Brunel's Timber Bridges and Viaducts
Drawing upon the records of the GWR held by such bodies as the National Archives and the National...

Batman: The Animated Series
TV Show
Bruce Wayne takes on the alter ego of a vigilante superhero known as Batman, fighting against...
Batman: TAS Harley Quinn Mr. Freeze the Joker Robin

DC Showcase - Sgt. Rock (2019)
An animated short focusing on the DC comics character Sgt. Rock. It was released alongside Batman:...

The Phantom Stranger (2020)
A young girl, seeking adventure and emancipation from her "establishment" parents, is taken, by a...

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)
Movie Watch
Batman takes on Jack the Ripper in this adaptation of the popular graphic novel. Jack the Ripper...
batman dc universe mystery jack the ripper hh holmes action

Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
Movie Watch
Delve into the demented history of the Dark Knight's arch nemesis—The Joker—as he sets out to...

Harley Quinn
TV Show Watch
Harley Quinn is an upcoming American animated web television series based on the Harley Quinn...