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The Scarlet Pen (True Color #12)
The Scarlet Pen (True Color #12)
Jennifer Uhlarik | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last book in the True Colors series is called "The Scarlet Pen." What a story it told. Though at first, you might think about what is going on. Why would parents be concerned for their daughter and not allow her to marry her friend?

We meet a young woman and her sweet talk lover Stephen. But will they end up getting married, or will Emma finally see what is going on with their beloved and find true love? We seem to follow Stephen's journey from his marriage proposal to a young woman to his eventful capture.

There a young man on horseback comes to visit and do some business. As the twist and turns show up. Something happens to make Stephen and his friend jump town; Stephen tries to keep Emma at bay and in the dark. Clay seems to want to help and protect her. Emma seems to want to defend Stephen. Why is that?

There seems to be a trail of banknotes that keep leading back to Stephen and connecting to Emma. Will Emma confront a man that may harm her and possibly kill her. Or will someone come and save her.

Who is this serial killer? Why is he doing it? Clay seems to get hints and information and then loses Richards while he is on the run. Will they all make it out safe? Will Stephen get caught, or will he run free. I felt terrible for the family that brings Clay to face the past that happened to him and his family.

The True Color series is a favorite of mine. The books are set in history and tell about true American crimes and have some fiction. These books are great for historical fiction fans and crime fans as well. This one has quite a few killings but not too much detail of the gruesome deaths. Enough to know how it happened. The stories transpire based on actual crimes in American history, but there is some friction that the author brings up in the book.
Ravage (Ravaged World Trilogy #2)
Ravage (Ravaged World Trilogy #2)
Iain Rob Wright | 2015 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just love a good horror book every now and then as it enables me to put all believability aside and just go along for the ride ... this one did the job and is another great story from Iain Rob Wright. Despite it being the second in the series ("Sea Sick" being the first), it can easily be read as a standalone.

I don't read an awful lot of zombie apocalypse books so don't have anything to compare this one with which, I think, is probably a good thing as I had no expectations but I was a lover of The Walking Dead and I do think this is similar in it's plot, i.e. a band of survivors coming up against hordes of the living dead and various miscreants in society where no one is safe and anyone can meet their end at any time regardless of their importance.

There is your usual set of characters in this book from the nice to the downright nasty some of which are more developed than others which I think is out of necessity as there are many of them. The various settings are perfect and "normal", the writing is set at a good pace and is easy to read. There are, as you would expect, many scenes of peril and death with a good smattering of blood and gore (not always due to the zombies) but also more tender moments that provided some relief and softness in what would otherwise be a bleak read.

I felt the addition of "The Path of Infection" at the end was excellent and provided an explanation as to how the virus spread from when it came ashore to reaching one of the main characters, Nick, and it makes you think just how easily this could happen in the real world with any virus or infection such as flu, Ebola, etc.

Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable read and now I'm off to read "Savage", the last in the series.
What a Wicked Web We Weave
What a Wicked Web We Weave
William G. R. Hamilton | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Fiction, New-Adult

Type: Stand-alone

Audience/ Reading Level: 18+

Interests: Murder, Fraud, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault, Family.

Point of View: Honestly, I’m not sure because the views changed all the time.

Promise: What a Wicked Web We Weave is a novel full of mystery, intrigue, murder, revenge, fraud and betrayal amongst many other things. It has several twists and turns as you get enthralled into each chapter and it will leave the reader in suspense and at the edge of their seat, right up to the end.

Insights: I really was hoping to love this little book. But I just couldn’t get over how much the author blew over certain controversial topics and how he wrote this novel. The story was there, there was background on not only the characters but also the story. But I won’t be reading this book again because it wasn’t as enjoyable as I thought it would be. There was also a massive amount of grammatical errors that took away from the surrounding story. Finally, the plot was not the greatest. Two out of five stars.

Can we talk about how the author thought writing a sexual assault scene and then blowing it off like it meant nothing was okay? Also, can we talk about the fact that the victims brother and his lover thought it was alright to go back to the assailant’s room and assualt him in return? I do not take lightly to sexual assualt and this just really put me off on the rest of the story.

Favorite Quotes: “Tony Lodge eat your heart out.”

