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The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A very theatrical construct of noir. Black humor, nursery rhymes, expressionist lighting, a zoological boat ride, Shelly Winters underwater, and Robert Mitchum cackling when getting shot. I can hear Charles Laughton chuckling in every scene. Best use of frightening artifice. If Mitchum only acted in one movie, if Gish only appeared in one movie, they should be proud for this to be the one. As it is, Laughton only directed one."

The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I first came to town, in 1989, I was hired to work on a sitcom starring Robert Mitchum. Yes, really. And at the first writers’ meeting, I mentioned to the more senior staff members that I was kind of excited to meet him. Well, most of the other writers had never seen Mitchum in anything, so I invited them over to watch a video of The Night of the Hunter, arguably one of the great pieces of art in movie history. It’s somewhat surreal and heightened and theatrical, and they laughed at it. I knew then I was in a world of trouble. It’s the only movie directed by Charles Laughton and one of the only screenplays written by James Agee. Mitchum is an evil “religious” fraud, and Lillian Gish is the embodiment of good. The movie scares you, then makes you cry at how beautiful it is. The sitcom was cancelled after seven episodes."

The Heartbreak Kid (2007)
The Heartbreak Kid (2007)
2007 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
4.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I think it’s one of the funniest movies ever made. I think Charles Grodin is hugely underrated as a comedic actor. I think he’s brilliant. Jeannie Berlin who recently got a lot of attention again because of Kenneth Lonergan’s movie Margaret is amazing in this movie — she was actually nominated for an Oscar for it. Cybill Shepherd is great. I just love it, I love how what a s— the central character is, he’s really totally selfish and also really confused, in a great way. I also love that a lot of the comedy typically in movies like this, with sort of high concept plots, the comedy and the drama are driven by the central character lying to the people around them. But weirdly in The Heartbreak Kid, most of the drama comes from him telling the truth, he’s sort of excessively honest and straight forward, and it still manages to complicate these situations and cause a lot of tension and hurt feelings, but I just love Elaine May, I like all of her movies."

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie wasn't given enough credit. From start to finish I was pulled in and was on the edge of my seat.
When raven died I was in shock. But I'm the first X-Men movies she is alive and well in the future so this confused me and also what happened to jean at the end. Obviously, she was taken over by the Phoenix force and became a powerful cosmic being. Another thing was that Charles no longer is the head teacher of the Academy and again, in the future, still is. But I'm not complaining cause it was amazing anyway.

I will probably go to see it again soon because once won't be enough for me.
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BackToTheMovies (56 KP) Jun 13, 2019

Much better than I thought it would be despite critics panning it!


Victoria Green (34 KP) Jun 13, 2019

I know.

Pirate Latitudes
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Michael Crichton's last full work, and in a move unusual for an author best known for techno-thrillers, this novel is actually a historical adventure.

Although it is not the first time he has dabbled in the genre (see also The Great Train Robbery and Eaters of the Dead), I felt that his relative lack of experience of said genre showed: one needs only compare this to a work by Bernard Cornwell, for instance.

I suppose It is possible that the novel was finished but not completed, if you know what I mean, and I also got the feeling that he was trying to jump on the Pirates of the Caribbean (albeit without the magic!) bandwagon with this novel, also set in the Caribbean during the time of Charles II

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated A Christmas Carol (2009) in Movies

Nov 6, 2019 (Updated Nov 23, 2019)  
A Christmas Carol (2009)
A Christmas Carol (2009)
2009 | Animation, Drama, Fantasy
7.2 (58 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another re-telling of a classic
So I've seen MANY renditions of this wonderful Charles Dickins story, this one is one i actually really like. It doesn't deviate from the original story, although yes it is quite darker than other tellings. I don't see that as a negative though, it's a dark story it doesn't need to be lightened to shield the darkness of a classic.
When you see Jim Carrey is Ebenezer Scrooge you do question, Hmm, is that really the right person to play this iconic character? The answer is yes. Jim is usually typecast as the funny man but in this he's cast very well. I also like that it's digital 3D which i think is the first time A Christmas Carol has been done in such a way.
Star Wars, Volume 2: Operation Starlight
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a compilation volume of Charles Soule's mainline Star Wars run, collecting issues 7 through 11 of said run that is set after the events of The Empire Strikes Back.

And what can I say about it?

It's OK: nothing all that special, but nor is it the worst Star Wars I have read.

there's also a whole plot arc about stealing an old translator droid from Coruscant, that feels like it would have been the perfect place to cross over with Doctor Aphra (a character that, truth be told, I never really took too all that much) but which completely squanders that opportunity - I also felt that Poe Dameron's parents (and the fate of at least one of them) is shoehorned just a tad too much for my liking.

