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The Dead Girls Club
The Dead Girls Club
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters left me unprepared for what I was about to read.

A perfect blend of mystery, spookiness, friendship and psychological trauma. This book will keep you away from social events until you are finished. And a few days after…

<i><b>Red Lady, Red Lady, show us your face…</b>

In 1991, Heather Cole and her friends were members of the Dead Girls Club. Obsessed with the macabre, the girls exchanged stories about serial killers and imaginary monsters, like the Red Lady, the spirit of a vengeful witch killed centuries before. Heather knew the stories were just that, until her best friend Becca began insisting the Red Lady was real – and she could prove it.

That belief got Becca killed.

It’s been nearly thirty years, but Heather has never told anyone what really happened that night–that Becca was right and the Red Lady was real. She’s done her best to put that fateful summer, Becca, and the Red Lady, behind her. Until a familiar necklace arrives in the mail, a necklace Heather hasn’t seen since the night Becca died.

The night Heather killed her.

Now, someone else knows what she did…and they’re determined to make Heather pay.</i>

From the beginning of the book, you can feel the intensity, the guilt and the mystery behind it, which was something I very much enjoy in my books. We get to see the life of Heather 30 years after the death of Becca, and we know from the very first chapter that Heather killed her.

But they were best friends. And Heather loves Becca, even now, with every atom of her body. They were those BFFs that were always together, and knew each other’s secrets. They both loved mystery and talking about serial killers. And then things somehow start to go wrong. They are slipping from the friendship slide, and they can’t do anything to stop it…

<i><b>The heart, the other half of which once hung around my neck, even after, is a cheap thing of nickel, stainless steel, or some inexpensive alloy. Originally affixed to a cardboard square and purchased by two girls who saved their allowance. Best Friends Forever. We meant it, she and I. We meant it with every bone in our bodies and every true and good thing in our souls. We didn’t know forever didn’t always last that long.</b></i>

This is one of the few stories where I rooted for a killer. I know how horrible it sounds, but I loved that perspective. The innocence behind a terrible act. The belief that what you did might have been wrong, but you still did it for the right reasons. The ultimate friendship and the boundaries.
I loved Heather, and I also loved Becca. I hated all the things that were standing between them, driving them further away from each other.

This is a book about a murder, and about a scary story becoming real. But this book is also about friendship, about psychological trauma, and about the force a person needs to get trough it. The crucial support this person requires to get through the rainy days. Heather was struggling, and there was no one beside her to help her. Everyone she knew and trusted suddenly abandoned her, and this tells a sad and realistic story about the reality people with mental health issues are facing. No one wants a damaged person in their lives, I get that. But when this person is your friend for life, when this person is your life companion, you know. You know how they were before it, and you should always be there to support them, and get them to become their healthy selves again. We all need a person in life that will push our boundaries and be there for us when we are not able to be there for ourselves.

The Dead Girls Club covers so many topics that warm and crush my heart. And I love it for it. If your book taste is similar to mine, I am sure you will love this book too, and I recommend it!

Huge thanks to Melissa and the team at Crooked Lane Books in the US, for sending me a paperback ARC copy in exchange for my honest review!

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It may not be completely fair, but most of my ratings include how I feel about the grammar - if there are several punctuation errors, mispelled words, and other mistakes. Because of the grammatical errors in the majority of the Consequences series, these books did not receive the star rating I would have preferred to give them. Consequences and Truth both received 3 stars, but can become a 3.5 rating with corrections. Convicted I gave 3.5 stars, but could easily be 4 stars after editing. Revealed earned 4 stars from me - the grammar, punctuation and spelling were much, much better, therefore this was the highest rating I will give it. Beyond the Consequences was only given 3 stars.
Below I have included my separate reviews for each book.

