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Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
1938 | Classics, Comedy, Romance
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Perfect Example of a "Screwball Comedy"
It's always a bit of a crap-shoot when one shows an 82 year old, black and white film to a couple of college age students. But, with a film as crazy/zany as the 1938 Howard Hawks screwball comedy BRINGING UP BABY, the odds are in your favor.

The college students loved it.

Starring Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn - in their screwball comedy best - BRINGING UP BABY tells the story of a paleontologist (Grant) who is looking to land a $1 million donation, but ends up crossing paths with a wealthy heiress (Hepburn) - who marches to the beat of her own drum.

Told at breakneck speed by Hawks - a trademark of screwball comedy - BRINGING UP BABY is smart, witty, wacky and very, very funny. I was surprised at this viewing just how fast-paced this film is - you do not come up for a breath throughout the entire film. It's a bit exhausting - and exhilarating - kind of like hanging onto a wild roller coaster ride.

Remembered more for their dramatic roles, Hepburn and Grant are marvelous as the 2 leads of this film, they banter back and forth - quickly - throughout the film, they have tremendous chemistry with each other and their patter is a hallmark of these types of films and I was amazed at the dexterity and timing of these 2 pros. They make the dialogue work by not commenting on the comedy of it, but just moving onto the next scene, the next line, the next situation.

The supporting cast - featuring such rubber faced character actors as Charles Ruggles, Barry Fitzgerald, Fritz Feld and Leona Roberts - are just as good and add to the insanity that is seen on the screen. All corralled beautifully by one of the greatest Directors of the Old Hollywood era (the era before 1960), Howard Hawks who would end up directing a few years later the epitome of the screwball comedy - HIS GIRL FRIDAY - but who also Directed such classics as SCARFACE, THE BIG SLEEP, TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT and GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES as well as quite a few John Wayne westerns like RED RIVER, RIO BRAVO and EL DORADO.

Oh...and did I mention...the 3rd leading performer of this film is a Leopard?

If you are looking to introduce someone (or maybe yourself) to a film type of a bygone era - you could do worse than BRINGING UP BABY - a screwball comedy that clips along in 102 fast-paced minutes.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
The Nice Guys (2016)
The Nice Guys (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Witty script (1 more)
Crowe & Gosling
Far fetched plot (0 more)
An original laugh
The Nice Guys is directed by Shane Black and stars Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as two very different kinds of private investigators. The movie is great and has Shane Black’s fingerprints all over it. It is especially reminiscent of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and the Lethal Weapon movies. Typical flawless hero Ryan Gosling is cast here perfectly as a burnt out alcoholic wimp of a man, his comedic timing is perfect and seeing that in tandem with Russell Crowe’s no nonsense hard man act makes for fantastic chemistry and comedy gold. The plot is kind of all over the place, but a tight, cleverly written script holds the whole thing together.
Preacher  - Season 1
Preacher - Season 1
2016 | Drama
This show is based on the comics of the same name, by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, and retains all the black humour, sick scenes and top notch dialogue of the comics.
The plot sees Preacher Jesse Custer somehow imbued with Genesis, a divine presence that gives him the power to tell people what to do. His conflict with local businessman (meat and electricity, what an empire!), Quincannon sees him try to use Genesis to convince the town that God exists.
This is a gritty, dark comedy with moments of genuine laugh out loud jokes as well as truly disturbing but life-like scenes.
Given how well this was delivered, I cannot wait to see how Amazon's treatment of The Boys plays out!
Spooks Run Wild (1941)
Spooks Run Wild (1941)
1941 | Comedy, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The East Side Kids Meet Dracula
Spooks Run Wild- is a funny entertaining horror movie starting the East Side Kids and of course Bela Lugosi as the creepy man/villian.

The plot: The East Side Kids are sent to summer camp, and shortly after arriving they encounter a mysterious man named Nardo (Bela Lugosi). Naturally, the Kids assume Nardo is the "monster killer" they've been warned about. Their theory is strengthened when they see Peewee (David Gorcey), seemingly risen from the dead after getting shot, walking around Nardo's house in a zombie-like trance. The Kids take it upon themselves to capture Nardo before he can kill anyone else.

