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Santa Claus Bank Robbery: A True Crime Saga in Texas
Santa Claus Bank Robbery: A True Crime Saga in Texas
Tui Snider | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't normally read a lot of non-fiction, but there was something about Tui Snider's true crime novel Santa Claus Bank Robbery that really drew me in. Maybe it was the fact that I love to imagine how things were back in the day or maybe it was the mystery of the blonde woman that I wanted to know. Whatever it was, I am thrilled that I had the chance to read Santa Claus Bank Robbery.

Tui Snider opens her novel with a chapter that talks about how she first heard of this crazy bank heist. She gives information behind the history of bank robberies in Texas. Snider then goes into details about the key players that were apart of the bank robbery in the next chapter. It isn't long before you're thrown into the action of what happened that fateful day in Cisco, Texas when at least four men - Marshall Ratliff, Henry Helms, Robert Hill, and Lewis Davis - decided to rob the First National Bank on December 23, 1927 with Ratliff dressed in a Santa Claus suit. It's a wonder more people didn't die considering back then anyone off the street could get a gun and shoot at criminals! Snider doesn't just end her book when the bank robbery ended. She also writes about what happened to the bank robbers after they were apprehended as well as what happened to some of the other people who were involved whether they were hostages, bystanders, or vigilantes.

It's very obvious that Tui Snider had done extensive research before writing Santa Claus Bank Robbery. Snider even includes a diagram that shows where everyone was standing when the bank robbery occurred! She includes names of many of the key players (witnesses, accessories, bystanders, etc) which can sometimes be a bit daunting to remember. I had to go back to previous chapters to find out who was who sometimes. The names of people get easier to remember further into the book though. I loved that photos from Newspapers around that time were also included in Santa Claus Bank Robbery.

It was nice to read Tui Snider's commentary on the events whilst reading through the chapters of Santa Claus Bank Robbery. I felt as if Snider was right beside me giving me her opinion on the events of the book. I do agree with her on who she thinks the mysterious blonde woman was. After reading Tui Snider's book, I'm definitely with Snider. I'm also left wondering, along with the author, why A.C. Greene left out major details and gave pseudonyms to some people in his book The Santa Claus Bank Robbery published in 1972 (not to be confused with Tui Snider's book Santa Claus Bank Robbery) but not to others. That's also a great mystery that I hope one day Snider can find out because it seemed like it was driving her crazy wondering Greene did that (ha!).

One more touch that I really appreciated from Tui Snider in her book Santa Claus Bank Robbery was the fact that at the end, she includes appendices for places of interest, staying in touch with her, and further reading. I really enjoyed the places of interest section which lists the address and websites of places mentioned in the book. After reading Santa Claus Bank Robbery, I'm hankering to check these places out!

Trigger warnings for Santa Claus Bank Robbery include murder, death, and violence. It is a true crime book after all!

Overall, Santa Claus Bank Robbery is a highly fascinating novel full of action and mystery that holds your attention from the very first page. So much research went into the writing of this book, and it really shows. After reading this novel, I have become fascinated with this case. I would definitely recommend Santa Claus Bank Robbery by Tui Snider to those aged 16+ who love true crime, mystery, or just a well written book in general. This is one of those books that you won't be able to put down even when you have to!
(A special thank you to Tui Snider for providing me with a paperback copy of Santa Claus Bank Robbery in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
You, Me and the Movies
You, Me and the Movies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You, me and the movies is the perfect book for the fans of the movie theaters. It will fill an emptiness you have felt all your life, because such a book previously didn’t exist. Perfectly entwined movie references with one incredible love story is the only thing you might need for a perfect reading date. Okay, maybe hot chocolate too. And a warm blanket. And a few tissues…

Two people. Ten classic films. A love story you’ll never forget.

Arden has just started university when she meets Mac – and quickly falls head over heels for the handsome, charismatic film lecturer. Their love affair is dramatic, exciting and all-consuming; the sort of thing you only see in the movies. But it didn’t last…

And thirty years later, leading a very different life, Arden is visiting a friend in hospital when she suddenly comes across the man she never forgot. Badly injured in an accident, Mac can only make brief references to the classic films they once watched together: Casablanca, A Star is Born, Pretty Woman among others… and they make Arden remember everything.

