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Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
2008 | Drama
Walter White's journey into Albuquerque's is slow and carefully thought out. The show is exceptionally well written and uses a range of quirky shots and flamboyant Hispanic music to add a bit levity. (0 more)
Season 3 drags and dies not live up to the standard of the rest of the seasons. (0 more)
If you ignore season 3 it's perfect
Breaking Bad is a TV show that I go back to and discover new things I missed each time. Bryan Cranston is incredible: no one else can show such a huge range of emotions in their baggy y fronts!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Power Rangers (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Mmm, Doughnuts
I had no idea I'd been waiting all my life for a film which combined juvenile sci-fi, plastic karate, diversity-friendly teen angst, industrial levels of product placement for Krispy Kreme, and jokes about jerking off bulls, but it turned out that I was and here it is.

A bunch of high school kids discover magic medallions that turn them into (basically) action figures, tasked with stopping the evil Rita Repulsa from locating a mystical crystal hidden in a vital location somewhere on Earth (the vital location may or may not be connected to selling a range of delicious fried-dough confectionary), helped by the ghost of an ancient alien hero (the producers must have some juicy dirt on Bryan Cranston and have blackmailed him into appearing).

Now, the high school kids are all played by actors who are clearly in their 20s, the tone is all over the place (to put it mildly), and long before the end it has quietly transformed itself into a massive advert for toys, but this is still a weirdly diverting and undeniably fun film, mainly because - underneath all the complete nonsense - the script is solid and no-one seems to be taking it too seriously. All right, much of it makes no sense at all, but it does so in a rather charming way. The finest kind of bad movie. Best line - Bryan Cranston: 'Have you ever morphed before?' Black Power Ranger: 'Only in the shower.'
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
I'm going to start with a controversial statement: I preferred the 1998 version of the famous Japanese monster movie.

Reason? Mainly because, for the vast majority of this particular movie, I couldn't tell what was going on: lots of rumblings, sure, a few monster noises bit actually being able to see what was happening? Nope.

It also seems to waste most of its cast: Bryan Cranston doesn't do much before making his exit, a pre Scarlet-Witch Elizabeth Olson spends most of her (limited) screen time looking worried and Ken Watanabe does nothing but seemingly mope around the place.

And, finally, what call the movie Godzilla when he's barely in it? If anything, it should have been called MUTOs ...

JT (287 KP) rated The Upside (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Upside (2019)
The Upside (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Neil Burger’s remake of 2011 French original The Intouchables pairs Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston in a heartwarming bromance. Ex-con Dell Scott (Hart) is looking to get back on the straight and narrow after a stint behind bars. Needing to prove to his parole officer that he is actively job hunting, he steps off the tough New York streets and accidentally into the penthouse of Philip Lacasse (Cranston), a quadriplegic in need of round the clock care.

It’s not the type of job that Dell is qualified to interview for. His dry sense of humour, however, strikes a chord with Phillip – but not his frosty assistant Yvonne Pendleton (Nicole Kidman).

Hart leaves the majority of his wise-cracking antics at the door and handles the dramatic role to great effect. One or two jokes slip through the net but they feel delivered at the right times – at least we know how a catheter is put in place.

The pair work out each other’s personalities and over time Dell discovers a love for opera while Phillip enjoys the effects of marijuana and Aretha Franklin. It rarely drifts from the storyline of the original, but it doesn’t need to do anything new to make it enjoyable.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Monster Fights (0 more)
Monsters vs Monsters... Epic
After the sour taste the last big screen adaptation left in my mouth I wasn’t overly enthusiastic for this one. I mean hyping your entire movie around Bryan Cranston to just kill him in the first 20 minutes leaving second best Quicksilver to hold the movie up was just Mental.

BUT this movie did promise one thing, more Kaiju more Godzilla instead of the pitiful 10 minutes screen time on our last outing. boy did it deliver of the Kaiju battles in spades.

That’s all I wanted was to see Godzilla battle it out with Mothra, Ghiadora and whoever else, just take me back to my childhood and give me epic scale monster fights. I felt this movie delivered that unapologetically so it’s a win.

Also I kinda love seeing Kyle Chandler in things.