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Windswept & Interesting
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
143 of 230
Windswept and Interesting
By Billy Connolly

In his first full-length autobiography, comedy legend and national treasure Billy Connolly reveals the truth behind his windswept and interesting life.

Born in a tenement flat in Glasgow in 1942, orphaned by the age of 4, and a survivor of appalling abuse at the hands of his own family, Billy's life is a remarkable story of success against all the odds.

Billy found his escape first as an apprentice welder in the shipyards of the River Clyde. Later he became a folk musician - a 'rambling man' - with a genuine talent for playing the banjo. But it was his ability to spin stories, tell jokes and hold an audience in the palm of his hand that truly set him apart.

As a young comedian Billy broke all the rules. He was fearless and outspoken - willing to call out hypocrisy wherever he saw it. But his stand-up was full of warmth, humility and silliness too. His startling, hairy 'glam-rock' stage appearance - wearing leotards, scissor suits and banana boots - only added to his appeal.

It was an appearance on Michael Parkinson's chat show in 1975 - and one outrageous story in particular - that catapulted Billy from cult hero to national star. TV shows, documentaries, international fame and award-winning Hollywood movies followed. Billy's pitch-perfect stand-up comedy kept coming too - for over 50 years, in fact - until a double diagnosis of cancer and Parkinson's Disease brought his remarkable live performances to an end. Since then he has continued making TV shows, creating extraordinary drawings... and writing.

I grew up watching Billy my dad absolutely loved him. The only swearing we were allowed to watch. I have always loved him the one comedian that I took from my childhood and kept watching. I discovered so much in this book that I never knew and you have to admire him. He went through so much but never seems bitter, he never really flaunts his fame in this book and plays a lot down. Such an amazing insight into his life and a really good read.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Cellar in Books

Nov 20, 2022  
The Cellar
The Cellar
John Nicholl | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a dark, disturbing and violent psychological thriller that pulls no punches and is highly descriptive which may be a bit much for some; I admit that I winced and drew breath a few times but kept going as I was gripped and already highly invested in the story.

The characters are excellent and feel real. Marcus Gove is a despicable person; I can't even bring myself to call him a human being he is that bad, he is a sad, twisted and demented individual who has absolutely no moral compass or redeeming qualities whatsoever - an absolutely brilliant character and one you love to hate.

Lucy is a young woman who is generally content apart from being in an unfulfilling relationship and her mum being diagnosed with cancer but things get a whole lot worse when she comes into the crosshairs of Marcus Gove and her world turns into the most horrendous nightmare.

Ray Lewis is the detective tasked with finding Lucy; not so easy when there are few clues and even less evidence and whilst he may be unfit, unhealthy and thought of as a dinosaur, he goes about his business in a methodical way with some much-needed humour.

Told from the points of view of each of the main characters and at a really good pace, this is a book that has you wanting to put down at times due to the graphic nature of what is being written and not put it down due to the gripping nature of the story ... not put it down won out with me.

This is the first book by John Nicholl I have read before and it certainly won't be the last especially if they are as addictive and compelling as this has been and I therefore have no hesitation in recommending it to others who love a gritty and dark thriller who don't mind graphic and disturbing details that have you wincing as you read.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Cellar.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Frances McDormand (0 more)
Superbly acted, funny and emotional
Every so often I head into a movie knowing very little about it. I don't see the trailer, I don't read any detailed reviews. What I do see are a lot of positive headlines in my movie related news feeds and I decide to just go for it. Last year I did the exact same thing with 'Get Out', which turned out to be my favourite movie of 2017. This year, for my first cinema trip of 2018, it's the oddly titled 'Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri'. Not quite as wonderful as Get Out, but a very enjoyable movie all the same.

The three billboards in question lie, unused since the 80s, on a barely used road leading to the home of Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand). While driving past them one day, she stops to ponder for a while, before heading into town to the advertising company responsible for the boards and renting them out for a whole year. The message she spreads across the three boards is a simple one, set to shame the local police force who she feels have become a bit slack when it comes to investigating the brutal rape and murder of her daughter seven months earlier. Chief Willoughby (Woody Harrelson) is named on one of the boards, a respected man of the town, who we later discover is suffering from cancer. Officer Dixon (Sam Rockwell) on the other hand is a man with problems, totally inept at his job, living at home with his momma and recently in trouble for beating up a black suspect.

