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Fearless (Elemental, #1.5)
Fearless (Elemental, #1.5)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is placed at 1.5 but I think it's more of a 0.5 or a 0.1 position in this series since its events take place before [b:Storm|28580871|Storm (Elemental, #1)|Brigid Kemmerer||15305022] and probably after [b:Elemental|13418864|Elemental (Elemental, #0.5)|Brigid Kemmerer||18769953]. It's a little complicated I guess.

I didn't enjoy this half as much as [b:Storm|28580871|Storm (Elemental, #1)|Brigid Kemmerer||15305022], which I read before this. Both have been on my Kindle for six years so it was about time I read them but this one didn't grab me. I found it rather boring and kinda wanted to punch Hunter's dad in the face a few times.

I'd still love to read the rest of the brothers stories though
Dark Light (Dark Light, #1)
Dark Light (Dark Light, #1)
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

So several things;

One: I've had this on my kindle for about 5 years and is one of the earliest books i downloaded as a freebie--back when i hoped i could get some good books for free.

Two: My tastes have changed in that time. Maybe it's my having read books 5-12 of Kim Harrisons The Hollows back to back, and currently reading book 13 but this just didnt interest me in the slightest.

Three: The kinda creepy Dorian character. The way he's described in this at the earlier points is some sort of sinister but very sexy looking guy. His name just makes me think vampire, and the initial description made me think weirdo so the fact that she's basically salivating over him..? Not working for me.

So all of the above combined? Yeah, the book is most definitely not for me.
Starry Eyes
Starry Eyes
Jenn Bennett | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I read my first Jenn Bennett book several years ago, her paranormal Arcadia Bell series and devoured the 4 books in about a week, it was so good. It was then only last year I found her YA books on Amazon and decided to try them and they are so cute.

This must be my sixth or seventh and I've enjoyed all of them. Her YA/NA books are so cute in their romances with characters that you want to get together so badly and written in a way that even you feel a little warm and gooey after reading them fall for each other.

This one involves a nerdy stargazer and an emo-y outdoors fan who trek for several days through the wilderness that sounded pretty amazing apart from the bears and cougars/mountain lions.

I cannot wait to read more of her work
Kindle E-Reader
Kindle E-Reader
eBook Readers
Not having to buy and find room for yet another bookshelf in my tiny house (0 more)
I struggle to read in the sun on my kindle fire (0 more)
I love my kindle - it's my second after I dropped and smashed my first one - I have a whole wall of books in my lounge and couldn't possibly fit another book on there so now I read on my kindle and no longer have to take over another wall for books. I like how you can download a sample of a book I'm unsure about. Some books are free, some can be borrowed then returned once read and the rest are cheaper than a standard book. I like how it tells me what % I am through the book and how much longer each chapter is so I can gauge wether I have time to get another chapter in quick! Couldn't be without it now!
Sworn Sword (The Bloody Aftermath of 1066, #1)
Sworn Sword (The Bloody Aftermath of 1066, #1)
James Aitcheson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
About a month or so ago, I was in my local Waterstones when I spotted two books both set around the time of the Norman Invasion but telling the tale but different angles: <i>Hereward</i> and this. Humming ang haaing, I eventually decided on <i>Hereward</i> and then, later, came across this novel for sale in Tesco's picking it up there.

Of the two books, I have to say - and despite a title that sounds like a bad b-movie ('"Sworn Sword: 1066: The Aftermath!" coming soon to a theatre near you!') - this is the better. Told in first person prose, this novel is from the point of view of a Norman Knight (whereas <i>Hereward</i> was from that of an Anglo-Saxon), and reminded me very much of one of the better Bernard Cornwell books in that the history covered (albeit slighlty fictionalised to fit the demands of the story) is just as interesting as the actual plot.

The first in a series of books set in the same period, I think I will be picking up more of these!
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Stephenie Meyer | 2005 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (160 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was a good book for my teen years. I hadn't read anything like it (fantasy/creatures/etc..) in any books that I'd liked. It was recommended to me after I read Cobwebs (about a Spider like girl). I didn't read it until I watched the movie. (reverse I know). I wanted to know what all the uproar was about. I throughly enjoyed them and actually was not discouraged by the book sizes or lengths for once.