Chapter by chapter we dive into the memories that Arden holds close to her heart. All the feelings she though she forgot now flow back to the surface. Mac can’t say more than a few words, but those words mean the world for Arden.

The bittersweet memories of their relationship help Arden re-connect with the world in a way she no longer thought was possible. But will a movie-worthy love ever be hers again?

This book gave me a story I wasn’t prepared for. I am a sucker for romance in real-life, but when it comes to books, I don’t ship couples easily, and I don’t do “awws” and “aaahs”. But this book got me. It captured my heart and then broke it into a million pieces.

I loved every single moment. Every single situation, every memory, every scene at the hospital. The whole story is surreal. Imagine encountering your ex from thirty years ago in a hospital, badly injured, and he can’t say anything more than words that mean so much to you.

And that is amazing, because he can at least say those words. But after so many years, don’t you want to know? Aren’t you curious about the why’s and the how’s and what happened after parts?

Arden had so many questions, unable to be answered. And maybe that was for the best. Leave the past behind and start again?

The time flow was immensely written, jumping from past to present, but in a very tidy and clear way, easy to get into. I knew exactly when in time we were, which made the reading experience significantly better for me.

And despite all this praise, I will still give this book four stars instead of five, and here is my why:
In a couple of years, I will probably remember only the vague details of this book. The movie references and the love story between Mac and Arden. But I will never forget how this book made me feel…

All those tears that I have shed because of them, all those movies I have watched, pausing the book for a while, just so I can grasp the whole meaning, and most importantly, all the ANGER I felt in the end. I finished the book, I read the last few pages and I was angry! Angry at Mac, and angry at Arden, angry at destiny and angry at the writer, for ending this book in this way.

I am slowly beginning to realise and understand why this was the perfect ending, but I can never get over the feeling of anger, and I don’t remember feeling anger in such a way about any other book. (This could be counted as a compliment, I suppose). And that is why this book can’t be my favorite. But it definitely did change something in my life and my experience, and I will carry that with me forever.
The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries, #1)
The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries, #1)
L.J. Smith | 1991 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">The Awakening</a> - ★★★★★
#2 <a href="">The Struggle</a> - ★★★★★

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<b><i>I had The Awakening and the Struggle (the first and second books from the Vampire Diaries series) on my shelf for years.</i></b>

When I say years, I mean it. It all started when I was in high-school, around 6 years ago, and I was in love with the Vampire Diaries TV Show. When I found out there are books as well, I begged my mum to buy them for me. And once I had them, I never got to read them, because teenage logic...

I recently noticed the Vampire Diaries books sitting on my shelf, forgotten, and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to read it in October, because of the whole spooky vibe. So there it is now - even thought the wheel didn't choose it, I did, because it deserved the attention!

Elena Gilbert is a popular girl in high-school and she always gets what she wants. Boys want to be with her, girls hate her, or want to be her best friends. And when this new boy Stefan comes into town, all mysterious, Elena wants him. But Stefan is hiding a deadly secret that Elena might now be ready for just yet. And her life, as well as the life of everyone living in Fell's Church is in grave danger... Elena finds herself between two brothers - one who came for a new life, and the other, who came for revenge...

Reading this book, while already knowing what the plot it, I thought I found find it boring. But no. I still enjoyed every single page of it, and I still devoured this book in one day.

From the first chapter, this book is intense and captures your attention. It is written in third person, but it also contains diary entries that belong to Elena and capture her deepest thoughts that she doesn't dare share with anyone else.

<b><i>I loved Elena!</i></b>

Her character is exactly what I was expected and what I have known to love - brave and fierce, and also willing to sacrifice her own happiness and safety for the people she loves the most. 

Elena's friends, Meredith and Bonnie are the friends every girl needs. Funny and caring. A few pages in, and you will get to love them too.

Stefan - the mysterious new guy in school. The guy that tries to stay away from the girl he really wants because he's a danger to her. A little bit of Twilight vibes, but we can get past that. Because there is one thing that Twilight didn't have, that you can find reading The Vampire Diaries...


