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I recently decided that I need to read some poetry books, and this happens to be the one that I started with. I'm also planning on reading another of Silverstein's collections, The Giving Tree. I don't really know all that much about poets or poetry, so I may have just searched Goodreads for high-rated books...

Silverstein often uses prominent, simply rhyme schemes throughout this book of poetry, making them easy to follow and popular with younger children/teens. They flow beautifully, almost rhythmically, and are all rather short. They are mostly humourous poems, with little illustrations alongside them. These illustrations, also by Shel Silverstein, are also often funny, and help us understand the point/joke being made in the related poem.
These are all pretty easy-reading poems, nothing too thought-provoking or hard to understand. Quite a nice book to read in bed, or when you just have a little time to relax. There are definitely poems in here that remind me of stories and poems from my early childhood. I think I can give his 4 stars quite easily.
Miller's Mid-Century Modern
Miller's Mid-Century Modern
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Miller’s Mid-Century Modern: Living with Mid-Century Modern Design is a collection of photos of modern designs of yesteryear, collated by Judith Miller.

This large, hardcover book is sets out to share with you the best styles of interior, and furniture design history from the 1940s to the 1970s. Included within are also selective pieces of ceramics, glass, metalware and textiles .

It’s a beauty of a book, and alongside being an arty one full of great designers and their precious designs, I think the most interesting part of this, (that many people will be buying this for) are the price codes to see how much everything is worth – should they have one of these (sometimes extravagant) items in their own collections. Although, this is not a Millers Antique guide and more of a coffee table book with lots of large pictures. Plus, many of these pieces featured are way out of most people’s budget. Well, in my circles, anyway!

Having said this if you love interior design, famous designers and do like collecting antique furniture and bits and bobs, this will make a lovely edition to your coffee table book collection.
"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

"The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion ... " - Grand Moff Tarkin

Set between the times of 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' and 'Episode IV: A New Hope', this is the first of two collections that deals with just how the Jedi Order became (all but) extinct; just how Darth Vader went about hunting and purging his former comrades.

This collection consists of the following comic-books runs:

Star Wars: Republic #78-80
Star Wars: Purge
Star Wars: Purge - Seconds to Die
Star Wars: Purge - The Hidden Blade
Star Wars: Purge - The Tyrant's Fist #1 and #2
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1-5
Star Wars: Dark Times #1-5

Obviously, then, Vader plays a large role in it, but not in *all* the stories contained. As a collection, as well, some of the stories are better than others, with (similarly) some of the art also stronger than others.
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Alicia Gaspar de Alba | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A page-turner of frightening speed. (0 more)
A Mystery Unlike Any Other
Gaspar de Alba brings a fine writer's sensitivity and the open heart of her heritage. The result is a novel that takes your breath away, page after page, and grabs your heart.

Desert Blood is a mystery unlike any other. Gripping, heart-wrenching, set against the tough, lacerating reality of border-town engaging mystery, but it is more than well-written entertainment. It is an important book that sheds light on the Juárez murders--the ongoing slaughter of young Mexican women in the border city of Juárez by persons unknown. Desert Blood weaves together its fictional tale and the known facts of these notorious crimes in a way that reveals the cultural and political attitudes that have allowed these murders to continue with the indifference--if not the outright complicity--of Mexican authorities.
Gaspar de Alba not only crafts a suspenseful plot but tackles prejudice in many of its ugly forms: against gays, against Hispanics, against the poor. It's an in-your-face, no-holds-barred story full of brutality, graphic violence, and ultimately, redemption. Offering a powerful depiction of social injustice and serial murder on the U.S.-Mexican border, this is an essential purchase for both mystery and Hispanic fiction collections.
1995 | Economic, Territory Building
Good replayability, simple mechanics, easy to pick up (0 more)
Can be overplayed/samey (0 more)
Classic family friendly game
I do enjoy Catan, my wife and family enjoys Catan. It is a nice and easy enough game to play. It is challenging enough without being difficult, and I would go as far as to suggest the age bracket is slightly lower than the suggested. It's one of the games we turn to when there isn't enough time left for Agricola or Terrforming Mars or a similar, long length game.

The game itself is varied each time you play, and although there is a lot of commonality between games, it only takes a couple if minor changes (even as random as a particularly lucky or unlucky roll) and the game can take a drastically different direction. Playing a Road card, instead of saving for a settlement, can come back to haunt you when the resource you *nearly* got would have been vital.

