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Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Assassin's Creed (2016) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Assassin's Creed (2016)
Assassin's Creed (2016)
2016 | Action
5.8 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Excellent fight choreography (1 more)
Good casting choices
Terrible plotline (1 more)
Bad scriptwriting
Pretty Decent Adaptation
The best element of the Assassin's Creed film adaptation has to be the fight choreography. It was so skilfully done to the best of the choreographers', stunt doubles', and actors' abilities, and it paid off. The casting choices were also commendable as Michael Fassbender was the perfect choice for the leading role of Cal and I am unable to picture anyone else playing that role. But I have to admit, the plotline and the writing weren't up to modern film standards; meaning they completely fell through. I love this film, but if it was written better with a much better plotline, it would not go into the 'bad film adaptation' pile. Overall, I wouldn't call this an award-winning film, but it is very entertaining to watch and the fight scenes are incredible.


    Andy McNab

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    GAMEZIN by Ubisoft

    GAMEZIN by Ubisoft

    Entertainment and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Das Ubisoft GAMEZIN ist ein regelmäßig erscheinendes, interaktives B2B-Magazin, das Händler und...


Dana (24 KP) rated Queen of Shadows in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Queen of Shadows
Queen of Shadows
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Children
9.1 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Warning, if you have not read this book or any of the other ones before this, this review will have some minor spoilers, so if you don't want to find out stuff, do not read this review!!

I think this may have become my favorite of this series! After being somewhat disappointed with Heir of Fire (in relation to the other books in the series), Queen of Shadows had me jumping for joy.

I have loved how much the relationships between the characters have grown and have continuously evolved in the four books (plus The Assassin's Blade). In Heir of Fire, I couldn't really get into the story with Manon and her thirteen, but in this book, their story brought a lot more to the table. Her relationship with Eldie made me feel like she was more than she was in Heir of Fire. The fact that characters from the other books got such big parts in this novel. (Lysanna for the win!) Kaltain (from the first novel) and Lysanna (from The Assassin's Blade) became so important to this story line. It was great to see Aelin interacting with another female again in a way that wasn't just violence and heartache. I even love Rowan from this book. In the last book, he was kind if distant and unapproachable, but in Queen of Shadows, we got to see more of who he really was.

Chaol's development in this story was very good to see as well. From being a whiny little brat in Heir of Fire to being a decent human being in this book was fun to witness.

Abraxos is the freaking cutest little dragon I have ever read. I love him and I want my own!!!

It was cool to get to see Aelin slip on her Celaena mask again. The contrasts between the two is amazing to witness. Without those scenes, we wouldn't have been able to see how much she had actually grown--from being the bitchy assassin to being a badass queen, that was amazing. I think it was also very important to be able to see everyone's reactions to her slipping on the mask as well.

The changing of the narrators in this novel felt a lot more natural in the story than it did in Heir of Fire. It was as if they had all developed to a point where they cold tell their own stories in a way that made sense.

It is definitely important to read The Assassin's Blade before this book because without it, you won't get the weight of the actions that play out as much. You get more of the history behind Aelin, Lysanna, and Arobynn that make everything that happens make sense.

The action scenes were very well done. I enjoyed how the frenzied actions that were happening in the battles were equal to the frenzied writing on the page.
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
2014 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
Story (3 more)
Fast paced
Map Size (2 more)
Game Length
Little to no relation to previous games
Short and small, but still pretty sweet.
Despite being just an incredibly short spin-off of the Assassin's Creed series, and having only 3 very small maps, this game is a highly enjoyable one!

The story is enjoyable, if somewhat unoriginal, with some definite similarities to ACIII, revolving around saving slaves and killing the slavers. The story also shows very little relation to previous games, except from a cameo from an ACIII character, and the obligatory weird glowy item that adds little to nothing to the story apart from adding a few missions.

Despite all this, the story is extremely enjoyable!

The gameplay is incredibly fun and pretty fast paced, visiting swamps, towns and Mexican colonies, leaving the played wanting more, and to learn more about what happened to the main character after the game.

Overall a great game that definitely deserves to be more than a spin-off.
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed Revelations ties up the story of Ezio Auditore, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, and Desmond Miles. The story in Revelations not only includes Ezio's quest to uncover the secrets of his order, but a romantic interest, and a complex political situation as well. You also get flashbacks of Altair's life and some brief optional excursions in Desmond's mind in the Animus, making for an intricate story.
 Somehow, it all fits together perfectly. Ezio's story seems to be the catalyst because his quest to find out more information about Altair ties itself to the social and political unrest in Constantinople. The romance between Sophia and Ezio is subtle and it is impressive how convincing they are and you find yourself believing that these two are falling in love with all the chaos around them. Overall, the story telling in Revelations is remarkable and the cinematic scenes are done right with fully developed characters in strongly written scenes.

A New City To Explore.....
   On a basic level, Revelations plays the same as the Assassin Creed games that came before. You're still accepting various missions that have you stalking, meeting, or killing targets. Some of the quests in Revelations do add to parts of the story, but more than a handful are time wasters or poorly constructed. However, the most exciting moments are Ezio exploring Constantinople and his discovery of clues about Altair's library. It's here where the "dungeon" sequences come into play. Similar to the Lairs of Romulus and the Assassin's Tombs, these excavations can take you on some fantastic adventures and these are some of the great highlights of the game.

