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G.I. Joe---The Movie (1986)
G.I. Joe---The Movie (1986)
1986 | Action, Animation, Family
The real toy story
Most of u us had G.I Joes growing up and watched the cartoon and we wanted to beat the evil organization called Cobra. It is brought to life in this action packed movie

Duke (Tatum) is a life long military man who is charged with delivering new top secret missiles when his unit is attacked by members of the evil Cobra. We see the use of future weapons and good battle scene and he and partner Ripcord (Wyanes) are saved by members of the G.I Joe elite. The go with them to learn about the unit and ultimately the missiles get stolen and they join the unit to fight back and recover them. THe movie has some good twists and turns and a good fight scene here and there. This movie spawned a sequel why I don't know

Awix (3310 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies

Jun 12, 2019  
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Eye-searingly garish, largely redundant auto-cash-in on the 1992 cartoon (which, full disclosure, I've never seen) - if you don't know the plot, well, what's wrong with your parents, did they never take you to a pantomime when you were young? Cave, lamp, genie, princess - I note that Widow Twankey has been ruthlessly scythed from the story.

After a slow start it does generate some energy and entertainment value, mainly because of Will Smith's turn as the genie (Will Smith in good movie role choice shocker!), and for anyone looking for something of substance to contemplate, there is an interesting subtext about the nature of power in traditional hierarchical societies. In the end, though, it manages to take panto plotting, Broadway show tunes, MOR power-ballads, blockbuster CGI, and Bollywood dancing and produce something which still feels essentially lifeless and calculated.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
1988 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Who remembers Roger Rabbit?
My first summer job was in 1988 (I'm old) so I remember watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit over and over and loving it more each time I watched.

The late, great Bob Hoskins was able to hold his own against the melee of cartoon extravaganza put forth all around him. The story is fun and exciting with lots of twists and turns, but to just be a part of the cinema roller-coaster that is this film was all part of the fun.

Or seeing Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse together. Or seeing a piano duel with Donald and Daffy Duck.

I have never been a big fan of remakes, but they could probably do a great remake if Zemeckis decided to remake his own movie. I would be a fan of that.
Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover
Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover
David Liss | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mention the words Spider-man, and I'm sure the first thing most people think of is the Marvel comics.

Maybe closely followed by the 70s TV series or 90s cartoon, and the more recent big-screen outings.

What I'm pretty sure is not commonly thought of, however, is a Spider-Man prose novel, which is exactly what this is, alongside being a prequel tie-in to the really-rather-enjoyable 2018 PS4 game.

That game - and, by extension - this novel, sees Peter Parker roughly already 7 or 8 years into his career as Spider-man, with the novel serving to set up the entry levels into the game in which (no spoilers) Spider-Man takes on Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin of Crime, and showing how he got to have his contact in the police force Yuri Wattanabe (sp?)
    Benji Bananas HD

    Benji Bananas HD


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    Now on iOS! Exciting and fun physics based adventure! Jump between vines and avoid dangers lurking...

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When Wes Anderson asked me to provide incidental narration to his film about the Tenenbaum tribe, I honestly could not make out what the film was about. It turned out to be a Wes Anderson film, which, in my mind, is the New Yorker magazine’s cartoon staff meets Jules Feiffer meets Preston Sturges. Or, perhaps, none of that. The Royal Tenenbaums, at the time of its release, was arguably one of the most original movies, in tone and style, since Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H. The cast is pitch-perfect, and the film features Gene Hackman’s greatest work. (I know. That’s saying a lot. But it’s true.) Anderson and Owen Wilson were nominated for best original screenplay at the Oscars in 2002. With cinematography by the remarkable Robert Yeoman (Drugstore Cowboy, The Squid and the Whale)."
