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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Beautiful to watch (1 more)
Good battle scenes
Destroyed some of what was set up in the last film (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I know I am late to the party just seeing today, but I think this film has gotten a bad wrap. I went in to it listening to the negative Nancy's out there, but the film ultimately turned me around and I enjoyed a lot.

Yes it did borrow a lot from the other Star Wars films, but it also went in a few surprising directions also. I was a bit surprised they did not resolve Leia's character since the death of Carrie Fisher, I'm sure that will be explained in the next film.

Mark Hamill was on record as saying he disagreed with the direction of Luke, but I'm not sure what he wanted to happen. I suppose some grand death scene after saving the universe once again and going out in a blaze of glory, but who is to say that won't still happen.

I think what it boils down to is people are unwilling to be left in suspense. Those of us who are old enough to remember know how we felt when we had to wait three years to see if Han Solo would get free of the carbonite and how the Rebellion would prevail against the Empire the first time around, so I say just be patient and see how it all comes together in the end (it had Better)!
Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy, #4)
Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy, #4)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the original trilogy with Nevada and Connor "Mad Dog" Rogan a few years ago now but I loved it, so the chance to continue the series with the two younger sisters was a big YES!

It's been three years since Nevada and Connor got married in Diamond Fire and now Catalina is the head of House Baylor. She gets a visit from Augustine - who runs a large PI type firm - and is asked to help talk a fifteen year old down from a hospital ledge after the death of his mum and sister and she immediately agrees. What follows draws Catalina into helping her friend find out who killed their family and she finds her teenage crush, Alessandro, is somehow involved in it.

I really enjoyed this, as I have the previous books in this series. The action barely stops throughout, there's always something happening keeping you hooked.

It was a complicated web for the team to unravel with trying to find out the murderer of Runa and Ragnar's mum and sister and I was drawn into that mystery.

And then the romance. God, I don't know who to slap first. Catalina for not telling Alessandro how she felt, or Alessandro for leaving in the end, though we very clearly see in that epilogue that he doesn't particularly want to leave.

I cannot wait for Emerald Blaze to released in August so I can see these two meet again and hopefully work it out!
The Scarecrow (Jack McEvoy #2)
The Scarecrow (Jack McEvoy #2)
Michael Connelly | 2009 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Jack End His Career in a Blaze of Glory?
After a decade covering crime for The Los Angeles Times, Jack McEvoy has just gotten let go due to budget cuts. He has two weeks left to train his replacement, but he also intends to use that time to write one last major story. He thinks he’s found that story when he hears about Alonzo Winslow, a sixteen-year-old drug dealer in prison for a brutal murder he denies committing. As Jack investigates, he once again crosses paths with FBI agent Rachel Walling. Can the two of them figure out what is really going on?

I enjoyed Jack and Rachel’s first book, so I was glad to finally get to their second novel. They make a great team, and their characters are as strong as ever. The rest of the cast is just as great. The mystery is full of twists and thrills, and I always had a hard time putting the book down. The book did get a bit too far into the details a couple of times for my taste, but fortunately, those scenes didn’t last long. I do wish that author Michael Connelly would figure out a way to set up his climatic set pieces without stopping the story to give us data dumps. It’s always obvious when that happens, too. It’s a minor issue, but still something that makes me rolls my eyes. Overall, this is a strong thriller that kept me engaged until I reached the end.
The Cowboy and the Outcast (Farthingdale Valley #3)
The Cowboy and the Outcast (Farthingdale Valley #3)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE OUTCAST is the third book in the Farthingdale Valley series. We see Gabe and Blaze, as well as Royce and Jonah, but it's time for Marston and Kell to take the spotlight - somewhere neither of them likes to be!

Kell had the perfect life, a good kid, with a bright future waiting for him. That is until he came out. And then that life crumbled - painfully and horribly. My heart broke for him, it really did. Marston, well, Marston didn't have that bright future but he did the best he could with what he had. I would have liked more about his past - as he grew older, if his siblings ever made an appearance (although I'm guessing not).

So many parts of this story touched me, some in a very personal manner. The writing is simply first-class. The actions and reactions are all understandable and make 100% sense to the person involved. There is no unnecessary drama and yet my eyes were still leaking on more than one occasion.

And one other thing... I'd love to hear more about Bede!!! Just saying!

