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Enter the Dragon (1973)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
1973 | Action
"𝘔𝘢𝘯, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬."

Exquisite, worth every ounce of its reputation. Sensational use of music, dazzling acting, timeless fight sequences, savory aesthetic, very funny, and just an inherently juicy premise at the helm - I've always loved the idea of this gaudy remote island reserved exclusively for corrupt martial arts tournaments (plus drug/human trafficking and casual murder of course) that people can just casually go to lol. Not only a masterclass in personality but highly acute in its intelligence - crafts smart dialogue and extra fun characters to make this more than just the surface-level experience that it still could have been successful at. Bruce Lee really was the definition of raw star power, giving a performance which I can only describe as a live endorphin meets calculated hitman meets wrecking ball - leading both the ripper action bits as well as the cool, collected talking bits with seismic gravitas. The part where he stomps that guy to death as we watch his facial expression go from pure adrenaline takeover to euphoric satisfaction to regret then finally to painful acceptance all in a matter of like ten seconds is nothing short of astonishing. Plus it's all just so damn cool, I love this whole experience - the primal anticipation, the hearty sense of grooviness, the way the camera takes on the POV of the fighters as we can see how their conditions differ then zooms back in on the wildly emotive faces... pure cinema. The scene where Lee mows through an entire compound full of guards as he keeps switching progressively better weapons with the last one he retrieves from the previous wave of baddies? Oh hell yeah, say no more.
The Crow (1994)
The Crow (1994)
1994 | Action, Sci-Fi
Close to the source material (2 more)
Great Cast
A powerful and emotional film
A Powerful Classic
The Crow is one of my all time favourite films as well as one of my all time favourite graphic novels.

This Gothic, fantasy action film has a tragic story that's powerful to behold as we witness what the power of revenge can do to a person. However, this isn't your typical revenge plot, because SPOILERS!

Eric Draven, portrayed by the incredible Brandon Lee (son of Bruce Lee), is actual brought back from the dead as an avenging angel, after he and his fiance were murdered by a group of thugs on Devils Night (the night before Halloween).

If you've read the graphic novel you'll know just how great this film is, and the only downside to it is knowing it was Brandon Lee's last after an accident that happened on set.

However, the film sticks close to the source material, especially since James O'Barr, the creator of the characters and the graphic novel worked closely with the cast and crew of the film to ensure it was done correctly.

The tone of the film is, for obvious reasons, dark but there is still humour in it which lightens the mood and gives you a sense of Eric Draven's mind because let's face it, coming back from the dead with the ability to heal any wound, and the opportunity to get revenge on those who wronged you, it's enough to send a sensible man insane, and we see that shine through Brandon Lee performance with jokes and laughter, whilst still remaining eerily dark and twisted. When the bad guys realise he heals any wounds and can't die...You can see how much Eric enjoys seeing the fear grow in their faces, and as the strong unfolds we learn that the group of thugs who committed the crime, were just pawns to a bigger villain leading a crime syndicate in the city.

We see emotion as Eric tries to find out the truth of what really happened that night, and why he and his fiance lost their lives, and we see him trying to connect to his past through Sarah, a young girl that he and his fiance looked after and cared for. We also see the truth unfold through Officer Albrecht who was in charge of the investigation.

The characters are all brilliantly written, from Sarah's childhood innocence becoming a more mature sense of realising that the world can't always be a happy place, to Eric's lust for revenger and being sidetracked by emotions of his former life, trying to remain a good person whilst committing these acts of murder for revenge.

The music in the film really fits the scenes and the feel of the entire story with bands like The Cure, Pantera, Rage Against The Machine and Stone Temple Pilots among others, its soundtrack is brilliantly dark.

Also the main aspect that you have to love is Brandon Lee in the crow makeup and clothing. He looks menacing, he looks like he has a lust for revenge, most importantly he looks badass! One of the greatest comic book characters in film that I have ever seen, and whilst I was a little wary of the talks to remake this film in 2016/2017, I would be curious to see the character brought to life again and given a fresh look but I don't know if anyone can beat Brandon Lee in that portrayal because he looks incredible.

This film is dark, powerful, moving and poetic and will remain one of my top 5 films of all time. Maybe even top 3.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a comic book movie, especially if you like movies with action and drama with a Gothic overtone.