Truth: I'll be perfectly honest. I've become so familiar with reading from the first person perspective, it's a little difficult to fully immerse myself in a story written in third person; partly because the point of views change so quickly, sometimes without warning, and there are so many, it's hard to keep up with. In Truth, we read (in third person) through Claire's, Tony's, Harry's, Phil's, Sophia's, Derek's, Nathaniel's, Marie's, and Catherine's point of view. In fact, there may even be one or two I'm forgetting. The point is, it was kind of hard to concentrate, especially when the POV changed without any real consistency. However, despite this and some easy to overlook, but not completely dismissed, grammatical errors, I truly enjoyed Truth. I read Consequences over a year ago and have been desperate to find out how the story continues. The first book left me appalled, disgusted, and just as determined to seek revenge as Claire. However, this book left me completely shocked. There were so many twists and turns, so many events that I was in no way prepared for - I loved it. Aleatha kept me on my toes and I couldn't have predicted anything that happened. Of course, my one real worry is that Claire took Tony back. I told myself that, if one were to pretend the events in Consequences didn't occur, Tony's attempts to rekindle his marriage with Claire would be sweet. However, I can't just forget those things happened. Tony hit her, he isolated her, he kidnapped her and controlled every aspect of her life, he manipulated her and abused her more ways than physically. He raped her. In candor, the first of his several sins could probably be overlooked if he were completely and totally dedicated to not only making it up to Claire, but to making sure those moments never occurred again. However, I absolutely cannot get over the fact that he raped her, repeatedly. Something like that can't, and shouldn't, be forgiven. In the first book, I assumed he had successfully brainwashed her into believe she loved him, so I could forgive her for forgiving him. But in Truth, she was able to step away and realize just how much power she could wield over him, yet she fell right back into his arms. I look forward to reading from Tony's point of view to see whether or not I can be persuaded to agree with Claire and her love for him. Until then, I will continue to have my reservations.

Convicted: Man, what a roller coaster! Romig kept me guessing throughout the whole book and, honestly, worried about how everything would turn out. I had my fears from the beginning - with each new chapter, they grew and grew. I actually caught myself hoping Claire would get the happily ever after she so desperately wanted, even if that included Tony. In reality, I still find it hard to chew that the fact Tony raped her could actually be overlooked. However, there is this magical sense of self-preservation called "suspension of belief", which allows us readers to, well, suspend our beliefs to morally accept something from a book that we most certainly wouldn't in real life. I even found myself cheering the couple on, completely forgetting about the past, only to be reminded and question myself. Whether it's absurd for me to have eventually made peace with Claire's decision to love and forgive Tony for his trangressions, that's what happened. Despite the typical grammatical and punctuation errors dotted throughout the book, I rated Convicted with 3.5 stars instead of 3, because I was truly enthralled from beginning to end. It was a worthy read and, as usual, I'm a little sad to be officially parted with Claire and Tony (if you don't include Tony's POV books), but I'm happy with the way their story ended.

Beyond the Consequences: The grammar matched that of Revealed - much improved from the first 3 Consequences books - but I felt incredibly bored throughout most of it. I felt like it was being dragged out; if Aleatha had made it so Patricia and Rudolf were working together, I believe it would have made this story shorter and, therefore, more enjoyable.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Unseen: No. 7 in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
Unseen: No. 7
Unseen: No. 7
Karin Slaughter | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I haven't read any previous novels with these characters so didn't know any background to them but it didn't seem to matter to me as Karin was adept at shedding light on history but not too much that the story became confusing and bogged down which can happen.

I found it to be an exciting story that, unfortunately, is very plausible in this day and age (wow, I sound like my mum!) and it kept me interested throughout. The descriptions of places, people, situations, injuries, etc were vivid and, I felt, accurate enough to enable me to develop detailed pictures in my mind as I was reading which made it all the more real.

Some of my thoughts on the main characters:

Lena - I didn't like her at first but once the character started to develop I found myself on her side and defending her like she was a real person.

Sara - annoying but likeable in a strange way. She came across to me as quite a hard and unforgiving person but I think I warmed to her in the end.

Will - my favourite loved him - a very complex character that I want to know more about. A tough exterior with a very soft centre and a good heart; brave and fearless and someone you would want on your side.

There was one negative that I found and it was that I thought the chapters were way too long - I hate stopping midway through a chapter but if you only have a short amount of time to get a few pages read, you have to with this book which I found quite frustrating.

Overall though, I enjoyed it so much I will be reading more and would definitely recommend to people who love a fast paced crime thriller.
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not sure I liked Ryker!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

**This review will be short, I really dislike writing the three star reviews!**

Ryker is hockey royalty, coming up as 4th generation championship winning players. Jacob works his family farm with his mum and dad. Both end up at hockey camp for the summer, and are polar opposites in most things. Sharing a room brings them closer, then camp is over and they are on opposite sides of the country. When Ryker switches college to be closer to Jacob, will Jacob let him?

I can't put my finger on why this one didn't work for me, and ya'll know how much that does my head in! So, here's what I DID like.