The billboards have the desired effect, bringing the murder case to everyones attention once again and causing uproar around town. But Mildred is a force to be reckoned with, foul mouthed and out for vengeance, and she's brilliant to watch. The movie effortlessly switches between laugh out loud sharp dialogue and gut wrenching emotional drama. Just when you think you've got the whole thing worked out, something major happens to shake things up again. It's a hugely enjoyable rollercoaster ride.

One of the few things I saw before seeing this movie said that if you like Fargo, then you'll enjoy this, and that's a pretty fair assumption. Interesting characters with interesting stories, beautifully told. I loved it.
The Caretaker (The Sin Bin #2)
The Caretaker (The Sin Bin #2)
Dahlia Donovan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Caretaker (The Sin Bin #2) by Dahlia Donovan
The Caretaker takes us back to Cornwall, this time via Cardiff. Freddie has finally managed to leave home where his loving but interfering dads constantly try to suffocate him. Unfortunately, there are a couple of homophobic idiots living in the same house as him, and they delight in making his life a misery. This is something he doesn't need, not on top of his very stressful job. Freddie is the 'happy bunny' that was able to support Graham and BC through his cancer in The Wanderer. Of course, being a happy bunny for others doesn't mean that Freddie doesn't have deep emotions, it's just that he tries to keep everyone else's spirits high, to the detriment of his own at times. Taine is one of BC's rugby buddies, and sees Freddie for the first time at the hospital as he drops in to try and cheer up the young children on the oncology ward. Taine is convinced that Freddie is too young for him, but feels an attraction to him anyway. The attraction only deepens the more time they spend with each other. However, the interfering dads strike again and it could all be over before it really got started.

With appearances from old favourites, there is an abundance of characters in this book that will delight and frustrate you. It is very well written, showing Freddie's depths of emotions plus everything else that he is dealing with too. Taine is a bit of fool in parts of this, but to be fair, I could understand how he felt, given the insult that was thrown at him. The Caretaker is very well written, and draws you back into the world of The Sin Bin. Now we know what they are going to do with the name, so I'm sure it will be interesting reading in the future, to say the least!

Filled with humour and emotions, this book is a wonderful addition to both The Sin Bin series, and Dahlia Donovan's collective works. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Ross (3282 KP) rated After Life in TV

Apr 11, 2019  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Gervais tries to break the mould again
Once again we see Ricky Gervais try to break the mould for a sit-com, this time by covering some pretty deep and heavy topics. While the humour is still there, it comes through fairly infrequently and is a little off kilter, when compared to the drama of the series.
Gervais plays Tony, a journalist on a local free paper who has recently lost his wife to cancer. Tony has simply given up on life and, while he cannot bring himself to end it, he seems to have decided to just do whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. He is rude to people in the street, makes his colleagues' working days miserable, and while he visits his dad in a care home regularly he clearly hates it and is just doing it out of duty.
Most of the comedy comes through in Gervais doing what he does best - being rude and nasty and way over the top in insulting people. The humour here is more for the shock value (calling a 6 year old a tubby little c**t for example) rather than a more considered layer of humour. As Tony has decided he can just do whatever he wants and hang the consequences, he takes a stand against stupid rules (the scene where he takes his nephew for tea in a café was brilliant).
I preferred the drama side of the series - him trying drugs, meeting new people and gradually softening over the series were some very touching moments and very well written. However when weighed against the comedy it just seems incongruous. I think Gervais needs to think about whether he wants to write a drama (and tone down the comedy a little more) or a comedy (and try less to push the boundaries).
Tony's epiphany was a little rushed/hard to spot. It seems that after 5 episodes of not caring about anything, the 6th starts off with him suddenly being a changed man out of nowhere. There were small moments where he seemed to soften but there was no sudden realisation big enough to justify the change of heart in the last episode.
This was a pretty hard hitting, emotional series, but I think it lost a little of the impact by having Gervais in it and trying to shoe-horn his sense of humour into it.