“‘It’s going to be a long night,’ Tony thoight. ‘Come to Tony you asshole.'”

What will you gain?: An interesting story that is not the greatest read.

Aesthetics: I was intrigued by the synopsis when I first requested this. But I’m majorly disappointed with the way the author set up this novel.
The Black Midnight (True Crime #7)
The Black Midnight (True Crime #7)
Kathleen Y'Barbo | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are a history lover and enjoy England, you will enjoy this book. Well, you will get a bit of a tour of London. Though we start in Austin, Texas. We are introduced to every strong Pinkerton detective and her partner. We seem to have unsolved murders in Texas. But our detectives seem to be quite busy otherwise while chasing down a killer.

Will Annie and her partner Isaiah solve the murders in Austin and London? Will they find the killer that is killing women in their beds in Austin and the connection with the killing in London? The queen seems to want her great-granddaughter to look into them with her friend from Texas.

The pages will make you want to read until the last page. You will be on your toes and turning or sliding your pages up reading until the end. Is the killer Jack the Ripper, or is it someone else? You will be trying to guess and figure out along with the Pinkerton detectives in their investigations.

I felt like I was investigating along with them trying to find the killer of the mysterious deaths. You do get pulled into experience the London along the way. Who or What is the Black Midnight? Is the Midnight Assassin the same person as The Black Midnight or Jack the Ripper?

All fans of historical fiction and crime will love this book and the series. It had me wanting more. It is in does go into details about investigations but not a lot into the deaths of killings. This is good in that way. What does the Prince want with his daughter? Why is he trying to bring his daughter home? Who is Annie Walters? Will she give herself away? What up with Cameron Blake and his reporting. Some entertaining story plots are going on. We go on as adventure with this one.
A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A BRAT FOR KINKMAS is J.P. Sayle's addition to the Naughty or Nice Season #3 and you really need to take notice of the title! I've come to the conclusion that I definitely like the caring/nurturing daddies and sweet boys more than I like domineering daddies and bratty boys. It was a bit of a surprise for me as I like some books that are heavier on the BDSM side than this was. I think it's the daddy side of things that does it for me.

Anyway, moving on from my crisis, Beau and Ziv are hot on the page! Beau is a lover of pain, and Ziv has no issue providing it! Beau is friends with Jessie and Patrick, both of whom I have previously met. He says he wants a relationship just like theirs. I personally don't think that is what he wanted, but he was definitely happy with how the relationship with Ziv worked. It works for him and that's the main thing. Ziv isn't all cuddly as Smithy. He is more protective than Akker - maybe because of his life. He is definitely more dubious in morals than the others, but he does love Beau in his own way.

I did enjoy this story. I found Ziv's backstory to be heartbreaking and how it (obviously) had an impact on his views as he grew up. Beau is a pain but loveable. Beau and Ziv are good together and the epilogue was just perfect. It didn't work as well for me as with other stories in the Cuff'd range, but it was still a great story that I'm sure others will love.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Girl Before
Rena Olsen | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my first ever author Q&A, with Rena Olsen!

Also read my review here:

<b><i>I am nothing if not obedient.</b></i>

I was anticipating this novel for a goddamn long time and so when it finally showed up at work (I’d preordered it months in advance) I was so excited to finally get my hands on it and start reading it and from page 1 it did not disappoint! This novel got more and more gripping with each page, I didn’t want to put it down!

I have voiced my opinion on books that flit about between the past and the present and in case you missed my last rant, I <i>usually</i> hate it because it confuses me a lot of the time (simple mind, I know). But it worked excellently in this novel because, for one, it made it <b>very</b> clear when we were in the past and when we were back to the present, and secondly the two flowed really well together. I loved how Olsen made the stories of the past connect so perfectly with the present - this whole book was written beautifully.

Clara’s refusal to cooperate got a little irritating after a while, but you can’t really expect anything different from such a brainwashed woman, and just hold out a little longer and things might just start going your way! The plot for this wasn’t exactly unique, <a href="">The Butterfly Garden</a> <i>kind of</i> has the same storyline, to name something recent, but there were no faults in this book. Olsen worked out exactly how to progress with this book, it was flawless. Granted, there were a couple of predictable parts, <spoiler>the fact she was pregnant, the real use of the morning sickness tea</spoiler>, but they didn’t make the story less exciting in anyway.

