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S.F.W. (1994)
S.F.W. (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
374. S.F.W. One of my fave movie of the 90s. I recently noticed that it was based on a novel. Read it, rewatched movie, and it was still dope... One day Cliff Spab and his best friend since birth Joe Dice head into a convenience store for smokes and beer. Unluckily for them this was also the day that a terrorist organization called Split Image decide to take the place over, and everyone that happened to be in the store as hostages. The masked men are also filming them the entire time, pretty much keeping track of them losing their minds, after all, they've only been eating junk food and beer for the past month. Obvi they make it out after putting up a fight when they've reached the end of their ropes. However, only two make it out alive, Cliff, who everyone calls Spab and a upper class young woman, Wendy. The tale starts at the end of the hostage crisis. Upon escape, Spab and Wendy realize they are now celebrities, every night on TV, millions watched the events unfold in the store. Cliff puts on a brave smart ass attitude making the public love him more, but inside he's suffering some ptsd, and he just wants to disappear. His family use him for the fame, his friends use him for the fame. His one true friend is dead. And the only one he can share any of this with is Wendy, and they are being kept apart by fame, family and all of that. Movie gives you a look at our news becoming just pure entertainment, based on money and popularity. And this was before the internet. Stephen Dorff as Spab and Reese Witherspoon as Wendy were awesome in this dark comedy, with a freaking kick ass soundtrack! Check it out! Filmbufftim on FB.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in Quinn's Rome series, but confusingly the action here takes place chronologically before the first one. The setting for this book is 69AD - the Year of the Four Emperors, so plenty of plotting and back stabbing all round.

Many of the characters in this novel did exist historically. Obviously the further back in time you go, the less information there is generally available about what actually went on, which I suppose is a good thing for the historical novelist! The novel centres around four female cousins; two sisters and their two first cousins to be precise. The sisters really did exist, although more is known about one than the other (this is clear when you have read the book and read the historical note at the end). The cousins are invented to drive the plot along; Lollia starts off almost like a WAG - seemingly a bit empty headed and marrying whoever is in favour that month, but she does develop into a more likeable, rounded character. While Diana is difficult to dislike she is a pretty flat character; she's beautiful and completely obsessed with horses and 'The Reds' chariot racing team - a bit like a football bore today I suppose! The sister-in law, Tullia, is another very one-dimensional character, probably best summed up as 'fishwife'.

Many events are based on historical fact, but there are some bits, like the cousins escaping from Rome, that seems a bit unrealistic.

Overall, I found this quite a quick (for a 400 page novel) and entertaining read, but I suspect that like Quinn's Mistress of Rome, I may well be pushed to remember any plot details in a few months time and I probably wouldn't read it again.
I Kill Giants (2017)
I Kill Giants (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
I KILL GIANTS is a movie I'd never heard of before until I stumbled across it on Netflix. Based on a graphic novel, I Kill Giants tells the story of Barbara, a young teen who lives with her older sister and brother. Barbara doesn't really have any friends, is bullied at school, is thought of as weird by everyone and is currently seeing the school psychologist (when she can be bothered). She also sets traps and bait in order to catch and kill giants, researching the different types of giants and preparing herself for when the time comes that she must protect the town from a really big one. If you've seen A MONSTER CALLS then this movie treads very similar ground to that and is also similar in style. I wasn't quite as emotional at the end of this movie as I was at the end of that one, but I did find it just as enjoyable
iZombie, Vol. 4: Repossession
iZombie, Vol. 4: Repossession
Chris Roberson | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't know anything about this series beyond the TV show before I got into it. I certainly hadn't read any reviews on this last volume before reading it either, otherwise, I would have been more prepared for the chaos and confusion. It never crossed my mind that a graphic novel could be canceled just like a tv show, but apparently, that's what happened here and explains a lot.

As I said after reading the first volume, other than the resemblance to Gwen, the TV series is so loosely based on the graphic novel that they really are two different stories. I grew used to the campy, out there-ness (I know it's not a word, but just go with it) filled with just about every supernatural creature Bella Lugosi has ever portrayed. But the way this ended was over the top and felt rushed.

The worst part was the way one of the issues was drawn in a completely different style. It was the artwork that kept me reading past the first volume. That and my natural compulsion to see stories through to the end, unless they are just THAT bad that I can't stomach it. But the overly cartoonish images felt off. Think Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go being crammed together in the same volume. It's just not the same.

If you're looking for a light read and don't care to get too invested in the characters, then this is the series for you.