Even though we only get a glimpse of him in this book, we can feel his presence throughout the whole book. We can feel his connection with Elena, as weird and spooky as it may be. All that danger that he carries with him, we all want to see whether there's anything good in him at all. His story is the most intriguing one, I think. His hunger for revenge makes you really understand both sides of the story and choose a side for yourself.

<b><i>So, are you team Stefan, or team Damon?</i></b>

I loved reading this - it was an amazing experience and it reminded me of my high-school days, of those innocent happy memories. My teenage life didn't include vampires, but hey - it was still awesome!

Pick the Vampire Diaries up if you love Young Adult spooky books, if you loved Twilight and if you love vampire, love and mystery stories in general.

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<b><i>The Struggle is the continuation of the Vampire Diaries Series by L.J. Smith. The second book that features the life of popular girl Elena Gilbert and her endeavors with the mysterious vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore.</i></b>

The Struggle continues where The Awakening ends; Elena is looking to talk to Damon, knowing that he has something to do with Stefan's disappearance.

I felt like there was more action in this book, compared to the first one. It made me more engrossed with the story and I was very excited for all the twists.

Elena was obviously the main character in this book, alongside Stefan and Damon. I am not sure how I felt about Elena in this book. She seemed to ignore everyone for a while and just be her selfish self - which resulted in getting people in trouble.

On the other hand, I really loved the history of Stefan and Damon. The memories from hundreds of years ago. The author manager to portray the time very well, and I was easily transported into another world, another time... I think these scenes were definitely the favourite part of this book.

I wish we saw more chapters with Bonnie and Meredith. Even though best friends, it didn't feel like they were too involved in the story. We didn't get to know them properly and it has already been two books. I really hope book three will let us meet these two characters better.

I am happy with the book in general.

The scenes, the plot, the twists - they were all very carefully put together. Elena's love choices are opening up, letting us wonder which brother she might choose. Making us choose sides (team Damon here!). This battle between the love and hate of the two brothers definitely seems interesting.

<b>The ending was everything I was hoping for and now I can't wait for the next book. The Awakening and The Struggle were only an introduction and the real adventures are yet to begin!</b>

I recommend it to all of you that love young-adult, teen romance and vampire stories. It will keep you on your toes for sure!

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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review is also on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the synopsis of Alternity by Mari Mancusi, I knew I would probably love this book! I wasn't wrong. This book is amazing!

Skye is just your average 18 year old girl. There's nothing that different about her. She has a fantastic boyfriend, she goes to school, and she works as a video games tester. She's been having these strange nightmares about being in a weird place. They're making her lose sleep until one day she actually wakes up in the place from her nightmare. Now she doesn't know who to trust. And why do people keep calling her Mariah?? Skye soon discovers she's arrived on another planet, and something sinister is going on.

The title to this book is great!! Alternity - like an alternative reality. It definitely fits right in with the story. From what I've heard, this book was originally released under the title of Moongazing. I'm glad the author decided to change the title as Alternity sounds like a much more interesting title.

I love the sci-fi feel of this cover. The picture of Skye on the front with a katana and the moon in the background is perfect for this story. I'm usually not a fan of just putting a pretty face on the cover, but it seems to work with this book.

I thought the world building and setting were fantastic!! The author has us believe that the planet of Terra is very much like Earth would be if there was to be some sort of post apocalyptic event. There's no sun, no sky...just bleakness. The underground bit of Terra is portrayed rather well with it being full of the poor people of Terra and those who have been mutated by radiation due to having to mine for the rich people.

The pacing for Alternity is beyond fantastic! In fact, I couldn't put this book down! Each chapter had me looking forward to the next as everything just flowed really well. Never, not even for one moment, was I even remotely bored reading Alternity.

The dialogue is fantastic in this book. I especially enjoyed the dialogue between Dawn and Skye. There are a few swear words but not many. The only minor annoyance I found was that at two points in the book, the author goes from using present tense to past tense.

The characters in this book are very believable. Skye was a great protagonist. She felt like a real person. In fact, I found myself wanting to be friends with her especially as we both have a love for video games! I love the fact that she started out a bit unsure of herself but throughout the story, she became a strong person. Dawn came across as a lovely guy. He wants what's best for his people, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Duske makes an excellent villain. He's very charming, but he can be very very vile. He is very believable as being a bad guy, and he plays the role excellently.