I was so close to giving this 4 stars for the reason of me not liking Glen but then I realised, no. We weren’t suppose to like Glen. He was a manipulative, evil, disgusting human being and I <i>hated</i> him. The fact that Olsen could make me hate him so much just shows how amazing her writing was. She brought out a really strong emotion in me that often times made me feel anxious and sick. Hating a character as much as I did isn’t at all a bad thing when the character is there to be hated.

This is a really emotional read. I'm sure if it wasn't for the fact I mainly only read this on the train, I definitely would have bawled over this, hence the reason I'm classing this as a book that made me cry. I can’t even imagine the feelings Clara goes through as this book progresses and she begins to find out things she’s believed her entire life are not all that they seem. It’s so horrible to think this kind of thing isn’t just a figment of someone’s creative mind, my heart goes out to all those men and women that have been subject to this kind of twisted abuse - this is one of many reasons I give so much to human right charities every month.

I cannot believe this is a debut novel. I am stunned at the quality of Olsen’s writing and story-telling, I can’t wait to read more from her. This tackles many difficult subjects but if you’re a lover of all things suspense and thriller, then you definitely <b>need</b> to pick this up in the future. <b>It’s 2016 must read!</b>
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta
David Lloyd, Alan Moore | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked up V for Vendetta because my book club wanted to read it. I will admit, graphic novels are not my usual flavor, but every now and then it is nice to have something new. I tend to like reading books without having to analyze the photos. I like having more detail in the writing itself. With graphic novels, the pictures are the details. This can be great and I love the additional media but I found it a little lacking.

<blockquote> ‰ÛÏEverybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody.‰Û </blockquote>

Ultimately, I want to read the details and not have to scour a picture for them. The artwork was beautiful in a grungy way. David Lloyd‰Ûªs talent really did captivate me. But, I also found the artwork frustrating at times. When reading/viewing this graphic novel I found that the facial expressions were sometimes too similar to pick out. Someone could be crying in despair or screaming in rage, and it looked nearly identical. Also, there were some characters that just seemed to blend together. I discussed this book with the rest of the book club and we all tended to agree that the characters were too similar in their appearance. One member blended two characters together. Looking back at the novel, I definitely understand where he was coming from. I even had some problems interpreting one of the characters. I actually thought that one of the wives was the mother. I was quite surprised (I almost spit out my coffee) when there was a sexual scene between the mother and the son‰Û_ luckily, I went back in the novel and realized that she was the wife.

<blockquote> ‰ÛÏThey made you into a victim, Evey. They made you into a statistic. But that‰Ûªs not the real you. That‰Ûªs not who you are inside.‰Û </blockquote>

What I really liked about V for Vendetta was the fact that it was different from my typical books. The book was very political. I found it fascinating to see Milgram‰Ûªs study discussed along with the concept of happiness. There were many times that I took a picture of the page so that I wouldn‰Ûªt forget a certain passage. I also really loved the concepts of the book. I found myself enthralled by the thoughts and ideas in regards to social standing, political ideas, and the dystopian ideals that were present. I do wish that they would have continued with some of them. One amazing member of the Denver Coffeehouse Book Club summed up my frustrations about this beautifully: ‰ÛÏThat‰Ûªs a great concept‰Û_ *Shrug*‰Û. It seemed like every time Alan Moore and David Lloyd came up with a great idea they just shrugged and left it hanging in the air, leaving the reader with the hope that they might revisit it later‰Û_ *Spoiler* later never came.

<blockquote> ‰ÛÏHappiness is the most insidious prison of all.‰Û </blockquote>

All in all, I enjoyed V for Vendetta and I will most likely read it again. It‰Ûªs like a cup of gas station coffee that you add a cinnamon stick to in hopes that the flavor may change. I liked the plot, the ideas, the concepts, but I do wish that the concepts were more flushed out. It seemed that they had great ideas that they just didn‰Ûªt follow through with. Perhaps that was part of their ultimate concept. They could have wanted the reader to explore their own thoughts and draw their own conclusions. Ultimately, I found the graphic novel form fascinating, beautiful, and at times quite frustrating. It was great, just not my usual flavor.