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The Early Life of Walt Disney
The Early Life of Walt Disney
Andrew Kiste | 2021 | Biography
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
'The Early Life of Walt Disney' is an extremely detailed account of Walter Elias Disney and his ancestors.

Kiste begins with the origins of the name Disney but quickly moves to the life of Walt's grandfather and father, exploring the social and economic factors of the time as well as how these directly affected the Disneys. For example, how a combination of Elias Disney's Christian faith and the corruption within a fast-growing Chicago led to Walt's father's authoritative nature, as well as direct examples of discipline towards Roy, Walt and the other Disney children.
Andrew Kiste has written a number of books on Walt Disney's life and has clearly researched the icon extensively. This book is very much rooted in the history of early America and can be very detailed: Elias Disney's involvement in building a church in his neighbourhood takes up a significant chunk of one chapter and Kiste even recounts the speech from the reverend on the day!
Nevertheless, 'The Early Life of Walt Disney' is an interesting insight for any hardcore Disney fan. I'm excited to see the next installment.
Taken ( Second Sight book 3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
71 of 230
Taken ( Second Sight book 3)
By Hazel Hunter

Psychic readings and personality profiles don't make a relationship - but trust does.

Although psychic Isabelle de Grey and FBI Special Agent Gavin "Mac" MacMillan are most definitely a couple, they hadn't counted on being together 24/7. But when a serial killer known as the Chameleon takes a special interest in Isabelle, Mac refuses to leave her side.

Though deeply in love, their relationship is put to the test when the FBI, against Mac's wishes, asks Isabelle to act as a decoy. Although Isabelle is willing, the plan unwittingly plays into Mac's darkest and secret fear. As their relationship strains to the breaking point and Isabelle's life hangs in the balance, Mac finally understands that every predator must have their prey.

A super quick catch up with Isabelle and Mac as she gets taken by the elusive Chameleon killer. This is a little spicy 12 chapter read. I’m a little disappointed in the anti climax of this killer that has tormented them in the previous 2 books. But it was ok.
Breathing Betrayal (Elemental Evidence #1)
Breathing Betrayal (Elemental Evidence #1)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a story with two main characters who are both a bit broken and battered around the edges. Things move very quickly between the two, but then circumstances also push them together. With two very different gifts, they work together to try and find a Professor's missing brother, only to find that the 'case' takes on a sinister twist.

The prologue is written without using anyone's name, and because Chapter 1 is from Jake's point of view, I incorrectly assumed that it was to do with him. However, things became clear as the story moved on.

Well written, with plenty of twists and turns, as well as hot and sexy scenes, Breathing Betrayal shows all the signs of being the first book in a new series. I'm sincerely hoping that this is the case as I would love to know more about Jake and Mari. Definitely recommended for all M/M fans.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2016
The Story contains excerpts of the NIV Bible in a modern day format, as if the Bible was a novel. The text fills up the full page rather than the usual two columns, and it it has the regular paragraph breaks and quotation marks. History and explanations are italics, poetry is indented, and events and dialogue are in regular body text.

One thing I really like about this version is the quotes. In many Bibles it's hard to tell when someone is saying something, or quoting something from somewhere else. In this version, it's very clear, because it sets it in a block quote, with proper quotation marks.

Again, this version is excerpts. It's not the full version. It's not something that can be referenced, because the books and chapters and verse numbers aren't shown. It's separated into chapters with titles rather than the traditional books and chapters.

This is good and bad. Good because I think it would be easier for some people to read, and maybe more friendly to teens who are just trying to get an overall grasp of the Bible. It's not so great because then if you say "Wait, where is that in the Bible, and what chapter/verse is it?" it's not going to be easy to find.

I think The Story is a nice way to read the Bible in a casual setting, or for a small group or Bible study for people who want to get the big picture of the Bible and want to see how it ties together on a larger scale, but it's not really suitable for intensive study (which is fine; you need both).
Murder by Perfection
Murder by Perfection
Lauren Carr | 2018 | Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Lauren Carr has done it again. If you have read one of her books, you know that you have been hooked from that first one you read. You will want more. If you have not read Lauren Carr books you are truly missing out on some really good murders and murder mystery. She write so well that you will not be able to stop with one chapter.