Gamer bunnz (4 KP) rated New Amsterdam in TV

May 22, 2019  
New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam
2018 | Drama
Amazing series, (0 more)
Sometimes felt a bit quick when things happened (0 more)
Bring the tissues
Contains spoilers, click to show
I watched the whole first series in about two weeks, at first I thought it was going to be another grey anatomy where we see drama, love lost and betrayal, we do see some of these but in a more subtle way, the main focus in on max and how he can turn things around for new Amsterdam and put the patience’s first not money which is how it should be, whilst trying to mix things up max starts to battle a personal health issues and save his marriage after he promised to settle down and give up such a demanding job to help bring up his unborn baby girl. We see max make changes to the hospital that not everyone agrees with but he pushes for it anyways and we watch him slowly begin to lose his fight with throat cancer but still battles on. All the actors/actress bring there own style to the show and you can’t help but full in love with them, unlike other tv series there wasn’t a character I didn’t like, I enjoy watching their own stories unfold along with max’s And when things happened to them I felt all the emotions that went along with it, I laugh, I cried(quite a bit) I got anger at things that happened and felt sad when I was down the final two episodes I was sad it was ending but the final episode didn’t disappoint it left me hoping a second season will be made and all the characters return for it but with the cliff hanger we was left on, I am unsure if all will be returning if they make a second. All in all the series was surprising and different from other medical program there wasn’t to many Far-fetched medical scenes or silly medical terms that don’t get used in real life,don’t get me wrong there was some but it wasn’t t litter with it, I would recommend this to anyone looking for something more than just another modern day ER, who doesn’t have time to watch the multi seasons of grey anatomy, it different in its own right and it Will certainly take you on a emotional rollercoaster.
Every Fifteen Minutes
Every Fifteen Minutes
Lisa Scottoline | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Eric Parrish is a busy psychiatrist juggling his work as Chief at a hospital unit, as well as his own private practice. He is also reeling from his recent separation from his wife and the subsequent time he must spend away from his daughter, Hannah, who is only seven-years-old. One day, Eric is called to treat an elderly woman who is dying from cancer, but it quickly becomes clear the real patient is her grandson Max, who, at 17, is having difficulty dealing with his grandmother's impending death. Eric quickly discovers that Max is depressed, struggling with OCD, and having violent thoughts about a girl he knows from his job. However, as Eric treats Max, he suddenly finds his own life breaking apart around him. There is a murder, a violent incident, problems with his wife and daughter, issues at work, and much more.

I never really got "into" this book. To me, Eric is not a likeable character. Throughout the course of the novel he seems to make a remarkable number of questionable decisions, even if his life is somewhat spiraling out of control. For instance, as he goes through the divorce with Caitlin, Eric is constantly lamenting about Hannah and the effects of the divorce on her. So much so that he comes by the house unasked, calls his wife and daughter at all hours, completely ignores the advice of his lawyer, etc. He seems to lack knowledge of any basic divorce or legal protocol - not to mention common sense.

The lack of common sense prevails throughout the book. So much of the plot is supposedly driven by what Eric knows about Max, this teenage kid he meets at the hospital, but really they have two sessions together before things go awry. It seems insane that he would have learned so much about his patient in this time. So much of the plot just seemed implausible and annoying. We hear constant talk about Eric's past anxiety and how he overcame it. OK - so what?

Overall, I just found myself irritated by Eric and annoyed by his decisions. Parts of the book seem completely improbable and the plot is so thinly constructed that once you figure out how everything comes together, it seems barely possible. Then Scottoline throws in another twist that seems completely unnecessary. Overall, rather disappointing read.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated The Guardian in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
The Guardian
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas Sparks is a well known author as some of hes books have been made into films. If you don't know the author or what book have been turned into a film they are the following The Notebook, The Best Of Me, Dear John, The Longest Ride, The Last Song, Safe Haven, The Choice, The Lucky One, A Walk to Remember, Message In A Bottle and Nights in Rodanthe. All these films I have seen but I aint read the books yet. But I am a type where I always think back to the actors in the film and can't imagine my own imaginary character.

But when I saw this book on Amazon I thought why not read more of hes books because I've read A Bend in the Road I love how he grips me with twist and turns that what this book The Guardian is like. But the only differences its more of a love story with a thriller story entwined.

