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    AirTycoon Online 2


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    British Airways for iPad

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Till Death (2021)
Till Death (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Till Death is a pretty middle-of-the-road thriller that somehow manages to both benefit and suffer from its no-nonsense approach to, well everything really. On the one hand, it's premise is an enticing one - after finding out about her affair, Emma's (Megan Fox) husband leads her out to a remote cabin under the false pretense of an anniversary getaway, handcuffs the two of them together by the wrists, and proceeds to shoot himself, leaving her attached to his dead body and fighting for her life when two hitmen come by to finish the job. This setup leads to a decent amount of tension, it's snowy setting exacerbating her survival conditions.
There aren't really any twists or turns to be had, and everything plays out fairly predictably, and quite honestly, it wouldn't work as well without the cast attached to it. Megan Fox has proved with vehicles such as Jennifer's Body that she is more than capable to lead a horror flick with style, and Till Death cements that fact. Her character is pretty badass, and Fox gives us a protagonist that's worth rooting for. On the flip side, the two hitmen-brother actors are great as well. Callan Mulvey in particular cuts an imposing figure as the movies main villain.
The narrative flirts with deeper context here and there but sadly never pulls the trigger. Mulvey's character is a person from Emma's past, having mugged her some years ago. The plot clearly spells out that there was motive behind this, but never explores this aspect, leaving a frustrating and unexplained story thread. The relationship between the brothers is interesting also, and at one point threatens to present a dilemma in who to side with, but again, it never actually goes there, and as such, reeks of a wasted opportunity for a far more interesting story than the one presented.

For what it is though, Till Death is a competent and entertaining enough thriller/horror to add to a spooky season watchlist
Taming the Fox
Taming the Fox
Amelia Bishop | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TAMING THE FOX was originally an erotic short story but has been revised and re-released.

Harlan is a fox shifter, with no family and no clan, as he doesn't want to breed with a vixen. He has his family's cabin and lives alone, only going into town when necessary. Shane is a wolf shifter, from a rather well-to-do family, who visits his mother's old house and decides to live there, for reasons the same as Harlan's. These two meet and a spark of attraction is there immediately but, for 'reasons', Harlan won't do anything.

Now... I loved the premise of this book, and the characters are all great - apart from those that aren't meant to be. It is a long book, with plenty of time for you to sink into the story. BUT it didn't have to be. One of the reasons it is so long is because there is a constant back and forth as Harlan fights his feelings. For me, this went on too long, as it eventually took away from the story and made the impact of his feelings and the situation less than it should have been. After all that, the ending and the epilogue are done in just a couple of pages. Okay, slight exaggeration, but you get the meaning.

The focus of this story was definitely our two MCs, so enjoy what world-building you can. What is there, is done very well. There is angst here, but it is mainly internal by just one of the MCs.

A different story and one I enjoyed. Definitely recommended by me. Take a read for yourself and see what you think.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 17, 2023
Dead Shack (2017)
Dead Shack (2017)
2017 |
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Storyline... Dialogue... Hilarious (1 more)
The kids killed it... No pun intended
Lmfao.... What a great little flick
So I'm going through TubiTv yesterday and i come across this little dynamo.
Side note. Tubi has over 1000 horror movies on it... So this was after careful deliber... Oh who the fuck am I kidding... I closed my eyes, flicked thee mouse wheel... And this is what I landed on... So much to my surprise... It was actually good for once.
The story starts out with 3 kids and a pair of parents... Even though one parent is a mich younger mail order asian bride... She's still a parent... Sort of... Ish... Anywhore... They are headed out for a week long getaway to a cabin in the woods( yeah... I went there)...
With out spoiling it... The film gets going in the first 15 minutes... Which is what you want in a good horror film.
I have yet to figure put what exactly the antagonist creatures in this film are though... Undead... Sorta dead... Not dead and just crazy... But in all honesty... Who the fuck cares.
The kids talk like kids do... Using swear words out of context... Blaming their folks... Bringing up pop culture references... It was honestly one of the best teenage speak films i have seen in a long time... With the exception of IT Chapter 1... Those kids were on fucking point.
The best part of the movie... And this made me laugh my proverbial ass off... Was the kids are confronting the big bad near the climax of the film... Big bad asks"What are you going to do about it?".
14 year old responds with,"We're gonna tell on you,".
His two friends just stop what they are doing and give him the best WTF look I have seen since my daughter gave me one when she was 5... And I missed a chair when going to sit down... I was sober... *hangs head in shame*
If you want to have a genuine good time... And like a few laughs mixed in with your blood soaked insanity... Then this is a flick for you...
I mean fuck, what do you have to lose?? Besides 1hr and 44 minutes of your life...
Dear Justice League
Dear Justice League
Michael Northrop | 2019 | Children, Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Other than Timothy Forner's MONTGOMERY SCHNAUZER, P.I., I am not much of a reader of books aimed at young'uns. However, when I saw that this was a book approachable by both adults (with an sense of fun) as well as well as the intended audience, I was onboard.

