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Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
I feel a bit let down. Don't take that the wrong is NOT AT ALL because this book was bad, but because it was so good, very, VERY good!!! And I've read it already. And it's over. It's become my favorite read of 2013 & it's only January!! This doesn't bode well for the books I'll read the rest of the year!
This book went from 0 to 10 in the matter of a few pages & just went faster from there. I literally could not put it down. There were so many unexpected twists & turns that it was quite frankly, a roller coaster. I'd love to see it as a movie, but at the same time I dread those words when applied to a book I adored because the movie version never quite lives up to the book itself.
Gone Girl tells the story of Nick & Amy Dunne a seemingly perfect, blissfully happily married. Successful writers, trust fund, living a glamorous life in Manhattan, cool couple. Until they are very suddenly thrust into the "real" world...kind of. Suddenly, they are both laid off, Nick's mom gets cancer, they move to Missouri & then things go terribly wrong. Not just wrong, but horribly, unbelievably, scarily, WRONG! The door to their McMansion is left hanging open, the living room is a wreck & Amy is gone. Of course the investigation, in both the legal & public opinion arenas, is focused squarely on Nick. The cheating, abusive, cheater of a husband...of course. Or is he?
I want to say so much more, but really I can't. I don't want to ruin it for you should you be wise (or lucky) enough to pick up this book & crack open it's spine. You deserve to go into unaware, to experience the ride for yourself. You deserve a great book & this, my friends, is IT!!!!
Nine Women, One Dress
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every woman needs a LBD(Little Black Dress). This book tells the story of one such dress. You get to follow the life of the dress at it is born until it meets it's demise. Max Hammer is the designer. Along the way, we meet the dressmaker, the runway model who first shows the dress to the world and the other women who have come in contact with the dress and the way it has affected their lives. The dress of the season has made it's way around New York City and the world.

I listened to this book over the past couple of weeks to and from work. It's a cute story about "the" dress of the season. Throughout the life of the dress you meet a host of characters that each have their moment with the dress. We have Natalie the Bloomingdale's sales girl, who uses the dress to help an actor get negative press away from his name. Then there's, Felicia who has been Mr. Winters assistant for the past 20 years and has been in love with him for just as long, she gets the dress in the best/worst mix-up ever. Then there's an actress in a Broadway play, the French girl who is normally only in a berka, the private eye who snoops out cheating husbands, and the runway model from Alabama making her debut in the dress. The whole story is centered around the Bloomingdale's where the dress is being sold and the employees who work there are just as pertinent to the story as the women who wear the dress.

Overall this was a cute story that made me laugh out loud at parts.
I Know You
I Know You
Annabel Kantaria | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
*I received a digital ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

If you're one of those people who's paranoid about every little thing they post on social media.....maybe don't read this one.

I was hooked from the very beginning. We jump back and forth between the main story, told by pregnant Taylor who has just moved to London from California with her formerly cheating husband, and the thoughts of a social media stalker. It's not immediately clear whether the stalker is male or female, which adds to the mystery. What is clear is that this stalker is very angry, and very skilled in the art of stalking via social media.

I found it interesting that the author throws us such an obvious red herring in Simon. Ok yeah, he was a little creepy, but I think he was just lonely and weird. Similarly, Caroline was far too obvious a choice for the stalker, as she knew "Jake the Rake" back in primary school and seemed standoffish and full of herself to begin with. These things are explained in the story, at which point I thought "oh, so THAT'S why he/she is like that."

About 80% through, I had convinced myself that it was most likely the woman who Jake previously cheated with, who is now obsessed with him and wants him all to herself. I was wrong, but honestly, NOT THAT WRONG. His ex-wife? What?? At no point in the story do we ever hear about Jake having been married, and it's clear after the reveal that Taylor also had no idea.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this story, I felt the ending was a bit abrupt and could've given us a bit more.
The Beach House: A Shimmer Pointe Romance (Book 1)
The Beach House: A Shimmer Pointe Romance (Book 1)
Sterling Keyes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Charlotte Winters returns to Shimmer Pointe Beach to settle her father's affairs, she's not sure what she is going to do next. Not only with the stuff in his house, but also with the rest of her life. She has just filed for divorce from her husband of 10 years after she caught him cheating. She's not sure if she will stay in the family beach house or return to life in Seattle. But when Charlotte meets Theo, things get even more confusing. She's not ready to start another relationship, but she also can't imagine her life without Theo in it.

Thank you to Sterling Keyes for the opportunity to read and review her book.

