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Dean (6925 KP) rated The Power of the Dog (2021) in Movies

Apr 1, 2022 (Updated Apr 1, 2022)  
The Power of the Dog (2021)
The Power of the Dog (2021)
2021 | Drama, Romance, Western
Benedict Cumberbatch (1 more)
Cool cinematography
A slow burner that won't be to everyone's liking (0 more)
Don't underestimate..
Finally checked this out after all the Oscar wins and nominations. Spotted it on Netflix a while ago but the trailer didn't grab me.
While set as a Western, shot in an awesome location in New Zealand, it's more of a character piece. No gun blazing here. It's the end of the Wild West era 1925 with Horses giving way to cars. A rancher and his brother are on a cattle drive. They meet a window and her young awkward son. Soon she marries the gentlemanly brother and moves to the ranch. Where they are tormented by Benendict Cumberbatch's character. At his awesome best in a more different role for him as a complex bully, mancho man exterior with a hidden depth to him.
Definitely an intellectual film with many layers and aspects to it. A lot of questions hinted at for the viewer to fill in the blanks. By the end it's a simple story told very intricately. Some great actors and beautiful photography, this will hold up well to repeat viewings.
It is very slow going to the payoff at the end and isn't the sort of film that will appeal to everyone. If you appreciate good acting and storytelling though check it out.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Doctor Strange (2016) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Marvel Meets Inception
Let’s face it; Marvel rarely gets it wrong when it comes to crafting cracking superhero blockbusters. Sure, Avengers: Age of Ultron was an overstuffed mess but it had ambition and Iron Man 2 was fine when not compared to its predecessor.

Now, one of the biggest film studios in the world takes on its biggest gamble yet – more so than Guardians of the Galaxy was, and that’s saying something! But does Doctor Strange hit all the right notes or are we looking at Marvel’s first true dog’s dinner?

Dr. Stephen Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) life changes after a car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he looks for healing, and hope, in a mysterious enclave. He quickly learns that the enclave is at the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying reality. Before long, Strange is forced to choose between his life of fortune and status or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.

Harry Potter meets Inception as director Scott Derrickson’s ambitious vision for the Marvel comic comes to life on screen. It’s one of the best looking films in the studio’s catalogue, and one that’s definitely worth paying the extra dosh for the 3D version.

When it comes to acting, the cast is, on the whole, very good. Tilda Swinton is perhaps the best character in the entire film as the ‘Ancient One’. She’s an incredible actress given the right material and despite being thinly written, she shines in this intriguing role. The rest of the cast, including Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Rachel McAdams are poorly realised and make no measurable impact on the final cut.

Mads Mikkelsen’s portrayal of Kaecilius, the film’s main antagonist, is good but Marvel continuously struggle to create interesting villains and unfortunately, Mikkelsen falls into that pot, though he’s not quite as bad as Oscar Issac’s Apocalypse from this year’s X-Men entry. Let’s hope Mikkelsen is given more time to shine in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in December.

Assessing Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance as the titular character is a little more difficult. On the one hand, he plays the deeply unlikeable Stephen Strange with the same class he brings to all his other personas; and then on the other, he seems at odds with Marvel’s global universe – the comedic elements almost feeling a little too forced, that is, in comparison to Chris Hemsworth’s mighty Thor or Paul Rudd’s sarcastic Ant-Man.

Luckily, the engaging special effects and magical story ensure Doctor Strange’s negatives are kept few and far between. Superhero films are beginning to grow a little tiresome with at least six being released this year alone, but the unique plot to this one makes certain you won’t have seen anything like it in the genre before.

Overall, Doctor Strange is a pleasing addition to the MCU, though one that isn’t quite as special as Guardians of the Galaxy was in 2014. It’s nice to have yet another character to join the growing list of Avengers but it’ll take another solo outing for Benedict Cumberbatch’s surgeon to make any sort of lasting impact.
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
On the surface, you could argue that Doctor Strange isn't all that different from Iron Man in terms of structure. Rich, white dude with a goatee lives out his life, arrogantly full of himself until a life altering incident forces him to fight to survive, setting him on a path of betterment and redemption. Whilst this is unarguably true, the fact is that this movie is so much more than retreading familiar ground. Gone are the times where superhero movies play it safe. Guardians of the Galaxy may have knocked down the doors, but Doctor Strange takes the cosmic concept, and runs full speed with it. Marvel Studios have got to the point where they can make a movie about the Dark Dimension, the Mirror Dimension, the Sorcerer Supreme, Dormammu, the multiverse, and audiences will still lap it up, and I'm here for it.

