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The Honour of Rome (Cato and Macro #20)
The Honour of Rome (Cato and Macro #20)
Simon Scarrow | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry #20 in Simon Scarrow's Macro and Cato series, which means there's been approximately one entry per year.

I can't believe it's been going that long (ummm ... in a good way).

Anyway, we're now back at the original setting of the series - back in Brittania; back after Cato and Macro's various adventures across the Roman Empire.

Things have changes since then, however - Macro is now retired from the legions, whereas Cato (originally Macro's optio) now outranks him and now has a family of his own to look after.

The previous entry in the series (The Emperor's Exile is the one in which Macro retired, leaving - with his new wife Petronella - to travel back to Brittania to reconnect with his own mother and to look after his share of an inn that she has opened in Londinium. As a result, he was missing for large chunks of the narrative: circa three quarters or so of the story, let us say.
Meanwhile, Cato was charged with accompanying Emperor Nero's mistress Claudia Acte into exile on Sardinia, with the bulk of the novel then following Cato, the burgeoning romance between him and Claudia and events on that island.

This novel mirrors that approach, with the larger bulk of this following Macro and his adventures in Londinium and in the veterans colony of Camulodunum (which I've just found out is Colchester, and the first Roman Capital of the province) before the two principal characters finally reunite circa - again - three quarters of the way into the story.

There's also the groundwork laid here for, to paraphrase the closing words of the novel, the brewing storm, with the inclusion of characters from earlier novels (round about When the Eagle Hunts) who belong to the Iceni tribe, and with how they are being treated by their new Roman overlords. Anybody with a passing knowledge of UK history will know who I mean ...

David McK (3201 KP) rated Invictus in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
Simon Scarrow | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard to believe this is now book number 15 in [a:Simon Scarrow|60636|Simon Scarrow|]'s now-so-called 'Eagles of the Empire' series: a series that, originally, was set during the Roman invasion of Brittania (in [b:Under the Eagle|578428|Under the Eagle (Eagle, #1)|Simon Scarrow||565359]) and that had Carto as being junior to Macro - a situatuion that, by this point in their ongoing adventures, has reversed itself with Cato now the more senior of the two.

As this starts, Macro and Cato are on their way back to Rome (after the events of [b:Britannia|25028364|Britannia (Eagle, #14)|Simon Scarrow||44703249]: a novel in which, at the end, Cato received some unfortunate news. Distressibng news that, as the plot develops, becomes more and more only the tip of the iceberg (and that leads me to wonder if the author was letting his real-life experiences influence him when he was writing this? Or am I just reading too much into it? (as he has not been shy about sharing certain aspects on social media)), with this plot leading Cato and Macro to join a compny of the Praetorian Guard on an extended campaign, in which they have to defend a slave mine from a local uprising in Spain - an uprising that, to be fair, has a pretty valid reason behind it.

Once again, a thoroughly enjoyable read.
The Blood Crows (Eagle, #12)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 12 in Simon Scarrow's (what was originally called) Eagle series (before the 'Eagle' moniker was dropped with the publication of [b:Centurion|2993197|Centurion|L.D. Alford||3023669]), with this one seeing the return of Roman soldiers Macro and Cato back to the scene of the first novels: back to the still-untamed Britain.

The newly promoted Prefect Cato (who has thus overtaken his old mentor and friend Macro - now a Centurion - in rank), as well as Centurion Macro, are given the task of taking command of a military outpost on the borders of the empire: a military outpost in which the previous Prefect has been killed in mysterious circumstances, and in which (it proves) the current Commander and his Blood Wolves are carrying out a policy of total war against the inhabitants of the valley in which the fort is situated.

It's not long before Cato has to assert his own authority, as well as finding ways to deal with hordes of vengeful natives on his doorstep ...

As before in the series, I found this to be an enjoyable read: it will also be interesting to see where the series goes next! :)
The King in Rome (Warrior #1)
The King in Rome (Warrior #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As an author, Simon Scarrow is - IMO - most associated with the genre of historical fiction.

Even more so - again, IMO - with those set during the time of the Roman Empire: I think we're approaching 20, now, of his full length Cato and Macro novels (edit: as of typing this, 22 novels).

I can't say much about TJ Andrews, other than I'm aware he has collaborated with Scarrow on a a few e-book novella's.

This is the latest in that collaboration, taking - as it's inspiration - the tale of Caratacus, the British warlord who defied the Empire before the time of Boudica, and who appeared in some of the earlier Eagle (aka Cato and Macro) novels as an antagonist. Eventually defeated by the Roman legions, Caratacus was spared by the Emperor Claudius to live out his life in the confines of Rome (and with Prefect Cato being name dropped when he mentions that in this novella), which is where this series of novellas picks up, as Caratacus is persuaded to tell his life story to a Roman historian who first encounters him at a banquet hosted by the Emperor Nero.

Told, therefore, from the 'other point of view' than the usual, I'm interested in seeing where this goes!

Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a video about Cat People (1942) in Movies

Jul 29, 2017  

Cat People 1942 Trailer


Andy K (10821 KP) created a video about Batman Returns (1992) in Movies

Feb 25, 2018 (Updated Feb 26, 2018)  

What Did Curiosity Do to the Cat?


Cast Of "Rocketman" - Honky Cat

Rebellion (Eagles of the Empire #22)
Rebellion (Eagles of the Empire #22)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry number 22 in Simon Scarrow's long-running Macro and Cato series, and we're finally at what has been building for a while: Boudicca's Rebellion.

Which, like the French with Napoleon at Waterloo, if you knew nothing about British history you might be forgiven for thinking she won (she lost).

The majority of the novel is taken up with the impact the Rebellion had on the Romans in the south of England and (in particular) in London, with Macro and Cato still separated at the start of the novel and with the former in captivity amongst Boudicca's army following the fall of the veterans colony in the former novel, and facing quite gruesome execution.

I have to say, I was actually surprised how little of this novel was spent on the final pitched battle between the Romans and the Britons, with more of it spent on describing the sense of desperation and the breakdown of law and order (well, that's what the Romans would have said) as Boudicca's horde descends on London.
Praetorian (Eagle, #11)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The newest entry (and book # 11) in Simon Scarrow's <i>Cato and Macro</i> series which, in a change from setting, sees the two characters back in Rome proper and getting embroiled in the politics of Rome (undercover in the Praetorian Guard) rather than in the battles with the Legions.

I found this particular novel to be a return to form after the last couple of books - while they were enjoyable, they were in danger of becoming a bit 'samey'. Further prrof that a change is as good as a rest!
Champion (Roman Arena, #5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final part of Simon Scarrow's <i>Arena</i> series of e-books, this wraps up the story of Marcus Verius Pavo and the pre-Cato (i.e. before <i>Under the Eagle</i>) Macro.

As before, it follows pretty much the same routine: the first half of the story dealing with Pavo's training for his Gladiatorial bout against the Gladiator who killed his father, and the final part of the story with that actual bout.

As such, it's an enjoyable enough diversion, with it also leading directly into <i>Under The Eagle</i>.