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    Reminder & Countdown Pro

    Reminder & Countdown Pro

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    Reminder Pro is designed to manage your tasks, projects, and anything else you want to keep track of...

Abducted in Plain Sight (2017)
Abducted in Plain Sight (2017)
2017 | Biography, Crime, Documentary
Now this one has to be seen to be believed! It is a short documentary film of about 90 minutes, not a series, but it plays like a longer episode of a series – except by the end there is no more to tell. In and out, thankfully! It is the story of Jan Broberg, a relatively successful Hollywood supporting actress, who wrote a book about her abduction by a close family friend when she was a child in the 70s. As the story unfolds, especially if you are a parent yourself, you will be screaming at the screen in total disbelief and indignation every ten minutes, and twice as loud at the end!

I can’t go into the details without ruining it, but suffice to say that the series of events is one of the strangest stories, fact or fiction, that I have ever heard! The audacity and total manipulation of the offender, in conjunction with the insane naivety of Jan and her parents is mind-blowing! How he got away with it in any way for longer than a day is unfathomable enough, but this was abuse that went on unpunished for years. Is it the bible belt attitude to blame? I am… still… scratching my head on this one! How did these events and crimes ever happen? Just, wow! Do yourself a favour if you want to be shocked and have a good rant at the TV, watch this and see for yourself.
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
I think this film is wonderfully made. I love the story, the characters, the plot, the setting, all of it. I almost wish they didn't set it in time though. It's supposed to be 1983, but what I loved so much about the book is how timeless the story felt. It didn't feel like it belonged to any one decade, it felt like something that could withstand the tests of time and I wish they would've let that play in the movie too.

I love Timothée Chalamet as Elio so much, I think he's perfect. I loved Armie Hammer as Oliver too, there were some points, though, where he definitely seemed older than 24. I loved their chemistry, I think it's obvious that they got along and they had a lot of trust in one another. My favorite character though is Mr. Pearlman. I love his love for Elio and the way that he talks to him, especially after Oliver leaves and he sees that Elio is so obviously heartbroken. I love that he is just accepting and loves him unconditionally but also pushes him to not run from his feelings and to allow them to wash over him. I hope to be that kind of parent when I have kids.

I think this is the type of film that the LGBTQ+ community has been asking for for so long. I love coming out stories and coming of age stories as much as the next person but the stories where it's just comfortable and it's already there and there isn't any need for them to question who they are, those stories are important too. I don't know that this film entirely fits that box, but I think it fits more into that one than the coming of age type. I don't think Elio ever questioned whether or not he liked boys, I think he just questioned whether or not he should if that makes any sense.

I would've loved to see some scenes in the book make it to the screen, but I know that that isn't always possible. Additionally, the only other downside to this film in it's comparison to the book is that the book is written from Elio's perspective so you get all his thoughts and his loves and his assumptions about Oliver as he falls for him and you can only portray so much of that on film without a narration of sorts and if they did that, it would just take away from the story and the things that aren't said.

Lastly, a random side note, in this film, Timothée reminds me a lot of Shia LaBeouf. I have absolutely no idea why, but he does. I wonder if this would be a film Shia would've done if it was made when he was younger.

Anyways, phenomenal film.