Murder by Perfection is no different. We see that Jessica Faraday and Murphy Thornton are doing in there lives. Things looks like they are still enjoying there bliss but it starting to warn off as they both have busy schedules. Can they fix it? Will they be able to find time for themselves?

Things really start to get interesting once Murphy runs into an old buddy of his from his time at the academy. His buddy starts talking to him about making it work to keep his marriage work. Though his buddy and Captain want to talk to Murphy alone about something important?

By the time, Murphy get to the park, there a crime and he a witness to his navy buddy crime. We go for a ride with murder galore. Murphy goes missing? Who want him gone and took him. Jessica get a ransom and also bring in the Thornton family like, JJ Thornton, Joshua Thornton, NCIS Team and a few others. We even see Tristan Faraday involved.

Lauren Carr brings in drugs, kidnapping and so much more. I loved just about everything. You are keep guessing until the end. How is it all connected? What does Natalie Shepherd's life got to do with Murphy?
The book opens with Gillian Deacon's personal story for why she decided to write this book - when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Even though she believed that she had been living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for years, she realized that one can never be too cautious. Deacon employs a few new vocabulary terms that help to introduce the reader to what Deacon hopes to accomplish with this book - by teaching the readers to be cautious about what to use in, on, and around their bodies. The first term is pinkwashing, applying to "big cosmetics corporations that position themselves as leaders in the struggle to eradicate breast cancer... [that] are, in fact, makers and marketers of products that contain many ingredients known or suspected to cause breast cancer." This term is related to the next- greenwashing, in which big corporations do the same thing with environmental awareness. She even gives a list of product lines that fall under this heading on page 10.
Deacon's motto throughout the book is "Be your own advocate," and she uses the book to teach the reader how, with multiple resources that can be found both in books and on the internet. The chapter on label reading introduces the reader to the concept of the chemical body burden, which "refers to the accumulation of chemical ingredients in the human body." This chapter was incredibly illuminating, as I am sure most people do not consider the cumulative effect of all of the manufactured products that we use on a day-to-day basis, or even how different chemicals in these different products can react negatively with one another. Governmental bodies such as Health Canada or the U.S. FDA, are also shown to be of little help in curbing the influx of chemicals into the retail market that have been presented to be linked to illness and disease - and are sometimes even prohibited from use in European countries. She gives a list of the 20 worst chemicals to avoid and why on page 31 - a list which had me examining every product in my bathroom.
Each chapter begins with some basic information about the body parts mentioned to illustrate why and how the chemicals found in products can harm the body. Every chapter is supplied with a list of products that can be found on the internet applicable to that chapter's topic along with the pros and cons of each product. If that is not enough, she also supplies recipes for do-it-yourself homemade body care products, such as face masks, hair treatments, and lipsticks.
The book also teaches that many of the common "spin" words that companies use to promote a product as safe or healthy are, in fact, meaningless, without an industry-standard definition: natural, hypoallergenic, botanicals, pure plant essence, herbal conditioning, purifying, and nourishing, to name a few. Other words can be used to hide chemicals, such as fragrance or perfume, as the companies are not legally required to list the chemicals used to achieve them. Even the regulated word "organic" can not always be trusted as anything with less than 60% organic ingredients can not be truly organic.
In short, this book is a priceless commodity for me, and with it I hope to detox both my home and and family, adding years to all of our lives.
Seeker (Seeker, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I was honestly excited to read Arwen Elys Dayton's <i>Seeker</i>, as the idea seemed very promising and the book is set in Scotland and Hong Kong – a rarity in books. Simply put, I thought this would actually go quite well.

Let's face it: Dayton does have talent. The setting of Scotland is richly detailed to the point where it's as though you're there; the book is action-packed, page-turning (in the first part), and intriguing; and the characters seem to be <i>extremely</i> well-developed.

But here's the conclusion: <i>Seeker</i> had a lot of potential to be an amazing book, but somehow, in the execution of the book, something must have exploded and went horribly wrong (because I wouldn't have DNF it if it were THAT good).

The first chapter went pretty well, aside from the hefty load of information about the characters, the setting, and whatnot. Personally I don't mind it that much as long as I don't feel like I'm reading a textbook and reading unnecessary information like a character's weight (unless it pertains to the story).

