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Ghost Stories (2018)
Ghost Stories (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror
Loving and very scary update of the classic British anthology horror film. A skeptical parapsychologist is challenged to investigate three cases of the supernatural and prove there was nothing unearthly involved: a security guard, a teenager, and a wealthy businessman all recount their tales of dark forces - but is there something else going on?

Possibly a bit mannered and old fashioned for today's younger generation (mutter, grumble, etc), but a film made with enormous care and attention to detail, with terrific performances from the cast (okay, it's a bit white-male-centric; get your blazing torches out if you really must). The kind of film where, once you've seen the ending, you reflect on the rest of it and recognise all the subtle ways in which the film was tipping you off all along. And, as mentioned, a properly frightening experience when watched in a darkened cinema, but in a good way.

Stephen (210 KP) Mar 18, 2019

Fabulous review, and I agree with you on this one. Didn’t realise it was a remake.


Awix (3310 KP) Mar 18, 2019

Not really a remake but a film in the style of a lot of old movies like Dr Terror's House of Horrors, Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, and many more.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Saving Mr. Banks (2013) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2019)  
Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Drama
Well-mounted but self-referential (and that's putting it very charitably!) look at the origins of Mary Poppins. Pamela Travers (Thompson), who is very British and starchy, flies to Los Angeles where she meets the avuncular Walt Disney (Hanks), intent on adapting her books about a supernatural dominatrix for the cinema. Colin Farrell appears in flashback as Travers' feckless dad; despite what the soundtrack listing suggests, he does not sing 'Chim Chiminee', so manage your expectations.

Nicely made and played, and quite amusing an' all, but hard to escape the impression this is just a massive piece of self-aggrandisement by the House of Mouse: poor old repressed Travers just needs a bit more Disney in her life in order to become happier and more successful, to say nothing of the various factual inaccuracies. But then it's a Disney film actually about Walt Disney, so what do you expect? Watchable stuff, but take a pinch of salt along with the many spoonfuls of sugar.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Quatermass Xperiment (1955) in Movies

Mar 4, 2018 (Updated Mar 4, 2018)  
The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)
The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)
1955 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The original Hammer horror movie; the studio did actually know how to spell 'experiment', but the title refers to the 'X' certificate that all self-respecting horror films had at the time this was made. Astronaut comes back from space a changed man; the rest of his crew mysteriously vanished - just what went on out there? Professor Q must figure it out before the mutation afflicting the astronaut reaches its final form.

Actually really, really tame as a horror movie by modern standards, obviously, but also of great historical interest as the birth of a legend in British cinema. One can't help suspecting the TV show was a lot more thoughtful, but this still works pretty well as an SF movie, and an influential one at that, and the juxtaposition of B-movie SF ideas and images with post-war Britain is interesting. Imported American star Brian Donlevy is not very good as Professor Q (original writer Nigel Kneale claimed he was on the sauce all the time); Richard Wordsworth is mesmerising as the doomed astronaut.

Michael Korda recommended Rififi (1955) in Movies (curated)

Rififi (1955)
Rififi (1955)
1955 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Jules Dassin’s gangster film about a robbery and its consequences is a French classic, noir before the word was in use to describe a certain kind of filmmaking. A word is in order here: I was educated in Switzerland, in an era when French-speaking people expected to see French films, so when we were allowed to go to the local cinema at Rolle or Gstaad, we mostly saw French films. British films, except for The Third Man, which is very “European” in tone, seldom played; still less big Hollywood ones. Rififi was a stunner, and an eye-opener, teaching us that French gangsters were a lot more interesting and attractive than our own mobsters, but just as tough, if not tougher. “Julie” Dassin was an American who moved to France, but he captured a whole, pungent slice of French life, and for months everyone at my school (le Rosey) went around trying to sound like Jean Servais, and to talk with a cigarette glued to their lips. Whole scenes from it still play in my fantasies."

Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Acting and script work was on point (2 more)
Costume and set design were perfect
Sound design and score kept my heart racing
It’s a brilliant film but it will not lend itself to the smaller screen (0 more)
Kept my heart racing from beginning to end
Dunkirk is a thrilling film that deserves the Oscar nomination that it has. Nolan has created a masterpiece using time and music to create an intensity that I have never felt before as a movie goer. The film used similar events at different times to mirror one another elegantly.
My heart was always in my throat. I cared about the characters and had a strong connection to the story. I am not a nationalist kind of person by any means, and this film made me ever so proud to be British. With stunning performances from this amazing cast, which made it a group performance without any star or lead actor.
Dunkirk handles the topics of war, death and desperation perfectly and with no nods to Germany or to anything related to the German socialist group. By making the film all about the British characters point of view and removing the name and enemy out of view was a beautiful decision. By this point in time we know about the world wars in depthly and there are many films that talk about it. But this is the first film that doesn’t harp on about the Germans being evil. It was a gorgeous film and one I wish I could see in cinema again, as it’s sound design and cinematography deserved a larger screen.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Zoo (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2019  
Zoo (2018)
Zoo (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
Saving your marriage or zombie apocalypse?
I have to admit being new to the world of British cinema (since I live in the US) so those extreme British accents are still a struggle for me at times (especially when you guys talk so fast!). I have to admit to even putting subtitles on a few times so I could get all the words.

Interesting premise of this film and the recommendation from a friend to watch.

How would you feel if a zombie infestation began right while your marriage was on the rocks? Which would be your priority to correct?

This young couple grapples with this exact issue and it is relatively successful. They spend time disagreeing with each other and moping about in their flat since they cannot go outside without having to deal with infected hoards trying to devour them. They begin having meaningful dialogue and then they get a knock at their door. A random couple ask if they can come and hide within to remove themselves from danger and are obliged. They immediately become a nuisance asking for provisions which are already in short supply and to "borrow a toothbrush"? I thought that was funny.

Their stay at the apartment is short, but long enough to have the couple start to unite themselves against their new house guests. After their departure, the couple becomes more intimate and work on their relationship before even more unwanted guests arrive.

The dialogue was a bit corny at times, but worked overall. I enjoyed the fresh take on the zombie genre. If romantic comedy zombie horror is a new sub genre I'm all in.


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Hot Fuzz (2007) in Movies

Aug 24, 2018  
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
8.2 (54 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've re-watched this again recently and it's just as funny now as it was when I first saw it in the cinema.

It's hilarious, full of wit and British humour. Not only is it a brilliant comedy, it's a great action and mystery flick too. The pairing of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost works as well here as it did in Shaun of the Dead, and there's a great supporting cast in Jim Broadbent, Paddy Considine and the rest, including those blink and you'll miss it cameos.

Whilst I work for a large urban police force, there are a lot of areas of policing I recognise in this film, which for me makes it even funnier watching it back. From having to bring cake (bribes) in for colleagues, to the old school Vauxhall cars, office banter and the more onerous side of policing, they really have done their research. Although I can safely say I've never met an officer quite as dedicated as Angel! But I do reckon a lot of our new recruits have the same view of policing as Danny does...

Such an entertaining film that doesn't get old.