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The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
A plethora of clichés.
2017’s summer blockbusters fizzle to a halt with this formulaic action comedy. Ryan Reynolds (“Deadpool“) plays Michael Bryce: a cocksure “Triple A rated” bodyguard, always planning three steps ahead so that he can protect his clients without killing anyone in the process. With such arrogance, a fall is inevitable. On the other side of the legal scales is Darius Kincaid (Samuel L Jackson, “The Hateful Eight“), a contract killer who always gets his man. But the incarcerated Kincaid is offered a deal to release his equally incarcerated wife Sonia (Selma Hayek) in return for testifying against the fearsome Belarus president Vladislav Dukhovich (Gary Oldman, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”), on trial for war crimes at The Hague. An Interpol team led by Bryce’s’s ex-squeeze Amelia Roussel (the striking Elodie Yung) now have to get Kincaid to Belgium unscathed with Dukhovich’s well-trained and well-armed thugs stopping at nothing to ensure he won’t be there to testify. Fate transpires that Bryce and Kincaid become an unlikely team in trying to bring Dukhovich to justice.

After losing your no claims bonus, hysterical laughter is the only way forwards. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson.

This is a movie whose script seems to have been glued together from a patchwork of other movie scenes:

– the bad guy / bad guy partner relationship of “The Nice Guys“. Check.
– the street ambush of “Clear and Present Danger”. Check.
– the Amsterdam boat chase of “Puppet on a Chain”. Check.
– the comedic bar-room brawl from “Airplane”. Check.

Many of the action scenes are done with panache and some great stunt work. But it’s all stuff we’ve seen countless times before, so what is needed for differentiation is the relationships between Bryce and Kincaid: this needs to be the cornerstone of the film. But it just doesn’t quite work. Jackson’s contribution is never in doubt, even though we’ve seen this motherf-ing shtick countless times before: he’s still magnetic, charismatic and a joy to watch. But unfortunately Reynolds just doesn’t deliver the acting goods to make the banter believable: there is a reason “Deadpool” is his best film – he wears a mask for most of it! His ‘puppy-dog look’ gets rolled out multiple times, but it’s unconvincing in the extreme. Together they are no match for Gosling/Crowe in “The Nice Guys“.

Nun but the brave. Jackson (if not Reynolds) get happy clappy.

On firmer ground is the quirky relationship between Mr and Mrs Kincaid. Although sharing limited screen time together, Hayek and Jackson spark off each other wonderfully. Seeing Selma Hayek in uncharacteristically sweary and belligerent mode was highly entertaining (although it’s worth commenting that my wife took great offence to the ‘comic’ bullying of an overweight cellmate).

“I had to ask the guy next to me to pinch me to make sure I wasn’t dreaming” – the future Mr and Mrs Kincaid meet in a rough place… the seediest dive on the wharf.

Elsewhere in the acting roll call, Elodie Yung delivers just the right measure of cuteness, toughness and passion as Roussel, but Oldman delivers a full-on retread of his Ivan “Get off my plane” Korshunov from “Air Force One”. There is also a change to Oldman’s character’s face at the end of the film in the form of a rampant skin complaint which is ‘explained’ by a clumsily inserted news item about an “attempted poisoning”: it’s such a clunky and bizarre addition to the script that it made me wonder whether the actor has some unexpected ailment (like shingles) during filming…. but I can see nothing related to this online.

The striking Elodie Yung as the Interpol agent Roussel.

The screenplay by relative newcomer Tom O’Connor bumps along from implausible action scene to implausible action scene, with more that its fair share of ‘WTF’ moments. For example, after a random chase through multiple Amsterdam alleys and shops, Jackson pulls up outside the very DIY shop Reynolds ends up in to pick him up! The script is also tonally uneven throughout: given this is supposed to be an “action comedy” the action is often brutal and unpleasant and the comedy – in the main – just not funny enough. (About the funniest thing in the film are the most ineffective sub machine guns known to man, most notably in the mildly ludicrous, if well staged, boat chase scene!)

An entertaining cameo from Richard E Grant as a businessman in danger.