The story is about Julie who is widowed early into her marriage as her husband Jim had cancer and passed away. Jim left her two unexpected gifts one is a puppy Great Dane called Singer and also to tell her to find someone who she can spend her life with (her late husband's best friend Mike). Mike is a down-to-earth guy but someone else grabs her eyes called Richard hes charming he comes to her work (shes a hairdresser) but she doesn't know that hes a obsessed with her and starts stalking her and taking photos of her. But through the story Mike his there to help her remember her late husband and Singer the dog is her 'Guardian'. They also form a bond Singer and Mike and the dog only trusts him not Richard. But Julie starts getting feelings for Mike and calls off her relationship with Richard. He doesn't like this so the character gets darker and plots you will have to read the book to find out the ending.

Sorry but I don't like giving away spoilers so go and buy the copy and find out what you think.

Q. Have you read any Nicholas Sparks' books, If so which ones have you read?

P.S I have purchased another book of hes called True Believer. Can't wait to get into it after I've read Professor Green Autobiography called Lucky.

365Flicks (235 KP) rated Tri (2016) in Movies

Nov 20, 2019  
Tri (2016)
Tri (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An Inspirational Piece Showing Us that Even in The Face of Adversity, Who are We to not Achieve Greatness??
After having recently watched and reviewed the great Sports Documentary Ice Guardians (See previous posts). When Tri dropped into my lap it felt like the right time to give it a go and boy am I glad I did…

Where do I start with Tri?? Okay. First off this is not so much a documentary as it is a scripted carefully and accurately portrayed story of a Triathletes journey from start to finish. On paper you have to wonder what is there to keep you in this flick, well I am here to tell you fine people, A LOT.

We open the movie with Natalie played by Award Winning Actress Jensen Jacobs. Natalie is an Ultrasound Technician and after an appointment with a cancer suffering patient she is Inspired to sign up for a Triathlon. We find she is met by some hesitance from her friends and family as Natalie has trouble finishing just about everything she stajensen-jacobs-bike-300x157rts. The difference here though is that she signs up with a cast of great characters who all have there own inspiring stories to tell. Natalie is introduced to a world she was not prepared for and must look deep inside herself to get to the end of this journey.

Of course while this is primarily Natalie’s story we have a colorful set of team members for her to rely on. Each member of this team bringing a depth to this movie that… I wont lie to you… not only surprised me at points by moved me at others. This movie starts out as one thing and hits you with a one two punch of Sentiment and Inspiration. Leaving you wondering “who am I to feel sorry for myself? When people can show this kind of strength.”

I am not going to delve any further into this plot wise, because I really want you guys to support this movie and give it your attention. In my humble opinion I can honestly say that I believe this movie should be seen. Not only is this a well made and carefully told story but the acting talent on display is on point and its truly no wonder this movie is a hit with the critics and winning a boat load of awards.
My Favorite Half-Night Stand
My Favorite Half-Night Stand
Christina Lauren | 2018 | Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can also find this review on my blog:

Trigger Warnings: catfishing, loss of a loved one, talk of cancer and diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, questionable comments on physical appearance

When I first read this back in July, I rated it 5 out of 5 stars. But after much thinking, I’m dropping my rating down to 3 out of 5 stars. I don’t really remember much of it but after rereading the synopsis, I realized that there were things that I didn’t like. I found the story to be a bit of a bore and extremely unbelievable at most parts.

The whole premise of the book follows a group of close-knit friends that work together, trying to find dates for an event. They all download a dating app and make accounts. But the four men of the group had a bit of trouble making their accounts so Millie, the main character, rewrites them.

First off, the event that this group of friends were trying to find dates for never even happened. So that was a bit of a let down! The internet lingo use was also really weird. It was like these characters didn’t know how to use the lingo even though they are only supposed to be 30 something, which isn’t much older than I am currently.

Millie also makes an account and the men think it’s a bore. So Millie makes a fake account that is a bit more realistic to who she is. But, she doesn’t put her real name on the account. When she ends up getting matched with Reid, she decides to send him a message that basically was catfishing herself. This goes on through the entirety of the novel.

Reading Millie’s actions seem apologetically at first due to her troublesome past, which she doesn’t ever talk about to her friends. But on her fake account, she thinks it’s okay to talk about it with Reid. “Because it’s not like it’s her.” This was really disgusting to read through the entire book. She’s basically lying to one of her best friends even though everything she says is the truth, it’s just under a different name. Overall, Reid was the only redeeming character of the entire book and the rest was just meh.