The best of the series so far, in my opinion, and that's saying a lot as I thoroughly enjoyed every word of the previous books. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 27, 2023
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE HOODLUM is the second book in the Farthingdale Valley series. Gabe and Blaze are still around but it is the turn of Royce and Jonah to find their happiness.

Oh, man. Where to start? First of all, I liked that Royce was fussy and acknowledged it. I liked that the others saw it too. Jonah is the typical bad boy who, when given the opportunity, finds peace in nature and sees the possibility of a different life. But this story isn't just about Royce and Jonah, it's also about Beck. And, oh boy, he's a character!!! As much as I wanted to dislike him, I could understand his feelings.

Royce is the right man for Jonah, being just what he needs. Having a partner who was loud and obviously disagreed with Jonah's choices wouldn't have worked. Instead, Jonah tries to please Royce just for one of his smiles. Let me just say, Royce is a better character than I am! He was way too easy-going and forgiving in my mind but then, I 'may' be able to hold a grudge, or so I've been told. 😂

Very different and very good. I definitely recommend this or any of the books by this author!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 6, 2023
I Hate You
I Hate You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

This starts with Charisma - Charm, to her friends - coming back to college after break and dreading seeing the guy who dumped her rather publicly. He just happens to be a football player and one of the most popular guys at school so everyone knows what happens, which Charm finds hard to deal with. The only issue is neither of them are happy about what went down. Charm thought things were going well, despite the rules she set down, while Blaze ended it believing that he'd end it before Charm did. As they spend several classes together it's hard for them to continue to fight the attraction between them and neither really wants to try anymore.

This actually pulled at my heart strings more than I thought it would. At the beginning I was very much Team Charm. The dumping had come out of nowhere and I felt sorry for her with it being done so publicly and out of the blue. But the more I read, the more I got in Blaze's head, the more I began to understand his thinking. He had issues due to his childhood.

I'll admit that I wanted to bang the characters heads together a few times to try and knock some sense into them. They annoyed me in how stubborn they were being. Both wanted it to be something more but they still refused to let the other one in. GAH!

Nevertheless, I did really enjoy this and would love to read more of Blaze's football player friends, mainly Dillon with his charm and love of the ladies just to see who would win his heart.
A Dragon's Heart
A Dragon's Heart
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
183 of 200
A dragons Heart
By Terry Bolryder

A mate worth fighting for…

Tor and Perry are Dragon shifters, powerful protectors of their region and the people and shifters in it. With the world only getting more evil, Tor and Perry know there’s only one thing to do. Find a mate, one brave enough to be gifted with a third dragon power to join their triad. They just need to find someone brave. Too bad the only woman they seem to be interested in is their curvy secretary, a woman they found hiding under a desk…

Lexie knows she’s no hero. Always the first to run, she is just grateful the dragons found her when they did and rescued her from a bad situation. She’s fine just being their secretary, as it gives her a safe place while they try to track down the people that are still after her. Even if being around tall, dark and handsome Tor and graceful, elegant Perry is starting to do funny things to her lady bits.

As the three work together in close quarters, sparks fly between Lexie and her dragon employers, threatening to ignite into a blaze. But though they know they can’t be together, they can’t resist stoking the flames, and when trouble catches up, all three will have to decide just what they are willing to lose, and what’s really worth fighting for…
Read preview >

Ok so I’ve read a few of Terry Bolryders books now and they follow a pattern and are decent reads, after finishing the Tiger box set this was added to the end and I found myself getting emotional god knows if it’s just me but this story was one of the best! I absolutely loved the Tor! These books are fabulous for those that love the shifters!
Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn
2017 | Action/Adventure
Diverse combat, beautiful open world, interesting story (0 more)
Some annoying enemies, mouth syncing (0 more)
Post Apocalypse without zombies and gangs
Where do I start on this game?
When I first saw it was announced, I was hyped. Then my hype died upon seeing gameplay and as time went by. I eventually decided I was going to take a risk and play it upon release. The next 3 days I was nowhere to be found as I put 50 hours into the game. Its so easy to fall in love with the characters and become invested in the story while still getting happily lost in the vast open world of post-apocalyptic Utah.