Alternity by Mari Mancusi is a well executed book that will leave you feeling as if you are a part of the book. This is definitely one of those books that you have to read as you will not be disappointed!

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+, especially those who are fans of dystopian or post-apocalyptic novels. However, I feel this is one of those books that can be enjoyed by almost everyone.
Cynthia Hand | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters, the writing, the plot (0 more)
Couldn't wait for the next installment (0 more)
Ethereal and Intelligent
Contains spoilers, click to show
Clara Gardener has a vision, and a purpose. Her realizing that purpose is the main focus of the tale Unearthly. Clara has been blessed: she is genetically one quarter angel. And being part angel is more common than one might think. Clara has a brother, also an angel-blood. She also has a life in California before fate and the story take us to Wyoming.

The focus of Clara’s vision is a young lad named Christian Prescott, who is the McDreamy of Jackson Hole High School. In the vision, they meet and she flies him away from a raging forest fire. Part of the book is devoted to the mystery surrounding this seemingly simple supernatural event. The other parts have Clara honing her holier skills, such as flying.

Clara definitely has feelings for Christian. These feelings are complex because of his place in her alleged destiny. Yet there’s another boy threatening to capture her attention, potentially putting her purpose in jeopardy.

I found this book to be very insightful. Elements of the plot hearken back to a time when I was young and thought love could change everything. Hand easily incorporates elements of teenage angst and high school life without ever being cliché. The book touches on the aspect of religion without going overboard and drowning the reader in dogma. The idea of God is discussed, but not dissected. I applaud the author’s decision not to be so heavy-handed in this regard.

Hand evokes beautiful imagery, especially in her descriptions of the angels’ wings. The descriptions of the Wyoming scenery are also beautiful. The narrative informs us of the basics of angelology without getting too terribly geeky. The plot thickens with every chapter, and Hand’s descriptive writing style helps keep the reader engaged. There is a bit of a plot twist at the end. That, and the artfully crafted love triangle, will leave you anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy.

This book is a must-read for anyone who’s ever considered liking Twilight. The plot is in a bit of the same vein, as this book falls into the paranormal romance genre. But the descriptions of Clara’s experiences are far more intense and thought-provoking. The vision of Clara’s purpose mystifies and overwhelms her at times, and also makes her infinitely more interesting a heroine than Bella Swan.

In the end, it seems even those with vision do not have all of the answers. I am elated to see the author’s success and look forward to passing these books down to my daughter.
Wings (Wings, #1)
Aprilynne Pike | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had some good, some bad, some supremacy, some mediocrity. here's my warning now, that this has spoilers in it.

good: a wild twist. the idea that fairy's are plants never once crossed my mind, the idea that Laurel had flowers growing out of her back instead of actual wings was... kinda weird but also really cool. and in my opinion, the good over-weighed the bad.

bad: i remember very vividly that the boy she falls in love with is introduced in the first paragraph (or second, or something like that.) and that totally gave away that part of the plot. i knew right away she'd become involved with him. i would have liked the author to develop his character a little more, or develop Laurel's character a little more, before introducing him.

supremacy: it had me hooked from about the fifth chapter to the twenty-second. i literally read for five hours. that's a long time for me. i mean, i read A LOT and ALL THE TIME, but five hours at once? seriously. the only other times that's ever happened was for twilight and harry potter. very nice, Aprilynne.

mediocrity: the writing itself, the prose, the sentence structure, was not all that fabulous. it was just basic sentence structure most of the time, and ok vocabulary. the words themselves were not poetic and artful, something that you find in Edger Allen Poe or J K Rowling.

the last thing was the end. it left you hanging, a little. which, as a writer, is a smart and mean thing to do at the same time. i'm a writer, and in every single one of my books i leave my audience hanging. but as a reader, it's annoying. i the one thing i want to know is what happens about her and the boy thing? who does she end up with? i'll bet that the boy she met at school ends up with the girl who's had a crush on him forever, and she goes back to her fairy-boy. (can you tell i've forgotten some names and don't have the book with me?) whatever. but i hope there's a second one, because that one little thing will bug me from now until whenever the new one comes out (if there is one.)

of course, again, the book was addictive, and had a great twist. i will say that if i ever had a chance to read it again, i would probably not do it. but i will (if there is one) read the sequel. all in all, i did like this book. quite a lot. and i do recommend it to anyone who likes romance, fantasy, or adventure.
The Lawyer's Lawyer (Jack Tobin, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know what makes certain books fantastic? Character development. That was the strongest point of The Lawyer’s Lawyer; the characters were wonderful.