Having played the base game for a good few years, we are looking for the expansions, but they are either/both difficult to get hold of, or quite expensive. The base game is a staple which should be in most collections, especially for casual gamers.
2012 | Card Game, Civilization
Targi is a 2-player game where players play as opposing desert tribes. Both sides try to collect as many points, either through grabbing additional VP tokens or by gathering various tribe cards. These tribe cards belong to one of 5 sets, with additional points for gathering sets, either of the same kind or one of each.

The game is played with a with an ever changing 5x5 grid of goods and tribe cards, with a outer ring of cards that can almost ways been selected. A robber goes around blocks off some of the outer rings of cards and serves as a timer for the game. The worker placement portion is interesting, 3 workers are placed on the outside ring, and the intersections they create between themselves are where you ace your next two.

Targi is a relatively simple game with depth. It requires outthinking your opponent as it is relatively easy to deny the other player what they want, but not necessarily get what you need at the same time. The balance comes from trying to acquire points while at the same time getting the resources to buy those cards in the first placrz especially with the heavy emphasis on points from set collections. A great game for couples
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a wonderful anthology! I have fallen off on reading collections lately, but I am such a total Kevin Hearne fangirl that I started looking for this one as soon as he mentioned it on Facebook. I bought it as soon as I heard of its release, and womanfully resisted skipping straight to the Iron Druid story.

I truly enjoyed most of the stories included. I did just stop reading the baseball story when I realized that it was horror, and skipped over "Dogs" for the same reason. Terry Brooks' piece did nothing for me, but that probably had more to do with the fact that I haven't read anything of the novels that seem to be vital to having it truly make sense. I haven't read any of The Wheel of Time, either, but the Sanderson/Jordan contribution was a good enough story that it stood on its own. I will definitely be seeking out more of some authors' works, like Speakman and O'Roullian. Getting leads on more good reading is always exciting!

All in all, the book is more than worth its cover price. There is absolutely no question of it being worth the time spent reading it.
Witch’s Rebirth (Unholy Trinity #5)
Witch’s Rebirth (Unholy Trinity #5)
Crystal Ash | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
15 of 250
Witch’s Rebirth ( Unholy Trinity book 5)
By Crystal Ash

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

I'm done running. It's time to end this.

The only problem? Our enemies have weapons that can kill demons.

I won't let any of my loved ones die. But my lovers won't let me fight alone. If I do, we all know I won't come back.

We have to rely on our new shifter friends for support, as well as each other. Even though I'm fighting my feelings for the stormy-eyed outsider, I'm starting to believe I can trust him.

When he offers himself up as a sacrifice for me, will it force us to confront the brewing storm between us? Or will this plan backfire terribly?

Most importantly, will this move save us and the future of all witches?

I have really enjoyed this series as will be adding it to my hard copy collections! I’m so glad Ryhem was saved I got a little disheartened at the end of book 4! And I’m glad to see all is right with Lilith her men and the world! Possibly a slightly rushed ending but still good!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I ordered this book off of Amazon when it recommended it with another purchase. I thought sure why not, and ended up with a permanent addition to my collections. If there is one thing I love more than erotic, is historical erotica, especially a well written on.

Before I gush over how much I fell in love with this novel, I will state the only thing that annoyed me about this novel which is Cassandra’s want of independence. First of all, I guess I can understand her in a sense, but for the time she lives in, she seems to be asking too much. Not to mention, at a certain point, she became annoying about it. We get it, you want your independence. Now please stop kicking the dead horse.

Beyond that, this was a really good a read. Very few erotic novels have such great plotlines to go along with their delicious erotic scenes. I loved that this novel had both. I also liked that the sex wasn’t what the two fall in love. Like any normal human being, Mark worries for Cassandra when he realizes someone has tried to harm her. As they spend more and more time together, their feelings grow. You can actually watch the progression of them falling in love.

A must read for historical erotica readers everywhere.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. Even though this is the ninth edition of Buzz Books: Young Adult, it is the first I had read. It includes excerpts from upcoming and recently published young adult books. After finishing some of the stories, I immediately ordered their corresponding books because I HAD to finish reading them and was annoyed I didn't have it available to finish it immediately. Others, well, I liked reading them but would not continue reading the rest of the book. This edition provided an eclectic line up of stories and a nice mixture YA sub-genres. Because of people's natural tendency to gravitate to what you are comfortable or familiar with I tend to read the same sub-genres of YA more than others. If I have a choice, I prefer to read more fantasy YA then novels that about real life. I enjoyed reading excepts from books that I would not have normally chosen.

I like the idea of possibly knowing about the next huge book or series before it's published. Also, knowing about them makes a great conversation starter with my children. I would definitely read other Buzz Book collections to help make informed suggestions of selecting books for myself and my children.