The film also manages to offend, in more ways than the 15-rated violence and language used: I’m not sure WHEN this movie was actually filmed, but the use of an articulated lorry as a terrorist weapon towards the end of the film is certainly in very poor taste after the events of Nice, London and Barcelona. Not appreciated.
Directed by Patrick Hughes (“The Expendables 3″…. say no more) this hodge-podge of a flick is sporadically entertaining, but is one I will struggle to remember in a couple of months time.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Fun Summer Blockbuster
Taking place three years after Jurassic World, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) find themselves back on Isla Nublar where a dormant volcano is on the verge of erupting. Their mission is to safely rescue as many dinosaurs as they can, but there are others who have more sinister plans.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
The Jurassic Park series has set the standard for visuals and this new installment is no exception. From the opening scene to the film's conclusion, you are treated to the beautiful dino goodness that keeps viewers coming back for more. I appreciated the consistent attention to detail and the constant refining of the traditional dinos like the t-rex and pesky raptor. I left as I always do, thinking this is how these creatures must have moved and acted when they were alive.

Conflict: 9

Genre: 5

Memorability: 5

Pace: 8

Plot: 1

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
It's funny how critics rag on films like these saying, "Where is the heart? This film is all over the place, big on action, lacking on script." Is that accurate of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom? Absolutely. However, sometimes we also have to remember why we came to the see the film in the first place. You came for the action. You came for the dinosaurs. In that sense, the film delivers. You want an enriching story? Go see Lady Bird. Meanwhile, I'll keep munching on my Raisinets and enjoying films the way they were meant to be enjoyed.

P.S.--Lady Bird is actually a phenomenal film.
Knights of Stone: Calum
Knights of Stone: Calum
Lisa Carlisle | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Knights of Stone: Calum (Highland Gargoyles #5) by Lisa Carlisle
Calum is the youngest of the Gargoyle brothers, and along with Gavin, has vowed never to be tied down like his brothers. However, he has been restless of late, and feels the need to fly more often. It is on one of these flights that he encounters a Pegasus and Dragon - neither of which he thought were real. His protective instincts kick in, and he fights the dragon, helping the Pegasus to escape. Once they are both on land, they speak, and Calum finds out that this Pegasus is called Arielle, and she is from a different realm. Now, apart from Bryce, all the brothers have inter-species relationships, but I never thought of an inter-realm one. And poor Calum and Arielle don't think that a long distance relationship like that (where you will never see the other one again) will work. Calum is torn because he wants to help Arielle, but he doesn't want her to leave him.

With good guys, and bad guys, and overprotective mothers, Lisa Carlisle has managed to weave another great story in this series. There is only Gavin left, and I can't wait to read his story, being as no one can see him settling down! With no editing or grammatical errors, there was nothing about this book that caught my attention in a bad way. It was a lovely story, with a smooth pace, and some angst in it for those that don't like a smooth road. All-in-all, a great read and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Victory Garden
The Victory Garden
Rhys Bowen | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Was the Wrong Audience for this Book
Emily Bryce is about to turn twenty-one, and she is ready to start doing something to help with the war effort. Her parents have kept her at home with her mom hoping to find someone from the aristocracy to marry her off to, but Emily is determined to find her own path. Then Emily meets Robbie, an Australian pilot recovering from an injury at a hospital in the area. Even though her parents forbid it, she keeps seeing him behind their back. She also soon joins up with the Women’s Land Army, helping to keep the farms in England running to provide food for everyone. Will her parents ever accept her choices?

I’ve been a fan of Rhys’s mysteries for years, so I decided to give this book a try. As I suspected going in, this is not a mystery, but more of a coming of age story set in the England of 100 years ago. Unfortunately, I don’t think I was the target audience since I had trouble getting into it. There is a lot happening, and that was part of the problem. The story takes place over a year, and to get the entire time frame and the all Emily goes through into the story, at times I think we were cheated out of watching Emily deal with everything happening. That resulted in some things we were told about and not shown. On the other hand, Emily is a wonderful main character, and I was definitely rooting for her to succeed. I did tear up a time or two. And I felt we got a clear picture of what life was like in 1918 England for those who didn’t fight during the war – something that is often overlooked when we think about the cost of a war.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The music is back, the dinosaurs are back, the chaos is back!
Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movie series. There are so many iconic moments in the original movie and I love that this latest addition to the series makes some of those moments come alive for both long-time fans and a new generation of fans. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom brings fans all of the music and action they've fallen in love with over the years and mixes into that a whole new conundrum. With an active volcano threatening to wipe out all of the dinosaurs that have been abandoned on Isla Nublar, the world must decide if they want to step in and rescue the dinosaurs or let nature run its course.

