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Desire's Destiny (The Vespian Way #1)
Desire's Destiny (The Vespian Way #1)
Bethany Drake | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DESIRE'S DESTINY is the first book in The Vespian Way series, and we are introduced to a world very different from Earth. They have their own customs and traditions, just like Earth does. Heather is assigned to the Ambassador as his bodyguard, but that assignment quickly makes her something else.

This is a very fast-paced story, with plenty of steamy scenes. At times I actually felt as though this detracted a little from the main story, but I could see where the author was going with it.

There are still questions left unanswered but this is only book one, so I'm hoping for answers to at least some of my questions in book two.

An intricate and twisted Sci-Fi Erotic Romance with plenty of stories and characters yet to learn about. If you're looking for something to get you hot under the collar, then I can definitely recommend this.

Hypeshooter (3 KP) created a post

Jul 12, 2017  
I'm hearing a lot of great things about the new tv series 'American Gods' on Amazon Prime.
I must read the book first!
The fact that it's written by Neil Gaiman makes it just that much more enticing.

'Ex-convict Shadow Moon roams a world he doesn't understand, left adrift by the recent, tragic death of his wife.

Little does he know his life is about to change after he meets a crafty, charismatic con man named Mr. Wednesday, who offers Shadow a job as his bodyguard.
 As their journey begins, Shadow encounters a hidden America where magic is real and fear grows over the ascending power of New Gods like Technology and Media.
In a grand plan to combat the threat, Mr. Wednesday attempts to unite the Old Gods to defend their existence and rebuild the influence that they've lost, leaving Shadow struggling to accept this new world and his place in it.'
Man on Fire (2004)
Man on Fire (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Whatever It Takes
Man on Fire- is a excellent action thriller, that I have seen about 5-7 times. Its a really great movie, not sure why critics didnt like this movie. Cause Denzel is excellent, Dakota is excellent. The action, suspense and drama is excellent. Its only downfall is its slow for the 1st half, than picks up during the 2nd half.

The plot: In a Mexico City wracked by a recent wave of kidnappings, ex-CIA operative John Creasy (Denzel Washington) reluctantly accepts a job as a bodyguard for 9-year-old Lupita (Dakota Fanning), the daughter of wealthy businessman Samuel Ramos (Marc Anthony). Just as Creasy begins to develop a fondness for the young girl, a bloodthirsty gunman (Jesús Ochoa) kidnaps her. Now, Creasy must pick off a succession of corrupt cops and criminals to reach his ultimate object of vengeance.

Its a vengeanful film. Packed with action, suspense and drama.
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
6.8 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When audiences last saw Bodyguard Michael Bryce (Ryan Reynolds); he was dealing with the aftermath of helping save the day and his long-time nemesis Darius Kincaid (Samuel L. Jackson). Taking place shortly after the events of the first film; “The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard” finds Michael trying therapy after he has a reoccurring and disturbing dream following the loss of his AAA Bodyguard license.

His Therapist is eager to be rid of him and his multiple neuroses and suggests that he give up guns and the life he knew and find himself and his future self while relaxing in Italy.

Michael accepts this and becomes at peace and is so clueless that while lounging with his noise-canceling headphones by the pool; he is oblivious to a brutal and protracted gunfight around him.

In no time; Sonia Kincaid (Selma Hayek); whisks Michael away and fills his ears with a string of highly unfiltered comments and rants. It seems that Darius has been kidnapped and asked her to get Michael to help him out. Michael is unwilling to use guns and finds the to say unstable would be kind; Sonia to be way too unhinged for his new lease on life and that Kincaid wanted “Anyone but Michael” when he asked his wife to get help.

The trio is forced to work with one another by Interpol as it seems there is a plot underway to destroy the European Union and Michael, Sonia, and Darius have no choice but to do the bidding of the Government or face charges.

The fact that Sonia is desperate for a baby and a Honeymoon only complicates matters further as they recklessly head to their assigned mission and find that a very wealthy individual has nefarious plans and has hired elite professionals to ensure all opposition to his plans are removed.