The premise was simple: the Justice Leaguers answering texts and emails, as well as an actual physical letter (thanks, Bats!), that deal with honest questions that children would likely pose to the heroes if they were real. There was also a backstory dealing with insectoids intent on invading the Earth, but yeah, not as important as the intial "Dear Justice League.." emails and texts. :)

Michael Northrop has a great sense of how to have fun without alienating the core fans, as well as satisfying the kids that were just intent on seeing how it might be if the League were able to answer their burning questions. I am a big fan of the "Bwa-hahahaha" years of Giffen and DeMatteis' JLI stories in the 80's, so this was definitely something I had no problem enjoying or even laughing out loud while reading it.

Equally fun was the art by Gustavo Duarte. His rendering of our "beloved" heroes did not cheapen our them, more of, in my opinion, a humanizing effect, which made them more relatable to their intended audience. I was not familiar with Brazilian cartoonist Duarte, but going forward, I will keeping an eye out for more by him.

Here's my final word... Regardless of where we are in the world at this particular moment, we know that we are stuck inside, trying to avoid contact with See-Oh-Vee-Eye-Dee (shhhh!), with our loved ones, and if you have children (my wife and I do not), you're probably experiencing some cabin fever. This book, right here, is the best solution to a bad situation. And, best of it, it's available on Kindle and Comixology, so you don't even need to go anywhere to obtain a copy! So, go ahead, get it and have good, old-fashioned fun, with/with children in your life!

Be safe, my friends!
The Curse of Crow Hollow
The Curse of Crow Hollow
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read the original review on my blog:

The Curse of Crow Hollow is a story of a town fighting for survival, trying so desperately to maintain their perfect society while tearing it apart themselves. It's written to sound as though you are being spoken to (and I can't help but wonder how anyone would have the time to tell a story this long) and in a rather unique way, as well. The writing style made me think of old-fashioned towns or something, at least until phones and flat-screen TVs are mentioned.

Crow Hollow is home to a witch. Yep, a witch. After her husband was found dead at the roadside, Alvaretta Graves shut herself away in a tiny little cabin in the woods. No one dared to go up there; the whole town knew to stay away from Alvaretta.

But the reader is told of a story that begins with a group of teenagers - Cordelia, Scarlett, Naomi and Hays - who go where nobody has gone for a long, long time. And when an incident involving Cordelia's mother's bracelet, the kids are led right to clearing where Alvaretta settled all those years ago.

After meeting the witch, those kids' lives will never be the same. Nor will any of the lives of their friends, families and neighbours. The witches curse spreads through the town, leaving everyone in panic.

Will they be able to fix their mistakes? Rid the town of evil and return to their normal lives? The chances are slim at best. Despite this, they are determined to try their hardest. The plot was definitely exciting, and there were more than a few elements of surprise in this book. Nothing better than a good old plot twist. But I did find it a little hard to follow, as I got caught up in the details and numerous characters a fair few times. (Who's Landis again? Which one is the doctor?) But like I said, I loved the whole idea of the book and the writing style, despite it being rather different for me. So I'm going to give The Curse of Crow Hollow 3.5 stars out of 5.