The second chapter though... I had thoughts of DNFing because throughout the most of the chapter (if not the entire chapter), John wouldn't stop yapping about how he's had a crush on Quin since he first arrived on the Kincaid estate in Scotland, and his desire for her, blah blah blah – all in all, John is quite cringe-cheesy in the romance department. I could have sworn at one point there was going to be a scene that I would feel very awkward reading about and would absolutely hightail out of the book with my tail between my legs as soon it happened.
<blockquote>But she and John had daydreamed about camping trips across the river, or rooms in an inn somewhere, someday, when they would finally be able to give themselves to each other.</blockquote>
And here's the nutshell version of what happens later: John fails, he gets kicked out of training by Briac Kincaid, there's a centuries old power struggle between "houses." As a result, John decides to attack the Kincaid estate just to get an athame and he and Quin aren't even allies when that happens. All of the characters go on their separate ways or died in the process of the attack and we don't hear any of them make a peep aside from the love triangle (Quin, John, and Shinobu) since forever. Then, when Quin gets to Hong Kong, she chooses to lose all of her memories and doesn't remember anything from the last fifteen to sixteen years, Shinobu makes a living by searching for artifacts in Victoria Harbor with a dude named Brian and they spend their money from that on "drug bars" and looking like gangsters. Then John makes an appearance in Hong Kong and makes an attempt to win Quin's heart back after shooting her in the chest and nearly killing her during the attack in Scotland.

Tell me that isn't a bit questionable, because between the end of Part 1, the Interlude and Part 2, my brain got horribly scrambled and I became overly puzzled.

Simply put, <i>Seeker</i> didn't turn out well – it crashed and burned.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Just One of the Guys
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I'm going to tell you why Just One of the Guys is not only one of my new favorite Higgins books, but one of my new favorite romances period.

1. The heroine is different. She's not super feminine in her character, but she's definitely feminine in her desires and her passion and her attitude. Growing up with four older brothers, Chastity Virginia (yeah, that's her name. I know, right?) yells when she's mad, throws punches with intent, and won trophies in college for rowing. She's a quarter inch away from being six feet tall, and she's got man-shoulders. She runs 10-mile races up hills for kicks. But she's thirty, she wants her passion to be returned, and her body is telling her that she should have already made at least three babies by now. I mean, how many romance novels do you read with female protagonists like that? most of the time they're young, innocent, unable to take care of themselves, and feminine. Chastity is not the typical female protagonist ... and that's one of the reasons I like her so much.

2. Like any good novel, there are a few sub-plots running through this novel; one is the failing marriage of one of Chastity's brothers, named Mark. He and his wife are going through hell (and possibly divorce and child custody problems) but they still love each other. There is this chapter (chapter 22--it's seared into my head) that made me cry because it was so amazing. See, Chastity babysat for Mark's soon-to-be-ex-wife, and she didn't tell him. When he found out, he blew up at her. Then later when he apologized they started talking, and he opened up to her about how badly he wants to make things right. she gave him a little advice and they had a sob-fest and in the end it worked out so perfectly. But the thing that got me was that so many stories I've read with failing relationships are about trying to get over the person, instead of reconciling. It was beautiful and inspiring and I read the chapter 3 times because I loved it so much.

3. Another one of those sub-plots was the relationship between Chastity’s parents. They’re officially divorced, but they still hang out all the time for dinner, they still love each other, and her dad just assumes her mom will wait around for him to retire. But that isn’t the case. Her mom starts dating again and throws everyone for a loop. Then when she gets into a serious relationship, shit really hits the fan. I was surprised by the outcome. I won’t say what it was for the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free. But I will say that it was different. It wasn’t the same-old same-old over again. Suffice to say, this book was the opposite of Happyland-syndrome.

4. The romance between Chastity and Trevor was so epic. I’m not going to say anything else about it because I don’t want to risk spoiling it. It has to be read in order. You can’t know anything out of order. But trust me, it was epic and wonderful and powerful and perfect and beautiful.

