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Duncan Jones recommended Fight Club (1999) in Movies (curated)

Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller

"It’s not the best film ever, but it is beautifully done. It’s visceral and it’s beautifully made. I like David Fincher, I love his films anyway, but that film is, to me, the best of Fincher and what he really does well. It’s stylised but it’s smart. Even though it’s stylised, you feel that there’s a real character to it, it’s something very individual, and features another great Brad Pitt role. That and Twelve Monkeys are his best bits ever. Seven is fantastic as well, although I should stop clumping films together."

The Lost City (2022)
The Lost City (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sandra bullock (2 more)
Channing tatum
Daniel radcliffe
Just watched I couldn't stop laughing especially if it's got Sandra bullock in it as I was a massive fan of Sandra in the 90s with the speed movies and while u were sleeping this movie took me back to those movies but I was surprised by Daniel Radcliffe playing the villain and haming it up with style showing there's more to him than just Harry Potter and then there's Brad Pitt in a small role which also made me laugh anyway good afternoon movie

JT (287 KP) rated Spy Game (2001) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Spy Game (2001)
Spy Game (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama, Mystery
As Tony Scott films go this one’s a pretty decent effort. Redford is slick and sophisticated as a retiring CIA agent and Pitt is equally effective as his eager to learn student.

The tight script and shooting make for an entertaining mix of explosions and plot twists. Robert Redford plays Nathan Muir a soon to be retired CIA operative who has spent the past few years training his protege Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt).

When a routine extraction in China goes wrong Bishop is captured behind enemy lines and it is up to Muir to get through all the political red tape to help pull him out.

The film is tense even in the boardroom scenes, and we get a real sense of the relationship between Bishop and Muir with good use of flashbacks. This is first rate and another winning film from the late Tony Scott.
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
Brad Pitt & Edward Norton, What a Duo! (2 more)
One of David Fincher's Best
Dark Humor with a Satisfying Twist
Maybe a Bit Too Nihilistic at Times (0 more)
The Twist that Hits Harder than Any Punch
Fight Club is a classic at this point, itself a riveting adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's also classic novel. The first time you watch it, the twist hits harder than any punch thrown in the movie. The second time you watch it, it's fun to try and catch all the signs pointing to the twist. It's crazy good, mostly driven by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt's strangely powerful bro chemistry and director David Fincher's excellent vision. It is understandable that the casual movie-goer may be turned off by Fight Club however, as it is dark and a bit too nihilistic in places for its own good.
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
The first rule of fight club
A movie with tons of twists and turns as we Ed Norton and Brad Pitt duke it out on several occasions. A story of an insurance adjuster who needs emotional contact with people around him finds refuge with a soap sales man who encourages him to fight out his troubles and rage against the world around him. The first time I saw this I didn't not see the ending coming but, once you have watched it all the way through you pick up on certain clues which don't spoil the movie but make even better.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Fury (2014) in Movies

Mar 1, 2018  
Fury (2014)
Fury (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, War
IMHO, this is one of the best modern war movies that's been made in the past few years. It's gritty, and the battle scenes are intense. Does Jon Bernthal really have to be a d-bag in everything? At least it worked in this film. I also always like seeing Shia LaBeouf in films, though he doesn't do many anymore. Michael Pena did a great job too, but he's one of my favorite actors. Logan Lerman did great portraying his character, and you really felt the terror he must have felt. Brad Pitt was basically playing LT Aldo Raine again, but it worked.
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
Amazing cast performances in a dark epic
When I first watched Fight Club I had no idea what to expect I just couldn't resist a film starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter and Meat Loaf (!?!) I was very lucky to go into this dark as it really has a powerful plot twist so if you haven’t somehow seen or been told the deal with this film just go watch it now.

Edward Norton stars as a depressed working man who doesn't like his work and gets no sense of satisfaction from it. He starts visiting support groups for patients with terminal diseases so that he'll have people to talk to but he’s not the only weirdo doing this when he spots Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) at several of his support groups and subsequently becomes obsessed with her presence. He also meets another odd individual while on a flight, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a charming soap salesman. Following a fight between them they become friends and roommates finding the release from fighting to be euphoric they fight more and other men join in, the "fight club." When Tyler and Marla hook up things get complicated with Tyler becoming more and more secretive about his real plans.

This film has a load of great performances but Meat Loaf as Bob a testicular cancer sufferer is pretty special to see. There’s a lot of violence and it’s a pretty dark if humorous in many ways. Norton and Pitt play so well off each other, it's great to watch. The cinematography and soundtrack are amazing, you’ll want to rewatch at least once.

Kaz (232 KP) Jun 16, 2019

Great review! This film definitely needs to be watched a couple of times to really appreciate it.