Jack, the protagonist, was clever and intelligent and innovative and full of emotion (and hilarious when drunk). He was the kind of person I’d want to hang around… and for that matter, so were his friends. They left you with the feeling of belonging, of security. And by the end of the book, you’re thanking your lucky stars Jack had those friends, because they saved his rear end!

Danny was awesome. For the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free, I’ll just say this: The best people are the ones who do everything in love—whether those things are good or bad is up for you to decide.

And the bad guys! Sometimes the bad guys are the best! This was definitely the case in this book. One of the characters, Sam (the police chief), started off as this guy who was a little annoying. But as the story went on, I began to like him less and less, and finally at the end, I despised him. And the lawyer who represented the State in the case? Man that guy was a twit. I hated his guts. I wanted to slap him across the face.

The other exceptional attribute of this book was the narrator for the audiobook. He is incredibly talented, giving unique and identifiable voices to each character that totally described their person in a few sounds. I’m adding Rick Zieff to my list of narrators to look for in the future!

There were a few parts I would have liked to see improved: namely the beginning of the story, a chapter in the middle, and the very last scene. In the beginning, we are met with character development and background information, which is all fine… but there’s this one random case that Jack works that has nothing to do with the main plot. I kept waiting for it to come back into the main story, but it never did, and it felt out of place.

Then there was the scene in the middle, and the other part, the ending. These scenes were just borderline sappy. Danny and Jack are in love and they date and have hot sex and get all wishy-washy and twitterpated. And I’ll be the first to admit that I thoroughly enjoy being twitterpated, especially with sexy fictional characters. But I’m going to be brutally honest here… James Sheehan, you are a thriller writer… NOT a romance writer. And there’s a good reason for that: Because you suck at romance.

All in all, I absolutely loved The Lawyer’s Lawyer, and look forward to more from Sheehan.

Content/Recommendation: Some language, mild violence, mention of sex. Ages 17+
A Rumored Fortune
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tressa Harlowe's father did not trust banks, but neither did he trust his greedy extended family. He kept his vast fortune hidden somewhere on his estate in the south of England and died suddenly, without telling anyone where he had concealed it. Tressa and her ailing mother are left with a mansion and an immense vineyard and no money to run it. It doesn't take long for a bevy of opportunists to flock to the estate under the guise of offering condolences. Tressa knows what they're really up to. She'll have to work with the rough and rusticated vineyard manager to keep the laborers content without pay and discover the key to finding her father's fortune--before someone else finds it first.

My Thoughts: This is the second novel for Author Joanna Davidson Politano and her books only get better and better! A story of intrigue, suspense, love, and lessons to be learned. Tressa and her mother are summoned home early from a trip abroad. Assuming that her father has called them home, Tressa is excited to see him again. When they do finally get home, she is met by a handsome stranger who comes to her aid and brings her to the castle only to find that her father has died. As she learns that Trevelyan has run into money problems she quickly starts searching for the hidden treasure; the only thing is, is that she isn't the only one. At the world of her father's death, everyone wants a piece of the treasure.

This is a gripping story that keeps the reader entertained throughout. It is full of twists and turns, that keeps the reader on edge wondering what will happen next.

The characters are well developed and very believable, as they interact with one another through the story-line,

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a nugget of wisdom that deals with horticulture and raising grapes but it also has a deeper meaning for what goes on in life. The characters also supported a great faith in God which is a good example for us in our own times of despair.

Tressa is a loveable character, and well portrayed in the novel. I can't imagine how hard it would be to trust in a time when it seems all people wanted was money. I think that she did an amazing job, with a few lessons learned.

