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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Singing in the Dark in Books

Feb 25, 2022 (Updated Feb 25, 2022)  
Singing in the Dark
Singing in the Dark
Ginny Owens | 2021 | Religion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Speaking, and Singing, Hope into the Darkness
Christian recording artist Ginny Owens presents ten chapters that take us to Scripture to look at the songs we can sing to God no matter what our circumstances are. No, these aren’t all taken from Psalms. Yes, she does stretch the definition of song a bit (which she acknowledges). But as we look at songs of praise and victory, laments, and a song for the plodding path, you will be encouraged and challenged a time or two.

Each chapter focuses on the person and story behind the passage we are studying, but Ginny makes these familiar elements fresh and brings out new insights. She also shares openly about her own struggles, including what she still struggles with.

The chapters around 15 to 20 pages each, and could be done as devotionals. I read the book over a couple of days, and I still found it encouraging. I plan to go back and revisit it at a slower pace soon. There is a lot to unpack here.

If you need encouragement in your life, you’ll be glad you picked up this book.