What follows is a madcap, violent, and dysfunctional romp as the trio battle the bad guys, the law, their own abundant issues, and each other to try to save the day and clear their slate with the authorities.

While the film is not going to win many points for an original, complex, or overly complex plot; the setup and narrative serve to give the film a showcase for its strengths which are the three leads. Reynolds and Jackson work very well with one another and Hayek often steals her scenes with her compassionate yet teetering on the unhinged portrayal of Sonia.

The jokes fly as frequently as the blood and the bullets and there is some great scenery as well which frames the action and story perfectly. There are also some appearances by some very good actors in significant supporting roles which I will not spoil but suffice it to say they really support the main cast well.

I summarized my reaction to the local Publicist as follows…” Not much plot, cartoony bad guys; but the great cast, action, and humor”. While the film will not set a new standard in the Action Comedy category, it is still an enjoyable enough romp despite the flaws and it would be great to see the trio back for another madcap adventure down the line.
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
6.8 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Some great laugh out loud moments (0 more)
No tension in the thriller elements (1 more)
Some shoddy special effects.
A movie that’s a pain in the A-double-dollar sign.
Struck-off bodyguard Michael Bryce (Ryan Reynolds) is plagued with nightmares about his failures, brought about by his nemesis Darius Kincaid (Samuel L Jackson) and his potty-mouthed wife Sonia (Salma Hayek). On doctor’s orders, he ‘retires’ from the business. But when Europe’s infrastructure is threatened by Greek megalomaniac Aristotle Papdopolous (Antonio Banderas) he is rudely dragged away from his briefly peaceful life and pitched back into utter mayhem.

- As a comedy thriller, it does pass the '6 laughs test' in terms of the 'comedy' element. Some of these are minor chuckles. A few are really good belly laughs.

- Among these are some of the outrageous tirades of Salma Hayek: her accent makes some of the dialogue unintelligible, but given its X-rated nature, that's not necessarily a bad thing! As a mid-50's actress (Oh God - - don't tell her I mentioned her age!), Ms Hayek indeed has an arrestingly attractive form.

- Seeing Antonio Banderas and Morgan Freeman on the screen is never anything other than a positive. (Although Banderas is like Sean Connery in failing to tailor his natural accent to any role he's ever in!)

- A general problem I have with 'comedy thrillers' is that the comedy nearly always negates any of the thrills. Ryan Reynolds is not playing Deadpool in this one, although he might as well be doing so based on the number of times he is hit by cars and other solid objects. The result is that although it has the trappings of a Bond or a Bourne - exotic locations (here, mostly Italian ones) ; exotic woman; car chases; heavily-armed henchmen; huge explosions - it delivers none of the tension or excitement. When matched with some rather dodgy post-shoot special effects, the effect is generally underwhelming.

- If there was an award for the clumsiest movie title of 2021, we may already have a winner.

Summary Thoughts on "The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard": Sequels are very occasionally better. Often they are much worse. This one, I have to say, delivers very much "more of the same". Given that the writer/director team of Tom O'Connor and Patrick Hughes are in the driving seat, that's not much of a surprise. The shtick is mildly diverting, occasionally downright funny, but quickly outstays its welcome. The 100 minute run time felt, for me, much longer.

Looking back at my 2017 review of the first film, I think I was being over-kind giving it 6/10. I think this is neither better nor worse. So if you want to average the two and give each 5/10, I wouldn't object! But, again, it's one I will struggle to remember much about in a few month's time.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the One Mann's Movies review here - Thanks).
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1)
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1)
Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1) by Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott
Shiver is the first book in the Unbreakable Bonds series, and I have just found myself a whole new series that I would like. No, actually, scrap that. I don't want this series, I NEED it!!!

This story is about Lucas and Andrei, self-made millionaire and bodyguard. This book is serious and yet also amusing. They both make a comment about how corny their relationship is, a film was even made about it. This made me chuckle out loud, even as I was concerned about what was going to happen next. I love Lucas - his strength, his friendships, and how he isn't prepared to let others do things for him that he isn't prepared to do himself. He is also an arrogant, high-handed jerk at times, but will admit to when he's wrong. As for Andrei, he is a sweetie. Okay, so that may be the wrong word to describe an underground fighter/bodyguard, but he is. These two have a rocky relationship with a HFN ending, but their relationship is very strong and I can't wait to see where it goes.

