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The Playing Card Killer
The Playing Card Killer
Russell James | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fantastic, Creepy Thriller!
Well, I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this cracking crime/thriller!

I loved that, straight-away, Russell James introduces Brian Sheridan, who is currently on medication for anxiety-related problems. Brian decides to stop taking his medication as he thinks that he is living life through fog and haze which he hates. As a result, he is tormented by dreams of women being strangled, then left with a playing card tucked in their corpse. When he sees an apparent victim on the news, dead, Brian fears he may be the unwitting killer. Detective Eric Weissbard thinks the same thing and starts to build a case to get Brian convicted. But there's so much more to these murders…

Brian discovers that he has a brother, Tyler, with a penchant for murder. Tyler is willing to frame Brian for the crimes unless Brian wants to join Team Playing Card Killer.

Russell James’ sympathetic portrayal of the immensely likeable Brian was wonderful to read as his neuroses and delusions were laid bare and there was no hidden side to him. Brian is a troubled young man with an adoptive family with whom he barely has any sort of relationship. His girlfriend, Daniela, by contrast, is confident, and self -assured and she delivers Brian an ultimatum - either he continues with his medication or she will leave him.

I also liked Russell James’ fantastic character portrayal of Detective Weissbard who is talented, analytical and operates mostly and very successfully on gut instinct. However, he is disrespected by his colleagues and is assigned to chasing all the non-eventful leads and red herrings. That is until a jittery young guy arrives at the station, claiming to have detailed knowledge of the investigation that hasn’t been revealed.

For me, THE PLAYING CARD KILLER explores some freaky imaginings and is full of creepy vibes. It's a fantastic thriller that surprised me with a mystery that borders on a grim horror novel. I was never quite sure exactly how far off the rails Brian had gone or where the author was going next with this disturbing but exciting story. The suspense was so great that I was on the edge of my seat because I was so absorbed with Brian and Detective Weissbard.

THE PLAYING CARD KILLER held my interest from start to finish and the way in which Russell James brought everything to a conclusion was just fabulous. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. I would recommend THE PLAYING CARD KILLER to anyone who likes this genre.

[Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Russell James for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]
Tales of Bryant
Tales of Bryant
V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bllody sweet, but so SO good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos let me tell ya! This book landed on my kindle at silly o’clock on a Monday morning. I did not have to be at work for a couple of hours, so I jumped into read a few pages before I must move. And boom! Book finished before 930!

I loved this book! Bar one thing, but I will come back to that.

This is actually billed as four shorts, across the four seasons around Bryant Park in New York. It is, though, the story of a relationship that starts in Byrant Park, between Isamu and Brian, which spans the year.

And it is so bloody sweet! I mean, any sweeter, and it would be pure sugar!

Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s steamy, and sexy. It’s emotional and dreamy. It made me choke up in places and laugh in others. But my underlying feeling (ya’ll know I’m ALL about the book feelings!) was that this book was SWEET.

And I LOVED it!

Isamu is young, a student of film, delivering sweet treats to the park. Brian is an executive (not really clear of what, but hey, who cares!) He’s been oogling Isamu for months, and the feeling is entirely mutual. Isamu makes sure to be the one to deliver Brian’s treats to the park, just to get his own sweet fix. When Brian eventually plucks up courage to ask Isamu on a date, he jumps at the chance. The rest, they say, is history. Until that is, Brian says something that makes Isamu run.

My only niggle, the thing that stopped it getting the full 5 stars? Only Isamu has a say. And I really NEEDED Brian to have a voice! Isamu makes Brian think, challenge his own rules, makes him WANT to have that relationship he swore off so long ago, and I needed to hear him say WHY Isamu does these things. And he doesn’t. I’m all for saying if a single point of view book carries the full 5 stars, but here, I really needed Brian and I don’t get him.

Isamu though, is lovely! A sweet young man, trying to find his muse for his final assessment, his camera going everywhere with him. And I do mean EVERYWHERE! Loved that Brian was not at all phased by the camera in his face a huge amount of the time!

This author is fast becoming a favourite of mine, and I look forward to reading more!

4 very sweet, but very good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 stars (but sorry I couldn't get past the present tense!)
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

She's older than he is, but Brian doesn't care. Meeting Jane was the best thing that every happened to him, even it was supposed to be a set up and a quick way to earn some much needed cash.

I knew this book was first person, present tense going in and I *thought* it would help me, but **insert wailing** it didn't!

Oh! Don't get me wrong! It's a bloody good book, a GREAT book!

Brian meeting Jane and everything that happens after is well told from both their points of view. The plot moves along at an even pace. Not everything is revealed at once, it comes along in dribs and drabs, to enable you to process that little tit-bit, before the next one comes and grabs you.

