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    Little Briar Rose

    Little Briar Rose

    Games and Stickers

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    A stained glass-styled adventure inspired by Sleeping Beauty. «Little Briar Rose is one of the...

When Briar Rose kidnaps Prince Liam to force their marriage, the League of Princes ride to his rescue. However, things go horribly wrong, and they find themselves on a new mission – this time for the very spoiled Briar Rose herself. But what is this princess really after?

I shouldn’t have waited so long before reading this sequel. It’s as delightful as the first one. I laughed the entire way through while enjoying how the characters continue to grow and evolve. The plot takes some nice twists along the way to a satisfying conclusion. This book also sets up some interesting possibilities for the climax of the series, and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>
Foretold (The Demon Trappers, #4)
Foretold (The Demon Trappers, #4)
Jana Oliver | 2012 | Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I officially <b>adore</b> this series. It is brilliant, filled with action, drama, romance...what more could a girl ask for? I certainly couldn't anyway :D

It's been one hell of a journey from Forsaken to this one and I've loved every roller coasting minute of it, though sometimes I have to admit I wanted to bang Beck and Riley's heads together in the hopes of knocking some sense into them where the other was concerned but hey, it all worked out in the end!

I'm sad it's come to an end but happy that the end of the world was averted by this pair :P

Due to this series, I am now a big fan of the author and I'm looking forward to reading others by her including Briar Rose when it arrives in the post :D