Like all of Higgins's books, the writing is fun, easy to read, relaxed, and a little snarky. This one was a little awkward because some of it was written in a different tense than what she does now, but it's one of her earlier books, and I can't hold that against her.

Anyway, you should go get this book. Amazon, B&N, Paperbackswap, your local book store, etc. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Content/recommendation: Some language, mention of sex (but nothing explicit) Ages 17+
The Sparrows of Unity
The Sparrows of Unity
Sen Jayaprakasam | 2019 | History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was the basic idea of two groups who wanted to better the world. (0 more)
What I didn't like was the fact that I kept questioning exactly how the Unity was planning on achieving their goal (at least I think it was the Unity) (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The Sparrows of Unity by Sen Jayaprakasam was an interesting book to say the least. The first chapter was very interesting and grabbed my attention right away. I wanted to keep reading it, and was instantly hooked. Each chapter was titled with the character's name who was going to be telling that section of the story. I understand the need to change the point of view in a story like this but it is still a little jarring, so the titles helped a lot amd was considerate of the author. It says that this is only the first in the series and I hope the following books offer more explanation and detals.

The book opers with Lacy meeting her father who is Current in jail. She has believed her father to be a murderer her whole life and that her and her mother have been running from what he did. Now she is visiting him because of a message she found in her mother's journal that she read after her mother died in a car crash. Before he mysteriously disappears her father tells Lucy the truth about him and her mother.

Lucy ends up warking with Rit, Si, and Anna after they all see one of their teachers attacked and killed. The four teens all follow clues to race acros Britain while trying to stay one step ahead of the attackers, who are now trying to kidnap them. Along the journey they discover it is the Unity who are follawing them and trying to prevent them from reaching the other Sparrows. The four teens believe that once they get to the end of the Sparow's Path they will be safe from the Unity. Once they reach the end they can't help but to wonder if they just accidentally lead the Unity to the Sparrow's safe-house?

What I liked best was the basic idea of two groups who wanted to better the world. The idea that they were going to make the world better by eliminating racism, homophobia, and other foms of prejudice was interesting because this is not usually the goal of such groups in books. I liked that people were indirectly trying to make things better for everyone. It also helps that the puzzles where interesting and well thought out. What I didn't like was the fact that I kept questioning exactly how the Unity was planning on achieving their goal (at least I think it was the Unity). It talked about using fear and scare tactics but other than that it wasn't well explained. The ending was also very confusing with so many people either pretending or thinking that they were something they actually were not.

The target readers for this book would be teens and young adults. Anyone older may still enjoy this book for a quick read but it lacks the depth that I believe many adults would probably enjoy in a book. However, the following books in the series may make up for that and as a whole hold the attention of adults as well. I rate this book 2 out of 4. I found it to be a little dull frequently, with the teens just avoiding capture. Also it got very confusing towards the end and started to lose me. While the first chapter did get me hooked it did not last. After finishing the book I am still unsure as to the belonged to which group.

I took a chance on <b>The Revenge of Radioactive Lady</b>, it's not my usual read, but the cover and synopsis caught my eye and decided to give it a try. I was rewarded by a quirky story with neurotic, yet realistic, characters that was compulsively readable. Each chapter is told by a different person, Marylou/Nance and everyone in the Witherspoon family.

Though not as humorous as led to believe by the various quotes on the cover, the most amusing of it happened in the first chapter and nearer the end, the rest of the book is filled with many dramas that had unusual, and not quite so grim, outlooks to them. The book flows nicely and the descriptions were easy to visualize, so I could clearly picture the settings. The characters each have their individual voices that make it easy to separate each of them from the others; I found everyone to be interesting in how they acted, reacted and dealt with the situations that popped up in the story. I both sympathized and hoped they could better themselves by the end. The author tackles some tough subjects (pedophilia, murder, adultery, creating a model nuclear reactor) in a light, yet respectful manner, and who also incorporates some Cold War history into the story too. I had no idea that around 800 unsuspecting pregnant women were given radioactive 'cocktails' (iron) to see how it would effect their fetus. Further information can be found in [b:The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War|212087|The Plutonium Files America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War|Eileen Welsome||205297], which I am now interested in finding out more about this and other unethical testing, thanks to the author. Overall, the book is a quick and easy read, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it.