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A Plague of Traitors (Leine Basso #11)
A Plague of Traitors (Leine Basso #11)
D.V. Berkom | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have made no secret that I am a fan of D.V. Berkom's work and particularly of her books starring Leine Basso but you would think that after so many stories it would become stale. Well let me tell you that this is most certainly not the case. D.V. Berkom has a gift of creating plausible and exciting situations that keep me coming back every single time.

Once again, I have run out of words to describe how much I enjoyed this book so will just say that it is yet another action packed thriller full of tension that will have you turning the pages at quick speed (or tapping the screen!).

D.V. Berkom has a knack of creating excellent characters and this book is absolutely littered with them from the good guys to the not-so-good. Leine has to be one of my favourite characters of all time - she is strong, brave, not afraid to kick rear ends but with a soft side that is endearing and feels natural and believable.

This is part of a series but, in my opinion, it holds up extremely well as a stand-alone. There are recurring characters, and I am pleased to see the return of Derek, but the author has the ability to provide just enough information so you don't get lost but not so much that it detracts from the current story.

Yet again, this is another hit for me and I would recommend this and the rest of the series to anyone who loves a thrilling read that although contains violence, it's not over the top.

I, for one, cannot wait for the Leine's next "adventure" but I must thank D.V. Berkom for allowing me to be a member of her Advance Reader Team and for sending me a copy of "A Plague of Traitors" before the official publication date on 31-August-2021 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review for which I am, once again, extremely grateful.
Surreal Estate
Surreal Estate
Jesi Lea Ryan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
Sasha can't live at home, so he's on the streets. He finds an empty home that calls to his 6th sense and moves in. Then Nick buys the house. The house reacts badly to Nick wanting to sell it, and makes Nick's already tight budget and time frame almost impossible. Sasha doesn't want Nick to end up in the hospital, or worse, so he has to come up with something quick, while clearly out and healing his grandfather's house.

I won a copy of this book, and I am so bloody glad I did! Ms Ryan usually writes Young Adult and had this book came with that tag, I would not have entered, cos I'm not a YA fan. This is Ms Ryan's first foray into a much more adult setting, and into the male/male genre, and BOY does she smash it out the park!

Sasha can read houses, they call to him. His skill isn't made immediately clear, and we have to wait for the full picture. I think it really hit me, just what this meant for Sasha, when he was healing his grandfather's house.

I loved we got all of Nick's internal wrangling with himself over his growing feelings and attraction to Sasha. Loved that he was like, "okay then, must be bi" Loved the interaction between Nick and his brothers! His older brother needs a story now, needs to find his happy ever after, especially after what happened here. Well both brothers should have a story, I think!

It's not overly explicit, I thought, but it wans't lacking in any thing regards to the heat and steam level between these two! Not at all! It does carry a violence and drug use warning. These ARE needed and are an integral part of the story, but they are all off screen. We know Sasha's mum does drugs, but we don't see it. We know WHAT happened to Nick, cos we deal with the fall out, but not HOW. It also comes with a non-con warning. It's mostly touching, and doesn't develop into a full blown attack, but could very well have. It needs mentioning though.

It's told from both Sasha and Nick's point of view, in the first person. Each change occurs as a a chapter changes and is clearly headed. I didn't quite manage to read it in one sitting, but very nearly!

I can't wait to see what Ms Ryan comes up with next. I love finding new to me authors, especially ones who step outside their comfort zone! She impressed me here, greatly, and, apparently, I'm a tough critic! I'm not sure that's true, but I LOVED this book.


5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Bible Stones

    Bible Stones

    Reference and Book

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    Bible Stones is one of the best free Bible reader software available on the market. It gives you the...

American Pastoral (2016)
American Pastoral (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ewan McGregor is brilliant (2 more)
Incredibly sad
Not bad adaptation of Philip Roth's book
There was something missing (0 more)
Harrowing, tragic and moving
Philip Roth's tragic drama about the perfect high school couple and the disintegration of a family has finally made it on to the big screen. Set in the 1960's during massive political upheaval in America, it follows the story of a daughter who disappears after allegedly bombing a store, killing a clerk as part of a 'revolutionary' movement. Her father, played by Ewan McGregor, believes that she has been manipulated and that she is truly innocent throughout, even in the face of all opposing evidence. It's horrific seeing the mother and father's complete breakdown and it seems apparent the daughter Merry is suffering from a mental illness. There's hints of sexual abuse thought to have triggered her stutter, but it is extremely subtle.

It's really quite a sombre watch, especially given that the film begins with the father's funeral. Beautiful acting, but the daughter's character was extremely irritating.