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Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, my heart!

Book three in the Heartwood series managed to smack me right in the feels!
    Each character had their own reasons for their actions and was strong enough to own that. As with all good romance though things don't run smoothly into wedded bliss. Secrets that can't be hidden any longer, disappointment and hurt that needs addressing and trust needs to been earned.
    This is a brilliant edition to the Heartwood series and I love the whole family aspect that is always present. The depth of love and loyalty that spills out and encompasses, not only the brothers, but their chose partner is always heart-fluttering to witness.

As always, this is an adult read that deserves chocolate and a cheeky drink while snuggled up on the sofa!
Duck Soup (1933)
Duck Soup (1933)
1933 | Classics, Comedy, War
8.7 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“You’re a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you’re out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we’ll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are” Rufus T. Firefly
And the one liners just keep on coming…

Here we have before you one of the most famous entries form The Marx Brothers as they made their indelible mark on Hollywood(land) and the silver screen back in the 1930’s, moving away from their Vaudeville roots to new level of immortally on celluloid.

The fifth film to credit the “The Marx Brothers”, Duck Soup in on one hand a sharply written satire on the weakness of mob mentality to willingly promote unwelcome change to their society and their willingness to follow just about any lunatic as long as they like what they hear; as well as a straight forward slapstick comedy of the time, in keeping with its music hall roots.

It is the music hall aspect of this classic which can be harder for a modern audience to take to, unless you are already disposed to this sort of rather dated humour. But as a satire, it is brilliant and still very funny over seventy years on.

Groucho Marx steals the show as Rufus T. Firefly as he leads his unwitting and possibly dimwitted fictional country of Fredonia (geddit?) to war and ultimate destruction. He is a character, whilst not in any way taking off Adolf Hitler, who was of course rising to power in Germany at this very moment, was clearly a reflection on this type of reckless and charismatic leader and as the hilarious final act demonstrates, is all too common in history and even in our present.

And the fact that Fredonia is ultimately doomed, was a coincidental foreshadowing of Nazi Germany’s fate a decade later, as well as a clear demonstration of the savvy writing.

Witty, whether it is the physical trademark Marx Brothers comedy or the sharp screenplay by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, based on the stage version of the same name, this a classic satire; whilst not being as hard hitting a s Chaplin’s works of the period, with The Great Dictator (1940) springing to mind, it still holds up and makes its point without hammering you over the head it.

So, you can just enjoy the show and/or take away the message, it is really up to you.
C is for Comfort (The Alphabet of Desire #3)
C is for Comfort (The Alphabet of Desire #3)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the most emotional of the three.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Alphabet of Desire series. Its not necessary to read book 1, A is for Aftercare, or book 2, B is for Beg, before this one. All three books run concurrently, so you get these guys falling fast and falling HARD, in all three books, and I really loved that! It was great watching Archie, Blake and Corey falling in love from each of the other brother's perspective, it really was.

Corey is the last to fall, and he does so beautifully! And I think, he's the most emotional of the three brothers, but doesn't always show it. Spence, though, he can read Corey like a book, or a painting, very quickly and Spence calls Corey out a time or two.

Corey wants what's best for his daughter, Lexi, and his brothers have been a godsend in helping him do that, but now Archie and Blake are leaving, he's not sure he can cope; at home or at work. But Spence? Spence helps him get clarity. He helps him see that just because the brothers won't be living together, they are still close, and they will always be. Spence helps Corey to relax about work, teaching is a stressful enough job, so adding your own pressure on yourself? Recipe for disaster, especially for a first year teacher.

Spence's job is stressful too, he's an A&E doctor, so he knows all about pressure. But Corey helps HIM see that he needs something more than a hook up every now and then. Corey helps Spence see he needs a family, even if he didn't know he did. He has his sister and her kids, but with Corey and Lexi, Spence sees he needs more; wants more.

It's not heavy on the BDSM, more the care a Daddy gives. It's smexy and sweet, and emotional. I cried a bit, at Corey, and I don't quite know why!

It's been fun watching these guys, all seven of them, fall hard and fall fast. In ways they did not see coming, at all! That they run concurrently was different, but I liked it once I realised that's how they were written. It's different, I do enjoy different.

