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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Admirable Crichton (1957) in Movies

Feb 23, 2019 (Updated Feb 23, 2019)  
The Admirable Crichton (1957)
The Admirable Crichton (1957)
1957 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well-made but somewhat odd British comedy. Status-obsessed Lord Loam (Parker) and his entourage wind up shipwrecked on a desert island; in order to survive some drastic steps have to be taken, and redoubtable butler Crichton (More) - yes, there is a Red Dwarf character named after him - rises to the occasion. Soon, the traditional hierarchy is upended But what will happen if they ever get rescued?

The Admirable Crichton seems incredibly dated nowadays, but it probably did so back in 1957 as well. Its preoccupation with the class system perhaps feels a bit quaint, but the story predicated on it is still involving - Lord Loam's daughter and Crichton fall in love, but can only be together in the class-inverted society they create on the island; there are similar subplots. It's fairly amusing in a broad sort of way, but the moments that stick with you are the ones of sadness and regret. It's hard to imagine a modern rom-com having the bravery to serve up an ending as downbeat as this one. Probably works better as a comedy-drama, to be honest; does so rather well.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Red Dwarf in TV

Jun 22, 2019  
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
1988 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.4 (79 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great sci-fi comedy (0 more)
Off air for 10 years (still, u gotta laugh haven't ya) (0 more)
The boy's from the dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following.

 The show follows Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, who is the only human survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship and possibly the last living human. Having come out of time stasis 3,000,000 years into the future, Lister has very little company, one in the form of a hologram of his dead shipmate, Rimmer, self obsessed Cat, who has evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant cat, senile ship computer Holly and Kryten an Android whose sole purpose is to serve and clean.

This masterpiece was created by Rob grant & doug naylor (GrantNaylor) and has spawned 12 series (Back to Earth counted as the unofficial 9th and a 13th series heavily rumoured) multiple books, audio books, collectibles, magazines and a mobile game.

I'm still hoping for a mainstream console game, but until then, enjoy SmegHeads!
Personal Services (1987)
Personal Services (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not many people get a film based on their life while they're still around: prostitute and brothel madam Cynthia Payne had not one but two released in the same year (this and 'Wish You Were Here') - makes one proud to be British. A typical story of rags to riches, embellished with a vast amount of kinky sex and tawdry etablishment hypocrisy - not entirely surprisingly, the women here are the tough and clever ones, the men who come to them are awkward, fragile creatures.

One of those off-beat comedy-drama films, with a strong sense of the seedier side of life, that the UK film industry went in for quite a lot in the 1980s. This one has a strong performance from Julie Walters, but the comedy often feels strained and it can't seem to quite decide how it's going to handle the more graphic material inevitably involved - straightforwardly, or in nudge-nudge style? Tends towards the latter. Passes the time reasonably well as a slightly odd piece of entertainment; may well also be of interest as an insight into the English psyche (God help us).
Dad's Army (2016)
Dad's Army (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Full of wasted British talent
I may be fairly young in years, but I grew up around comedies like Only Fools & Horses, One Foot in the Grave and of course Dad’s Army. I remember many evenings sitting at home with my dad as he cried with laughter at all three, though it was the latter’s influence that stuck with me the most.

Now, Dad’s Army like so many classic TV shows is getting the silver screen treatment, but does this modern-day reimagining, with an all-star British cast live up to the series that delighted so many for so long?

The movie adaptation of Dad’s Army follows on from the TV series, taking place just before the Second World War comes to an end. In Walmington-On-Sea, the Home Guard, led by Captain Mainwaring must track down a German spy, who is intent on swaying the war in their favour.

A whole host of British talent, young and old, star and each and every one of them slots perfectly into the well-worn shoes of classic characters. From Michael Gambon’s effervescent performance as Godfrey and Toby Jones’ faithful portrayal of Mainwaring to Inbetweeners star Blake Harrison taking on the role of Pike, it feels as though the casting team really put a lot of thought into getting the characteristics right.

It doesn’t stop there, Welsh beauty Catherine Zeta Jones, TV favourite Sarah Lancashire and Victor Meldrew’s long-suffering wife Margaret (Annette Crosbie) all make appearances for the fairer sex, with each bringing something to the table.

The scenery is beautiful, filmed just a couple of hours up the road in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, the normally vibrant seaside town is transformed into 1940s Walmington with an enviable amount of detail. Elsewhere, the White Cliffs of Dover are replicated exceptionally at Flamborough on the east coast.

Unfortunately, the story is a little on the light side, barely managing to stretch to the film’s slightly overlong running time. This is an issue that blights many TV to film projects and it feels like this unbelievably talented cast is somewhat wasted with a fairly run-of-the-mill plot.

It also feels like the comedy is on rations. Yes, it’s nostalgic with constant references to its small-screen counterpart, but it comes across like the producers were too busy trying to shoehorn as many elements of the TV series into the film, without concentrating on what Dad’s Army was all about – laughs.

Nevertheless, there is plenty to enjoy despite a lack of giggles. The acting is, as said previously, remarkable with fans of the series and newcomers alike being able to enjoy the warm, typically British feeling these thespians bring to the film.

