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Laura Jean Anderson is an LA-based singer-songwriter from Olympia, Washington. Not too long ago, she released an EP of live in-studio tracks, entitled, “Live From Studio Hotel Earth”.

The 6-track project contains songs from her debut EP, entitled, “Lonesome No More”, alongside a cover of The White Stripes’ “I’m Lonely (But I Ain’t That Lonely Yet)” single.

“I miss my mother, I miss being her one. As crazy as I was, I guess I wasn’t much fun. Sometimes, I miss her so much, want to hop on the next jet. I get lonely, but I ain’t that lonely yet.” – lyrics

‘I’m Lonely (But I Ain’t That Lonely Yet)’ tells a depressing tale of a young woman who is in need of human contact. Apparently, she doesn’t want to bother her loved ones, therefore, she doesn’t tell them that she misses them.

Later, she admits that sometimes she wants to give them a call, but doesn’t want to feel like a pest. Even though she feels regret for being desolate, she keeps on keeping on. What she really wants is to find a friend, someone who she can talk to one on one.

‘I’m Lonely (But I Ain’t That Lonely Yet)’ contains a gloomy storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and guitar-driven instrumentation flavored with sentimental blues and folk elements.

“Making a record and having the vast possibilities of production and instrumentation is exciting, but there is something special about limitation. This live EP brings the songs back to how they were written. Back to those intimate moments of writing alone late at night with just me and my guitar. These songs are really personal to me. All about very vivid moments and stories of my life so being able to record them stripped-down and intimately was really emotional but beautiful. The day of the recording was really special for me. I’m a huge believer in the power of a community of people. So it was really special having my old friend Theo Karon record this in his new studio.” – Laura Jean Anderson

Laura Jean Anderson had a strict Mormon upbringing. During her teenage years, she used music as an outlet for rebellion and enhanced her vocal skill in church choirs.

After a bronchitis-ridden audition, she gained acceptance to California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), where she studied classical voice.

Since then, she has gained experience as a blue collared musician who built her career working odd jobs which involved painstaking hard labor.

Get acquainted with her music by streaming her “Live From Studio Hotel Earth” EP via Spotify.

Laura Jean Anderson recorded her “Live From Studio Hotel Earth” EP in one-take.

Also, this summer, she will embark on a tour as direct support with L.A. alt-rock outfit Grizfolk.
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Norman F**king Rockwell by Lana Del Rey
Norman F**king Rockwell by Lana Del Rey
2019 | Indie, Pop
I have had a mixed relationship with the music of Lana Del Rey since her sensational debut album, Born To Die in 2010. I loved that album, and played it a lot! I still do. But always felt like it wasn’t really for me, yet I couldn’t help replaying it and humming the tunes. I also loved the lyrics, with their scathing satire of American life and values, and their downbeat vibe, always on the point of mania or depression, but never crying out for help, merely saying “look, this is our world, fuck it!” The trouble was, for the next 4 albums, despite one or two standout songs, the message and tone got mired in monotony and lack of memorable melodies – although the lyrics were still there.

I had all but given up hope of her becoming an artist of real worth by the end of the decade. It was a case of “remember when Lana Del Rey was the next big thing?” So, I was not expecting her sixth album to be not only very very good again, but potentially her best work to date, even surpassing Born To Die! You could hear it on the first listen – which for me took till December last year, despite its late August release. The reviews had been great, the award nominations rolled in and my attention was caught by this artist once again.

It took only a handful of listens before I had decided this was a great album! And now I am playing it a couple of times a week, continuing to get more out of the lyrics every time. It also plays really well as quiet background music, or loud, as a melancholy rock-out – a trick that isn’t easy to achieve. Her knowing nod to pop culture references, and the divine mixture of 50s Americana, folk and blues, can be a wonderful thing when it works. With six singles already released, there is proof this album has a more solid backbone tune-wise than the previous four efforts.

The task now is making her brand popular again in the singles market, as not one of the six released made it into the top 40, either stateside or in UK. However, the album was #3 in America and #1 in the UK, which gives me more hope that what we are seeing is the maturing of a genuine music artist, and not just an act, existing for sales. There are many, especially solo female artists, that could follow that example; worry more about making good music and less about “the product” and great things can happen.

For me, I love tracks 1-5 played in that order: they are all great tunes, and Venice Bitch at a playing time of 9:38 is an epic pop opus that makes me want to stand up and applaud! The final track, Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have, But I Have It, is also highly praiseworthy, summing up the message of the whole work beautifully. And it is a fine, honest, feminist, strong yet always vulnerable message. California is a long way away from my world, but I feel I know what she is talking about, somehow.

Look out also for some mesmeric retro home-movie videos on YouTube that segue some of the songs into a dreamy montage. Big fan!

Justin Young recommended track Dancing Queen by ABBA in Gold: Greatest Hits by ABBA in Music (curated)

Gold: Greatest Hits by ABBA
Gold: Greatest Hits by ABBA
1993 | Rock

Dancing Queen by ABBA

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"I didn’t really know about ABBA when I was growing up, they’re one of those bands you think you’d get into through your parents, but my parents didn’t listen to them. I think the first time I heard them properly was in Muriel’s Wedding, obviously that wasn’t a cool thing so they became a kind of guilty pleasure, but when Mamma Mia! came out in my late teens I was ‘Damn, all of these songs are so fucking good.’ “I have this list of songs in my head that I think are perfect, obviously that’s completely subjective, but they’re untouchable pop masterpieces like ‘God Only Knows’, ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, ‘Waterloo Sunset’ and ABBA have so many of them. There’s a humanity in their songs but they also feel like ‘how could anyone have made something so perfect?’ The writing, the production, the arrangements, even the way their voices sound, it has the same effect as when siblings sing. Their voices are unbelievable, sometimes I think ‘is that a weird harmony?’ but it’s just the way their voices sound together, it’s incredible. “This song makes me well up because it’s so perfect, but it’s also so silly, it makes me want to throw my hands in the air, I want to dance when I hear it and I want to smile. You feel silly when you hear it, you feel camp and like a character in Muriel’s Wedding or Mamma Mia! when it comes on. It’s an amazing feeling and that is the power music isn’t it? “The other thing you have to remember is that one of the things that made The Beatles so amazing and such an interesting proposition and a reason why people really like The Velvet Underground as well, is because they changed the way songs were written, they rewrote the rulebook. Before then all music essentially sounded the same, everyone was using the same three or four chords and melodies, that kind of Rockabilly and Rock and Roll, all operating in the same framework, even the blues, The Stones and The Beach Boys, until they started breaking the rules too. But ABBA were making this music only ten or twenty years after pop music as we know it began to exist and it’s so innovative. “You know when people talk about their favourite bands? They’re a band who if you’re in a car, someone could put on an hour of ABBA and I’d like every song and there’s bands who I consider to be my favourite bands who I couldn’t say that about. It’s banger after banger, I guess it depends what mood you’re in, actually I was listening to them in a car the other day and someone told me to turn it off! “It’s mind-bending how good they are when they’re at their best. I think music is more often than not written about as art, but it’s also entertainment and whilst what they do is this incredible art it’s also so entertaining. It’s funny, we’ve been speaking about music for the last half an hour but this is the first time where we’ve talked about music making us happy and that’s really important. Music should make you happy and ‘Dancing Queen’ definitely does that."

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