By The Sea (2015)
By The Sea (2015)
2015 | Drama, Romance
Today, we have yet another film that strays from ‘the norm’. A film that not only stars one of the most beloved celebrity couples on the planet but also harkens back to the Italian dramatic films of the late 1960s/early 70s. It most definitely qualifies as an ‘art house’ film.


Since the world saw Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt together in ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ it has awaited the day when the couple would appear together again in another film. Although it’s not the sequel to THAT film many had hoped for, it is most definitely and intriguing look at how the couple appear together in a movie in a completely genre with the creative control Angelina had.


‘By the Sea’ stars Angelina Jolie Pitt, Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud, Niels Arestrup, and Richard Bohringer. The film was also written, directed, and co-produced by Angelina with Brad Pitt serving as co-producer.


The film opens in the south of France in the mid-1970s. Roland (Brad Pitt), a writer from New York City and his wife Vannessa (Angelina Jolie Pitt), a former dancer, have traveled to a seaside town to quote,”Get away from it all”. Their marriage is strained and there is a distance between the two that is sometimes obvious to those around them and hidden at other times. The trip is clearly an effort by them to reconnect with one another but they spend much of their time apart once they get settled. Rolland is attempting to write another book but he cannot find anything as inspiration and Vanessa is using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of a recent trauma. When they’re not spending their time alone they associate with some of the towns more colorful characters including the local barkeeper/cafe owner, the hotel manager, and a newlywed couple who are spending their honeymoon not only in the same town but in the room next door. One night, just when it seems like the strain of their marriage will finally snap a bizarre occurrence in their hotel room leads to a reconnection despite its volatile nature.


First off, I have not seen all the films that Angelina and Brad have appeared in but I must say I the both of them were almost completely unrecognizable in the way they portray the characters. Second, I believe this is Angelina’s second run as director and if this film and her previous film ‘Unbroken’ are any Indiction I believe we’ll see her directing movies in the future more than acting.


This film was a true homage the the Italian dramatic films of the 1970s I mentioned earlier.

The only way I believe they could’ve ‘replicated’ that so precisely would be to have filmed the movie with the cameras and equipment available to film makers during that period. Christian Berger the film’s cinematographer used mostly natural light throughout the filming process which was also one of the most impressive qualities of the movie which is not done nearly enough with modern film in my opinion.


Not everyone is going to like this film. It’s quite unique when put side by side with ‘modern day American movies’. Even if you are a die hard fan of either Angelina and or Brad’s work that alone might not save the film in your eyes. Some critics are calling this film a ‘vanity project’ on the part of Jolie and Pitt. I find that to be ridiculous. No sane person would’ve made that accusation against Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Everyone’s been screaming for Angelina and Brad to make another film together. Big deal if they want to have creative control over it too. They’re both accomplished actors and decided to put together a film themselves and and get other accomplished cast and crew members to sign on for the project. Honestly what the hell more do the critics want? If you are a fan of foreign movies or curious about the second acting collaboration between the husband and wife power couple though you should see it. I’d actually recommend checking out one or two films from the genre/era it represents before going to see this one.


The film is rated R and clocks in at 132 minutes. I’d recommend catching it at a small indie or art house theater and make sure you grab some snacks and a drink for this one. It opens in all the major theaters Friday the 18th of November but you can catch in those smaller theaters now.

It’s not my normal ‘cup of coffee’ but I will give the film 4 stars.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Ad Astra (2019) in Movies

Sep 20, 2019  
Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Portentous sci-fi film takes some of the less interesting bits from Interstellar, welds them on to the basic idea of Gravity, and adds Brad Pitt and a couple of killer baboons in the hope that no-one will notice (this strategy seems to be somewhat successful). Cosmic rays from Neptune are threatening civilisation as we know it, and so Pitt is rocketed off to the Moon and then Mars in order to try and make contact with his long-lost father, who is in the frame for masterminding this. (This honestly is the plot.)

Visually stunning to look at, and I suppose the central metaphor of the film is well-executed (Pitt's journey into outer space reflects the way he is addressing some of his own internal psychological issues), but it is just a tiny bit dull - they keep having to insert arbitrary moon buggy chases and killer baboons just to pep the movie up a bit. The future world envisioned by the film is neither particularly original nor terribly convincing. Pitt's performance is better than the movie deserves.

Ckings (13 KP) rated Seven (1995) in Movies

Jan 29, 2019  
Seven (1995)
Seven (1995)
1995 | Drama, Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
I remember watching this at the pictures when it first came is well written some great actors in brad Pitt and Morgon Freeman.
I don't think I've ever watched it again and that's mainly because it really pulled me into the plot the first time. It was a great thriller/ horror and had more than a couple jumpy moments the part with the man in the bed with the air freshners is the only bit in a film that has ever made me scream outload.
This is not an easy watch there are a few times it is uncomfortable and you want to look away but films like that are usually the best films.