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Kevin Phillipson (10011 KP) rated Urban Legend (1998) in Movies

Aug 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 22, 2021)  
Urban Legend (1998)
Urban Legend (1998)
1998 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Plot (1 more)
I remember this film about the time of the scream movies and i know what u did last summer and liking it alot especally the plot centering a killer who was using urban legends to commit murders plenty of cameos and red herrings to keep u guessing who the killer is.
Thought tonight i would update my review since the last time. tonight I've been rewatching the film as part of the four disc blu ray boxset which includes both sequels which I will get round to reviewing next week.
On two the film I remember seeing the film when it first came and I really liked it it ticked all the boxes came out in the nineties after the success of both scream and I know what u did last summer there are enough red herrings including Robert Englund who would obviously be the killer but isn't and there's a plot twist which I didn't see at first but I won't give it away here. But why give the rating a nine thats where we move unto disc two thanks to 88 films they have put together 2 and half hour documentary reuniting both cast and crew to talk about there memories of the making of the film. Good film then still is today

James Bagshaw recommended track Rainbow Chaser by Nirvana UK in All of Us by Nirvana UK in Music (curated)

All of Us by Nirvana UK
All of Us by Nirvana UK
1968 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Rainbow Chaser by Nirvana UK

(0 Ratings)


"This is another one that really stuck out when I got into psychedelic music. It’s got all the elements. It’s got the distorted, orchestral thing, you’ve got flangers, tape phase and various other production techniques. Again, the vocal is just slightly twee and whimsical, but the rhythm section is like hip-hop. It’s got all of these weird elements, even though, being the late ‘60s, it was way before all of that. There’s stuff in the ‘50s that has phasing and flanging unintentionally, with tape speeds and certainly when they started multi-tracking there was definitely some cases of accidental phasing. But there’s a lot of talk about ‘Rainbow Chaser’ being one of the first examples of a phaser being intentionally used throughout a song. I don’t think there’s a definitive answer to that though. As much as I like this song, I didn’t delve too far down the rabbit hole with Nirvana. It’s very hard with stuff that’s on compilations, because you will go down avenues, but you can’t go down all of them, especially if you’ve got a boxset like the Rubble one, where you’ve got something like six CDs with twenty-odd tracks. I don’t have enough time in the day to do it, and some of it you just can’t get hold of. There probably are pressings of that single with a B-side, or maybe they didn’t do an album that was released. Because, believe it or not, not everything is on Spotify or Apple Music!"

Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
2019 | Horror, Murder & Mystery
Horrified is a co-op board game based on the beloved Universal Monsters properties, and it's pretty damn fun.

First off, I love this series of movies. I recently bought a Blu-Ray boxset of them that I've been slowly working through, and they are still as entertaining now as they were when I was a kid.
Horrified pits 2-5 players against a selection of these horror icons, requiring them to complete character specific tasks before ultimately attempting to defeat whichever beast chosen, saving villagers along the way.
The roster is made up of Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and his Bride, The Wolfman, The Invisible Man, The Mummy, and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Each monster brings different objectives to the table in order to slay them, adding a large amount of variety to multiple games.
You can also play around with the amount of monsters you take on at once, adding different levels of difficulty to proceedings.

At first glance, the rules and many game pieces can seen overwhelming, but once the understanding sets in (there's an extremely handy tutorial video on the games official YouTube channel), it's a fun and sometimes tense experience, that is easy enough for any player to grasp.
It really does rely heavily on co-op and strategy to secure a victory, if you don't work together, then death is all but guaranteed!

I would happily recommend Horrified to any board game fan, especially those who like a bit of horror thrown in for good measure.
A huge thank you to @Smashbomb for sending me this via a giveaway (seriously go and apply to them!). Nice one!
Have I ever told you how much I dislike novellas? No? Well, I do, most of them anyway. I always want more, always feel like something is missing, and yes, I know I'm greedy. So what happens when one of my favourite authors releases a novella within a box set? Well, I read the damn thing, of course.

BEAUTIFUL MONSTER is the offering from Maya Daniels for the Romancing the Shifter Boxset and she has knocked it out of the park once more. Not only am I invested in Noah, Anika, Deb, Daideo, and the others, but she has managed to give me a complete(ish) story to fall in love with. Okay, so it is complete, but as I've already said, I want more!

This story is rounded out nicely, full of sass, snark, and plenty of steam hinting of things to come. The pacing is perfect, and the storyline gives you all the information you need, although not all you want! There is so much more hidden within the words, and I am really, REALLY, hoping that Ms Daniels makes this into a full-length novel or series. Either would work for me. I really not that fussy! 😉

A great addition to the box set and one I can highly recommend. Just please, for the love of all that's holy, let me have more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Songbird Novel Box Set #3 (Geronimo, Hole Hearted, Rather Be)
A Songbird Novel Box Set #3 (Geronimo, Hole Hearted, Rather Be)
Melissa Pearl | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Songbird Novel Box Set #3 (Geronimo, Hole Hearted, Rather Be)
I have bought these books as individual stories, but I will leave my review for all three on the boxset.

Geronimo is Jane's story. We got a small insight when we had Sarah and Justin's story in Rough Waters, but this one goes into detail about how the tragic events of that day affected Jane's life. I loved how Jane and Harry got together, no angst, no drama, just two people out to enjoy as much as they could. Of course, knowing how the previous Songbird novels have gone, I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. And it did! Fate plays a bit part in this story, whether you believe in it or not, but pushing any doubts to one side, I loved how this story panned out.

With a smooth pace, well-written characters, and slow-building angst, this is a story with an abundance of emotion so be prepared! With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this is a book to lose yourself in. With a nice hook into the next book, the Songbird series continues to delight, and Geronimo is most definitely recommended by me.

Hole Hearted is the latest fantastic addition to the Songbird series, and features Felix, Troy, and Cassie. Felix and Cassie are nephew and aunt who didn't know each other existed until it became obvious that Felix's mum wasn't going to survive her battle with cancer. Troy is a counsellor who wants to help this pair professionally, but also on a personal note.

I won't go into the story itself, except to say that it is exceptionally written, will have you crying if you're anything like me, and will tug at your heartstrings throughout. With a smooth, flowing story, there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. In fact, the only thing that disrupted me was either my tears, or when I had to listen to the music that was mentioned! This playlist was right up my alley, and I loved every song!!

An absolutely amazing addition to the Songbird series, and I really can't recommend this book or the series highly enough.

Rather Be
Rather Be is the tenth and final book in the Songbird series, and gives you the same emotional impact as every book that I have read by this author. Charlie and Nixon were best friends throughout school, and became more during one short break in Yosemite. However, life (and Nixon's father) had different plans than them getting together. So for four years, these two go their separate ways until a chance snowstorm strands them both at JFK airport. Charlie seizes the opportunity of spending time with the man she has always loved but can never have. Nixon can't believe that Charlie is here with him once more, and all his old feelings resurface.

The pacing in this book is superb, it never flags in any area. The writing is smooth and there are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The soundtrack that accompanies this story is absolutely spot on, and like with all the books in this series, I love how it tells a story too. There was an added extra in this book though, and I LOVED IT!!! Every couple from the previous books in the Songbird series feature cameo appearances in the Chix storyline! Sheer perfection. We get a small snapshot of their lives and that left me with the warm fuzzies. Definitely and absolutely recommended by me.