Brian makes no apologies for who he is, or where he came from, or how he got there. Once his mind was made up that he wants Jane, and not just as a quick f**k, he goes all out to get here. Jane too, once she begins to let Brian in, she goes all out and takes what he gives her.

It has planted itself firmly on the "fan yourself, its a hot one" shelf! Brian is young and he wants Jane in every which way he can. And he does! But the best bit, for me, was when Brian decides to make love to Jane, rather than just bang her up against the wall. That surprised him, I think, the connection he could get from Jane doing that. Loved that!

The cliff hanger I was expecting doesn't happen here, although there is a cliff hanger ending. But what THAT means is, what I expected to happen here, will come in book two! I will read it, because I want to know how this is all going to go down!

I just **insert sigh** can't get past the present tense thing! It pains me, deeply! Because I LOVE Ms Pauls work!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this is the first time I've seen 'The Fast and the Furious' and the only other film in the franchise I've seen is 'Hobbs and Shaw', Which I knew was a (slightly) different beast but, with the new film out soon I thought I may as well start from the beginning.
First thoughts, 'The Fast and the Furious' is 'Point Brake' with cars instead of of surf boards. It's been a while since I've seen Point break but I'm sure the plots are very similar. Actually that's not quite true, my first thoughts were that it was a high school film with the races instead of the school. The first time we meet Dominic's Team they're acting like the typical 'Jock' or bully group who pick on the 'New kid' or weirdo, in this case Brian. Then we have the first race we see Brian at, when he looks around the track we see the different 'clicks', each one represented by a (slightly) different genre of music, all we needed was for one of the characters (probably Letty or Mia) to walk on and introduce the group's "Over here we have the goth's, there are the cheerleaders." etc.
 Then the film settles down to 'Point Break mode, the big revel (near the start of the film) that (Spoilers) Brian is a cop and we're introduced to the people he works with and, to be honest they would almost fit into an 80's U.K. police show (or 'Life on mars/Ashes to Ashes' for those of you are too young for the 80's).
We have lots of cars and almost no crime. Really most of the crime is just talked about or a red herring. Then the big race, but we don't see that because we now have the actual heist and the set up Brian's big decision (although it's pretty obvious which side he'll choose). Big action scene, betrayed (kind off), some one dies for character development (but, surprisingly, not a woman), another race, for reasons, character bonding. Cut to credits.
So a bit formulaic, but that ok, a bit of Macho one upping, but that's ok, lots of cars, of course and surprisingly no sex. All of which is good, it suits the film. Even the early revel that Brian is a cop is ok, you don't need to put much though into 'The Fast and the Furious' meaning that you can just sit back 1 hour 45 and enjoy a no brainer whilst turning off your brain.

Joey Santiago recommended Highway to Hell by AC/DC in Music (curated)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
1979 | Rock
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My first concert! I rode my bike to the city, because I lived in the suburbs and I tried to meet Angus Young outside the tour bus, asking the security guy, [imitates younger self] "Can I meet Angus Young?" "No, he's not here!" "Hey dude! What the fuck?! Don't talk to me like that, I bought a ticket!" Also, it was my first experience of how loud - it was the loudest shit I've ever heard! And in the suburbs, they were a dangerous band. It was like, "Oh fuck, the devil", it kind of made Kiss look tame, and it just powers. And when Angus Young solos, it's just magic. I saw them on that tour when Bon Scott had died; he'd just died and Brian Johnson had just taken over, and I was totally sceptical, and then it was like, "Oh, he's fucking good!" And actually, when Kim left the band, and we're going, "Aw shit, we're fucked", and we're talking about what we're going to do, and then we're like, "Fucking AC/DC replaced the fucking lead singer! We can do this! [sombrely] We shall overcome!" And we thought about replacing Kim with a dude, and then we went, "What?! They replaced Bon Scott with a guy that sounds exactly like Bon Scott! Let's not break the plate! We're not broken, we're not broken at all. Give me a fucking break." So I was totally adamant [laughs]! Song two ['Girls Got Rhythm'], it's like: "SEX!" It's about "SEX!" It's not like Foreigner, where it's obvious but it's fucking stupid - come on, you can do better than that! It's like, "I want to have sex with you, what's the problem?" I think it's the ultimate way to get attention: "Come on, we're not here to meet up, let's cut to the chase. I'm not going to waste your time, don't waste my time! Let's fuck, come on, I don't have time for this!" [laughs]"


Jerry Cantrell recommended Back in Black by AC/DC in Music (curated)

