MarshalDillion55 (100 KP) rated Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) in Movies
Dec 15, 2017

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Movie Watch
The story of three sisters and their various love interests.
comedy drama

Postcards from the Edge (1990)
Movie Watch
Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine, Gene Hackman, Dennis Quaid and Richard Dreyfuss star in Mike...

Bookish832 (16 KP) rated The Princess Diarist in Books
Sep 2, 2017

The Princess Diarist
The Princess Diarist is Carrie Fisher's intimate, hilarious and revealing recollection of what...
Star Wars Princess Leia Carrie Fisher Harrison Ford Mark Hamilton

Drop Dead Fred (1991)
An unhappy housewife (Phoebe Cates) gets a lift from the return of her imaginary childhood friend,...

When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Movie Watch
In 1977, college graduates Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) share a...

tapestry100 (306 KP) rated The Princess Diarist in Books
Aug 2, 2017
It was a little surreal reading this so soon after both her death and her mother's, as she talks frequently about her mother in the book, as well as mentioning a couple of times, in an offhand manner, how she would like to be remembered for certain events. Perhaps it was too soon for me after her death. Not that I was ever necessarily a huge Carrie Fisher fan, but I've certainly been a Star Wars fan my whole life (I saw the original Star Wars when it was released - I was 3), so while there was never necessarily a Carrie Fisher in a my life, there has always been a Princess Leia, and it seemed to hit home a little for me. It also made me unreasonably angry that Carrie Fisher died; in a year of so many celebrity deaths, it seemed like just another death to some, but it made me angry because she overcame so much, and still had so much to do and offer to the world. So, yeah - maybe I should have put a little time in between her death and reading this book, knowing it was her last, but it seemed like the thing to do at the time. It is typically funny in that Carrie Fisher way, but equally sad given the circumstances. I fairly certain, however, that again, in that typically funny Carrie Fisher way, she would have found some way to turn her death into an appropriate epilogue to this book.