Sinister director Scott Derrickson proves to be a smart choice, as he provides us a story that's humourous, full of heart, brimming with new lore, and is visually mind bending. The aesthetic if this movie is what sets it apart from its kin. Sure it doesn't stray too far from the Marvel formula, but it does something different. Many have compared it to Inception, which isn't an unfair note, and it makes for some wonderful looking set pieces.

Benedict Cumberbatch is picture perfect as Stephen Strange himself and is joined by a stellar supporting cast. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tilda Swinton, Mads Mikkelsen, Benedict Wong, and Rachel McAdams are all great in their respective roles. Mikkelsen gives us a compelling villain in Kaecilius, jaded by an order he's followed for years and turning tail to pursue what he thinks is right (not to dissimilar to Thanos in that respect). We're also introduced briefly to Dormammu, which is certainly exciting to any fans of the comics. With the Infinity Saga all wrapped up, this could prove to be seed planting for a future big bad.

Doctor Strange could have easily just been another run of the mill origin story (which some believe it is, and that's ok!) but for me, it's so much more. It manages to build on Marvel lore, whilst teasing future story lines by flirting with the Multiverse and the Dark Dimension, all while never losing focus on its very human story. It's a fantastic first outing for one of Marvel's more out there characters and one of my favourites of the whole franchise.
Brexit: The Uncivil War (2019)
Brexit: The Uncivil War (2019)
2019 | Drama, History
A painful watch
I have to admit, I’m a little undecided about this. On one hand I found it informative and amusing, but on the other I found it such a difficult and painful thing to watch.

The performances in this were great, especially Benedict Cumberbatch and Rory Kinnear. There were some hilarious takes on some of the politicians, it didn’t shy away from allowing them to come across as conceited a-holes, and the impression of Boris Johnson wasmost notable. Yes it was probably verging on parody, but it brought some much needed humour to the film. It’s well shot and scripted, and it is undoubtedly very smart and has obviously picked up a few pointers from the likes of House of Cards. It was interesting to see the story of someone I’ve never even heard of (politics isn’t my strong point I’ll admit) and to see what happened in the background of Brexit - or at least this film’s version of events... I am concerned that this has tried to summarise Brexit in the space over 2 hours and doesn’t seem to include as much detail as it should.

My main issue with this though is that as a Remainer, this is a painful thing to watch. Considering Brexit is still very much ongoing and fresh for anyone in the UK, it raises the question of whether we really needed to see this film right now. It’s not exactly putting our minds at ease, and instead seems to be raising more questions and causing more ructions. But then conversely, I can see the reasons why it would be the perfect time to release this, because we haven’t even left yet. It’s very divisive, and I honestly can’t quite decide exactly how I feel about this. It’s definitely informative and well made, just very difficult to swallow.
Show all 4 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 12, 2019

Is it on Netflix? I'll give it a shot.


Sarah (7798 KP) Jan 12, 2019

It was just on a normal tv channel over here. It may be on Netflix in the US though?

The Grinch (2018)
The Grinch (2018)
2018 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
This iteration of the Dr. Seuss holiday classic is from Universal Studios and Illumination (the creators that brought you “Despicable Me” and “Minions”). You may recognize the voices of Benedict Cumberbatch (The Grinch), Rashida Jones (Donna Who, Cindy-Lou Who’s mother), Kenan Thompson (Mr. Bricklebaum The Grinch’s closest, by distance, neighbor), Pharrell Williams (The Narrator) and Angela Landsbury (The Mayor).

The storyline follows the original story loosely, focusing on The Grinch and Cindy-Lou Who. We are given a look at how The Grinch came to hate Christmas. The back story credibly explains why he despises the holiday and all that goes with it. We do get to see his relationship with his loyal dog Max. The Grinch is portrayed as a grump, but he is endearing to his dog.

Cindy-Lou Who has a plan to execute in order to accomplish her Christmas wish. We learn that her wish is for her mom and she feels it important to get her message to Santa in time for Christmas day. With her best friend Axl and the rest of her gang, they hatch a plan for Cindy to catch Santa and give him the message. Meanwhile, The Grinch has his own Christmas plans to put together.

The movie has the basic framework of the Seuss holiday tale, the animated feature gives the characters more of a personality than the original. We are endeared to Cindy-Lou Who and her friends that support her dreams as well as seeing The Grinch showing that he loves his dog, the loyal companion and helper. He is not all bad and is redeemable.