Back in Black by AC/DC
Back in Black by AC/DC
1980 | Rock
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think I discovered that record when I was in seventh grade. It's like a perfect album, from beginning to end, which is a difficult thing to achieve. I've been a fan of AC/DC for years. Highway To Hell is another record I think is pretty perfect. That record was so huge and it hit so hard, it was a kind of bookmarker in your life, for me and millions of people. Oddly enough we went through a few things that they had to. Down the road we would go through the loss of a member and make a decision to continue on and do it successfully. I thought it was such a brave thing for AC/DC to triumph over that sort of tragedy [the death of singer Bon Scott in 1980], to continue to have their sound, and also to have Brian on such a fucking impactful record - it’s obviously charged with a ton of emotion from losing Bon. That process, it was a fairly quick change. Brian wasn't trying to sound like Bon, but it's still AC/DC. Our band is a kind of parallel in a way. When I started I was more of a rhythm player in whatever band I played in, so I really identified with Malcolm [Young], yet I was wanting to play lead like Angus. He's a phenomenal lead player, but I've always thought the backbone of band is the rhythm guitar. I guess a lot of the bands that I like are dual guitar bands. And I actually really wanted another guitar player in this band when we first started, but the other guys didn't want one, so I had to learn to play a little bit [laughs]."


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated X2: X-Men United (2003) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
X2: X-Men United (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
A strong follow up
X-Men 2 builds upon the first in pretty much every way possible - were introduced to new characters (Brian Cox as William Stryker being a stand out here) and some really thrilling set pieces.

Notable amongst them - the opening scene of Nightcrawler attacking The White House (set to Mozart's Requiem in D Minor) is honestly one of my top scenes in a comic book film ever.
The scene where the mansion is attacked at night - we see Wolverine a lot more feral here than in the first film, and we're introduced to Colossus.
And the almost everything on Alkali Lake - the glimpses into the Weapon X project, the hints at Dark Phoenix - are all comic book ticks (until they were a bit shat on in future sequels)

There are still faults - the biggest one here for me is Lady Deathstroke - second X-Men movie in a row that backbenches a classic Wolverine villain in favour of a fairly useless mute version.

I remember and appreciate X-Men 2 for what it was at the time - a movie for a young franchise brimming with future possibilities. It still stands strong as far as Marvel adaptions go.
I'll Give You the Sun
I'll Give You the Sun
Jandy Nelson | 2015 | Children
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll give you the sun follows twins Noah and Jude that are aspiring artists. They are both working on their portfolios to get into a prestigious art school in the local area when a tragedy pulls them apart and they start to live two separate lives.

I loved this book the writing was so poetic and beautiful. The story is written from two perspectives and at different times. Noah's perspective is written when he is 13. 5 years old and before 'said' tragedy struck and Jude's when she is 16 - two years later. At 13 years old the pair were close with sibling rivalries, respecting each others art and dividing the world up.

“I gave up practically the whole world for you,” I tell him, walking through the front door of my own love story. “The sun, stars, ocean, trees, everything, I gave it all up for you.”

At 16 the pair couldn't be further apart, they constantly avoid each other and barely talk. When lies start to unravel and they discover the truth, can they become two once more.

Noah is a painter, he's such a cute young boy, with his confusion of being gay and what it means to come out is so cleverly portrayed through this character. The frustration and tension is palpable between him and Brian. The want of your heart desires and the reality of doing and facing the backlash from the people around you is what stops him. Noah has never been perceived as 'normal' to his class mates and being bullied is a daily problem until he meets the new kid Brian who is a baseball player for his local school, with Brian by his side he becomes socially accepted, even though he knows that Brian is a bit of geek like himself with his meteorite collections.

Jude an ambitious sculptor is a young impressionable girl at the age of 14, however as she is telling her POV at the age of 16 she has had a lot of time to develop but also grieve at the same time. Jude is struggling at school, she hasn't made any good artwork for the past 2 years and believes there is someone out to destroy her pieces. She has one last chance to make it right and is sent to work with a local but famous sculptor. The sculptor has problems of his own and between the both of them they start to overcome their grief through the process of sculpting.

Oscar is not the typical cool guy, who has everything going for him with his distinguishable features, his past and present he is also on the road to self discovery. When we first meet Oscar in Noah's perspective he is a drunk, with ambitions to be a model. 2 years later in Jude's perspective he is a recovering alcoholic/drug user, going to college for photography and has a cocky side to him which covers up the true Oscar.

“It occurs to me that Jude does this too, changes who she is depending on who she’s with. They’re like toads changing their skin color. How come I’m always just me?”

There were only two things that stopped me from giving this book 5 stars and it's not much but I had to factor them in. I found the book a bit predictable in some parts. You could tell how it was going to pan out. Also the ending felt a bit rushed for me towards the end, I think it could have been a bit longer to make the ending a bit more bulkier. The thing I liked with Nelson's writing is your reading away and then BAM! She just lets you have this incredible fact like it's nothing major and I had to reread to make sure I hadn't read it wrong. The grandma's bible that Jude follows got a bit tiresome in the end.