All three books are wonderful reads with book 2, Beg, being my favourite. If you enjoy low angst books, I would HIGHLY recommend these!

4 paint splattered stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Weed Farmer

    Weed Farmer

    Games and Entertainment

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    Weed Farmer Homegrown The Top Virtual Growing Game Comes to IOS Have fun while learning to grow...

American Heist (2015)
American Heist (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: American Heist starts with James (Christensen) waiting before starting to look for someone then an explosion surprises him bring us back a day in time where we follow James going about his everyday life. James has a brother Frankie (Brody) fresh out of prison being picked up by his criminal connection Sugar (Akon) who keeps him happy with drinks, drugs and girls on his first night out before meeting the boss Ray (Kittles).

James has turned his life around where he now works on the straight life working as a mechanic, he sees an old flame Emily (Brewster) back in town where James sees his life moving in the right direction. Frankie turns up to see his brother’s life after ten years locked away. Frankie arranges to meet for drinks with James which leads to him discussion a new job opportunity which leads us back to the opening scene where James gets tricked into a job as Frankie is trying to repay his debts.

Ray has assembled a team to pull off an elaborate bank robbery which will finally see Frankie pay back the debts he owes because James has the skills to get part of the plan done.

American Heist is a story that does seem to follow the traditional idea of a recently released from prison criminal goes straight back into the criminal world even if it isn’t fully his desire. We also see how the man thinking he has escaped from the criminal world gets dragged back in for one more job. This side of the story has been done before but is does really push the two brothers on an emotional level. When it comes to the actual heist it does become the secondary story behind the brothers relationship with the preparation being a quick flash scene and like most heist films go completely wrong. The story will have to go down as a solid entry into the genre but won’t be a film climbing into anyone’s best. (7/10)


Actor Review


Hayden Christensen: James is the former criminal who has turned his life around with a clean cut job where he is trying to get his own business, his life may not be perfect but he is happy that everything is all legal now. When his brothers released from prison he ends up caught up trying to pay off Frankie’s debts forced into working for criminal Ray. Hayden continues to try and recover from the criticism he got for Star Wars with another anti pretty boy film where he tries to play tough but doesn’t quite pull it off. (6/10)


Adrien Brody: Frankie is James’ brother who fresh out of prisoner does straight back into his criminal underworld where criminal boss Ray wants both Frankie and James to work for him. Frankie went through a lot in prison and always stood up for his brothers, as well as helping him become the man he is now. Adrien gives a performance you would expect from an Oscar winner, he does show his skills but sometimes feels like he is overacting to the situations. (7/10)


Jordana Brewster: Emily is the old flame who comes back into James’ life. Emily just so happens to be a dispatch caller for the police which could make the bank job all that much harder as Emily and James start rekindling their romance. Jordana does a good job but really doesn’t get enough screen time for the romantic angle in the story. (6/10)


Akon: Sugar is the second in command to Ray who gets the dirty jobs done when other people won’t get involved. Akon does make a good supporting actor never trying to over act like many musicians do when they enter the acting world. (7/10)


Tory Kittles: Ray is the criminal who helped Frankie in prison leaving him being owed a favour from Frankie when he finally gets out. Ray makes Frankie bring James back into the criminal world to take part in an elaborate heist. Tory makes for a good emotionless tough criminal who believes in every word he is saying. (7/10)


Support Cast: American Heist doesn’t really have many more characters involved in the story, we have the generic characters trying to chase down the criminals and the members of the group trying to pull off the heist.


Director Review: Sarik Andreasyan – Sarik gives us a solid heist film that really does focus on the relationship between the two brothers who have gone down different paths but must work together one last time. (7/10)


Action: American Heist keeps the action in a realistic level apart from one moment, making each feel like it could be a real heist and aftermath. (7/10)

Drama: American Heist creates a dysfunctional relationship between the two brothers which helps show just how far they would go for each other. (7/10)

Settings: American Heist keeps the settings in location where you would imagine the characters would want to turn to crime to end all the suffering they are going through. (8/10)

Suggestion: American Heist is one to try, I do think if you are a fan of the genre you will enjoy but there is only so much you can do with a heist film without fully copying anything else. (Try It)


Best Part: I really liked how the film ended, but can’t give it away.