“The Grinch” is a cute, charming family film that brings the audience into the Holiday Season. It is a movie that the little ones can appreciate and the adults can enjoy as well. This is a good, kid friendly, animated feature.
Penguins Of Madagascar (2014)
Penguins Of Madagascar (2014)
2014 | Animation
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Those cute little feathery spy guys are back in an all new action packed adventure. If you are unfamiliar with the Penguins of Madagascar animated series on Nick there is no need to worry. Here is a quick rundown; Skipper is the leader, Kowalski is the brains, Rico is the loose cannon, and Private is the rookie. This film takes off right after Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted when the Penguins are trying to escape from the Afro Circus song that seems to be driving everybody insane but also shows how they became a group and got their start.

   This lighthearted film takes a break from all others that seem to always tug at those heartstrings. It is packed full of recognizable actors and a great script. The Penguins themselves are voiced by not so recognizable actors but are the ones who worked on Madagascar like animators directors etc. The real recognizable voices are those from the rival espionage crew the North Wind. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the gray wolf leader of a pack, Ken Jeong from the Hangover films, as a cute little seal, Annet Mahendru as an owl and Peter Stormare as a polar bear with a huge heart. Let’s not forget the big purple octopus villain played by John Malkovich whom has the perfect villain voice.
   The script is chalk full of great humor for both kids and adults and is very entertaining. The writers used a lot of clever word play and great gags to entertain the audience throughout the entire film. Visually though the film can be viewed in 3D but as in most films it is not necessary to enjoy the 90 minutes of sheer silliness. This is a great film to take the kiddies to and also the adults like myself who are big fans of the flightless feathered quartet.
4 out of 5 herring
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
This one seems to have received a very mixed reception among Trek fans, but I absolutely loved it when it first came out, giving it 4.5/5 in one of my early One Mann’s Movies reviews.

I find the pre-titles sequence on this one a real blast, both thrilling in content and enormously funny with the primitive stone age race trashing their previous relic in favour of their new Enterprise-shaped deity! And then the dramatic pseudo-blackmailing of Harewood, (an impressive Noel Clarke, when he was being given better roles that he is at the moment), to Michael Giacchino’s awesome “London Calling” music, is a truly memorable bit of movie-making.

The cast have all settled into their roles nicely. Chris Pine’s Kirk is still the arrogant ladies man (e.g. bedding twin aliens and chatting up the starfleet totty…. “Hi Ladies… Jim Kirk”), but learning the hard way that with great power comes at least a modicum of responsibility. He actually needs to act in this movie. And I find Scotty (Simon Pegg) slightly less grating in this outing (though his sidekick Keenser (Deep Roy) is still the annoying Jar Jar Binks of these films).

Benedict Cumberbatch adds great gravitas as the arch villain, and his announcement of his name was one of those “I am your father” movie-moments for me on first viewing.

It’s also the last screen appearance of Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime – indeed, his last movie appearance period. A nice and fitting way to bow out.

My rating here is a little lower than my previous OMM rating. It’s attempts to shoehorn-in scenes and dialogue from an earlier Trek movie are a misstep by the writers, and grate on repeat viewing. But it’s still a cracking episode in the Trek saga, and another of my personal favourites.
Thrawn Ascendancy Book I: Chaos Rising
Thrawn Ascendancy Book I: Chaos Rising
Timothy Zahn | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grand Admiral Thrawn


The blue-skinned, red-eyed Imperial antagonist of Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire' series of Star Wars novels from the early 90's, and one of - if not [i]the[/i] breakout characters from that book.

Yet to make his appearance in live action (as an aside, I imagine maybe someone like Benedict Cumberbatch in the role), although he is one of the few characters to survive the 'great purge' when Disney bought out Lucasfilm and re-branded the old Expanded Universe as 'Legends', appearing in the later seasons of the animation 'Star Wars: Rebels'.

This is the first in a new trio of novels, with the opening text reading something along the lines of: 'A long time ago beside a galaxy far far away ...' which, in itself, helps set the scene. Beside a galaxy. So we're not in the realms of the Empire/The Rebellion here, or even in the realm of the Clone Wars, although we are - as the novel later makes clear when Thrawn encounters a key character from that period of time - in that particular era.

So, a prequel then? Maybe, but - I have to say- to me, this particular version of Thrawn just somehow *feels* different than that from the old EU. There's a certain Je Ne Sais Qua about that - I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's like meeting the identical twin brother of your best friend: they may look alike, sound alike and even dress alike but there's a certain indefinable *something* that's not quite right ...

Is it this version of Thrawn's political naivety? His seemingly not-quite-so-ruthless tactical genius? I don't know, but I will probably read more to see if/how the character evolves into that I am more familiar with.