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I picked this book up from the library. I read the back on the cover and one of the story caught my attention or interest. So I picked it up and checked it out to read. It one I read from start to finish. It was hard to put down. I love Christmas stories anytime of year but the season is one of my favorites. In this case, these four novellas tell the story of one December in Lancaster County. These four some way connect to each other but not in a series kind of way.

In A Miracle For Miriam, you learn about the deep hurt that causes Miriam to disappear into herself. Seth caused the hurt when they were both fourteen years old. Most of us remember our hurts and some of us have allowed those hurts to influence us as adults. It’s a beautiful love story in which other characters from the other three novellas are introduced.

A Choice to Forgive opens with Lydia answering a knock at her door and discovering her first love, Daniel Smucker, standing confidently on her doorstep. He promised to marry her when they were young and mysteriously disappeared on Christmas. Lydia marries his brother, Elam, who happens to comfort her during her difficult heart break. She becomes a widow when he dies of a heart attack. Those feelings of love for Daniel rise again and she struggles to forgive him for running away. He tries to explain the difficult and complicated situation that sent him away, and the secret that he and his brother kept from her causes an enormous emotional struggle.

One Child by Barbara Cameron addresses Sarah and David’s struggle over their miscarriage. Sarah prays to Derr Herr for a child. It’s the only gift she wants on Christmas. Mysterious visitors bring unexpected joy during a particularly bad blizzard. It’s a story of healing, love, and friendship.

Christmas Cradles tells the story of Anna Stolis and Asa Mast. Anna has never been married. She has become a midwife. Asa Mast also never married. A tragedy occurred during his rumschpringe years that brought him to this point. His father is very ill, refusing to go to the hospital on Christmas. Anna has three deliveries during the night. Normally, his father, Samuel, accompanies Anna’s Aunt Ruth (also a midwife), but with Aunt Ruth taking the evening off and Samuel sick, Asa joins Anna in her delivery runs. It is a love story of two insecure people who never thought they could fall in love.
Office Christmas Party (2016)
Office Christmas Party (2016)
2016 | Comedy
6.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Josh Parker (Jason Bateman) is a man with many things on his mind. He has just finalized a divorce which has cost him his house, tons of money, and his confidence. Known for bunting instead of swinging away, Josh heads to his office to move on with his life as Christmas approaches.

His lead programmer Tracey (Olivia Munn) constantly reminds him of his playing it safe mentality to the point where she fed up with him and his ways.

Thankfully for Josh his boss Clay (T.J. Miller), values him and even though he is a goof who happened to be given the office by his late father who started the company, things are looking up.

That is until Interim CEO Carol (Jennifer Aniston) arrives and makes no effort to hide her disdain for her brother Clay, nor the company not meeting her expectations.

Carol quickly tells Josh and Clay that they will have to downsize if they want to stay open and in a very unpopular move, eliminates bonuses and the office Christmas Party.

Since the movie is called “Office Christmas Party”, you know that Carol’s request will fall on deaf ears as Clay convinces his sister that they are about to close a major client (Courtney B. Vance), and as such will have the deal set before she lands in London later that evening.

With nothing to go on aside from desperation, Clay puts the lovable but highly eccentric office into overdrive to create a party unlike any other so they can land the contract needed to stay in business.

When the party arrives one series of epic misadventures and mishaps after another arises which threatens to sink the company and everyone involved once and for all.

The film follows a fairly linear and somewhat predictable path but the strong cast does a great job and Kate McKinnon as the ultra-weird H.R. lead steals several of the scenes in which she is in. Bateman plays pretty much the same character that he has played in most of his recent work as the everyman that tries to make the best of the bad situation and Miller is pretty much recycling the same character he plays on Silicon Valley. That being said, there are plenty of laughs if you do not mind the very bawdy humor and Directors Josh Gordon and Will Speck keep things moving at a steady pace with laughs throughout the film.

While it is likely not going to be a holiday classic, “Office Christmas Party”, is a very fun and enjoyable diversion.
Better Watch Out (2016)
Better Watch Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Christmas film... a horror film... also described as a comedy and a thriller on IMDb, although I find both of those a little inaccurate. If you asked me to sum up the genre I'd say "it's a Christmas horror..?" and then scrunch up my face in uncertain disgust.

It's difficult to sum this one up without exposing the end of the movie. I would like everyone to have the same confused experience watching this as I did.