R.I.P Brandon Lee (1965-1993)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Another case of 'visionary film-makers' getting together to produce something visually lavish but also very derivative and hobbled by a goosey-goosey-gander plot. Cyber-surgeon and part-time bounty hunter (you can tell it's a comic book movie) finds a brain in a can and installs it in his dead daughter's robotic body; she turns out to be Alita, who looks like Gollum's better groomed little sister but fights like a CGI'd version of Bruce Lee. Alita tries bounty hunting, also has a go at roller-boogie, falls in love (somewhat unconvincingly). Some good actors are saddled with unrewarding parts.

Looks good (as you would expect) and the action sequences are impressive (ditto) but it's not especially involving and the shapeless story in particular is a problem. It all feels a bit cool and mechanical, without much of a sense of humour - the one really funny moment is unintentional. Not an outright bad movie but spending $200 million on an adaptation of a relatively obscure comic book with someone equally little-known in the title role is a mistake, unless you end up with a film that people are really going to get excited about. Alita is not that movie: it's just another good-looking but vacuous comic-book film.
The Get Down  - Season 1
The Get Down - Season 1
2015 | Drama
The Get Down is ill, straight dope to the max,
It's on point like a needle to the wax.
It's as if Shakspeare grew up in the Bronx,
And was spittin' rhymes deeper than ancient monks.
Mylene's looks would make the Devil sigh,
And her voice would make an angel cry.
Not since Romeo and Juliet have I seen a more passionate fling,
Ezekial loves Mylene like Mylene loves to sing.
Flash, he's the Grand Master,
When it comes to spinning vinyl no one does it faster.
Kung Fu Master Chu met his defeat,
At the hand of Shaolin Fantastic's killer beats.
While the Fantastic Four Plus One be makin' the heat,
Big Annie is the one running the streets.
Tearin' up the dance floors is a man they call Cadillac,
Bustin' moves and bustin' caps, so ya better watch your back.
Like a Bruce Lee karate chop this show is a hit,
Hip to the hop don't want it to stop, for this here is the good good shit.
Turntables spinning circles like piegons in the sky,
It's my new religion and I'm praising it on high.
Like a purple crayon that is full of possibilities,
The Get Down is my new favorite show that you just gotta see.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jul 27, 2019)  
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
This has been the only film I've seen in theaters this July (too many kids movies), and it was completely worth it.

The only gripe I have, to start out with, was the length. QT definitely took his time to develop the characters, and to enjoy the overall nostalgia of Hollywood in 1969. I'm not really a Brad Pitt (Cliff) fan, but his chemistry with Leo was a joy to watch, and highly amusing. I really loved Leo in this, aside from his persistent Calvin Candie accent.
I really enjoyed Moh's Bruce Lee, and the scene with Cliff was one of my favorites. Another of my favorites was the ultra-creepiness of the Spahn Ranch with the Manson family.
The entire movie, I was waiting for the signature violence, and while there was a little at Spahn Ranch, the end was amazing. The last scenes had me laughing so hard, I was crying, I loved it. QT really let us know how he feels about the Manson family.

Of course, this is a fairy-tale, so the end result was different than what happened in real life. I'm for sure going to try to catch this flick again tomorrow.

Also- RIP Luke Perry, he got very little screen time, but it was great screen time.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Can't wait to watch this!

The Expendables (2010)
The Expendables (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
6.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mumble Mumble Mumbe Part 1
Lets get all of the 80's action stars and throw them into a movie. Will Bruce and Arnold be in it, nope well for only 1min and 30secs. Yes you heard that correctly two of the biggest action stars only get 1min and 30sec screen time cameo with Sly. Making jokes and one-liners. So whats the plot then.

The Plot: A group of mercenaries is double-crossed during a mission and are approached by Church to overthrow the ruthless dictator of a South American country. It isn't long before the men realise things aren't quite as they appear, finding themselves caught in a dangerous web of betrayal. Although their mission is compromised and an innocent is in danger, soldier of fortune Barney and his comrades decide to get the job done.

Also the charcter names are really weird but intresting and predictable. Like Lee Christmas, Gunner Jensen, Yin Yang, Hale Caesar, Toll Road, Toll and Mr. Church.

All of 80's stars are here like Dolph Lundren who, ohh the russian guy from rocky 4 and Randy Couture who, oh a retired MMA fighting.

Its a funny, action movie and will have a good time watching.