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Ross (3282 KP) rated The Last Wish in Books

Apr 13, 2018  
The Last Wish
The Last Wish
Andrzej Sapkowski | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written but didn't exactly hook me
I've read collections of short stories before but never have I cared less about what happened in them than I did here. The stories are loosely collated with an overall additional story over the top of them. The stories have something of a fairytale feel to them (one an alternate telling of Beauty and the Beast, another like Snow White gone bad, yet another has a tough of Rumpelstiltskin to it), but most invariably include some heaving cleavages and women that throw themselves at the hero.
The stories are well enough told but it may be the translation that left me struggling to concentrate on the story and my attention wandered. A very short book, this took me longer to read than it should have.
Lady and the Tramp (2019)
Lady and the Tramp (2019)
2019 | Family
The latest (I think, and at the time of writing) in Disney's reimagining of their classic films (see also: Dumbo, Aladdin, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, etc …) , with this one being a mix of live action and CGI and also - to the best of my knowledge - not actually even released in cinemas, but instead being a Disney+ exclusive even before the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic.

Sticking pretty faithfully to the same beats as the animated original - spoiled Cocker Spaniel, Street Dog, the famous Spaghettis scene (which I can't watch now without thinking of the version with Santa's Little Helper in The Simpsons) - this nonetheless does slightly change parts of the story, with the most noticeable (to me) being the Siamese Cats, who here have a completely new song but are still responsible for Lady ending up on the streets (see, I told you: all Cats are evil!).
The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince (Villains #2)
The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince (Villains #2)
Serena Valentino | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beauty and the Beast is arguably one of my favourite Disney classics. I adored Tale as Old as Time and so the Beast’s version of the villain’s tale series had some pretty big boots to fill.
The Beast Within is the second book in the villains’ series and shifts between time periods to provide the reader with an insight to the Beast’s life before and after he was cursed. This was such an interesting concept because each version of Beauty and the Beast contains the vain prince who shuns the enchantress: it’s a pretty key part of the story! However, Serena Valentino expands upon this and, although the Prince becomes no more likeable, Valentino humanises him. We learn the extent of his vanity and, to be honest, probably dislike him more than the original version!

We also receive more of an insight into the Odd Sisters within this novel. We visit their house and gain an idea of the pecking order within the foursome. Yes foursome! I have not drunk too much prosecco and can no longer count (well not yet) – the witches have a little sister.
Circe is as beautiful as her sisters are odd and also happens to be engaged to the Prince (massive coincidence I am sure) but is rejected by him when his best friend Gaston reveals that her family are pig farmers. He claims she deceived him with her beauty and is sickened by her grotesque appearance now he knows the truth.
In fact, by placing Gaston and the Prince side by side we start to think that maybe Belle made the wrong choice by dismissing the shallow hunter so quickly!
Needless to say, Circe is crushed: she accuses him of behaving like a beast, being tainted by vanity and not capable of true love. The spurned witch curses the Prince, warning him that he will slowly transform into the horrifying creature that he is within.

The fact that the reader witnesses the full transformation of Prince into Beast is really interesting and Circe’s words have a profound effect on the Prince, his grasp on his sanity and his future relationships. He veers wildly between dismissing Circe as crazy whilst simultaneously finding a bride in order to break the spell.

Naturally, the Prince is not alone in this story: Mrs Potts, Cogsworth and Lumiere unwittingly become swept up in Circe’s curse. In fact, the odd sisters taunt the Beast, implying that he is only concerned about his servants because of what they may do to him if the curse is not lifted.
Valentino does choose to express that Mrs Potts, in particular, had great affection for the Prince and Gaston as children but this isn’t really played on at all. The reader does gain the sense that the Prince is cared for by his staff but there are no real relationships developed here. Even when Lumiere realises that the Prince views the objects of the curse differently from everyone else; there lacks the compassion and assistance of their animated counterparts.
Another relationship that lacked conviction was that between the Beast and Belle. This is one of the most iconic love stories in the Disney portfolio but I’m afraid I just wasn’t feeling it. I understand that Valentino needs to focus on Tulip: she is an important character who shows the Prince’s desperation, his unwillingness to change and his escalating beastly behaviour (she also links into the next book in the series). However, the focus on Tulip seems to sacrifice any detail when it comes to Belle. Yes, we learn that she attended the original ball and that she will do anything to save her father but that’s pretty much it. The blossoming romance that ensues is witnessed third hand via the odd sisters’ mirror and it begs the question: is this the tale of Beauty’s Prince or is the tale of Circe and her sisters?