I sat down at home to this DVD. I'd excitedly purchased this when I found out about it. With the tagline of "you might be home but you're not alone" you know exactly what you're getting. Or at least that's what you think. Everything promises to make this Home Alone for adults... Home Alone is for adults too of course. No one should deprive themselves of that Christmas wonder.

Not going to lie, when I saw Patrick Warburton pop up on screen it was like a Christmas miracle. I love him. He can do no wrong, and thankfully he didn't disappoint.

Olivia DeJonge made a great job of the role of Ashley. It felt like the serious sort of acting that the film needed to make it a horror film and not more of a comedy. Alongside Levi Miller as Luke we were given an interesting, if awkward on screen leading pair. Miller didn't quite hit the same notes for me as DeJonge did. I think that is more to do with the way the character is written than the acting, as he certainly puts everything into his scenes.

So... I sat down (I know, that was a way back now!) with my pad and pen waiting to jot some notes as I watched. I made a few scribblngs every now and then... until it happened... and you'll know it when it does. At that point I threw my pen across the room and told the film to f*** off.

The first part of the film had so much potential and I was really enjoying it but after "the moment" I just lost all interest in the way they'd taken it. I really wanted a more serious horror film than the unbelieveable thing that was given to us. What we were left with was cringeworthy and uncomfortable to watch, but I will give it credit for its Home Alone moments.

I really would like to know what you guys thought of the end of this film if you saw it.

Being that I was at home watching this on DVD that meant that I got some extras, well, extra. Singular. The fairly subtantial "making of" featurette was quite interesting and reveals just how hardcore DeJonge is when it came to this film.

What you should do

It's potentially drinking game material, but it definitely won't be making it into my Christmas movie rotation.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Without a doubt I would like Patrick Warburton please. If he could be delivered to me in a Christmas tie, even better.
Santa Jaws (2018)
Santa Jaws (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It really shouldn't have been such a challenge for me to see this film. Nearly two years after its release I finally managed to see it... and spoiler alert for my conclusion... it was fintastic.

Cody makes a Christmas wish to be alone, little does he know that his Christmas present is going to make that wish come true in a very festive and gruesome way.

I very quickly want to get a negative out of the way first. There is very noticeable music playing throughout the film. Now, I'm one of those terrible people that doesn't notice music unless it's brilliantly placed or horrendous, and while this music isn't horrendous it does suffer from being way too familiar. You've got Christmas tunes which work fine but the film has the Home Alone theme/feel about it and I think most people can identify those songs when they pop up anywhere.

This film has a little Inception moment at the beginning and we get a representation of the comic the boys are writing. I'm honestly a little disappointed that we didn't get to see that as a whole film of its own when it brings us the amazing line "See you in jingle hell!" spoken with such heart.

Once we get down to our regular programming it's very easy to sink into the ideas at work, there's nothing over complicated and the characters are easy to place. You get the chance to make predictors/wishes early on for who you want to die, and I was not disappointed... at the same time though I was super angry about Santa Jaws' first kill, BAD SHARK!

The acting isn't bad overall, there are some bits that come across a little cheesy and forced when we keep getting Home Alone-esque pieces thrown in, but at the same time... it's a movie about a Christmas themed shark sooooooo.

I'm not entirely sure that the comic book shop was a necessary inclusion on the whole but I can't argue with the choices the owner made... kudos... I wouldn't have wanted those missed out of the final piece.

Shark movie logic abounds and characters make tremendous leaps in deductions that further the plot. My favourite being about the Christmassy nature of the shark. I don't know how the shark's powers and weaknesses came about it the storyline but, standing ovation to you, I loved it.

I ended up getting an imported shark DVD box set so I could see this, it was definitely worth the effort. (Not the stress of trying to play it, but that's another story.) I can only hope this one hits our screens on SyFy or the Horror Channel, I'm honestly surprised it hasn't already. Santa Jaws is an amusing romp in the creature feature genre, it's a great twist on the classics (shark or Christmas film, take your pick) and for the brave I'm sure you could make a drinking game out of Christmas puns and Home Alone references... though maybe not with anything too strong, you might not make it to the end.

Originally posted on:
Christmas at Carnton: A Novella
Christmas at Carnton: A Novella
Tamera Alexander | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I started this novella, I was expecting a standard 150 page story....Well this is the longest novella I have ever read Lol! But that's Ok! I love Christmas stories. And this book is 250 paged of pure magical blessings! Besides, it puts me in the mood for the season and makes me feel all warm and cozy.