Worst Part: How James gets pulled into the criminal world again.

Action Scene Of The Film: Ray’s escape attempt.


Believability: The heist feels like it could be how a real one would end, but the relationship side mixed with the heist not so. (4/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No

Similar Too: Kill Point (TV Show)


Oscar Chances: None

Budget: $10 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 34 Minutes


Overall: American Heist will go down as an emotionally gritty heist film about two brothers.
The Double-A Western Detective Agency
The Double-A Western Detective Agency
Steve Hockensmith | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detectifying in the Old West Once Again
Cowboy brothers turned detectives Big Red and Old Red have started a new detective agency with Diana and her father, Colonel Crowe. There's just one problem, the lack of paying customers. So when they are hired to travel to DeBatge, New Mexico, and catch some cattle rustlers, Old Red reluctantly agrees to go even though it's not the kind of case he wants to take. With Diana tagging along, the brothers set out. However, when they arrive, they discover a town divided with tensions running high. The source of this powder keg? Their client. Then a dead body turns up, igniting the fuse. Can Old Red figure things out before the town explodes? Will the trio get caught in the crossfire no matter what happens?

I was so glad when I learned author Steve Hockensmith was writing a new adventure for these two cowboys. If you haven't yet had the pleasure of traveling back to the 1890's with them, you are in for a treat. The characters are wonderful. Since we don't have too many recurring characters, that leaves plenty of room for new characters, and figuring out if they are friend or foe drives so much of the plot. Yes, there is a mystery, and Old Red does a great job of figuring out what is going on. He was certainly several steps ahead of me. However, the added stress of the conflicts in town adds to the tension and puts Big Red and Old Red's lives in danger on a regular basis. The humor from the earlier books is still here as well and helps defuse the tension a little.
Healing Him (Bromley Brothers #2)
Healing Him (Bromley Brothers #2)
Laura N. Andrews | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Healing Him (Bromley Brothers #2) by Laura N. Andrews
Healing Him is the second book in the Bromley Brothers series, and I was thoroughly looking forward to delving into their world once more, and I have to say I was not disappointed!

This time we concentrate on Henry. He is a Dom who has just agreed with his submissive they will not make a new contract. After seeing how happy his younger brother, Trey, is, Henry knows he wants more. What he wasn't expecting was the lightening bolt he got the first time he met Ryan. Ryan has issues, and with good reason. He is hurt and wounded, emotionally as well as physically, and it takes Henry time and patience to get through to him.

I really loved Henry in this book, and he could be a model boy for how to be a Dom. He was kind, caring, and patient, but he also let Ryan know when he had overstepped. He understood what Ryan was going through, and helped him in every way he could, which did NOT mean Ryan kowtowing down to Henry at every moment.

This was sensitively written in a way that in no way lessened the impact of what Ryan went through. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I read it through from start to finish in one sitting. Who needs to eat, after all? An amazing continuation to the series, and now I'm waiting oh so patiently for Trav's story. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Serious Man (2009)
A Serious Man (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: A Serious Man. A friend just asked me what I was watching, I said A Serious Man, a Coen Brothers movie. The reply, I hate them... I freaking love them. Who else can tell the tale of a man and his life totally unraveling and still be able to laugh at it, like the Coen Bros. Oh well... The movie tells the tale of Larry Gopnik, and like I said, his life is falling apart. It all starts one day as he's sitting in his office, a college psychics teacher, and a student tries to bribe him for a passing grade, goes home, his neighbor is going over property lines with a lawnmower and making things look shitty, his brother is living with them because someone has a gambling problem, his daughter is stealing money from his wallet to save up for a nose job, and his son owes 20 bucks to the fat drug dealer up the street. And of course right before dinner, his wife lets him know she wants a quickie divorce so she can be with a another man, a good friend of the family. And thats the first 20 minutes. For the rest of the flick, it seems Larry just wants to make everyone happy tho his own life is going insanely out of control, all while staying within the confines of his religion. And thanks to the Coen brothers the Jewish faith looks totally insane (Being fair, all religion to me is insane) It really was an awesome movie, pulls you in with a great story and great acting, Michael Stuhlbarg, not exactly a household name, was excellent as Larry!! And right before the credits roll. It kicks you in the balls one last time, its great!