Overall, Dad’s Army is a decent, albeit slightly underwhelming, effort in bringing one of the most popular TV shows of all time to the big screen. Its talent and casting are undeniable and the filming style is very impressive, but a lack of attention to the plot and a comedy drought stop it short of achieving what it clearly set out to do.
Cashback (2007)
Cashback (2007)
2007 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A charming little British comedy, originally a short film that won a lot of awards. So they decided to just expand it a lil to a full length film. Starring Michelle Ryan in a small role, the cast is largely unknown. It also caused a stir when released as it featured a topless model (Keeley Hazell) although very briefly. It does have a few nude scenes, but they are actually quite artfully done. It's a good story, with some nice ideas right from the opening break up scene. It uses a lot of different techniques film wise, the idea of freezing time is done well. It is quite funny, add a great soundtrack and I have to say I prefer this over 500 days of summer which was a bit similar in theme. Check it out.
Blithe Spirit (2020)
Blithe Spirit (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Blithe Spirit is gentle British romantic comedy that is based off a play by Noel Coward. Gentle is the key word here, Blithe Spirit is a slow tale that tries to focus on the relationships of the three main characters. Even the humour is quite mild.
There are a few familiar faces in the film but that's no surprise, as the saying goes 'Welcome to England, we have 20 actors, 4 sets and 14 Doctors'.
There was something a bit 'Cheep', I can't quite place my finger on it but there are a few times that the sets look a bit to like sets.
Even from this version you can see how the original is an inspiration for later films such as Ghost.
I you want a slow paced film with an entertaining story and light laughs and totally inoffensive then Blithe Sprit is worth a look.
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
Hilarious take on a serious subject
A comedy about terrorism isn’t something you’d think would ever be made, let alone be any good, but Four Lions takes this serious subject on brilliantly. I’m sure there are many people out there that will take offence, but when the film centres a group of bumbling totally inept terrorists, for me it was very difficult to not find it humorous when the characters are just so stupid. It’s absolutely hilarious, with some great quotes and one liners dotted throughout and also a lot of relevant cultural and locational based references. The references about Alton Towers cracked me up, and the quotes about rubber dinghy rapids has stayed with me ever since I first watched this years ago. I would be intrigued to know how this film is received by those who aren’t British, as I’m not sure a lot of these references would have quite the impact.

This isn’t to say the film isn’t serious at all, because it is. Focusing on the family of Omar brings a bleaker outlook and the ending actually makes you feel sorry for most of them, after everything. Riz Ahmed shines in this, he’s absolutely brilliant and it’s easy to see why he’s now moved over into Hollywood. The rest of the cast are good, Kayvan Novak especially, but it's Riz that stands out.

A fantastically funny British film that’s sure to have you laughing out loud.
The Avengers - Season 4
The Avengers - Season 4
1965 | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Difficult not to use words like iconic to describe this; the two seasons with Diana Rigg (this is the first of them) is what defines this series in the public recollection. Gentleman spy John Steed and his leather-clad friend Emma Peel investigate a wide range of threats to British society as we know it, ranging from the relatively mundane (attempts to assassinate visiting dignitaries) to the positively outlandish (man-eating Martian plants with mind-control powers).

Occasionally a bit tonally uneven, but still mostly a joy to watch even after all these years: the two leads are clearly enjoying themselves hugely and so are the characters (most of the time). The best episodes have a sort of intelligent silliness about them which is almost irresistible: they sustain a mixture of spy spoof, black comedy, and science fiction which many have tried to copy but few have achieved. This is the Avengers in its imperial phase.
The Full Monty (1997)
The Full Monty (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Musical
I'm sure it's sacrilege saying so, but I got absolutely nothing out of this - in fact I'm deathly sure I hated it. Not because it was exactly awful, per se - moreso because it was just so exhaustively timid, top to bottom. Seldom has a sex comedy ever been more self-conscious of itself, I sat in almost pure impatient silence the entire time waiting for it to end. I mean is it not enough that we rarely ever get to see these tiresome (less than) one note characters actually ever interact as a group? Or that even the overly-familiar sorta-half-jokes have to fizzle out before they're even delivered? And while we're at it, why is the direction so violently bland? And why is the film so indifferent about its own story while also trying to bolster it up as the main selling point? I mean there's hardly any stakes let alone momentum, nor even light fun because everyone just sort of "Yeah sure, whatever"s to everything that happens which is allegedly of consequence. Are we supposed to care? Basically the bone marrow of every sex comedy ever made, stripped down of all the meat and other fixings that made them funny/interesting/charming/memorable. Zero personality, and deliberately stops itself from having any anytime it threatens to use some. At best only mildly amusing, whatever made this entirely pedestrian British 'comedy' get shot up to Best Picture status over something like the mega superior 𝘓𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘚𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘴 I will never grasp. The whole time I just wanted to see the "Always Sunny" gang or even the Broken Lizard troupe take a stab at this premise and give it the non-passive justice it deserves.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Zoo (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2019  
Zoo (2018)
Zoo (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
Saving your marriage or zombie apocalypse?
I have to admit being new to the world of British cinema (since I live in the US) so those extreme British accents are still a struggle for me at times (especially when you guys talk so fast!). I have to admit to even putting subtitles on a few times so I could get all the words.

Interesting premise of this film and the recommendation from a friend to watch.

How would you feel if a zombie infestation began right while your marriage was on the rocks? Which would be your priority to correct?

This young couple grapples with this exact issue and it is relatively successful. They spend time disagreeing with each other and moping about in their flat since they cannot go outside without having to deal with infected hoards trying to devour them. They begin having meaningful dialogue and then they get a knock at their door. A random couple ask if they can come and hide within to remove themselves from danger and are obliged. They immediately become a nuisance asking for provisions which are already in short supply and to "borrow a toothbrush"? I thought that was funny.

Their stay at the apartment is short, but long enough to have the couple start to unite themselves against their new house guests. After their departure, the couple becomes more intimate and work on their relationship before even more unwanted guests arrive.

The dialogue was a bit corny at times, but worked overall. I enjoyed the fresh take on the zombie genre. If romantic comedy zombie horror is a new sub genre I'm all in.