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Fast Five (2011)
Fast Five (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Following on directly from 'Fast and Furious (4)' and still before 'Tokyo Drift', Dom, Brian and Mia are on the run after breaking Dom out of prison. When they cross the path of a Brazilian drug baron and with an FBI agent on there trail they need to get the family back together for (another) one last job.
Fast and Furious 5 (Fast 5) has taken the franchise from 'cops and robbers' and high school racing to a Heist movie and is bigger with more guns, more cars and more action.
With Brian now on Dom's team the franchise needs a new cop and, in Fast 5 this roll is given to Hobbs, played by Dwayne(the Rock) Johnson. Hobbs is more of an action guy than Brian was which leads to longer fight scenes and more shoot outs.
The end chase is one of the better one's I've seen with a huge amount of collateral damage.
Fast 5 shows that the franchise is getting bigger and better and it will be interesting to see where where it goes next.
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
1979 | Comedy
A classic
Film #16 on the 100 Movies Bucket List: Monty Python’s Life of Brian

Life of Brian (1979] is an old school comedy classic, and alongside Python’s take on the Holy Grail, were fairly revered comedies when I was growing up and I doubt there’s many people over a certain age that haven’t seen these films. Films like this are my favourite type of comedy, and I just wish they still made films similar today.

Life of Brian follows Brian (Graham Chapman), who was born on the same night one stable down from Jesus, yet has lived an entirely different life. Fed up of the Romans, Brian joins the People’s Front of Judea led by Reggie (John a Cleese), whose aim is to get the Romans out of Judea. After being caught infiltrating the palace and put in front of Pontius Pilate (Michael Palin), Brian escapes capture and in his bid to hide from the Romans, winds up relaying some of the teachings he learnt from Jesus. This spurs a crowd into thinking he is the next Messiah, leaving Brian to try and evade his followers as well as the Romans, with rather dire consequences.

This is the Pythons second proper feature film, following on from the hugely successful Holy Grail and their tv series, Flying Circus. Directed by Terry Jones, the purpose of Life of Brian was to lampoon and satirise the New Testament, and more specifically, to make fun of followers of mistaken religious figures. To be quite honest, I don’t think they could make comedy films like this anymore. This lampoon, satire style was fairly rife even up until the 90s (with the likes of Hot Shots and The Naked Gun sequels), but I think they’d struggle to make anything like this nowadays which is a great shame. The humour in this isn’t offensive at all, it’s intelligent and adult and whipsmart and wonderfully done. Admittedly there are a few scenes that may cause some offence purely because it was made when times were different over 40 years ago, but there’s also a lot in here that is surprisingly relevant even in today’s society – one scene where the People’s Front of Judea discuss women’s rights and a request from Stan to be known as Loretta is unexpectedly well done and respectful, albeit with a Python comedy edge. There are some genius works of comedy in this film too that have become cult favourites, from Palin’s depiction of Pontius Pilate with a speech impediment (“Stwike him centuwion, vewy wuffly!”) to Terry Jones’ mother crying out to Brian’s followers that “he’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”. Personally, Palin’s take on Pilate and all of his scenes are my favourite of the entire film.

This isn’t to say that Life of Brian is perfect. There are some scenes and acting that are maybe a little too pantomime-esque (even for a parody) and there are some jokes and scenes that don’t quite land - the alien scene (yes I did say “alien”) is one that jumps to mind. Because of this some scenes can seem rather drawn out if you don’t get the gag. Humour like this isn’t for everyone, although for me it’s my favourite kind. This is British comedy at its best and a shining example that humour doesn’t be crude to be funny. I mean who else other than the Monty Python troupe could pull off crucified men singing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”?
Silverado (1985)
Silverado (1985)
1985 | Action, Drama, Western
One of only handful of Westerns that I found very entertaining, it's chock full of 80s stars and is a little bit like the magnificent 7 in respect to way the group assembles, Brian Dennehy plays his usual bad guy role well, it's a great cast and a great film.
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Family
As I've never read the books or watched the tv show it's a okay movie not as good as say life of Brian which did it better or even carry on Cleo. Some nice cameos from quite few funny comedians like Alexander Armstrong and Lee mack. Anyway probably won't watch again

Kehinde Wiley recommended The Queen of Harlem in Books (curated)

The Queen of Harlem
The Queen of Harlem
Brian Keith Jackson | 2003 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"As Harlem, the perpetual work in progress, continues to change, it’s refreshing to revisit this book by my dear friend Brian Keith Jackson. The Queen of Harlem sets the stage of a neighborhood that was very familiar to me as I left Yale and discovered New York for the first time."

Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"People always try to push albums on you, but I'm stubborn; I like to discover on my own. I knew one day Brian Eno would make sense to me. One day he did. I drove around Asheville with the windows down and cried to this album. That was life-changing"


Richee (20 KP) rated X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) in Movies

Dec 29, 2017 (Updated Dec 29, 2017)  
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Strong cast (0 more)
Wasted strong cast (3 more)
Terrible plot
Boring generic characters
Jennifer Lawrence shoe horned in
Some body make it stop
Oh lord these films keep getting worse. I had high hopes after First Class, but Brian Singer has insisted on tainting this story as well. Full rant filled podcast review on the blog.

Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 29, 2017

And the worst thing is even after this, they’re still making more...


Richee (20 KP) Dec 29, 2017

Only one more hopefully, now Disney have brought Fox we should get a reboot and something half decent 😆


AyL (16 KP) rated Evil Genius in TV

Jan 7, 2019  
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
2018 | Documentary
7.5 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
An explosive documentary and must-watch for true crime lovers
A man casually walks into a bank, with a bomb strapped to his neck and demands money. He gets caught on the parking lot after leaving the bank but he never makes it into a police car. 44 minutes after the first 911 call about the robbery and the bomb, the device around the mans neck detonates and kills him, all documented by CCTV and the Police. The man is Brian Wells, a pizza delivery man from this area. The documentary investigates the events around the murder of Brian Wells in Pennsylvania in 2003, which also became known as the „Pizza-Bomber“ Case.

If you are looking for a casual show to watch while playing candy crush on your phone, this is not the documentary for you, because things become complicated quick, with loads of suspects, different crime scenes and a lot of different stories that are told.
To really enjoy this documentary, you have to give it your full focus so you catch all the minute details. It’s like working the crime scene yourself. The documentary is not for the faint hearted. It shows the original CCTV footage of Brian Wells death!

The documentary includes interviews with people that worked on the cases, suspects and the family and friend of Brian Wells, which gives it a personal touch and makes it very attractive and fascinating to watch. It creates new questions in the viewers mind: Was Brian victim or perpetrator? Was the detonation an accident, murder or even suicide? And who is Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and what does this woman have to do with all of this?

Trey Borzillieri, director and narrator of the documentary, shows his quite intense research for this documentary which ended in a deeper relationship with one of the suspects.

Evil genius is fascinating to watch, it grabs you and takes you through all Episodes, leaving you wanting more. A must watch for true crime lovers!
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Paul Walker reprises his role as Brian O'Conner as he's recruited to find out how a drug dealer is getting his ill gotten gains out of the country, using the talent of street racing.
I think that 2 Fast 2 Furious is actually slightly better than the first film (the Fast and the Furious), it has many of the same tropes and ideas of the first film, the street racing, cars and crime and it seems to have a better balance between the main elements. In both films Brian is tasked with infiltrating a criminal organisation with the task of finding out information and, from a narrative prospective 2 Fast seems to make a better job of this.
There is slightly less time given over to actual street racing but this is replaced with car chases which seem to use more police cars than 'The Blues Brothers'.
There is some time given over to character development as we find out more about Brian's past with the introduction of his old friend, Roman Pearce which gives us a bit more information as to his actions at the end of the first film.
Brian's relationship with the polices is surprisingly similar to the first film, even though Brian is now a wanted convict he is still aids and trust him. We also have the agent who doesn't trust Brian, this time in the form of customs Agent Markhan which basically gives us the same police set up the first film.
2 Fast 2 Furious does a good job of not being a clone of it's predecessor whilst still keeping the cars, the speed, the races and chases. There are a couple of scenes at the start that are similar to the first film but these are to help re introduce Brian and set the tone of the film. If you liked the first one then you should give the sequel a watch. (But you probably already know that as this is an old film 😊 )
The Amulet by Circa Survive
The Amulet by Circa Survive
2017 | Alternative, Indie
Circa just sound oddly restrained, in a way, and the most enthralling moments don’t feel quite as emotionally resonant or grabbing as the band’s been so capable of in the past, especially with a slower pace down the stretch.
Critic- Brian Shultz
Original Score: 3.5 out of 5

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