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Sam (74 KP) rated On the Other Side in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
On the Other Side
On the Other Side
Carrie Hope Fletcher | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ll begin by saying something quite controversial here that I know a lot of people won’t like:

If it wasn’t for Carrie Hope Fletcher’s YouTube fame, this wouldn’t have been taken on by a publisher. While reading it, I felt that it was more like a self-published title in quality and plot. It’s become a thing for YouTubers to bring out books and I feel like most of these will almost always lack quality. Publishers just take them on to have a bestseller because of the name on the cover.

I did like the plot, don’t get me wrong. It was interesting enough and kept me hooked all the way through. I quite liked Evie’s character and found her quite genuine. I feel that the plot and the characters could have all done well if it wasn’t for the wishy-washy writing style. The style made it seem more like Disney fan-fiction rather than a contemporary novel.

I did enjoy reading this, which is why it still has three stars from me. I binged it and found it quite a fun read. But I just couldn’t get over the bad writing style. The writing style would be more suitable for a YA audience than adult.

There’s no reason you wouldn’t enjoy it. If you’re a big fan of Disney or Carrie, you’d love this and it’s definitely worth seeing what it’s all about.
I absolutely loved this book. If you have ever struggled with the words on how to explain the advice you want to give or would have liked to have had as a younger person, give this book a read.

Carrie does a marvelous job getting across her message of hope and kindness, while keeping her advice genuine. It does not come across as a complete guidebook on how to live your life, but it can act as a helping hand when you are struggling.

There were so many sections in this book that I would have loved to have read as a younger teen. Not only does she make things relatable by having anecdotes of her own life, she also keeps the reader engaged by reminding them that they are not alone. No matter how alone you feel, there is someone who cares about you.

I loved how Carrie takes on the role of the honorary big sister. She keeps a line of communication open to those who need it, no matter the circumstances. It is refreshing to see someone who genuinely cares about helping others.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, not just teenage girls. I was able to relate much of this stuff to my life right now and I am no longer a teen!

It was an excellent read and I will be coming back to it whenever I need some reassurance.
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama

"I think it’s always incredibly difficult to thread that needle between real pathos and comedy. And I think Postcards dances on that knife’s edge, not to go overboard with the metaphors, but it’s just so beautifully calibrated because the script, Carrie Fisher’s. There is no greater writing mind ever; Carrie Fisher had such a particular lens that she looked through the world with, and it just translated incredibly into her writing. I just thought the script was just so funny, but the performances! It’s one of those movies that for me is the whole package. Although I did not grow up with a mother who was in show business, the relationship between them was not dissimilar from mine in a way, and made me feel connected to the material. But it’s the kind of movie that I actually own still on VHS. I remember buying this movie and wanting it, so I have it for just memory’s sake, but I also have it on DVD, and Cody Fern, who’s an actor on American Horror Story last year, as a wrap present gave me an original poster. That’s how much I love the movie and that’s how much people around me tend to know I love the movie, because I do quote it a lot. And you just don’t want to sit next to me when we’re watching it though, because you won’t hear the movie. I’m just doing the whole thing, line by line."

Unthinkable (2014)
Unthinkable (2014)
2014 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie is on Netflix right now and is INTENSE. Everything about this whole movie was done EXTREMELY well. The story is a rollercoaster ride of emotion and questions. It involves nuclear terrorism and interrogation techniques that lead to torture and begs the question-just how far could and should we go to get the job done to protect millions of people in the fight against terrorism? This movie is not for the faint hearted and is EXTREMELY intense throughout. Not at all for kids, in my opinion. Michael Sheen, Samuel L. Jackson and Carrie-Anne Moss deliver top notch performances in this emotionally driven thriller. Highly recommend it. WORTH A WATCH!