Becs (244 KP) rated Restorations in Books

May 22, 2019  
Charles Strickler | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rather interesting and intriguing read
I received a copy of Restorations by Charles Strickler to read and review from Smith Publicity. Everything I say is one hundred percent my own opinions.

I'm generally not a fan of Historical Fictions but my attention was gripped by this intriguing novel. Charles Strickler's writing style is very informative and it doesn't have that "boring history" tone to it. It was rather light and flowed like water. You can also tell that Charles Strickler did a ton of research prior to writing Restorations and it honestly shows.

Restorations follows Miles' journey in recovering a 1928 Stutz Black Hawk Boat Tail Roadster he bought from an auction. There is a mysterious aura around the Black Hawk and Miles is set on getting answers. This journey he takes includes a pretty woman, a few near death experiences, the mafia, and surprisingly loads of action. You're not going to want to miss this!!

"Stop living in your father's shadow."

Miles West - the main character who buys the Black Hawk. Nothing overall special that needs to be pointed out about him.
Bramley Ann Fairchild - the auctioneer who sold Miles the car. She ends up helping him figure out the mystery behind the Black Hawk.
Ms. Gardner - basically the mother figure for Miles and she is dead set on trying to get Miles and Bramley together.
Mr. Howe - the lawyer of Carlo Bello. He seems to be absolutely terrified of Bello.
Carlo Bello - a mob leader who will do anything to get what he wants. He's trying to get the Black Hawk from Miles.
Maximilian "Lefty" Webber - the original owner of the Black Hawk that Miles purchased, deceased.
Wil - the repair man.

Reasons why I rated it 4 stars:
1. The plot:
The plot flowed pretty smoothly, minus a few bumps and turns. I did notice a few spots where the plot jumped and there wasn't story/ character development. But overall, it wasn't the worst thing I've read.
2. My enjoyment:
I really enjoyed reading Restorations and would most defiantly reread. I actually sent the review copy I received to a good friend as she is a fan of the mafia and this style of books. (Fingers crossed she enjoys it as well)
3. Character and story development:
There were a few parts where the reader could have used a bit more character and story development/ background, as it lacked. But it really was a great debut novel, especially for it being in Historical Fiction!
4. Grammar and spelling:
Charles Strickler is a great writer and I did not notice any major grammatical or spelling errors. I did find a few that are usually overlooked but they didn't take away from the overall story.
5. The overall story:
I rather enjoyed reading Restorations and would reread. I just wish the parts that seemed to be lacking where able to be added too.

"Accidents happen all the time."
Austin (Learning to Love #4) by Con Riley
Austin (Learning to Love #4) by Con Riley
Con Riley | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
emotional, but beautifully written!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Learning To Love series but can be read as a stand-alone. I do, however, recommend all three books before this: Charles, Sol and Luke, but especially Luke. Austin pops up a lot in that book and I think you need to see that side of him, before you get to this side, you know?

And two very different sides to Austin they are, too! But once you get into his mind, and you see why he is like that, you can understand. Because Austin is in a lot of pain about something, and that something takes time to come out, the whole story isn't made clear til right near, so you are left putting a picture together of the clues, and the one I made was so very wrong.

But Dom, too, is in some pain, just a very different sort. And Austin helps him in ways he never knew he needed. Not just with Maisie, his daughter, but with his heart too.

I loved Dom, and Austin, both together and apart. Austin does some serious soul searching here and he makes amends with some people (not saying who though!) He has his "light bulb" moment right near the end, though, and really does his best to return home, or rather, home comes to him.

It's heavy on the emotions, this one, but light on the smexy times, and I loved that.

Again, only Austin has a say. I would have, ordinarily, said I needed to hear from Dom, but Dom has a lot to say, without words, and I heard him just fine. That's not to say I didn't WANT to hear from Dom, because I'm greedy, just that I felt I didn't NEED to hear from him, you know?

We caught up with Charles and Luke and Sol, and also with Sol's nephew Cameron. I think Cameron's part here was very much needed for both him and Austin, given their history. And the gift giving thing was awesome!

But, as much as I loved Austin and Dom, I have to say I think little Maisie stole the show here! She loved Austin Russell right from the start, it took her daddy time to catch her up!

Emotional, but wonderfully written and told.

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Midnight Run (1988)
Midnight Run (1988)
1988 | Action, Comedy
Robert DeNiro flexes his comedy muscles here with successful effect for one of the first times in his career in this largely entertaining road movie. The film still holds up pretty well today and is well written , the bickering and bantering between DeNiro and Charles Grodin is very amusing as they make their way across the country. I think it's a bit overlong and would have been a better film with a tighter edit but overall it's good fun.