Despite Circe being the youngest, it is often implied that she is more powerful than her older sisters and, although she does seem more sane, it cannot be said that Circe is a pushover: upon learning of her sisters’ involvement in the Beast’s fate, Circe punishes them; removes the curse and creates the spinning prince complete with fireworks that we remember from the original movie. This transition from bitter, heartbroken witch to sympathetic and forgiving is unforeseen and abrupt. To be honest it felt like it was a convenient way of shoe-horning the movie ending into the book.

Overall, I loved the potential of The Beast Within. I really enjoyed learning more about the Prince’s character and seeing a side of him that the reader cannot merely brush off as young or vain: he was a truly horrible person. I also loved the little nods to the fairy-tale world, such as Gaston suggesting a ball because it all worked out for the Prince’s friend “after the business with the slipper”.
Valentino also provides hints to future novels and so the references to Ursula were very intriguing as I prepare to read ‘Poor Unfortunate Soul’ next. There is the occasional reference to the old Queen, as well as the continuation of the theme of mirrors and love as a weakness: the odd sisters really do dominate the tales.
In a way I almost feel that the book has a little too much going on: we have the beast’s battle against the curse; the odd sister’s magic; Circe and Ursula’s little tangent and the original storyline. In my opinion, all of these factors make the ending of the book very rushed. For example, the Beast juxtaposes from being unable to fall in love with someone like Belle to presenting her with an entire library just to see her smile in a matter of sentences!
It is a shame because, after the ending of ‘Fairest of All’ I was expecting so much more. I did still like the book but I didn’t love it- I felt like the book could have expanded more on the more unique/dark aspects of the story, such as the creepy statues and the Beast’s alternative view of the curse.
Ah well, you can’t love them all! Onwards and upwards to Poor Unfortunate Soul!
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Being a lover of Disney movies, while this along with two other movies being my absolute favorite. Hearing they were gonna make another 'Beauty and the Beast' I was ecstatic I immediately went to theaters. I don't think I've ever payed so much attention to a movie in a long time. I usually watch a movie one, maybe two times but I have watched this to many times to count. I personally loved Emma Watson playing Belle I don't know of anyone who could fit the role better. I still don't like Gaston, but I love the movie just as much as I did the original!

Ashley Wold (5 KP) rated A Court of Thorns and Roses in Books

Jan 31, 2018 (Updated Jan 31, 2018)  
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
World Building (1 more)
Complex characters
Slow pacing for most of the book (0 more)
I first heard about this series several months before the third book was released. I was interested because it is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I didn't know what to expect as I had never read a Maas book before; little did I know this would become one of my favourite book series!

Out of the three books, ACoTaR is my least fave, but I think it is still a good book. I couldn't put it down (despite lack of much action for most of the book), and started on the second book asap.

I wasn't very fond of the main character Feyre in this first book, and I didn't particularly like Tamlin. I was intrigued by Rhysand, and liked Lucien.

I am so glad I got into this series, and would recommend it.
A Whole New World
A Whole New World
Liz Braswell | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has had very mixed reviews… and to be honest I can see why.

The first about 1/3 of the book follows the Disney film pretty much to the letter, and without surprising anyone too much that is when the story changes.

In the film Aladdin gets the lamp… in this book he doesn’t (I won’t write “spoiler” as that bit is written on the front cover) and needless to say the camel dung hits the fan.

Where I think people might not like this book is the style of writing. Without being derogatory to the style this is very fanfictiony. You know those AU stories where one thing has changed? Well, that. At times the language is a bit too modern, it IS set in old Agrabah afterall.