Even when you finish the main game, there are very likely plenty of side missions (many of which are unique in their own right) to complete. I first discovered an enemy AFTER I'd beaten the main game and had to figure out which method of attack would be best to tackle the beast. There is so much variety in your attacks from tying enemies down and running at them with your spear to tearblasting their armor off and hitting some carefully placed precision arrows. My favorite takedown is shooting the blaze canisters on enemies' bodies with fire arrows and watching as they detonate with a big kaboom.

I had to really think about what would keep this game from being a 10/10 and I realized that there are some enemies that just got on the nerves. Oftentimes Glinthawks would never come near the group and would constantly be moving, shooting ice at you. I had to learn through a mission a good way into the game that Glinthawks are susceptible to fire which will knock them down pretty quickly for some spear attacks. Also, the wonderful Ashley Burch's voice would often sound much differently than it would if they went by the mouth movements that Aloy made.

Akward (448 KP) Aug 24, 2018

Man, I love this gam, but I totally agree about the mouth syncing. All of their upper lips look so stiff. It's like the motion capture actors were chewing tobacco the whole time.

Blue Fire
Blue Fire
Z.A. Maxfield | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
it hit THAT spot, good and proper!
This was a freebie in August 2019.
Jared loses his home to a wildfire, and Adam rescues him. Adam doesn’t usually follow up his rescues, but Jared calls to his soul, deeply. When Jared isn’t recovering from his depression, Adam takes a chance and takes Jared to the place Adam calls home. Just when things start looking up, Jared runs. Years later, when Jared finds out Adam has been injured, Jared has moment of clarity, and realises he might have run away from the only person who made him truly whole. Will Adam see him, let alone listen to him?
I really rather enjoyed this!
It’s not very long, some 80 odd pages, only took me an hour to read, but it was a very enjoyable hour on a wet and miserable Wednesday morning!
Jared is still grieving the loss of his husband to cancer, and now the house he built has been destroyed and Jared feels destroyed too. Adam, with his ice blue eyes, rescues Jared from the blaze and visits him in rehab. Adam feels a powerful need to look in on Jared, to look AFTER Jared, and taking him to the cabin in the hills seems just the thing. And it was, till one of them says something, that sends them both into a tailspin and Adam has to return to work. After Jared runs, three years pass, and Jared’s glass work centres around his search for that perfect blue, the one that touches his soul. But it isn’t until Adam is injured, that Jared knows he’ll never find that perfect blue in a glass bauble.
I felt for both these guys. Adam, fighting his growing feelings for Jared, and Jared who is still recovering, and fighting all kinds of inner demons of his own.
They both have a say, in the third person. It’s hot and steamy in places, and deeply emotional in others.
It just hit THAT spot, you know? The warm and fuzzies one.
First I’ve read of this author, I’d love to read more!
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Look For Me
Look For Me
Lisa Gardner | 2018 | Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DD Warren is trying to find out who has killed the Baez family. Mother, Justine; her boyfriend, Charlie; her youngest daughter, Lola; and her only son, Manny. But there is another child, Roxanna, as well as two dogs, Rosie and Blaze. Where are they? Did Roxanna do this to her family? If so, why? But Roxy was the protector of the family. Her mom is a recovering alcoholic and when she was drinking Roxy made sure her siblings ate and made it to school. When the state took the kids away from Justine for a year, this role for Roxy became more prominent. After that year, the girls were never the same. Did something happen during their year in foster care that could have warranted this kind of violence? Will DD be able to find the person or people responsible for this before more people are killed? Will her new CI, Flora Dane prove to be helpful or detrimental to this case?

Thank you to NetGalley and Dutton Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

When I made the request from NetGalley for this book, I was intrigued by the description and didn't know that this was the 9th book in the series. I don't think that I needed to read the entire series to get into this book, but I'm sure the background on some of the characters would have been helpful. So, I'm definitely going to go back now and read the rest of the series.

Can you imagine coming home and finding your whole family dead? Your younger sister clutching your brother in order to protect him from a crazy killer? How do you come back from that? Over the course of a few days Detective DD Warren is trying to find out who could do such a thing to this family. With the help of confidential informant, Flora Dane, will they be able to find the killer as well as find Roxana before it's too late. Who would want to hurt these people? What did they do? So many questions and the answers can't come fast enough, until they all do come crashing into one another in one fell swoop.

I can't wait to read more books in this series.