I went in to this book blind, not knowing too much about the premise and I recommend it, I like going in to books not knowing much it is more surprising and enjoyable to read. There are references in the book to famous people and quotes such as Winston Churchill and E.E Cummings. This book deals with love, bullying, grief, growing up, self discovery and all the challenges of being a teenager.

I recommend this book to anyone that likes to read Young Adult and Contemporary novels.

Overall I rated this book 4.5 stars out of 5.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Zulu (2013) in Movies

Aug 5, 2019  
Zulu (2013)
Zulu (2013)
2013 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Zulu starts when a young woman is murdered, police officer Ali Sokhela (Forest) and his team that includes the washed up Brian Epkeen (Bloom) and rookie Dan Fletcher (Kemp) must start to investigate the case.

As the investigation deepens Brian must hold himself together while Ali must face his demons from his past which becomes deadly as they fall into an illegal drug dealing ring with a new devasting drug on the market.


Thoughts on Zulu


Characters – Brian Epkeen is a washed-up police officer, he is great at solving crimes, he tends to have a different woman every night, which has made him distant from his son. He never looks professional but will always do the right thing for his team. Ali Sokhela is scared by his childhood in the racial torn country, now he is a captain in the police force which sees him needing to forgive the men his father fought against to work in the same team, he does have connections which helps him through the city, with his own demons he must locate the killer. Dan is a rookie officer that is part of the team, his innocence isn’t ready to be in the field with the seasoned vets. Ruby is Brian’s ex-wife that hates him and that Brian hassle when he feels like it.

Performances – Orlando Bloom does show us that he can still be a leading man, an edgy side to his character is a big plus too, we could happily watch more of his work here. Forest Whitaker is great too, he has the darker backstory which pushes him into his decisions and hits the accent. The rest of the cast don’t get as much screen time as he does, but you do feel like they hired a lot of local talent which helps make the film feel authentic.

Story – The story follows two cops, one with a dark past because of his skin colour as a child, the other lives in darkness because of his addiction that must use their skills to solve a crime which starts simple enough until things get out of hand to a much bigger problem running through the city. This does feel gritty with how we investigate things, it doesn’t hold back with what happens to the characters and shows us just how far the criminal underworld will go to keep a secret. While this doesn’t rely on twists to get the final outcome, it does show us just how far these two would go to solve a crime and bring the criminals to justice.

Crime – The crime world we enter here shows us just how both sides in a drug war are waging against each other, we get bodies piling up that will only increase the battle with a racial tension that just increases the tension between the twos.

Settings – The film is set in South Africa, we get to see how difficult the drug war is with the racial tension still between the people in the city.

Scene of the Movie – Brian’s escape plan.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The scene where the head turns up, there is such a pointless line here.

Final Thoughts – This is a gritty crime drama that shows us the harsh reality of the drug world, the two cops must overcome demons that will put them through a major test to get to the bottom of a crime.


Overall: Crime fans surprise.
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Contains spoilers, click to show
In the 9th instalment of the the 'Fast and Furious' franchise we have; backstory, fun with magnets, brothers who have never been mentioned before, the return of dead characters, plenty of set up for spin offs, doggy English accents and cars in space.
Fast and Furious 9 is a big film, with a lot going on, it acts as Dom's back story, continuation of the franchise and (possibly) a set up for some spinoffs. The latter is not a surprise as Vin Diesel has already said that, including F9 there are only 3 more films left, but that there will be more spin offs, like Hobbs and Shaw (There is a rumoured 'Cipher ' spin off in the works as well as Hobbs and Shaw 2).
A large part of Fast 9 is Dom's back story. We get to see the incident where Dom kills a man, as mentioned in Fast 1 and the impact this has on his biological family. We also get flash backs/more story to 'Tokyo Drift' which they tie into the main franchise a bit more.
Fast 9 seems to bring the cars back to the franchise, although the 7 & 8 did have cars they seemed to be loosing there way in favour of the action but 9 has both cars and action.
There are a lot of call backs to the other films with almost every past family member returning in a original scene, we even almost get to see the return of Brian, however this does make Hobbs' absents more obvious.
There were a couple of points that niggled at me a bit, the being that, in the flashbacks, young Dom and young Jakob were played by different actors (because it would be hard for Vin Diesel and John Cena to play their younger selves) but the actors (especially young Dom) didn't feel right. This isn't a criticism of the actors but there was just something that didn't quite Jell between the present and past characters.
Over all Fast and furious 9 is a good addition to an increasingly over blown film franchise although you do have to suspend reality a few times and you can see why the main franchise is coming to an end soon otherwise the 'Family' would probably end up colonising Mars or slipping into another reality.