Adventuring Is A Dangerous Business

  Even better are the chapters that feature Altair himself. Each major portion of the game includes a segment with the original assassin and players relive specific moments from his life from young to very old. Some of these missions feel slightly similar to some of Ezio's, but others are completely different. The variety keeps things from getting dull as well as the fact that they're very story driven. Some of Altair's memories even carry a certain weight and understanding of what Ezio is doing. As the game progresses, you begin to see similarities and differences between the two men, which makes the story an even more emotional and thought provoking experience.

 When it comes to gameplay, it's clear Ubisoft made a number of additions in terms of controls, weaponry, and the menu layout. The most noticeable change was a button layout change. Players can now directly access a secondary weapon (throwing knives, bombs,) in addition to a primary weapon (hidden blade, sword). This gives players more options, allowing for quick reactions during stealth missions as well as challenging combat scenes. Bombs become an extension of your combat options, offering three different categories. Choices of bombs range from standard smoke bombs to a bomb that shoots out coins luring dozens of peasants.

Climbing higher and higher....

The hook blade was also introduced, a feature playing on Ezio's hidden blade, that is perfect for zip lines and climbing to heights that seem almost unreachable. It becomes a universal tool in Revelations, for exploring the city and other locations as well as proving useful in close combat and assassination missions.

Hook blade, don't leave home without it.

 The only two parts of the game I found issue with were Den Defense and some of the game play as Desmond Miles. First of all, Den Defense really didn't add a lot to the experience of Revelations. In fact, it detracted from it. The menu is very clunky. Ezio stands on a rooftop near his headquarters as enemy troops march down the street attempting to damage the building so they can take it over. Players must install through a point and click cursor menu various barricades and a variety of assassins along the rooftops to fend off the attack. Controlling the deployment is really clunky and this mode does not mesh well with the game. Assassin's Creed's strength and focus is direct combat, not real time strategy. Frequently, I found myself fighting against overwhelming odds, which made the whole thing an irritating mess. If they bring Den Defense back, they definitely need to make a few changes and modifications to it.

 Now we come to Desmond. Desmond's sequences are completely optional in Revelations, most likely Ubisoft anticipating a divided reaction to the departure in game design. Desmond is in a coma, attempting to reclaim his mind within the Animus architecture and must navigate through Tron like worlds in first person perspective. He moves through these oddities by using two shapes of blocks he can create and place in the world. While I did like getting to hear some of Desmond's memories and his back story, I did not like the first person perspective. It's jarring at first, and it takes a lot of getting used to. I also suffer incredibly bad vertigo in first person game settings which is why I rarely play first person games. I found that while it was a bit unsettling at first, I did get used to Desmond's first person view sequences because thankfully, the camera did not bob up and down at weird angles. I could only play in brief bits however, because after a few minutes I found myself feeling quite nauseated. I truly wish his sequences had not been done in first person, but the scenes are well thought out and the puzzles actually play well. I also found myself a bit frustrated towards the end when once again, I got more questions than answers. I came to understand that they left it this way on purpose to make room for the forthcoming Assassin's Creed game in 2012, so I'll just have to wait.

 Multiplayer is augmented again in Revelations with various new modes, a variety of customization options, and a better interface along with a story mode that allows players to learn more about the Templars as they progress in the Abstergo facility. There are several modes that create unique gameplay with different match types. All of these build towards an ultimate goal which certainly rewards those who are used to focusing on a core storyline.

 Overall, Assassin's Creed Revelations gives a brilliant presentation of an intricate story line filled with gorgeous graphics, great voice acting, subtle yet powerful music, and great core gameplay. For me, this was the best Assassin's Creed yet and I know I will be playing through it again. If you've been following the stories of Altair and Ezio this far, you definitely need to see their last adventure. It's worth it.

Peter_mark84 (59 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands in Video Games

May 19, 2019  
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
2017 | Action/Adventure
Vast open world, decent enemies, enough to see and do to keep you invested (0 more)
Some missions have large difficulty spike. Especially the update missions (0 more)
Ghosting the bad guys
Had this game for years. Love the whole structure (even tho play off line). Still not the done the DLC as love the updates to the maun game that Ubisoft have released.

Missions vary from tactical steath ops (stealth or fail) to all out Gung Ho action. Even the collectables have purpose. Whether it is giving a deeper background to the story or region. Or upgrades for your gear.

The characters are your standard Tom Clancy fare. The spook, the soldiers etc. However you can't help to been drawn in.

As with all Ubi games on release and even today there are bugs. But these are not the bugs of infamy (Assassin's Creed Unity).

At some point I may actually finish this game completely. Hopefully before Breakpoint comes out. Even then I would come back to Wildlands and start over.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jan 27, 2021  
Sneak a peek at the political thriller novel OPERATION NAVAJO by Anita Dickason, Author on my blog as well as all the books in the Tracker series. (Also check out the fantastic book trailer.) Be sure to enter the GIVEAWAY to win all four books in the Tracker series!

"Whoever controls the flow of the money supply, irrespective of whether it's fiat or gold currency is the one to fear."

The imminent launch of the Feds gold-backed currency triggers more than fierce protests when a note is dropped into Federal Reserve Chairman Frank Littleton's coat pocket. The cryptic message is a warning someone plans to assassinate him. A new Tracker agent and financial crimes expert joins forces with an undercover Interpol agent to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the Federal Reserve. The case turns deadly when the agents become the target for an assassin's bullet. Stalked by a killer, can they survive to stop the assassination and prevent a global financial cataclysm?