Like i said its funny entertaining and over a good black and white comedy horror film.
Shallow Hal (2001)
Shallow Hal (2001)
2001 | Comedy
6.2 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Sweet Little Comedy
Story: Shallow Hal starts as we meet Hal (Black) who was given advice from his father to never settle always shot for the stars when trying to meet women. Now in adult life he is a nice guy but he only targets models, always striking out, even if his friends try to convince him to learn about the women first.
After getting trapped in an elevator with Anthony Robbins a television hypnotist, he pulls a trick on him to see women for their inner beauty, which sees him meeting Rosemary (Paltrow) seeing her as a beautiful women, when she is really a bigger women, somebody Hal would never give a second glance to, Hal’s best friend Mauricio (Alexander) is getting worried his friend has changed.

Thoughts on Shallow Hal

Characters – Hal saw his father die young giving him one piece of advice, never settle when it comes to the ladies. Keeping that in his mind he has only ever tried to date models, without much success. He gets hypnotised into seeing the inner beauty only which to meet Rosemary a bigger woman he only sees as a beautiful woman, which sees him learn the lesson in life that people are not just what the outside shows. Rosemary is the woman Hal sees as a beautiful model, but she is a bigger girl with a heart of gold, which under the spell that Hal is under he doesn’t see, she is reluctant to let Hal into her life, but eventually believes him to be good. Mauricio is the shallow best friend of Hal’s, they have both only tried to date the beautiful women, he sees something wrong with his friend and tries to fix it. Steve Shanahan is Rosemary’s father and Hal’s boss who sees the positives in Hal, but will protect his daughter at any cost.
Performances – Jack Black in the lead of a comedy like this works wonders, he can play both sides with ease being the charmer that isn’t afraid whether he strikes out or not. Gwyneth Paltrow is great too showing she can handle comedy without needing to be the one running with the jokes. Jason Alexander provides fun supporting role that shows his skills in comedy.
Story – The story here follows a man Hal that believes he can only date models after being raised to never settle for less, when he gets hypnotised he learns to admire the inner beauty in women never seeing any of their outside flaws like the rest of the world, we are left to see if he can learn to just ignore everything once the spell wears off. This is an interesting look at romance, it shows us just how important trying to find love can be and getting to know a person is more important than anything else. This aside we do seem to have one flaw in the story and that is only some of the people change, while others remain completely the same, which does seem strange and it also only seems to show people that volunteer being less attractive, while the career driven women more than men are seen to be ugly inside. That aside we are focusing more on the struggles that Hal’s friend is facing with his change, more than Hal needing to learn about his changes.
Comedy/Romance – The comedy largely comes from Jack Black, while some of the lines seem awkward when we know the difference between the two Rosemary’s he delivers his comedy in such a confident way it shines through, with the romance being about how falling in love can happen with the person you least expect at times.
Settings – The film is set in the big city and shows how people can be ignored at times, while other times they could be right there in your life.

Scene of the Movie – Leaving Party.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – We do seem to imply that women who volunteer are beautiful on the inside, not career women.
Final Thoughts – This is a comedy that hits most of its marks, it plays into Jack Black’s strengths proving that giving him the right material he can improve any movie.

Overall: Funny for the Most Part.
Horse Feathers (1932)
Horse Feathers (1932)
1932 | Classics, Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I watch this with my family a lot. All of the Marx Brothers movies have been very popular in the Columbus household for the last 20 years or so. I was a bit of a dictator making my kids watch these movies. They grew up with them because kids are really reluctant to watch black-and-white films. Our family loved the Marx Brothers films, and for some reason the one that we always went back to, and the one that we were obsessed with, was Horse Feathers. It’s 1932, so that’s going back a long way. Yet at the same time I would show that movie to my kids who were seven and five and three, and they were mesmerized. I learned a lot about comedy and breaking the rules in that movie — in terms of comedy — which extended to seeing movies like Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein and Annie Hall to a certain extent. The Marx Brothers started it all, and it’s smart comedy. The funny thing about the movie is, there are scenes that, still for me and my family, are falling down funny. So they can watch that movie and take away from it — maybe laugh a little harder than they do at some of the more modern comedies. That movie — and there’s like five or six Marx Brothers movies — is just a wonderful sort of family experience and that’s why it’s on the list."