I can see where the author tried to go with the plot, and while maybe not the most highbrow retelling of the story, it also wasn’t as bad as the previous reviews I’d read made it out to be. Certainly not a kids story (a tad gory, character death warning, violence etc) but a logical enough route for the bad guy winning.

Don’t go into this book expecting an epic Disney tale and you might well enjoy it. The author has rewritten Beauty and The Beast and Sleeping Beauty to follow this one, and I’m going to give them a read as well.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing protagonist (2 more)
Action packed
It's a page turner - you will not want to put the book down!
World building got confusing (0 more)
Great Start to the Series
A Court of Thorns and Roses was just a sea of feels. It took me a while to pick this up, because I'm in love with Sarah J Maas' other series, Throne of Glass, and was scared I was going to be disappointed. I was wrong. This book is a story retelling of Beauty and the Beast, but SJM just takes it to a whole other level. This book will keep you on the end of your seat, as you fall in love with the characters and the world. This is such a fantastic first book to this series, and it honestly just gets better from here on out! Definitely pick up this book if you haven't already!
The Merchant’s Daughter
The Merchant’s Daughter
Melanie Dickerson | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in the Medieval Era, Annabel and Lord Ranulf will steal your heart in this unique story that mirrors the story of Beauty and the Beast. From a nasty "Gaston" to a sweet young boy, and a caring housekeeper...The heart of the story reminds us that it is not our appearance or circumstances that define us...But our heart.

If you have read some (or all) of these books, you know that each novel can stand alone. But ultimately, they all intertwine. You can see the Family Tree on Melanie's website. I highly recommend this story and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I purchased a print copy of The Merchant's Daughter. This review is based on the audio version which I borrowed from my local library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Beastly in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Alex Flinn | 2007 | Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a small obsession with the classic fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast, so any time a new retelling comes out, I must read it. This version written by Alex Flinn is both modernized and aimed at the Young Adult genre. I was curious to see how closely it would parallel the original fairy tale and still feel like an original story, and I think that it succeeded fairly well. There were parts that felt cliche, and it certainly verged into the realm of fantasy with the presence of the witch, but not so much that I was bothered by these elements. Plus, I liked the ways that the author diverged from the original tale and added new elements, such as the continuing involvement of the witch and the character of Kyle's father.
The plot wraps around the character of Kyle Kingsbury, who becomes the Beast. The book mainly felt like a character study as he progressed from a conceited, self-involved boy to a self-sacrificing, repentant young man. This is certainly a change from most retellings of this tale, since it is usually from the viewpoint of the character who plays the role of "Beauty." Many of the side characters were also just as fascinating, such as the blind tutor who comes to live with Kyle. I love the fascination that Kyle adopted for roses and the details of their care that were included in the book, it gave the book more depth. Probably the most exciting part of the book was his frantic race through New York City and the way that he handled the reactions that he created during this foray.
I know that this book was turned into a movie recently. I have not seen it as of yet, other than the previews, but I do look forward to it. But I already know of one major difference that the movie has from the book, and that is Kyle's beastly appearance is changed to resemble extravagant and disfiguring tattoos. I'll reserve opinion on this until after I've seen the movie.
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Kaitlyn Davis | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've always loved fairy tales so when I was given the opportunity to receive an ARC of Gathering Frost I quickly jumped on it as Sleeping Beauty was one of the movies I remember my mom taking me to see in the theaters when it first came out (that's another shh moment). I love how the author took a classic fairy tale and gave it her own twist as this is definetely not the tale we grew up with.

After a catastrophic life altering event, we find ourselves with two worlds that have become one and we find that Jade is a completely different person. Strong, agile and fierce she does what needs to be done to accomplish the task at hand but she doesn't feel emotions. An encounter with Asher is the beginning of changes that she never expected, let alone believe to be possible.

I loved how well the blending of the old with the new was done and I certainly loved the scenery and characters but above all else the story. You will find yourself being transported into the story line as Ms. Davis weaves her web and I believe you will find it hard to put this book down. I certainly am looking forward to the next book as the author left us with what I call a tid bit of what's going to be her rendition of Beauty and the Beast.

You won't be disappointed!