Jeff Goldblum returns to the franchise as the famous mathematician, Dr. Ian Malcolm, and if you've seen any of the original movies you can probably guess where he stands on the matter. Chris Pratt and Dallas Bryce Howard also resume their former roles, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing respectively. The pair disagrees on what the outcome for the dinosaurs should be, but they team up nonetheless and their romantic tension provides a lot of comic relief throughout the movie.

Overall, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom does a wonderful job of blending the old with the new (in terms of themes, characters, etc). A number of well-placed twists keeps the audience in suspense. There are heart-wrenching moments that make you want to cry, celebratory moments that make you want to cheer, action-filled moments that make your heart rate skyrocket, and plain old funny moments that make you laugh. What more can you ask for in movie? Flock to a nearby theater, hold onto your butts, and watch it today!

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Mandalorian - Season 1 in TV

Dec 28, 2019 (Updated Dec 28, 2019)  
The Mandalorian - Season 1
The Mandalorian - Season 1
2019 | Sci-Fi
I want to say that I love this show like nearly everyone else, but it's simply not the case. It's just not amazing or mind-blowing, like many suggest.
The show is sufficiently entertaining, but I have a few issues with it. The episodes were all directed by different people (Filoni and Chow directed 2), and that may have been the issue. The styles were just too different. I'm also not sure why Bryce Dallas Howard was allowed to direct an ep, she should really leave the directing to her father and stick with acting. Howard's ep was, by far, the worst of them all.
I was bummed that the eps were so short, just over 30 minutes with the end credits. It was definitely a bummer.
My favorite (and the best) episodes were directed by Deborah Chow, who is set to direct the new Obi-Wan series. I'm even more excited for that now, because she was rock solid.
I won't say much about the story line, I don't want to spoil it more than it already has been. The episodes were kind of everywhere, and I found myself thinking after them, what the hell was the point of this ep? It was all just a little disappointing, the hype was too much for this show.
I liked Pascal's Mando, and Cara Dune (Carano) was probably my favorite human character. The Child is, of course, ADORABLE, but I need to know the mystery. A scene in ep 6 or 7 seemed to dismiss my personal theory, but I'm still sticking to it.
If you're a fan of the Clone Wars and/or Rebels, the final scene of the last ep will be a treat. Though, what the hell happened in order for that artefact to land in that person's hands??
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
6.8 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard picks up relatively soon after The Hitman’s Bodyguard. Ryan Reynolds’ Michael Bryce attempts to take a sabbatical after the events of the first film. His sabbatical doesn’t last long, when Sonia, played by Salma Hayek, crashes his vacation to ask for his help to save her husband from the mob. After they locate Darius Kincaid, the crew gets involved in this ridiculous international situation with Antonio Banderas, playing a Greek dude named Aristotle. Aristotle is angry that the EU kept sanctions on Greece, so he decides to knock out Europe’s interwebs. It is as dumb as it sounds.
The comedy trio of Reynolds, Hayek, and Jackson is amusing, and helps move the film along. The plot is silly, and predictable, but overall enjoyable. One of the funniest parts was when Morgan Freeman made an appearance in an unexpected way as Senior. I liked that there was a little bit of Sonia’s backstory, and we got to see some of her previous cons.
If you watch the first film, right before seeing this one, as I did, you can laugh at all the references back to the first. That being said, some of the jokes were disgustingly crass, particularly when Sonia talks about attempting to get pregnant, and it was too much. Also, the use of the word Mother F-cker was so excessive, it just became annoying. While I liked having more Hayek in the film, she flips out way too often for it to be funny. Another issue I had was the use of multiple dream sequences. It’s funny the first time, but not after that.
This is the first big, dumb, fun action movie to grace us with its presence since theaters opened up, and it was a good start to the barrage of big, dumb, fun action movie season.