The mystery side was enough to keep me guessing (although I'm happy to report my instincts were correct lol). There was plenty of action, as well as action between the sheets. Although the main focus of this book was Lucas, you also get a good glimpse of the others and potential partners for them. As for Rowe, I both want to and don't want to read his, because I think my heart might get broken before I get a HEA!

Excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I adored this book. The dialogue flowed and felt completely natural whilst reading. I was intrigued and enthralled, and thoroughly loved every word. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Watchman
The Watchman
Robert Crais | 2007 | Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joe Pike Takes Centerstage in Fast Paced Novel
When a favor is called in, Joe Pike finds himself as the bodyguard for Larkin Conner Barkley, a spoiled rich young woman who has become a witness in a Federal investigation thanks to a traffic accident. But when people come for them twice within just a few hours, Pike must go to extreme measures to protect them both. The bigger question becomes, what is really going on?

From a mystery standpoint, this book is outstanding, which several wonderful twists and surprises. I had a hard time putting the book down. Since this book focuses on Pike, it is interesting to get some more perspective on this character, although I did feel some flashbacks slowed the book down. Don’t worry, we do get Elvis Cole as well. My biggest beef with the book was two characters who I found super annoying. We were supposed to find them comedic, but I wanted to slap both of them. Additionally, some characters can’t seem to remember when events they just lived through took place.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters #1) in Books

Feb 11, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters #1)
Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters #1)
Colette Davison | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SECRETLY MINE is the first book in the Offbeat Shifters series, and the first thing I want to talk about is how wonderful it is to have two shifters, neither of which are bears or wolves!

Isaac left his job at the London Stock Exchange and is hired by an old college 'friend' as a bodyguard. His first job is to protect up-and-coming pop star, Jesse Steele. He expects a diva, but what he gets is very different.

This is a slow-burn romance with some steamy moments that enhance the overall story. The pacing is smooth, and the world-building and attention to detail are spot-on. I loved the suspense aspect of it, even though I guessed correctly early on who it was.

A great start to a series that I can't wait to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 11, 2021
Someone to Watch over Me (1987)
Someone to Watch over Me (1987)
1987 | Action, Drama, Mystery
I doubt that many people would realise that this is one of Ridley Scott’s earlier films. From the opening scene you will notice a distinct Ridley Scott feel to it. The sweeping shot of New York’s Chrysler building could mirror a scene from the sci-fi classic Blade Runner.

Someone to Watch Over Me is a thriller in which a woman who witnesses a murder is sent to protective custody, there she falls for her bodyguard detective. It’s a fairly clichéd film in that it takes portions film noir as well as a classic love affair.

Tom Berenger plays the recently promoted detective who must control his desires for the women he is protecting. Claire Gregory played by Mimi Rogers is an innocent, sexy high class aristocrat who wants what she knows she cannot have.

It dips from thriller to love story and has interludes of high tension thrown in as an afterthought. The backdrop of a self obsessed 1980s America works very well and Scott’s direction is astute as it is clinical with great locations and camera shots. An average thriller but enjoyable nonetheless
Desires of a Mage follows Marcus as he becomes bored with being a bodyguard for Daniel and Aiden. He wants more, but doesn't appear to be able to get it. Edmond is from a scholarly house, more suited to teaching than fighting. These two have a history but Marcus broke it off for reasons unknown. All does become clear as the story progresses though, I promise you.

With meddling families, traitors in the mix, unrequited love, there is plenty of action going on. I was very pleased when things were cleared up with Tullia, but a bit disappointed when left with a hint that things still weren't in the clear regarding Camelia. There is plenty in here to move this story along, as well as laying the groundwork for future stories, full of intrigue.

This is well written, with a smooth and easy flow to it. I would recommend that you read it as part of a series, rather than a standalone, but have no hesitation at all in recommending it completely.

*A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.*

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!