This book was a short romance that had me hooked from the start. Immediately I wanted to be Charlotte's friend and help her through her difficult time. Imagine living on the other side of the country from your family and slowly losing the closeness you once had. Losing them would be a tragic event, but even more tragic is deciding what to do with all of the things they have left behind. Finding a man while completing this task was the last thing on Charlotte's mind, but Theo was a good friend and companion to her father, so they couldn't help coming together.

Theo is not looking for a relationship either, but when he meets Charlotte Winters, things are very different. Not only is she the daughter of his friend who is now gone, but there is something about her that he just can't seem to resist.

These two were brought together for a reason. Love is the reason.

I highly recommend this short love story to all my romance lovers!!
Charming Olivia (Geary Brothers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I requested this from NetGalley’s erotica section, and boy is it erotica. So much so that it overshadows much of the plot that I almost missed it. While there is a plot, it wasn’t one I was interested in. I am tired of the women with “tragic pasts” that have been hurt in some way.

What I appreciated about this novel is that it shows that people are able to separate love and sex. I think our society is so caught up in the idea that only people who are in love should have sex and if there isn’t love involved, then there is something wrong with those people taking part (i.e. sluts, perverts, etc.) That’s not the case at all. Adults should be allowed to explore their sexuality without judgement and be able to enjoy themselves. That is what this novel is about: two people (one more so than the other) discovering their sexuality.

It was an idea I could definitely get behind and that is why I enjoyed this novel so much. While I am a highly monogamous person in my own relationship, I fully support those who aren’t. I am not saying I condone cheating; that is a completely different ballpark. I just understand that monogamy isn’t the only way and people should be able to have a happy healthy sex life without being by judge.

To get back to the story. Harper is a talented writer who knows how to write steamy scenes and a plotline present enough to keep the story moving. Her characters weren’t my favorite but they were realistic enough with their own flaws and quirks. The best part was the variety and open-mindedness of the erotic.
Sauvignon and a Kimono by DYLYN
Sauvignon and a Kimono by DYLYN
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
DYLYN is a talented singer-songwriter based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her emo-pop tune, entitled, “Secret”.

“My life was turned upside down and, as a result, this song emerged. ‘Secret’ became therapeutic. It gave me a chance to connect with people, with my fans whose parents also split up due to infidelity. It became a way of reaffirming for myself and others—‘You are not the only one going through this.’” – DYLYN

‘Secret’ tells a bitter tale of a young woman who finds out that her father has been cheating on her mother.

Since then, she hasn’t slept in days and wonders if her mother knows about the other woman in her father’s life.

Later, after everything is out in the open, she painfully admits that her mother won’t love her father ever again, but she will still love him, even though he hurt them.

“At first, I was hesitant to write about such a personal story. But as the lyrics started to unfold, everything fell into place. I recorded ‘Secret’ in a dimly lit vocal booth. I wanted to be in a headspace where I could feel alone with myself, and deliver the lyrics from the most honest place that I possibly could.” – DYLYN

‘Secret’ contains a gripping storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a dark commercial pop aroma.

The likable tune is featured on DYLYN’s debut EP, entitled, “Sauvignon and a Kimono”.

“I’m very excited to get this music out and tour again. This record is going to be much more raw, and I want to put all my emotions on the table. ‘Secret’ gave me the courage to do that.” – DYLYN
Winning Her (Perfect Stats #1)
Winning Her (Perfect Stats #1)
Amber Malloy | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Winning Her is the first book in the Perfect Stats series and we focus on Bane and Dahl, both African-Americans and successful in their own ways. Bane is frustrated because he is blocked by the owner and the coach at the club he works for and constantly feels like he needs to be prepared for the chop. Dahl is an award-winning chef with plenty of TV shows and books behind her. At this point, she is helping her cousin with her restaurant in a vain attempt to keep it afloat.

Now, hold onto your hats, because there is LOT that goes on in this book. I'm still not actually sure when Bane crosses the line of wanting to get back at his ex-wife and just wanting her. I'm also not sure about a lot of went on in this book simply because there is so much. You have all the intrigue of the sports world, the cooking/baking world, drop-beat cousins, cheating cousins, a stalker nanny, (another) ex-wife and her anchor job, and a custody case - to name just a few 'themes' in this story. Due to this, it took me a while to get into it because I just couldn't figure out what was going on!

Once I got into it, I did enjoy the story but I had to work at it. I thoroughly enjoyed the ending and would love to know more about Warner. As for Bane and Dahl, I liked them but found the whole thing a bit too confusing for my tastes.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!