I highly recommend this novel. I will certainly be looking for more from this author.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
fantastic start to a new series
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

We met Tate and Clay properly in their book, Feat of Clay, in the Men of London series. This is the first in their own spin off series. It would probably help for you to read that book before this one. It will give you a better understanding of what both Tate and Clay went through before this book. That book for me is a brilliant 5 star read.

As is this one!

Granted, this is a much lighter read, with some very funny laugh out loud moments, particularly between Tate and the club owner, Relio. The fact that he is Clay's ex brings out the green eyed monster in Tate and he knows it, but he can't help himself!

The dead customer of Relio's club is why he called Clay, along with Tate, to partake of their investigations business. Clearly, the people involved were hiding something, they just need to figure out what.

Enter, if you will, Fetish Alley. Relio's club is at the end of the alley that caters to all things fetish. Some you'll have heard of, some not. A collection of shops selling all manner of naughty things await those who enter. But there is still a possible murder to solve, and Tate and Clay need to get to the bottom of it.

I loved the little one or two liners at the beginning of each chapter, which look like text messages between Tate and Clay. They proper made me chuckle! Loved the "old man" digs that Clay gets since he turns 40 during the course of the book. LOVED the pop up by Draven, Jax and Dare from the other books in the Men of London series.

And I absolutely need more of Tomas and Relio! I've no idea what happened between them here, but clearly SOMETHING did. And THEIR book (please let them have their own book, PLEASE!) is gonna be fun!

Considering where the book is set around, I didn't find it as explicit as some of Ms Mac Nicol's book but it IS sexy and hot. The fact that Tate and Clay are a well established couple makes a huge difference. Yes, there are sex scenes, but mostly you got shut down at the good bits! Loved that though!

A fantastic new series, I look forward to following what happens next, both in the Alley, the club and with Tate and Clay.

5 stars, that are still speckled with paint!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Ross (3282 KP) rated Altered Carbon in Books

Jun 28, 2018  
Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon
Richard Morgan | 2002 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The basic idea behind the world created (0 more)
The execution (0 more)
Hated it
The world in which this story takes place is very intriguing - nobody ever really dies; everyone is put "on stack" when they die, i.e. their digitised brain is stored electronically, and they can have it put back into a new "sleeve", i.e. a body, when their family pay for it. The details of this were pretty scant originally, but emerged over the first 100 pages or so (though sadly piecemeal in glib, throw-away comments where the detail was taken for granted). The ideas filled me with hope - all prisons were digital (people held on stack in created scenarios), travel across large distances was electronic (if you could afford to have a sleeve waiting for you) etc.

Sadly, none of this was explored very well. There was a very clichéd, basic detective story overlaid on to this world. A billionaire claims he was murdered, but the authorities ruled his death as a suicide. This on the surface (someone being a witness for their own murder!) filled me with excitement for what lay ahead. However this quickly ebbed away as the story changed into a detective (Takeshi Kovacs - one of the most bland, one dimensional characters ever created) wandering around Earth, where he has never been, and annoying drug dealers and pimps.

There then follows a great deal of nonsense sex scenes, utterly drivel narrative (Morgan seems to think he has to take a whole page to describe each new location and has some very obscure turns of phrase - I actually speed-read the last 150 pages out of pure frustration with how long and boring the experience was - everything is contained in the dialogue so I recommend just reading that and skimming any action scenes), sci-fi jargon which means nothing to the reader, and very little plot development. In fact, pretty much the whole plot is outlined, by the perpetrator, in one chapter near the end - the "detective" didn't solve the case, he just worked out someone was involved and they filled in the details for him. Utterly clumsy storytelling.

Some people might enjoy taking a long time to read this, the futuristic setting, the overly-described settings, trying to work out what the sci-fi mumbo jumbo means. I am not one of those people. The world-building was there, but was under-used. The plot was basic and only really relevant in the first and last 50 pages. The characters were all forgettable, one-dimensional and clichéd (so much so that I frequently had to search back to find out who the person referred to was and why I should care).

That Takeshi Kovacs survived and went on to star in two follow-up books was a depressing revelation for me.