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The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)
The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)
2009 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
It’s hard to do something different with romance these days. Girl meets boy or vice versa. Boy falls in love with girl or vice versa. So every now and then it needs to do something a little different in order to give it a unique twist.

Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore had Ghost, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, The Lake House so The Time Traveller’s Wife had to go one step further. Special collections librarian Henry DeTamble (Eric Bana) has a genetic anomaly that allows him to time travel; however, he is not able to control the moment or the destiny of his voyages.

The film is based on the novel by Audrey Niffenegger and not having read the book it’s hard to say whether or not the film did it justice? That said, it’s elegantly shot and Bana and fellow on screen love interest Clare (Rachel McAdams) seem perfectly suited to their roles.

Bana is a likeable actor and has been portrayed in some pretty powerful films including Chopper, Black Hawk Down and Munich

A man who only has the love for one woman but is unable to control his ability in disappearing, he is desperate to find a cure and won’t let anything stand in his way. The time travelling plot is a little stupid. Henry is unable to control when he goes but always seems to pop up in similar places both in the past and the future, and always naked?

In the beginning he visits his wife Clare on more than one occasion as a child and as she grows older. Certainly it’s a better directed film than the Butterfly Effect in which Ashton Kutcher time travelled more often than a gas meter reader pops into your house.

The Time Traveller’s Wife is a film with nagging questions and at times head scratching conclusions but this is a love story of beauty, and for that it’s worth a watch.