Both Jacob and Ryker have their say, so we get both sides of the coin. Both voices are clear and very different, and their voice is in the first person. Each change is clearly headed, and comes as the chapter changes.

I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I tagged it as a short read, because it does NOT seem as long as the billed 196 pages! One sitting read, too.

There are some characters from the series this one spins off, and that makes me want to go back and read THEIR series, or at least, Jared and Ten (Ryker's dad and step dad) stories.

I just . . . .DON'T know what didn't work!

Or at least, that was what I thought when writing this review. Now I'm typing it up, I *think* it might be Ryker himself. I dunno, maybe. Possibly.

So, gonna leave it at that.

3 good solid but maybe not for me, stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Girl Before
The Girl Before
J.P. Delaney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a page-turner! I was gripped from start to finish – if I could have read it in one sitting I would have!

The story alternates between being told by 2 different central female characters, Emma in the past, and Jane currently. Following a burglary, Emma and her boyfriend find an amazing new house, which adapts to how you live – you need a special microchip to be allowed entrance, and the lighting and shower settings adapt to your personal tendencies and preferences. But there’s a catch – to rent it, you have to obey a strict set of rules laid down by the obsessive and intriguing architect.

Switch scene to Jane – following a tragic still birth, Jane finds relief in finding an amazing new house where she can start over again. Things turn tense though when Jane finds out that previous tenant, Emma, looks exactly like Jane and was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Things become more worrying still when Jane discovers her current beau, the elusive architect of the house, has only been taking on tenants who look like his dead wife.

When I read the synopsis, I thought that what happens with Jane would be identical to what happened with Emma, but each character does in fact have other things going on, and there was more to story than a fantastic house and a bizarre way to live. I won’t give away any more of the story – I wouldn't want to spoil it.

The majority of chapters where only about 2 minutes long, so it was easy to tell myself I had time for just one more chapter! It was like reading a James Patterson novel, but with oodles more intrigue! I enjoyed this author’s debut novel so much, I've already downloaded Delaney’s other book, and have pre-ordered the third! Thoroughly recommended!

David McK (3251 KP) rated Mockingjay in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (174 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third and final book in Suzanne Collin's <i>The Hunger Games</i> trilogy, in which the (I found) the whole proved to be greater than the sum of its parts.

Like the previous two entries, this is again told in the first-person immediate sense, and is again a 'true' sequel - don't even bother trying to read this without the first two!

Picking up from the end of <i>Catching Fire</i>, Katniss (and some other victors) has been rescued from the 75th annual Hunger Games by the previously-thought-to-be-a-myth survivors of District 13. Not all have made it out, however, Peeta (and two other victors) have been captured by the Capitol, who are now in the process of torturing them for information as the other Districts (1 through 12) rise up against teh Capitol.

This, then, is pretty much a war story, and doesn't shy away from the realities of such (albeit also somewhat sanitized), with characters dropping left, right and centre in unexpected moments, and with Katniss suffering further mental scarring as a result.

But if the Capitol falls, what will rise to replace it?

As a series over-all, I'll admit I wasn't too sure about it at first, and that it took a while for me to get used to the format in which it was told. The every-chapter-must-end-on-a-cliffhanger approach might have been a bit too much for my tastes, but in the end you just had to go with it (think of it like those old TV episodes that did the same!). Individually, the stories were enjoyable enough but nothing special, but put together as one whole arc (and read back to back) I have to say, it proved to be better than I was expecting.
Staked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #8)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8th - yes, 8th! - entry in [autho: Kevin Hearne]'s 'Iron Druid' series, this actually picks up a short while after the novella 'A Prelude to War' (in the compilation [b: Three Slices|28506035|Swallow (Three Slices)|Chuck Wendig||48659925], rather than straight after [b: Shattered|32438|Shattered|K.R. Dwyer||3047286].

And yes, I didn't know that until I read the prelude/authors note, which resulted in me putting this one on hold until I read that particular entry.

When the series started, Atticus was on his own, hiding out in Arizona, until he makes the fateful decision to stand up to rather than run from the Celtic God who believes that Atticus has stolen a magical sword from him.

Since then, events have snowballed out of control, with Atticus now joined by his apprentice Granuaille as well as his own Arch-Druid, who was frozen on a time-island for millenia. This, of necessity, means that the story is no longer told from one point of view: rather, we now have three seperate plot threads (usually told chapter about) that combine into one at the very end of this, when Atticus and co. finally coming face-to-fang with the vampire Theophilus, who was responsible for inciting the Romans to virtually wipe out the Druids in the first place, and who now wants to finish the job.

