demon' almost sends sends shivers down my spine & catapults me into a hypnotic state of immersion still to this day. I doubt any film will ever replace this film as my top spot & although its slated by pretty much everyone the sheer depth of it & the #horror, #inspiration, courage, enlightenment & joy I personally get from it makes me feel so alive that if I met #nwr I think I'd just burst into tears of gratitude.
#neon #drive #beauty #beautiful #arthouse #art #thursdaythoughts #ellefanning #ryangosling #modeling #model #fashion #filmcritic #glamourous

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) in Movies
May 20, 2021
Tobe Hooper's seminal The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a straight up horror classic, that changed the face of the genre. It's influence can be seen all over the place, and it's notoriety is still prominent. To this day, TTCSM is still misunderstood by wider audiences. It's title, alongside it's "video nasty" reputation that stuck for decades, suggests that the viewer is in for a depraved gore fest, when in reality, this film borders on arthouse more often than not. Its brimming with iconic shots, and beautiful cinematography work courtesy of Daniel Pearl. In terms of gore, you don't see much of it. Pretty much all of the violent scenes are implied, and the movie shies away from showing anything explicit, a move that is incredibly effective.
Its pacing is pretty much perfect. The slow build first half is suitably uncomfortable, and full of great performances that keep it engaging. When things kick off, it grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until the credits roll. Some incredibly well done sound design and tense music score compliment the breakneck final act, that is just an unencumbered assault on the senses. It's exhausting (in a good way).
Marilyn Burns' Sally is a badass final girl that causes the Sawyer family a whole bunch of trouble, and Leatherface is a wonderfully portrayed maniac - a genuinely terrifying MF, who has a sympathetic side. He's the main reason why TTCSM is still scary as fuck all these years later. The scares on display are all well earned, and the jump moments are startling and are far from being cheap.
What more can I say, TTCSM is truly one of the greats. It's uncomfortable, entertaining, extremely well put together, and is wholeheartedly deserving of its place in horror royalty.
Its pacing is pretty much perfect. The slow build first half is suitably uncomfortable, and full of great performances that keep it engaging. When things kick off, it grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until the credits roll. Some incredibly well done sound design and tense music score compliment the breakneck final act, that is just an unencumbered assault on the senses. It's exhausting (in a good way).
Marilyn Burns' Sally is a badass final girl that causes the Sawyer family a whole bunch of trouble, and Leatherface is a wonderfully portrayed maniac - a genuinely terrifying MF, who has a sympathetic side. He's the main reason why TTCSM is still scary as fuck all these years later. The scares on display are all well earned, and the jump moments are startling and are far from being cheap.
What more can I say, TTCSM is truly one of the greats. It's uncomfortable, entertaining, extremely well put together, and is wholeheartedly deserving of its place in horror royalty.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Pig (2021) in Movies
Nov 30, 2021
Nicolas Cage's placement within the zeitgeist is almost legendary at this point. His various unhinged performances over the decades have ensured that he's the go-to-guy for any movie with a whacky premise that needs a lead who will commit to the part, no matter how ludicrous. Pig is a film that has fallen a little foul of this. It's a film that had been mistakenly billed to me as "John Wick but with Nicolas Cage and a pig", a film that's very synopsis lends itself to the absurdity that surrounds Cage and his career.
The finished project however is an emotional and heartfelt triumph. For starters, the whole movie is shot beautifully with plenty of stunning cinematography on display. It verges into arthouse territory fairly regularly, but works hand in hand with the way the narrative chugs along, quite wonderfully.
The slower pace of proceedings is filled with great dialogue and great turns from the likes of Adam Arkin and the ever-reliable Alex Wolff, but make no mistake, Pig belongs to Cage 100%. His performance here is nothing short of fantastic. His character is layered, and aspects of him are slowly revealed as the story unfolds, and Cage delivers it all pretty flawlessly. No joke, probably his career highlight.
The tone is a rollercoaster, from optimism amongst sadness to flat out despair. The climactic scene in particular is an absolutly beautiful and emotional shit show, that lands perfectly thanks to its stellar cast.
Pig is a movie that I didn't expect to get me as much as it did. It's an incredibly competent, subtle, and well realised debut full-length feature from Michael Sarnoski, that I imagine will be criminally overlooked when awards season rolls around. Give Nicolas Cage an Oscar dammit!
The finished project however is an emotional and heartfelt triumph. For starters, the whole movie is shot beautifully with plenty of stunning cinematography on display. It verges into arthouse territory fairly regularly, but works hand in hand with the way the narrative chugs along, quite wonderfully.
The slower pace of proceedings is filled with great dialogue and great turns from the likes of Adam Arkin and the ever-reliable Alex Wolff, but make no mistake, Pig belongs to Cage 100%. His performance here is nothing short of fantastic. His character is layered, and aspects of him are slowly revealed as the story unfolds, and Cage delivers it all pretty flawlessly. No joke, probably his career highlight.
The tone is a rollercoaster, from optimism amongst sadness to flat out despair. The climactic scene in particular is an absolutly beautiful and emotional shit show, that lands perfectly thanks to its stellar cast.
Pig is a movie that I didn't expect to get me as much as it did. It's an incredibly competent, subtle, and well realised debut full-length feature from Michael Sarnoski, that I imagine will be criminally overlooked when awards season rolls around. Give Nicolas Cage an Oscar dammit!