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Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla II (1993) in Movies

Mar 11, 2018 (Updated Mar 11, 2018)  
Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla II (1993)
Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla II (1993)
1993 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
5.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old-school Toho monster mash follows the trend of early-90s Godzilla movies by reinventing popular characters from 60s and 70s films. Kind of suffers from the same problem as superhero films with multiple villains (cf Spider-Man 3 or Batman Forever), in that contriving a way for all the monsters to appear and interact requires some outlandish plotting and a good deal of hand-waving of implausibilities (not to mention indulgence from the audience).

In addition to Godzilla, in this film you get Mechagodzilla (well, duh), and also giant pterodactyl Rodan and Minilla (aka Baby Godzilla). The monster battles are pretty good, though there's a slight tendency towards the combatants just standing there and zapping each other with breath-rays, and the monster suits are excellent (the Rodan puppet is particularly impressive). Set against this we must place the fact that the movie doesn't actually have a plot, as such - things just happen one after the other with no sense of theme or structure. Most of the human characters are slightly annoying too. A step down from the previous few films, but still better than much of what was to follow in the late 90s and early 2000s.
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Alan Moore, Curt Swan | 1985 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmmm ... how best to describe this?

Perhaps the foreword puts it best: released back in the mid-80s, this is (now) effectivel a 'what-if', with the central conceit being that this was a story told by Lois to a Daily Planet reporter about Superman's Last Days.

I say a 'What-if' as, obviously, the Man of Steel is still around today: at the time this was released, however, DC was going through a major 'cleaning of the house'; retconning and throwing out over 50 years worth of backstory for their various properties in an attempt to reset the switch; to go back to basics (as it were). As such, it was possible (just) that this very well could have been the last Superman story ever written.

Unlike some of Moore's other works ([b:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Saga, #1)|Frank Miller||1104159]The Dark Knight Returns, for example, or even [b:Watchmen|472331|Watchmen|Alan Moore||4358649]Watchmen), this does show it's age somewhat; very much having a 'Silver Age' feel to it.
Iron Man: Extremis
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll be honest - I was one of those who, before I saw the first Iron Man movie (2008?) had no idea who the character was.

That, of course, is not the case now, after 3 solo outings (to date) and 2 'team' entries (Avengers Assemble and Age of Ultron).

As my only real exposure to the character had also only come form those movies, I was also unaware that Tony Stark's identity (as Iron Man) was NOT common knowledge - I had always thought that was one thing that had set him apart from the likes of Batman, Superman, et al.

I also later discovered that this comic was one of those that had influenced those movies - while pretty obvious in Iron Man 3 (which also deals with Extremis), it had also had an impact on the first movie - reading this comic in 2016, it's interesting to see how: from the 'reboot' of his origins from the original Vietnam War to more modern Afghanistan, to even the look of the character (this came first, remember), and to the whole 'Genius Playboy Billionaire Philantropist' persona after he is injured by his own weaponry.
The Rocketeer (1991)
The Rocketeer (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama, Family
I remember having an old game, back in the day (late 80s) in the Amiga: Rocket Ranger.

The reason I mention that?

Because it very well could have acted as inspiration for this 1991 film.

(edit: I've just discovered it's actually based on a lesser known graphic novel of the same name! Presumably so is Rocket Ranger ...)

Released in the wake of Batman, and a good couple of decades before the birth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), this stars a post-Bond Timothy Dalton on villain duty, with Bill Campbell taking on the role of Cliff Secord (who becomes The Rocketeer) and Jennifer Connolly as his love interest.

Set in 1938, this - apparently, like the comics - takes inspiration from the pulp serials of old, with director Joe Johnston bringing the same verisimilitude to the setting as he would his (much) later "Captain America: The First Avenger". Unfortunately, the film is a bit too po-faced for its own good - missing the wryness of, say, an Indiana Jones - an suffered somewhat from an unfortunate release window, sandwiched right between "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" and "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".
Batman Beyond Vol. 1: Escaping the Grave
Batman Beyond Vol. 1: Escaping the Grave
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another story from DC's Rebirth universe, set several decades from now in Neo-Gotham - or Jokerz Town as it's been dubbed. There's a new Batman on the streets and a whole gang of Jokerz. Terry, having been trained by the late Bruce Wayne, is wearing the cape and cowl now. The new clown-crazed criminals need to be dealt with - especially when they kidnap Terry's old girlfriend, Dana.

Terminal, an old school friend of Dana and now the leader of the Jokerz, has a mad plan in action. It involves the original Joker, who everyone believed to be dead.

There are several big surprises in this novel. It's a really interesting volume, definitely enticing you to read on. The readers aren't the only one being surprised, though - every character is dealt their fair share of shock in this story!

I like what I've seen of Terry so far, and his relationship with his little brother. I look forward to learning more about them. And I'm super interested to see what happens after the final plot twist was revealed. This seems like a really interesting comic, and I'm giving this issue 4 stars.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Zachary Levi is amazing and charisma leaps off screen. (1 more)
A fun enjoyable film that flew by.
Seemed a bit simplistic. (1 more)
Cooper Andrews is wasted in his supporting role.
An actual fun DC movie.
It goes without saying that most modern DC Universe movies tend to be on the dark and very serious side. So, this was a nice turn. Once the villain is introduced in typical DC dark fashion, the movie tilts to the lightness of youth and the chicanery that can ensue. So many light-hearted fun moments throughout. Zachary Levi is brilliant as the quick-quipping hero and embraces his child alter ego with ease. While the gaining understanding of powers and defeat of the villian seemed a little simplistic to me, overall it was just a fun, enjoyable film. The time flew by. It had laughs. It had heart. The cast had amazing charisma and chemistry. (Though the incredibly charismatic Cooper Andrews is kinda wasted in his supporting role.) While I think Batman and Superman need the gravitas, the light tone fit perfectly here. Great job by DC and a hope that they are making changes for the future thread of films in this universe.
The LEGO Ninjango Movie  (2017)
The LEGO Ninjango Movie (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Lloyd Garmadon, like every teenager, hates going to school. But unlike every other teenager he's hated by pretty much everyone because of his father... Lord Garmadon. Not a day goes by where he doesn't try to destroy Ninjago, and they always say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

He's not entirely alone though, with his five friends he's actually part of a special ninja team that protect the city and thwart Garmadon's evil plans.

When a new plan emerges, and it looks like Garmadon might win, Lloyd decides it's time to use the ultimate weapon. A truly devious device that in the wrong hands could see the destruction of everything.

The Lego Movie was amazing, and it's still one of my go to feel good films. Lego Batman was funny, and well, superhero-y so of course I enjoyed it. Lego Ninjago was amusing, but I really feel like it missed something. I'm trying to think of something more to say about it than "amusing", but I'm coming up a bit blank... which I think is only slightly to do with the brain melt due to man flu.