As always, comiv relief is provided in the form of Atticus faithful hound Oberon, with Granuaille's wolf-hound Orlaith providing the same in her sections of the story while Owen struggles to get to grips with modern living in his.

Rob P (30 KP) rated Best Served Cold in Books

Jan 22, 2019  
Best Served Cold
Best Served Cold
Joe Abercrombie | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morally taxing (2 more)
Satisfying story line
Exploration of side characters from the Abercrombie "First Law" universe
Brutal in places (although I'm fine with that) (1 more)
Not for the fainthearted
Best Served Cold
If you couldn't tell from the title, this is all about the revenge motif. If you've read Abercrombie, the savagery of the opening chapter (and plenty of others) should not bother you by this point, but having said that there were moments in this even I winced at.

This standalone novel takes place in Abercrombie's universe established in the "First Law" trilogy, and much like other offerings (The Heroes, Red Country) it's charms for me lie in the characters that play only a fleeting part in the previous books. Seeing where they are from and how they operate is so satisfying to me as a reader.

The very next facet of this read that made it so excellent for me, is theme of moral bankruptcy. At the start, Murcatto is a leader, betrayed and left so horribly injured that it sets a moral precedent. She sets out to kill the seven men who carried this out (one of which is a despot who looks to name himself King of Styria), and as they fall, one by one, more and more of the moral right she has is chipped away and spent, having to turn her hand to more and more depraved acts, associate with lower and lower people, and be part of more and more hideous scenarios in order to exact her justice.

If you've had the pleasure of reading the First Law trilogy, this is the book to start with next, it then leads brilliantly into the Heroes, and most recently Red Country.

Overall, a savage, visceral, compelling read.

- Rob
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
E.L. James | 2017 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I far more enjoyed this novel than it's counterpart. Along the lines of my original review of its predecessor, I think that Christian is a far more interesting character than Ana. Ana's major character traits are that she's a virgin and kind of has mommy issues. I find his point of view, his thoughts, and his dreams, or nightmares rather, much more compelling than anything Ana really has to say. I think that he is a much stronger character and much more realistic than she is.

I originally rated this novel a 5/5 because I do truly love the story, I like the mystery, the thrill, the sex, I think it's great. I revised it, though, because as soon as I get into a good rhythm, reading 20 pages and feeling like it's been 5 minutes, I get pulled out of the story by something so small and seemingly irrelevant like a phrase or wording or the way they do something. It pulls me out of the story and forces me to remember that the writing isn't all that good. I've said previously about the dialogue and that always gets me - again, they sound English and they're not!!!! I'm not sure if E.L. James had an English editor either, but it seems like she could've because I think an American one would've caught those things.

Overall, I think that this is the best book of the 4 thus far - Fifty Shades of Grey, Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Darker. While I have enjoyed them all, somewhat of a guilty pleasure, I'm eager to read the final chapter of the trilogy and rage about how there isn't a Christian perspective. Stay tuned.
Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters, #2)
Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters, #2)
Jaymin Eve | 2021 | Paranormal
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up from the Kindle Unlimited library on its release day because i was curious.

So it literally picks up where the last left off with Mera in a crazy going-to-kill-someone mood believing her friend had been murdered with the consent of Shadow. In her anger she once again draws from the Shadow World, bringing hundreds of shadow creatures across before panicking and trying to send them back. Shadow helps her cage them and then they have their argument, coming to an understanding before Angel rushes in, telling them the Shadow World's lock has been broken and they can now head inside so Shadow can claim his powers and his world.

So, yeah. I read it. I felt more interested in the romance between Mera and Shadow in this one. Their feelings grew a lot - or maybe i should say; they grew more comfortable around each other, enough to admit things when shit got bad at times. I will admit that I got invested in them. Without the pack and other distractions like the library, we focused more on Mera and what was happening in her head. She did grow on me quite a lot.

There were quite a few surprises thrown in towards the end involving Dannie and a few other things that I didn't entirely see coming and then the last chapter? Not a fan of what the author did with that but I guess she had to end it in a way that left the third book with a strong starter since the plotline from the start of this series was getting into Shadows World and him getting his powers back and that's all sorted now. I will probably read it when it comes out.