Set in the south during the civil war, this story has a unique view of "The Cause". When we grow up in a society that believes in certain things, we typically accept it as the normal way of life. Aletta realises this during a conversation with Tempy, Carnton's cook and a slave. I worry about the direction our society is heading and the impacts that it will have on my children. But what I CAN do is raise them to be Godly men who follow His will and His direction.

I can not imagine the heartache Aletta went through. The war between the States was such a devastating time. And yet, the community came together to support each other. The women of the Civil War were strong, determined, and fierce. But at the end of the day they just wanted their loved ones to come home safe and whole.

A beautiful story of sacrifice, love, loss, and hope...Christmas at Carnton is an excellent way to begin the holiday season.

I received a complimentary copy of Christmas at Carnton from the publishers through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

TacoDave (3532 KP) rated Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) in Movies

Dec 10, 2018 (Updated Dec 10, 2018)  
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Acting (3 more)
One Song (0 more)
"Anna and the Apocalypse" is Fantasticly Strange
I didn't expect a lot when I saw "Anna and the Apocalypse" yesterday. I knew a little about it. I knew it was a Zombie/Christmas musical that was supposed to be "Shaun of the Dead Meets La La Land," and I knew it was popular at film festivals last year, but I didn't have any other real feel for what I was in for.

Luckily, I *loved* this movie. The first 30 minutes or so just follow several high schoolers as their school prepares for a Christmas performance. The way they randomly break into song, then look at each other weirdly when the song ends and continue with their day was amusing. The songwriting was great - the singing too! - and, except for one song, I wanted to own the soundtrack.

The rest of the movie follows a group of parents and students trapped in a school with zombies outside and, concurrently, a small group of high schoolers who are trying to make their way to the school to see if their loved ones are still alive. Heads explode. Bodies are mangled. People get bitten. And there is quite a bit of gore.

Yet, at the same time, the movie is light and hilarious. It walks a fine balance between horror/comedy/Christmas/musical, and succeeds almost completely.

If you like horror movies mixed with comedy and you are a fan of musicals, this one is a no-brainer. Pun intended.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Everything about this movie i love. The amimated, the visuals, the story, the songs, the charcters and so much more. It is both a halloween and christmas movie. It is not just one, but its both. Thats what i love. So lets talk about it...

The Plot: The film follows the misadventures of Jack Skellington, Halloweentown's beloved pumpkin king, who has become bored with the same annual routine of frightening people in the "real world." When Jack accidentally stumbles on Christmastown, all bright colors and warm spirits, he gets a new lease on life -- he plots to bring Christmas under his control by kidnapping Santa Claus and taking over the role. But Jack soon discovers even the best-laid plans of mice and skeleton men can go seriously awry.

Danny Elfman wrote the songs and score, and provided the singing voice of Jack.

The charcters are so memorable, you remember what their look like, what lines their say, who their are.

Even though Henry selick directed this film, it is Tim Burton's film. Everything about this movie is a Tim Burton film- the charcters, the setting, the story, the darkness and so much more. Makes this film a tim burton film. Its also called Tim Burtons: The Nightmare Before Christmas.

It is a classic animated fantasy stop motion horror film, that is loved by all. A must see film.

Lastly shout out to @LeftSideCut for getting the hints/clues for this review right.
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
There's genuine festive joy in here, yes it's a little blood-stained, but still... festive joy. There are Christmas trees, an innuendo-filled song and Santa, it's probably more on the non-Christmas side of festive watchlists but I'm here for it anyway.

The songs are fantastic, they're fun and catchy with some great dance montages. It really does peak on the musical side of things. My only quibble would be Paul Kaye's song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now", it's a little cheesy and doesn't feel quite like the tone of the rest of the film. On repeated viewings though it does grow on you, but not quite enough to jump off the bottom spot.

You do need that comedy villain to hate though and in that respect Paul Kaye certainly does really well. In fact the whole cast were great, and there isn't even a caveat. "They were great... considering it's a monster movie." Every performance fit with their character and they managed to make an apocalyptic film feel really upbeat. Everyone had the right amount of pizzazz in them to make this zombimas spectacular come to life.

Being focused on such a small group and area meant that it was really easy to engage with what was going on. It's filmed really nicely as well with your classic background zombie action for comedy effect. All in all this is an enjoyable (sort of) Christmas film and has something for everyone in the family.

Originally posted on:

AJaneClark (3962 KP) Dec 9, 2019

I enjoyed this movie for what it was, a light and festive zombie flick! 🤣 thank you for your review x